Idea - Having a roast thread for characters of The Walking Dead
A MLB forum I frequent is doing roast thread on baseball teams. So I figure, why not have it here? Heck, we can even roast characters of the TV Show
If you don't know what a roast is, it's basically good-natured, sometimes harsh, jokes at the expense of a specific individual. Obviously, since this is different, we can make up
our own rules because the roasts on comedy central sometimes go a little bit to far, in my opinion.[See Jimmy Carr roasting Ann Coutler]
Also, clearly some characters get more development than others. So characters like the St. John's family will have to be one thread [Ex: St John's Family Roast Thread instead of Danny St John roast thread]
If you have any ideas on how to make this thread better, feel free to state it below. I just want to see what the community thinks about having roast threads.
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Or we can have threads on main characters only
any ideas?
shameless bump
sounds good to me but wouldn't it be better to just have one thread dedicated to roasting characters?
That could be fun, maybe lighten the mood a little bit after this week lol
I wouldn't mind roastin Jane. Mmm...
Sure, go ahead.
HHmmm what do others think?