Season 3 is SUPER laggy
Am I the only one who find season 3 to be super laggy? I think it's because of the new game engine but whatever it is, it needs to be solved. I am playing on a laptop (don't judge) and season 1, 2, and Michonne ran extremely fast. If anyone knows any solutions as to how I could speed up my game, please leave them in the comments.
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I have the latest ps4 model and it works fine. Might just be your laptop. Computers need constant upgrading in order to run the newest games.
Change your settings...I play on a laptop and it is silky smooth for may have an older lappy or a video card that is older.
I have the same and I'm pretty sure it's not my computer. Got an i7-5930K, 32gb of ram and 2x GTX titan in SLI. Do want to say I'm used to playing at 144fps (with an 144hz monitor) and I do notice the difference if it's 60fps or even lower.
Are you playing in Batman Telltale? This SUPER LAGGY.
Season 3 have a perfect optimization compared with it. I have 60fps almost time on middle settings.
And in Batman i still have 10-20fps on LOW settings, yep, patch on ~7gb not help at all.
Change the settings to low.
What setting should I change
What I found out, was the following (only applies if playing through steam). When you launch TWD ANF through steam, you get a pop-up saying if you want to run it in windows 7 mode or windows 8+ mode. Because I have windows 10 on my computer, I used to click on windows 8+ mode, but I found that you get much better framerate when running it in windows 7 mode. I do need to say that I have 2 monitors and at the same time I tried this, I also unplugged my data cable from my second monitor.
Yes, one of the tens of problems with this game.
For me is not laggy
graphic settings. Change textures and shadows to low
settings, video then there are texture and shadow settings. change em to low
It doesn't say windows 7 or windows 8 mode for me, how do I access this?
I have and it runs better but still slow
There isn't a shadow option in TWD ANF
In graphics options there are "Texture" & "Render" Quality options...
"Texture" doesn't effect to your fps too much but if "Render" set to High The game will be extremly "Good-focus-looking" (!) and takes too much of your fps...
bring it to Medium or Low.
Hope this should works
(If this doesn't work then take down your resolution at least! ...)
Do you launch it through steam? If so, you should be able to select if you want to launch it in windows 8+ mode or windows 7 mode. But as I said, I do have windows 10, so I don't know if that's why I get that option. Otherwise if you go to the installation folder of TWD ANF you see 2 executables. WalkingDead3_win7 and WalkingDead3_win8. Just try to execute the win7 one.
Don't you think that has to do something with your computer? It runs perfectly fine for me.
...I'm playing it on PS4.
Then I apologize, I assumed you agreed with the OP who's playing on a laptop because of the same experience. Does the game really run that bad on a PS4?
Apology accepted.
And yes, it does. Maybe it's because I bought it too early or something, but it runs slower than a turtle with a rock on top of it.
Might be a problem with your laptop's hardware, i played S1 in a laptop that barely met the minimun requirements and it also lagged like hell, try reducing the graphic settings and turning off anti aliasing
The only time I have had problems with the framerate in A New Frontier is when you first enter prescott, there is a scene where the fps goes pretty low, and at the junkyard, there is a long strip of straight path that you go down, where it dips a bit
Ok thanks I'll try it
Ok thank you hopefully it runs better. And no I have a shortcut on my desktop that I use to run the game.
This is for people with issues, not people who don't experience lag
Calm down !
i just said,if is not ok i will hide it,just tell me,i'm here to talk with people not to fight,ok? I wait your message. Thanks
Yea it's laggy cause TT needed to make some more money and they decided to eat a ton of beans and take a giant shit, bottle it up, label it The Walking Dead: A New Frontier and sell it to hardcore fans.
Can you give us the full specifications of your laptop, OP?
Nice shitpost.
Your comment was useless
Runs a lot better now, thanks so much!
Ok this is your opinion.
It's everyone's opinion
Ok,i just....uff...Done it's ok,i think