The Forums would be better and I understand that, but it's just that at the moment ever since what happened in the past two episodes this season, people had a lot of questions and then no word from telltale just irritated a lot of people. People are mainly mad because the silence, we as fans find that disrespectful from them(the writers)
Honestly... what is your ideal situation for communication between writers and fans? Here on the forums? On Twitter? I'd genuinely love to h… moreear feedback.
I personally love talking to people on forums, but it can feel like anyone with a "Telltale Staff" badge can come in and have fun/answer questions and they'll automatically get angry replies with questions we can't answer. I'd love to have an option where people (staff and fans) can have real discussions with each other about story and game design, about how things work at Telltale, etc. It just feels like any of our options for this come with a certain level of toxicity that I don't want anyone to deal with, fans or staff.
Exactly...we are angry over the length of the episodes. The lie Kevin told. There is not enough time in a episode for character developmen… moret. Playing as Clem in the flashbacks is bad when there are only at most 10 or 12 minutes total?. We liked Prescott but never got to explore it. Kenny and Jane and Edith models were the suck...what the hell?
The Forums would be better and I understand that, but it's just that at the moment ever since what happened in the past two episodes this se… moreason, people had a lot of questions and then no word from telltale just irritated a lot of people. People are mainly mad because the silence, we as fans find that disrespectful from them(the writers)
Without going to overboard, its probably because there has been a pretty big lack of communication going on. As of late it almost feels like if something bad happens over there, we just get ignored as you guys hope the problem goes away. Like there was no news at all back when Batman was having performance problems, so people who had them just had to sit in the dark for 4 months until the performance patch came out. Or in this case, fans being really disappointed.
That plus we all feel lied to. The biggest one was definitely being that "Episode 1 was so big that we split it in half" when both episodes combined are scrapping past 2 hours, while episodes like Tales from the Borderlands episode 5 were almost 2 and a half hours long. As well as being told that Season 1 and 2 would matter, that our endings would matter, and that Clem's personality would be different, but so far it feels like our season 2 endings were just really lazy throwaways of 2 of the most loved and controversial Telltale characters ever made, a interesting new location getting wasted, and the weirdest way to lose a finger, and Clem still hasn't shown any noticeable changes in personality after claiming she would.
Obviously if there was some kind of AMA with the writers, yes there would be a ton of toxic comments and sarcastic post. But then again, back to the root of the problem. There would only be so many toxic post because the writers failed to give what the fans wanted. It's almost hard to believe that no one thought there would be any backlash in doing what they did, but here we are. And truth is, if fans want to know what was going on during the production (and as we all know now, that Season 3 apparently has been going through constant rewrites) they should be given some kind of answer. If the fans don't agree with what is going on, that doesn't mean we should just be ignored when we want to know why they made certain choices.
Honestly... what is your ideal situation for communication between writers and fans? Here on the forums? On Twitter? I'd genuinely love to h… moreear feedback.
I personally love talking to people on forums, but it can feel like anyone with a "Telltale Staff" badge can come in and have fun/answer questions and they'll automatically get angry replies with questions we can't answer. I'd love to have an option where people (staff and fans) can have real discussions with each other about story and game design, about how things work at Telltale, etc. It just feels like any of our options for this come with a certain level of toxicity that I don't want anyone to deal with, fans or staff.
Some communications and a few answers to our questions will go a long way to help smoothing and cleaning the toxicity of some people.
You can always expect that some are more vocal than others, just as there are people who just want to discuss and help by giving suggestions to aid Telltale.
I would love to have some developers here in the forums, just so I can give my praises and encouragement to them. And I already appreciate that you are here now. And I am certain that some members are glad to have their voices heard.
Honestly... what is your ideal situation for communication between writers and fans? Here on the forums? On Twitter? I'd genuinely love to h… moreear feedback.
I personally love talking to people on forums, but it can feel like anyone with a "Telltale Staff" badge can come in and have fun/answer questions and they'll automatically get angry replies with questions we can't answer. I'd love to have an option where people (staff and fans) can have real discussions with each other about story and game design, about how things work at Telltale, etc. It just feels like any of our options for this come with a certain level of toxicity that I don't want anyone to deal with, fans or staff.
Totally hear you, and I personally appreciate how respectful your comment was while still offering critique.
My last job as a Community Manager was in TV, and the vibes between fans and writers/showrunners/TV execs was completely different, so I'm still adjusting to that.
And I know you guys don't feel heard, but know that @kenjisalk and I read the forums every day. Even the threads people probably don't want us to read, haha. And we report up, even if we can't comment. So you're not just shouting into a void.
Without going to overboard, its probably because there has been a pretty big lack of communication going on. As of late it almost feels like… more if something bad happens over there, we just get ignored as you guys hope the problem goes away. Like there was no news at all back when Batman was having performance problems, so people who had them just had to sit in the dark for 4 months until the performance patch came out. Or in this case, fans being really disappointed.
That plus we all feel lied to. The biggest one was definitely being that "Episode 1 was so big that we split it in half" when both episodes combined are scrapping past 2 hours, while episodes like Tales from the Borderlands episode 5 were almost 2 and a half hours long. As well as being told that Season 1 and 2 would matter, that our endings would matter, and that Clem's personality would be different, but so far it feels like our season 2 endings were just really lazy throwaways… [view original content]
Just for context to the conversation above - please keep in mind that @mostlypoptarts is a new staff member that has only been around for a few months, starting with the later half of Batman. You can offer feedback, but for context - please keep in mind that she was not responsible for the instances of Telltale being silent with older Telltale series like Borderlands, Season 2 of Walking Dead, etc. She is already making an effort to be more open and transparent than other TTG staff members have in the past, so please keep that in mind.
You are obviously allowed to have negative and critical feedback, but please keep things civil and constructive as we want the forums to be more welcoming to users and staff than the forums had previously been for Season 2.
[Moderators here are just community volunteers; I am pointing this out to clarify that I am not being biased in how I am asking users to be respectful towards staff, since we moderators are not even staff ourselves. We are just trying to make the forums more civil and welcoming for both staff and users alike.]
You can always tag me or @kenjisalk in pressing things, and we can try to chase down answers for you guys.
It's just hard when we can't answer stuff like "when is episode 3 coming out" because things happen on a certain schedule (#PRlife), so it's either answer something vague like "stay tuned" or just stay quiet for things like that.
Some communications and a few answers to our questions will go a long way to help smoothing and cleaning the toxicity of some people.
You… more can always expect that some are more vocal than others, just as there are people who just want to discuss and help by giving suggestions to aid Telltale.
I would love to have some developers here in the forums, just so I can give my praises and encouragement to them. And I already appreciate that you are here now. And I am certain that some members are glad to have their voices heard.
Totally hear you, and I personally appreciate how respectful your comment was while still offering critique.
My last job as a Community M… moreanager was in TV, and the vibes between fans and writers/showrunners/TV execs was completely different, so I'm still adjusting to that.
And I know you guys don't feel heard, but know that @kenjisalk and I read the forums every day. Even the threads people probably don't want us to read, haha. And we report up, even if we can't comment. So you're not just shouting into a void.
Just for context to the conversation above - please keep in mind that @mostlypoptarts is a new staff member that has only been around for a … morefew months, starting with the later half of Batman. You can offer feedback, but for context - please keep in mind that she was not responsible for the instances of Telltale being silent with older Telltale series like Borderlands, Season 2 of Walking Dead, etc. She is already making an effort to be more open and transparent than other TTG staff members have in the past, so please keep that in mind.
You are obviously allowed to have negative and critical feedback, but please keep things civil and constructive as we want the forums to be more welcoming to users and staff than the forums had previously been for Season 2.
[Moderators here are just community volunteers; I am pointing this out to clarify that I am not being biased in how I am asking users to be respectful towards staff, since we moderator… [view original content]
I do sometimes wonder. Do you guys respond from your offices or at home. And do you guys have another forum account and pose like a normal forum member? Could I have been chatting with you guys without even knowing about it?
This is my only forum account, and sometimes I respond at home, usually around episode releases. But I try to keep work at work. You know, for my mental health and all that jazz.
I do sometimes wonder. Do you guys respond from your offices or at home. And do you guys have another forum account and pose like a normal f… moreorum member? Could I have been chatting with you guys without even knowing about it?
Yeah, now I feel paranoid. Ups.
Out of curiosity, do you guys go and inform the team that is developing the game what you guys find from fan feed back? Im assuming you do, but its just nice to know. And I mean no offense by this, because honestly nothing makes this place better than when a staff member comes in and chats with us, but it would probably mean alot more to people here if they knew that the people who can actually try and change the game to make it better actually know about the problems the fans have with the game, rather than just community managers knowing that things arnt going so hot over with the fans.
I dont know how often people on the New Frontier team look here, but I wouldnt be super surprised if most look at more big review sites, and so far the problem I see with that is, a ton of major reviewers seem to love it, while fans seem to not be very content with what we got. So it would just be nice to know that the writers and developers do know what the fans want, rather than seeing the big companies saying its good, leading them to think that fans must love it too.
Totally hear you, and I personally appreciate how respectful your comment was while still offering critique.
My last job as a Community M… moreanager was in TV, and the vibes between fans and writers/showrunners/TV execs was completely different, so I'm still adjusting to that.
And I know you guys don't feel heard, but know that @kenjisalk and I read the forums every day. Even the threads people probably don't want us to read, haha. And we report up, even if we can't comment. So you're not just shouting into a void.
We understand you can see there is just a little bit of frustration on the forums..I did not mean to come off as all agro...heck I have been a defender of some of the choices. But when the only voices that have been heard are the people with complaints and no response it does get hard to keep from jumping a rare Telltale Staff. I know you have a job that can cause ulcers. Sorry about that btw.
You're good people, @DaveTheArakin.
You can always tag me or @kenjisalk in pressing things, and we can try to chase down answers for you … moreguys.
It's just hard when we can't answer stuff like "when is episode 3 coming out" because things happen on a certain schedule (#PRlife), so it's either answer something vague like "stay tuned" or just stay quiet for things like that.
Out of curiosity, do you guys go and inform the team that is developing the game what you guys find from fan feed back? Im assuming you do, … morebut its just nice to know. And I mean no offense by this, because honestly nothing makes this place better than when a staff member comes in and chats with us, but it would probably mean alot more to people here if they knew that the people who can actually try and change the game to make it better actually know about the problems the fans have with the game, rather than just community managers knowing that things arnt going so hot over with the fans.
I dont know how often people on the New Frontier team look here, but I wouldnt be super surprised if most look at more big review sites, and so far the problem I see with that is, a ton of major reviewers seem to love it, while fans seem to not be very content with what we got. So it would just be nice to know that the writers and developers do know what … [view original content]
We understand you can see there is just a little bit of frustration on the forums..I did not mean to come off as all agro...heck I … morehave been a defender of some of the choices. But when the only voices that have been heard are the people with complaints and no response it does get hard to keep from jumping a rare Telltale Staff. I know you have a job that can cause ulcers. Sorry about that btw.
I just hope it wont take a year and a half to release 50 minute episodes (regarding episodes 1 and 2 of s3) like previous twd games. Especially since s3 took 3 years
wen youve been roasting telltale these last three weeks and you realize they probably read all of it
But, hey, I did it out of love. I… more have loved this game and this company for little over 6 years, that's why I do it. Believe me.
Thank you, Staff. For a while I felt like I was talking to a wall. All I wished for was some notice and staff gave some today.
Btw Caroline I still love your glasses and kenjisalk I still dig your shirts from the S1 and 2 stream. They're awesome.
wen youve been roasting telltale these last three weeks and you realize they probably read all of it
But, hey, I did it out of love. I… more have loved this game and this company for little over 6 years, that's why I do it. Believe me.
Thank you, Staff. For a while I felt like I was talking to a wall. All I wished for was some notice and staff gave some today.
Btw Caroline I still love your glasses and kenjisalk I still dig your shirts from the S1 and 2 stream. They're awesome.
I Honestly hope that in ep1-2 we play only as Javi becuase TTG introduce him to us, and now in the next episodes we will also play more as Clem and some time in present time too as Clem, not only in flashbacks!
The Forums would be better and I understand that, but it's just that at the moment ever since what happened in the past two episodes this season, people had a lot of questions and then no word from telltale just irritated a lot of people. People are mainly mad because the silence, we as fans find that disrespectful from them(the writers)
Yeah I just forgot to mention that in my comment.
Maybe I'll see if I can get some writers/designers to do an AMA on the forums after Episode 3 comes out?
Would that be gravy?
Without going to overboard, its probably because there has been a pretty big lack of communication going on. As of late it almost feels like if something bad happens over there, we just get ignored as you guys hope the problem goes away. Like there was no news at all back when Batman was having performance problems, so people who had them just had to sit in the dark for 4 months until the performance patch came out. Or in this case, fans being really disappointed.
That plus we all feel lied to. The biggest one was definitely being that "Episode 1 was so big that we split it in half" when both episodes combined are scrapping past 2 hours, while episodes like Tales from the Borderlands episode 5 were almost 2 and a half hours long. As well as being told that Season 1 and 2 would matter, that our endings would matter, and that Clem's personality would be different, but so far it feels like our season 2 endings were just really lazy throwaways of 2 of the most loved and controversial Telltale characters ever made, a interesting new location getting wasted, and the weirdest way to lose a finger, and Clem still hasn't shown any noticeable changes in personality after claiming she would.
Obviously if there was some kind of AMA with the writers, yes there would be a ton of toxic comments and sarcastic post. But then again, back to the root of the problem. There would only be so many toxic post because the writers failed to give what the fans wanted. It's almost hard to believe that no one thought there would be any backlash in doing what they did, but here we are. And truth is, if fans want to know what was going on during the production (and as we all know now, that Season 3 apparently has been going through constant rewrites) they should be given some kind of answer. If the fans don't agree with what is going on, that doesn't mean we should just be ignored when we want to know why they made certain choices.
Some communications and a few answers to our questions will go a long way to help smoothing and cleaning the toxicity of some people.
You can always expect that some are more vocal than others, just as there are people who just want to discuss and help by giving suggestions to aid Telltale.
I would love to have some developers here in the forums, just so I can give my praises and encouragement to them. And I already appreciate that you are here now. And I am certain that some members are glad to have their voices heard.
If we don't like Episode 3, I hope the AMA still happens.
Totally hear you, and I personally appreciate how respectful your comment was while still offering critique.
My last job as a Community Manager was in TV, and the vibes between fans and writers/showrunners/TV execs was completely different, so I'm still adjusting to that.
And I know you guys don't feel heard, but know that @kenjisalk and I read the forums every day. Even the threads people probably don't want us to read, haha. And we report up, even if we can't comment. So you're not just shouting into a void.
Just for context to the conversation above - please keep in mind that @mostlypoptarts is a new staff member that has only been around for a few months, starting with the later half of Batman. You can offer feedback, but for context - please keep in mind that she was not responsible for the instances of Telltale being silent with older Telltale series like Borderlands, Season 2 of Walking Dead, etc. She is already making an effort to be more open and transparent than other TTG staff members have in the past, so please keep that in mind.
You are obviously allowed to have negative and critical feedback, but please keep things civil and constructive as we want the forums to be more welcoming to users and staff than the forums had previously been for Season 2.
[Moderators here are just community volunteers; I am pointing this out to clarify that I am not being biased in how I am asking users to be respectful towards staff, since we moderators are not even staff ourselves. We are just trying to make the forums more civil and welcoming for both staff and users alike.]
Yes thank you
You're good people, @DaveTheArakin.
You can always tag me or @kenjisalk in pressing things, and we can try to chase down answers for you guys.
It's just hard when we can't answer stuff like "when is episode 3 coming out" because things happen on a certain schedule (#PRlife), so it's either answer something vague like "stay tuned" or just stay quiet for things like that.
I knew it! Telltale is spying on us! You and @kenjisalk are sneaky.
nyawwww shucks
sneaky sneaky
I'm leaving it up to you, @OfficialMonkey. If you don't like it, no AMA. House rules.
Great poll and I voted it
I do sometimes wonder. Do you guys respond from your offices or at home. And do you guys have another forum account and pose like a normal forum member? Could I have been chatting with you guys without even knowing about it?
Yeah, now I feel paranoid. Ups.
This is my only forum account, and sometimes I respond at home, usually around episode releases. But I try to keep work at work. You know, for my mental health and all that jazz.
Will there be virtual milk and cookies for everybody? Because that sounds coolie ;.;
Out of curiosity, do you guys go and inform the team that is developing the game what you guys find from fan feed back? Im assuming you do, but its just nice to know. And I mean no offense by this, because honestly nothing makes this place better than when a staff member comes in and chats with us, but it would probably mean alot more to people here if they knew that the people who can actually try and change the game to make it better actually know about the problems the fans have with the game, rather than just community managers knowing that things arnt going so hot over with the fans.
I dont know how often people on the New Frontier team look here, but I wouldnt be super surprised if most look at more big review sites, and so far the problem I see with that is, a ton of major reviewers seem to love it, while fans seem to not be very content with what we got. So it would just be nice to know that the writers and developers do know what the fans want, rather than seeing the big companies saying its good, leading them to think that fans must love it too.
Awesome, you're the bee's knees!
We understand you can see there is just a little bit of frustration on the forums..I did not mean to come off as all agro...heck I have been a defender of some of the choices. But when the only voices that have been heard are the people with complaints and no response it does get hard to keep from jumping a rare Telltale Staff. I know you have a job that can cause ulcers. Sorry about that btw.
T_T you meant no offense, but you still broke my heart. Haha.
But yes, writers/designers are aware of fan sentiment, too.
It's cool, it's cool, just let me know where to send my medical bill to... (jokes
Okay, awesome!
And really, sorry if that did come off kinda offensive, I'm sure you know what I was trying to say by that. :P
Yeah, I got you.
I think she meant that you broke her heart by the passionate love from your post.
((Assuming I am reading it right.))
Let's go with that as I feel bad
o shit they're reading this thread, it's my chance!
more clem please xoxo
psh, don't listen Telltale clem sux
Ban Blind Sniper!
He disrespects our daughter!
wen youve been roasting telltale these last three weeks and you realize they probably read all of it
But, hey, I did it out of love. I have loved this game and this company for little over 6 years, that's why I do it. Believe me.
Thank you, Staff. For a while I felt like I was talking to a wall. All I wished for was some notice and staff gave some today.
Btw Caroline I still love your glasses and kenjisalk I still dig your shirts from the S1 and 2 stream. They're awesome.
I just hope it wont take a year and a half to release 50 minute episodes (regarding episodes 1 and 2 of s3) like previous twd games. Especially since s3 took 3 years
I love the revelations all of us are having.
Communication is most definitely key!
You were.
Haha, don't mind this guy Telltale, why don't you just come on in and bring all the Clem.
I Honestly hope that in ep1-2 we play only as Javi becuase TTG introduce him to us, and now in the next episodes we will also play more as Clem and some time in present time too as Clem, not only in flashbacks!