Well, sadly, I don't think we're going to play her outside of flashbacks as Telltale stated she's only playable in flashbacks, this could change possible as they actively rewrite and record voice lines, but probably not. Not to mention the ending for episode 2 seemed very related to Javier's story, and not Clementine's. Believe me, I wish this was Clem's story primarily, and not Javier's but I don't see it occurring unless we get season 4 (which will most likely happen).
I Honestly hope that in ep1-2 we play only as Javi becuase TTG introduce him to us, and now in the next episodes we will also play more as Clem and some time in present time too as Clem, not only in flashbacks!
I can't help right now but as soon as I can help, I will. If that makes any sense, haha.
I know you're jonesing for an update from your bff. We're all waiting to hear from her (him? them? do video games have genders?)
No i'm not asking to story being primary about Clem i'm telling that why couldn't we play as her in present atleast 30/70 i mean let it be Javier story i don't mind it, but we could play as Clem sometimes in present time too, for example in S1 story was mainly about Clem but we din't play as her in S1, but story was still about her! So i'm hoping for playable Clem in present time atleast a little bit and i want some hubs where we could walk as Clem in present time too!
Well, sadly, I don't think we're going to play her outside of flashbacks as Telltale stated she's only playable in flashbacks, this could ch… moreange possible as they actively rewrite and record voice lines, but probably not. Not to mention the ending for episode 2 seemed very related to Javier's story, and not Clementine's. Believe me, I wish this was Clem's story primarily, and not Javier's but I don't see it occurring unless we get season 4 (which will most likely happen).
I think the trouble is that the more people who aren't happy with what they spent their money on are ignored, the more angry they get, and the more likely they are to ask for answers any time they can interact with telltale (which is very, very rare, as I'm sure you know).
In addition to this, I understand you can't answer questions about the story and the direction ans release dates, but questions about why it was said that episode 1 was split into 2 because of length, when that'd mean there are only 4 episodes (and put together the episode would be a good length anyway), really should be answered, because your fans feel misled, and this isn't a question you'll magically be able to answer in the future necessarily. Responding with a meme is all well and good - but it doesn't actually target the frustrations of fans who feel that they are being ignored - fans who have spent a lot of money on episodes before they've even come out expecting a certain level of quality.
Honestly... what is your ideal situation for communication between writers and fans? Here on the forums? On Twitter? I'd genuinely love to h… moreear feedback.
I personally love talking to people on forums, but it can feel like anyone with a "Telltale Staff" badge can come in and have fun/answer questions and they'll automatically get angry replies with questions we can't answer. I'd love to have an option where people (staff and fans) can have real discussions with each other about story and game design, about how things work at Telltale, etc. It just feels like any of our options for this come with a certain level of toxicity that I don't want anyone to deal with, fans or staff.
They could make the flashbacks longer than a measly 5 minutes each episode (I think they might) but let's be honest, our optimism always gets shot down by reality. Only time will tell.
Well, sadly, I don't think we're going to play her outside of flashbacks as Telltale stated she's only playable in flashbacks, this could ch… moreange possible as they actively rewrite and record voice lines, but probably not. Not to mention the ending for episode 2 seemed very related to Javier's story, and not Clementine's. Believe me, I wish this was Clem's story primarily, and not Javier's but I don't see it occurring unless we get season 4 (which will most likely happen).
No i'm not asking to story being primary about Clem
Which is why I said "I wish this was Clem's story primarily", stating it was my thought, I was just further supporting Clementine and so far, I think season 1 & 2 were the best story wise even in the first few episodes when it's about Clem, and season 3 doesn't even really incline me at all, "oh what is David's reaction going to be to Mariana??", I don't really care that much, but I'd like to know more about AJ without it being flashbacks every episode. It could've been a better story in my opinion if they went Clem's route.
No i'm not asking to story being primary about Clem i'm telling that why couldn't we play as her in present atleast 30/70 i mean let it be J… moreavier story i don't mind it, but we could play as Clem sometimes in present time too, for example in S1 story was mainly about Clem but we din't play as her in S1, but story was still about her! So i'm hoping for playable Clem in present time atleast a little bit and i want some hubs where we could walk as Clem in present time too!
P:S I hope TTG Staff hear me!
Haha, I think people tend to forget that those who are the most invested usually have the strongest opinions on stuff (good or bad), so I see a lot of it coming out of a place of love, weirdly.
wen youve been roasting telltale these last three weeks and you realize they probably read all of it
But, hey, I did it out of love. I… more have loved this game and this company for little over 6 years, that's why I do it. Believe me.
Thank you, Staff. For a while I felt like I was talking to a wall. All I wished for was some notice and staff gave some today.
Btw Caroline I still love your glasses and kenjisalk I still dig your shirts from the S1 and 2 stream. They're awesome.
Realistically none should be expecting the next episode for a long time. It's going to take awhile for telltale to fully flesh out this installment and finalize the story,script,etc.
So unless telltale surprises us with big news out of the blue I say we're getting the episode in February I'm not sure but people on the forms are saying a telltale episode always comes out on the 17th I think.
So unless telltale surprises us with big news out of the blue I say we're getting the episode in February I'm not sure but people on the forms are saying a telltale episode always comes out on the 17th I think.
So unless telltale surprises us with big news out of the blue I say we're getting the episode in February I'm not sure but people on the forms are saying a telltale episode always comes out on the 17th I think.
There's no way it's releasing this month and I doubt it's releasing next month either. Telltale usually uploads the next episode to the Steam Database the day that the current episode released or a couple days after. Meaning E3 should have been uploaded a couple days after December 20th. It's been 22 days (over three weeks) since the 20th and there's absolutely no activity on the steam database for episode 3.
Also, testers usually test the games extremely early. Like, almost a month early. No one has tested the next episode yet.
So unless telltale surprises us with big news out of the blue I say we're getting the episode in February I'm not sure but people on the forms are saying a telltale episode always comes out on the 17th I think.
Wow. Considering how annoyed people are with season 3 now, I thought this was bad.
How much worse were the forums here during Season 2? Just more of [annoyed comment here]?
Just for context to the conversation above - please keep in mind that @mostlypoptarts is a new staff member that has only been around for a … morefew months, starting with the later half of Batman. You can offer feedback, but for context - please keep in mind that she was not responsible for the instances of Telltale being silent with older Telltale series like Borderlands, Season 2 of Walking Dead, etc. She is already making an effort to be more open and transparent than other TTG staff members have in the past, so please keep that in mind.
You are obviously allowed to have negative and critical feedback, but please keep things civil and constructive as we want the forums to be more welcoming to users and staff than the forums had previously been for Season 2.
[Moderators here are just community volunteers; I am pointing this out to clarify that I am not being biased in how I am asking users to be respectful towards staff, since we moderator… [view original content]
than the forums had previously been for Season 2.
Wow. Considering how annoyed people are with season 3 now, I thought this was bad.
How much worse were the forums here during Season 2? Just more of [annoyed comment here]?
Yeah you have a good point. It's also through the quality and compelling levels of the story that create such an invested following.
But these stories also need an adequate amount of time to be told properly, which is my biggest concern. I know you can't say anything about the plot, or characters, but can you mention what playtime goal Telltale is going for in this game? 10 hours?
If the rest of the episodes are consistent in length as the first two, we'll be looking at 6.5-7.5 hours of gameplay, which ain't such a good value financially, especially considering the 1st season was around 13 hours, and the 2nd about 10.
Haha, I think people tend to forget that those who are the most invested usually have the strongest opinions on stuff (good or bad), so I see a lot of it coming out of a place of love, weirdly.
And thanks, I still dig my glasses too
Telltale usually uploads the next episode to the Steam Database the day that the current episode released or a couple days after. Meaning E3 should have been uploaded a couple days after December 20th. It's been 22 days (over three weeks) since the 20th and there's absolutely no activity on the steam database for episode 3.
I don't ever check databases, but looked into it and saw a "record update" that was dated 5 hours ago from this post.
Does this mean anything or is it just nothing out of the ordinary?
There's no way it's releasing this month and I doubt it's releasing next month either. Telltale usually uploads the next episode to the Ste… moream Database the day that the current episode released or a couple days after. Meaning E3 should have been uploaded a couple days after December 20th. It's been 22 days (over three weeks) since the 20th and there's absolutely no activity on the steam database for episode 3.
Also, testers usually test the games extremely early. Like, almost a month early. No one has tested the next episode yet.
Am I the only one a bit sad we don't have the super awesome licensed songs in the credits anymore. It isn't a deal breaker or even a problem, but it's sad to see them go.
Am I the only one a bit sad we don't have the super awesome licensed songs in the credits anymore. It isn't a deal breaker or even a problem, but it's sad to see them go.
RIP Credit Music 2012-2014
Pay our respects with this amazing cover.
Telltale usually uploads the next episode to the Steam Database the day that the current episode released or a couple days after. Meaning E3… more should have been uploaded a couple days after December 20th. It's been 22 days (over three weeks) since the 20th and there's absolutely no activity on the steam database for episode 3.
I don't ever check databases, but looked into it and saw a "record update" that was dated 5 hours ago from this post.
Does this mean anything or is it just nothing out of the ordinary?
Am I the only one a bit sad we don't have the super awesome licensed songs in the credits anymore. It isn't a deal breaker or even a problem, but it's sad to see them go.
RIP Credit Music 2012-2014
Pay our respects with this amazing cover.
That's not an update for episode 3 it's an update for the Mac version of episode 1 & 2.
Well here's an image, I added some notes along the way and emphasized the recent update was done to a branch we can't view publicly, I did see that they're working on a Mac version it appears from the public branch though, but I'm wondering about the most recent one from "Alexandria".
Am I the only one a bit sad we don't have the super awesome licensed songs in the credits anymore. It isn't a deal breaker or even a problem, but it's sad to see them go.
RIP Credit Music 2012-2014
Pay our respects with this amazing cover.
That's not an update for episode 3 it's an update for the Mac version of episode 1 & 2.
Well here's an image, I added some not… morees along the way and emphasized the recent update was done to a branch we can't view publicly, I did see that they're working on a Mac version it appears from the public branch though, but I'm wondering about the most recent one from "Alexandria".
That bandcamp site still has that song.
P.S. Didn't one of their employee sang that song so that they avoided copyright strike?
Still wish they added more songs there too.
Nope I'm holding you personally responsible for all my complaints and grievances. Even the ones that have nothing to do with Telltale or the Walking Dead.
Just for context to the conversation above - please keep in mind that @mostlypoptarts is a new staff member that has only been around for a … morefew months, starting with the later half of Batman. You can offer feedback, but for context - please keep in mind that she was not responsible for the instances of Telltale being silent with older Telltale series like Borderlands, Season 2 of Walking Dead, etc. She is already making an effort to be more open and transparent than other TTG staff members have in the past, so please keep that in mind.
You are obviously allowed to have negative and critical feedback, but please keep things civil and constructive as we want the forums to be more welcoming to users and staff than the forums had previously been for Season 2.
[Moderators here are just community volunteers; I am pointing this out to clarify that I am not being biased in how I am asking users to be respectful towards staff, since we moderator… [view original content]
Then why would they even mention them in databases? I'm sure they're porting it, but I honestly never thought they'd ever do it until I saw the databases.
It sucks that they don't do this anymore. I never would have found those songs if it wasn't for s2. I still listen to "In the water" and "Salty Seas" every once in a while.
Am I the only one a bit sad we don't have the super awesome licensed songs in the credits anymore. It isn't a deal breaker or even a problem, but it's sad to see them go.
RIP Credit Music 2012-2014
Pay our respects with this amazing cover.
Well, sadly, I don't think we're going to play her outside of flashbacks as Telltale stated she's only playable in flashbacks, this could change possible as they actively rewrite and record voice lines, but probably not. Not to mention the ending for episode 2 seemed very related to Javier's story, and not Clementine's. Believe me, I wish this was Clem's story primarily, and not Javier's but I don't see it occurring unless we get season 4 (which will most likely happen).
how dare you misgender ANF
legal actions can be expected in the next few days, TTG prepare
unless you give us an update now, then maybe i'll be merciful less merciless
No i'm not asking to story being primary about Clem i'm telling that why couldn't we play as her in present atleast 30/70 i mean let it be Javier story i don't mind it, but we could play as Clem sometimes in present time too, for example in S1 story was mainly about Clem but we din't play as her in S1, but story was still about her! So i'm hoping for playable Clem in present time atleast a little bit and i want some hubs where we could walk as Clem in present time too!
P:S I hope TTG Staff hear me!
I think the trouble is that the more people who aren't happy with what they spent their money on are ignored, the more angry they get, and the more likely they are to ask for answers any time they can interact with telltale (which is very, very rare, as I'm sure you know).
In addition to this, I understand you can't answer questions about the story and the direction ans release dates, but questions about why it was said that episode 1 was split into 2 because of length, when that'd mean there are only 4 episodes (and put together the episode would be a good length anyway), really should be answered, because your fans feel misled, and this isn't a question you'll magically be able to answer in the future necessarily. Responding with a meme is all well and good - but it doesn't actually target the frustrations of fans who feel that they are being ignored - fans who have spent a lot of money on episodes before they've even come out expecting a certain level of quality.
They could make the flashbacks longer than a measly 5 minutes each episode (I think they might) but let's be honest, our optimism always gets shot down by reality. Only time will tell.
Which is why I said "I wish this was Clem's story primarily", stating it was my thought, I was just further supporting Clementine and so far, I think season 1 & 2 were the best story wise even in the first few episodes when it's about Clem, and season 3 doesn't even really incline me at all, "oh what is David's reaction going to be to Mariana??", I don't really care that much, but I'd like to know more about AJ without it being flashbacks every episode. It could've been a better story in my opinion if they went Clem's route.
Haha, I think people tend to forget that those who are the most invested usually have the strongest opinions on stuff (good or bad), so I see a lot of it coming out of a place of love, weirdly.
And thanks, I still dig my glasses too
cool cool cool cool cool
Realistically none should be expecting the next episode for a long time. It's going to take awhile for telltale to fully flesh out this installment and finalize the story,script,etc.
So unless telltale surprises us with big news out of the blue I say we're getting the episode in February I'm not sure but people on the forms are saying a telltale episode always comes out on the 17th I think.
please if you can
The episodes don't always come out at the 17th's, they just always come out on Tuesdays :P
So no 17th
There's a possible chance that it could come out in late Jan-early Feb 2017 (ep 3).
There's no way it's releasing this month and I doubt it's releasing next month either. Telltale usually uploads the next episode to the Steam Database the day that the current episode released or a couple days after. Meaning E3 should have been uploaded a couple days after December 20th. It's been 22 days (over three weeks) since the 20th and there's absolutely no activity on the steam database for episode 3.
Also, testers usually test the games extremely early. Like, almost a month early. No one has tested the next episode yet.
Chances of that happening are just as high as the chances of Lee coming back.
Wow. Considering how annoyed people are with season 3 now, I thought this was bad.
How much worse were the forums here during Season 2? Just more of [annoyed comment here]?
Pretty awful at times, and I don't say that lightly or jokingly. People got desperately stir crazy.
Yeah you have a good point. It's also through the quality and compelling levels of the story that create such an invested following.
But these stories also need an adequate amount of time to be told properly, which is my biggest concern. I know you can't say anything about the plot, or characters, but can you mention what playtime goal Telltale is going for in this game? 10 hours?
If the rest of the episodes are consistent in length as the first two, we'll be looking at 6.5-7.5 hours of gameplay, which ain't such a good value financially, especially considering the 1st season was around 13 hours, and the 2nd about 10.
Well, I feel sorry for you mods now. You suffered through dark times.
And also, your nightmare of Season 3 becoming another "Crowd Control" incident has happened again.
I don't ever check databases, but looked into it and saw a "record update" that was dated 5 hours ago from this post.

Does this mean anything or is it just nothing out of the ordinary?
Am I the only one a bit sad we don't have the super awesome licensed songs in the credits anymore. It isn't a deal breaker or even a problem, but it's sad to see them go.
RIP Credit Music 2012-2014
Yeah, music done right can add so much to the overall experience.
That's not an update for episode 3 it's an update for the Mac version of episode 1 & 2.
RIP, I wish they would've stuck with season 2's menu design/credits (but still keep the results/return to menu displayed).
Well here's an image, I added some notes along the way and emphasized the recent update was done to a branch we can't view publicly, I did see that they're working on a Mac version it appears from the public branch though, but I'm wondering about the most recent one from "Alexandria".
I cried pretty damn hard when Kenny went through the windshield: (
The credit songs for S1E5, S2E1, and S2E2 were perfect and exactly what I needed to hear after playing those journeys.
Had to post this somewhere...
You can view Alexandria from a different tab.
It's Episode 2 for Mac.
That bandcamp site still has that song.
P.S. Didn't one of their employee sang that song so that they avoided copyright strike?
Still wish they added more songs there too.
Ah, I'm guessing it'll release somewhat soon, looks like Mac users are getting what they want after all.
That was In the Pines, episode 2 season 2. My favorite Nirvana song, but im pretty sure its public domain.
Nope I'm holding you personally responsible for all my complaints and grievances. Even the ones that have nothing to do with Telltale or the Walking Dead.
Its all on you now Blind.
Then why would they even mention them in databases? I'm sure they're porting it, but I honestly never thought they'd ever do it until I saw the databases.
It sucks that they don't do this anymore. I never would have found those songs if it wasn't for s2. I still listen to "In the water" and "Salty Seas" every once in a while.
agree agree agree agree.