Is Clem savage?
After playing the 1st chapter of the 3rd series...I have to say...she's savage. She told the main guy that , "hey...this fool rip me off with fake ammos...let's kill this fool."
I mean...her attitude got dark in this chapter. What say you? Savage? or Nah?
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I'd say she's decently savage.
yeah she's been taught well!!! Im proud of her she's really tough...
Yeah she's definitely a savage. I was hoping that S1 and S2 will effect how my Clementine is but I wasn't disappointed. In fact, I'm actually glad that Telltale made her character more on the rough side.
Heh, people used to think Clem was adorable it's Clem the barbarian.
She still has that side in her, she just hides it away to protect herself from the pain of losing someone she cares about again
She has become a full blown survivor, but deep inside she is still the good person we met in season 1, she just hides it away for her own safety, and to avoid getting to know people, so she doesnt have to deal with the pain of loss again
Clem has definitely learned how to survive, she's being pragmatic, you can't blame her either far hardening up after what her childhood was growing up. Our Clem is still there, but Telltale pulls the strings and she doesn't want to feel the pain of losing someone again, also Eli deserved to get shot honestly, he nearly got Clem killed selling her defective bullets in a fair trade. No one in Prescott was really surprised about him getting killed either, seems like people were just counting down time until it happened.
♪"She's not like you and me, which means she must be EE-vil!"♫
At least we actually sorta know that.
Yes and I personally like it.
It's a tough world out there and people are shitty. She's gotta do what she's gotta do to survive.
I think she could potentially go down that path in this game, but she's not quite there yet. She didn't mean to kill Eli, but she was out of line and didn't show much remorse. She is straying down that path though, I just hope I can guide her away from it.
Clementine is most certainly a killer now. She also feels no remorse for taking lives as well. I honestly don't get her character. She's o.k. with murdering random people, but sometimes she'll be cool to others. I guess she does whatever she feels like in the moment.
Clem is not a normal kid like Gabe and Mariana.
Clem is Clem, She is still kind and have that good heart we used to see from her, she already helped Javi reuntie with his family even when she barely know him, and she could've taken that candy bar and just go away but she didn't, and that shows how she still has that side on her.
But she's been through so much, she lost Lee and her parents and her baby sitter and Duck and Kenny and Luke and Jane etc... basically everyone she cared about.
She hides away this side of her because she is afraid from meeting new people, cuz she is afraid from the same thing happening again.
And when she get to know Javi well, she opens up to him and we get to see more of the Clem we know.
that Eli guy could've get her or Javi killed, she was mad but she didn't intend to kill him, and Eli already tried to attack her with his knife before Javi stopped him, so yeah that guy was a dick, even Tripp admitted it when he said "Eli was a grade A certified dipshit"
However, if she goes down to that path (which likely it won't happen, cuz i trust Clem and her morality)
i hope i can guide her to the right path before it's too late.
Wat, she didn't want to actually kill him, she was just fucking furious and for a good reason. She's not savage (at least not in the way you think she is), she's perfectly normal. Bitter and badass.
She's pretty much become as savage as Jane was, and I don't like it one bit.
Nah, she's on the edge but she didn't seem like she meant to straight murder him as much as she simply didn't believe the bullets worked. Some of who she was breaks through that tough demeanor a few times, I don't think she's too far gone.

LoL that GiF had me thinking about Rick Grimes...I love it when you know the shit is going to hit the fan by how his face the episode Nebraska when he decided he was going to kill those guys in the was like a different Rick appeared. Sadly that is what it takes to survive in the apocalypse...I believe that Clem is a good person...but I think she is capable of turning off part of herself and do some hard things that she would never have done in the previous seasons.
It "worked" for writing Jane, didn't it?
Yeah and i like it i want her to be more than savage i want her to go beyond savage i want her to be what carver want her to be
Same, except there are hints that she still has empathy.
Sadly, she is.
There are, but they haven't meant much to me so far.
She has the survivor mentality. The word 'savage' implies that the individual is uncontrolled and fierce, so I don't believe its usage is fair here. Clementine has tremendous control in dangerous situations, and while she may act fierce in circumstances where an aggressive outlook is necessary, she still shows empathy and kindness. Her attitude in season 3 should be seen as a success of the past player's actions in the preceding seasons.
I have to disagree there.
K, I'm not asking anyone to agree.
I will finish this... eventually.
Just would've been way easier just to cap Javier after he told her the location of the van. She's not completely evil.
I love how that's the benchmark were at: not completely evil!
Gotta take what you can get, lol
Heh it appears so.
Her personality changed drastically.
Da foq am I lookin at?
Gabe and Clementine in a relationship...
...with Gabe being the little spoon.
In my playthrough she didn't say "Let's kill this fool" though. She said "Just give me what I'm owed!" Did you just paraphrase or is there an actual difference between the ways Clem got raised?
Oh, so that's his hat! I thought she just beat up some random grinning anime monster for some reason.
She just saw this group of people shoot a 10 year old girl through the head for no good reason they're clearly a big group with big guns and they're trying to mow down javy and his family. Clem has known TNF so she has probably encountered this situation before already. She really doesn't have a choice but to kill them. Either them or her.
Though I will admit I wish she would show more emotion about it later on. Like, if you talked to her she could say "I know I had to kill them but I still feel bad about it and wish I didn't need to." or something like that so she doesn't seem so heartless about it and able to move on so quickly.
Oh, I was mainly referring to the dude she killed in Prescott. Says it was an accident, but didn't give a damn at all. I get that Clem hated him then, but an accident means you didn't do it on purpose and she took a human life with no regret. It felt jarring to see that all play out.
? That was the time she actually showed regret lol
Course she is. She kicked down 2 trailer doors.