What flashback did you hate the most?
Of course I'm talking about the episode 1 flashbacks. I personally despised the Wellington one the most. I just thought it was really stupid how they hyped Wellington up through the entirety of season two. Making it a huge deal but then they just throw it away like it was nothing. And they kill of Edith, a character we didn't get to know at all. At least with Kenny or Jane, we could actually feel emotional for them because we got to understand what those characters were like and actually got know them (especially Kenny). I thought the alone one was pretty good. And the other two flashbacks were meh. I thought Kenny could have been done better and I thought the the Jane one made sense. I know a lot of people will hate me for saying that but I thought it was completely in character when she hung herself. She clearly didn't want AJ to begin with and having to take care of two babies in the apocalypse would have just created way too much stress.
Jane. I feel that she acted really act out of character and the fact she she decided to leave Clem and AJ alone like that. At least with Kenny, he dies attracting walkers to himself so Clem and AJ can escape. I feel they never should've made Jane pregnant in the first place, she could've died some other way.
I thought Kenny's was the worst, but they're all a disappointment besides the alone one. It seems being alone had to be canon so future flashbacks are all the same.
Jane. I mean the Kenny flashback and the Wellington flashback were both passable in my opinion, but Jane's was just plain lazy.
Jane, hands down. They butchered her character completely. Also, the choice of letting the family in or not had the same repercussions.
Yeah, that is a clear sign that they just didn't care. Honestly, if they're not planning on bringing them back, they could've just had it be Tavia or Arvo who broke in.
Jane. They built her up as a really cool and capable character for, like, 90% of her screen time, and then they decided that they were just going to make her despicable and selfish no matter what with the ending and the flashback. It sucks to see a character they did a good job on initially just get completely pooped on at every chance.
Jane. Even though I am more of a Kenny fan and didn't like his flashback either I found hers worse. The flashback made me dislike her. It just didn't make sense to me and was out of character.
I hate flashback Where Kenny die.
Ehhh telltale that was bad idea :C
They all had a ton of problems.
Kenny - He was in character, but killing off the other last character from season 1 in a car crash was stupid as hell. Not to mention his death and speech in season 2 was way more emotional than this. If you got this far with Kenny, you are probably very emotionally invested with him, so the fact that he dies so suddenly in a car crash and just goes "LMAO IM FUCKING DEAD" is probably not the best way for him to go for players who were deeply invested in him.
Jane- Extremely out of character. The fact that she always talked about how she was upset that her sister basically just gave up on life and let herself die, and how she can't understand how people who give up would do that, and then she gives up and kills herself is stupid. Yes you can argue that it is "in character" but it also completely ruins her season 2 arch. What was the point of looking after Clem so much and even trying to get Kenny killed for Clem if she was completely willing to kill herself if things got hard for her?
Wellington - Huge build up all the way through season 2, and then the flash back is this huge community gets killed by like 10 guys. Wow. We also never get to even really see it or learn about it, we just see a small boxed up room.
Alone ending - It wasnt that bad, but I really hate thats how she loses her finger. Like what? Her finger is crushed in a car door? Really?
Definitely Jane. I was filled with so much confusion and anger. The character model was atrocious, the family was written off in a throw away line, and Jane died in a way that I feel was completely against her character. The pregnant thing was a foolish thing to add as well. Someone like her would be too careful (she was very level headed when she fucked Luke, unlike the ending) and Jane made Clementine her top priority. Stupid to throw all that away, because it would be to hard to write.
Jane of course (which one you ask?It doesn't matter because both of them are identical except 1 unimportant line), because it feels like there was a contest in Telltale's office of the most ridicilous flashback. It's like the last thing that character like Jane would do at this point.
Kenny's one had a good idea of heroic death, but the way they chose once again feels like a contest of most ridicilous flashback is actually a thing. The way they chose to do it was absolutely bad.
Wellington one felt bad, because the way they portrayed was that there were like 5 people who destroyed Wellington. It leaves an impression that Wellington suddenly is not a safe community that is being talked about across different states, but a small camp that got destroyed by a few thugs.
Alone ending...well, it's hard to disappoint in that one tbh. So, there's not much to say about it.
Actually, they more or less set up that she was bad news early on. That's actually part of the problem: they clearly wanted to cash in on this hardcore minor character that people got into, so they promoted her to main/major character status all of a sudden while trying their hardest to push her as being this edgy, tragic badass but didn't really tie it together properly.
Honestly, Wellington seemed like the laziest. Hardly anything happens besides AN drawing, you don't see any of the community besides Clem's house, they're attacked immediately, the gunshot should have blown Clems cheek off and not given her a neat little scar, and it was just boring.
At least Kenny's was touching, Jane's was cool with picking a middle name, and the alone ending had some cool action.
I don't really hate any of the flashbacks, as I didn't really have that much investment in either character nor A New Frontier in general.
With that said, I'd agree that Jane's was the worse if only because it threw away a character that got too big for her bridges (literally
) and is more or less accountable for most of the bad stuff in the latter half of Season 2, making those things even more pointless wastes of time. And what makes this even more prevalent is the fact that there is some semblance of decent ideas to attempt to "redeem" and expand her character a little more outside of her archetypes that's pretty quickly handwaved. I doesn't help that the first few minutes of her flashback was kinda boring to me, not to mention that moodwhiplash that legitimately make me bust out laughing due to how thrown at you it was.
The Wellington ending was arbitrary as fuck, to be frank. I love how only three vehicles of people angry about not having food manage to be enough of a threat that it turns Edith into a nervous wreck, cause friggin explosions, and two people running away apparently requires that they send 3-4 people(about 1/3 of their invasion force) after them when that manpower and ammo could be used to deal with the opposition inside the supposedly armed settlement that their attacking.
The alone ending is okay. It does its job well enough and any problem that could be had with it is overshadowed by the other three.
And finally, Kenny's is the best, with my only nitpicks being the lack of time spent on him post crash and the fact that it looks like he's just kicking back as the walkers peck him to death.
No need to put a spoiler comment when the thread has a spoiler warning, also everyone who hasn't played TWD won't be on forums like this anyways. You only put spoiler comments if it's unrelated to TWDG series (the show, comic books, other Telltale series, etc.)
I tend to agree more with it, Jane's flashback was just stupid.
Not that Kenny's was great. LOL
I never said Kenny's flashback is good, just that it makes sense for him.
I feel like the Alone ending had the best out of all of them and although I really dislike the Jane and Kenny ones because of how their characters are pretty much thrown away after everything that's happened, I actually think that the Wellington ending had it worse - this huge community was destroyed by a relatively small group of people - at least it should've been considering the size of Wellington, there was no one fighting back, literally no one and worst of all - Edith died without any form of character development, we didn't get to know a single thing about her.
The fact that they exist in the first place...
... why didn't we just ruin the mystery of why was Lee arrested & have a QTE section where you rapidly press Q to choke the senator? I bet that would've been fun.
I mean seriously why couldn't they reveal what happened to the characters through dialogue options like S1 did??
Yeah, it's so stupid. What was the point of hyping up Wellington in season 2 and why couldn't we get to know Edith better?
Yeah, it was just awful. It would have been nice if we got to see more of Wellington but judging by the flashback, it's not the place that Kenny and Christa thought it was.
I have a feeling that they were originally going to flesh out the outcomes from Season Two but had to change their direction somewhat last minute, these moments make me want to know what's happening at the TTG HQ.
Well, the Jane one because it's the one I got.
It was so random I couldn't even feel properly sad, I just...
What you said about Kenny 100%. I knew he was gonna get offed this season (although, since they were showing Clem's story through flashbacks, I was hoping he'd make it at least past episode 1) but I was hoping he'd get an emotional death on par with the Wellington ending or even his death scene in season 2.
I've made peace with it, though, because it wasn't out of character at all. Just way too sudden. Plus, even if it lasted for only like 2 minutes, it was nice seeing Kenny happy again.
I guess Jane's flashback, although to be fair I still haven't seen the Wellington flashback.
If anyone's seen any of my posts in TWD threads, then you know I have my gripes about Kenny's flashback, but the flashback itself wasn't terrible. I just think it needed to be longer than 5 minutes.
Jane's, on the other hand, wasn't great. Look, I don't mean to piss off any Jane fans, but I do think her flashback was in character. That still doesn't mean it's a great flashback, though. Clem doesn't even get a chance to say goodbye. I understand it's kind of hard to have a goodbye scene before somebody kills themself, but perhaps it didn't have to be that way.
Maybe, instead of throwing that family away in a one-liner, we could've actually seen the family robbing them, either pissed at then if you didn't let them in, or showing their true colors if you did, and shoot Jane in the process. After chasing the family away, Clem and Jane could've said goodbye before Jane died.
I'll be the first to admit I'm not a huge Jane fan. I liked her, but when she made me choose between her and Kenny, I picked Kenny without a second thought. However, Jane did deserve a proper send-off just as much as Kenny did.
Well like I said, I hate how in season 2 Kenny's death is extremely emotional. If you got the ending where you are with Kenny, chances are, you are a very big Kenny fan and are very invested in him and his story. So giving him the worst death for players who care about Kenny the most, without any real emotional goodbye, was not a very good move.
The Jane one easily, as others have mentioned, it's just so out of character for her and an insult to the people who went with her. The other endings had their problems, Wellington fell way too easily, Kenny's was rushed and a poor treatment of a character that's been with us essentially since the first episode, and the alone, while it makes the most sense (by default), is the shortest. But Jane's was just on another level in terms of how poorly executed it was. I didn't even like Jane, but I felt bad with how she was treated. When I got my Kenny flashback, it felt like a slap to the face, I'd imagine for those that got Jane, it felt more like a punch in the gut.
I believe Melissa Hutchins did confirm that the flashback scenes were a bit more fleshed out originally. Don't quote me on that, though.
Because I think Season 2 did a mixed job of that at times.
Thats pretty much how I feel about the flashbacks. Both Kenny and Jane, even Edith just "BYE."
Its so random that I didnt even feel upset that one of my favorite characters was dead, I was just mad.
But even the alone ending. Like, oh my god. She loses her finger from a fucking car door. A car door. Are cars the number 1 enemy in the walking dead universe now?
I guess, it got mangled quite badly and it probably was just more convenient to cut it off, would've been a lot more impacting if it actually got stuck in something awful and she had to cut it off there to save herself from walkers, would make me feel real bad for Clem though.
Its just... out of how she loses it, its because a walker bumps into a car door so her finger breaks? Like yeah, her finger is broken, but then its back to the present and its gone. So like, was she unable to mend it at all? Did she even try? Like what happened exactly?
Maybe its just me, because we still dont know if Clem being part of the New Frontier is actually going to be important or not, I think the whole flashback thing would have worked way better if Kenny/Jane/Edith were killed by the New Frontier, and cut Clem's finger off if you were alone. Like, atleast make us hate the antagonist, dont make us hate bad writing and cars.
None of them. I hated "No Going Back" so much that watching its legacy get pissed on and burned made me laugh like a hyena. It's like the stupid thing never existed. You could just stop playing at "Amid the Ruins", say everybody except Clementine and AJ died from the gunfire and that Jane never returned, and boom! Cut to "A New Frontier" with the Alone flashback. It's perfect. You can't even say that AJ's survival would make no sense if it was just Clementine... because that's pretty much what really happened anyway! Hell, you could even say that the town at the end of "Amid the Ruins" was actually a safe place and that good people helped Clementine keep AJ alive for a year or so before it inevitably fell. Makes more sense than it vanishing into thin air. Just thinking about all this stuff is making me go full Ed.
Although if I had to pick which one seemed like the most insulting, then it'd be the Wellington ending.
I always found that scene funny, for some reason.
I'm sure next episode we'll have some more reasons on why Clem hated them so much, I don't think it'll physically hurt her but who knows, with all the rewrites something bad might happen.
I hated all of them equally.
Just out of curiosity, did you end up with the alone ending?
Yep. Jane got her comeuppance at the cost of Kenny crossing the line, so I made sure both couldn't hurt anyone else and marched off to a jaded future.