They're ripe for story potential don't you think? The 3 months in the motor Inn with Lee's group, the 16 months Clem spent with Christa alone, etc...
Some interesting stuff musta happened.
DLC anyone?
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i would've preferred a Lilly dlc over 400 days. just to see what happened to her after leaving/being left behind. same with Christa. if telltale has no intentions on making them main/support characters again, the least they can do is give us dlc on their whereabouts.
Nah, I'd rather there just be some time skips when necessary, they're trying to get closer to the comic's timeline anyways and they're pretty damn close now so you don't have to have anymore big time skips. Somewhat related but more off-topic, I'd rather be playing Clementine right now while being alone and taking care of AJ, possibly making New Frontier an option of choice rather than it being a meaningless decision in a 5 minute flashback.
Lily is still the same Lily from the comics in my headcanon