Kenny and Jane are not really dead! Mind-Blowing Factual Evidence!
Now, right now you may be thinking, "Poogers... Kenny and Jane are DEAD! They are NEVER coming back!" And although that may seem to be true, I beg to differ!
What I am about to present to you is 100% proof that Kenny and Jane are infact NOT dead.
Now sit down, buckle up and hang around it is about to get messy!
Now, what we have first is, when Clem has her first flashback in episode 1, it is when she is going to sleep. Clearly this can mean only one thing. It isn't truly a flashback, in fact it can only mean that it is a "dream/semi flashback!" GASP I know, I know... but there is more!
You wonder why Kenny and Jane look different? Clearly it is because it is a dream, and everything is a little foggy! Now, for evidence number 2!
That achievement right there can mean only one thing. What would it take for Kenny and Jane to return and not be dead? A miracle! This achievement clearly means that by a miracle Kenny and Jane will in fact be confirmed to not be dead! Now on to the next piece of evidence! Another achievement!
"Second chances? What does that mean!"
Glad you asked! Ill tell you! Clearly this will be the achievement we unlock once Kenny and Jane return to the story, after all it, it is the second to last achievement in the entire game!
Now, you may now be here wondering, "That sounds great and all, but how would they even do that?" Don't worry, there is an explanation!
Don't forget, Clem has still yet to tell anyone what has happened to Kenny, Jane, and her whole past. She is the only one who knows. You know what this means?
Episode 3; Once we reach the Divine Intervention chapter, Clem will reveal to Javi her past. She will tell Javi about her friend(s) Kenny and Jane, which will lead to Javi asking if they died, and then queue Clem saying that she doesnt know and we go back to the flashback
Now right now, how can they possibly even bring them back! Well like this:
Clem will tell Javi that lately she's been feeling guilty about Kenny/Jane and has been having nightmares about them. She feels like its her fault that they are gone. She will then reveal that she feels like its her fault that she lost Kenny, who in reality only broke a leg, and told Clem to abandon him, which Clem does, but she doesn't know if he managed to get away (but in reality he does.) Clem feels guilty that Kenny is probably dead due to her driving the car. For Jane she says she feels guilty that Jane left. Thats right, left. CLEARLY, that after Jane told Clem to go and check the perimeter, Jane left a note to Clem back where they were, telling her how she was pregnant and decided it was best that she left. Clem however feels like Jane was depressed and left to kill herself, or atleast now has nightmares that Jane did, and that it was her fault that Jane left.
"Now that sounds great, but how do they come back into the story?" Well, something like this clearly:
Once we reach Second Chances in episode 5, Kenny and Jane find Clem again. We talk and then we learn what happened to them, complete with a flashback of their own! We learn about how Kenny got away from the Walkers and managed to fix himself up before tracking down Clem. For Jane we discover that the family (who we now know is evil no matter what) returned to take Jane hostage! (Complete with a scene where Jane puts the note down saying she is going to leave, but then we are given a choice of changing your mind and staying, or still leaving Clem but wont matter cuz evil family lmao) and will then learn about how Jane escaped and decided to return back to Clem.
Now CLEARLY this is what is going to happen, and you heard it here first! Wake up people! Kenny and Jane are alive! It's all just a trick!
If we end up seeing them at the end of the season or something, I'll really start to question whether or not Telltale knows what the hell is going on anymore.
Kenny's gonna get lucky twice!
Which means his beard is going to get as twice as long
Rip poogs. The disappointment with S3 got to him, Telltale has melted his mind.
You fool!
You just exposed the plot too early! This little exposure of yours is going to catch fire and explode!
Now they're going to rewrite the entire season again and we're going to get a plot in it's hollow self!
No Kenny! No Jane! All because of YOU.
what a middle finger to logic that would be
You say that as if the original flashbacks weren't a middle finger to logic already.
Is it sad that I legitimately hope this is case?
It is? Ok then.
Oh my god poogers if you are right I will literally run around my neighborhood naked, screaming "I LOVE POOGERS"
With all the theories about Lee's survival around the forum, nothing can really mind blow me anymore.
Poogers... Kenny and Jane are DEAD! They are NEVER coming back!
SIGHS Poor Poogers was so disappointed with season 3, that he smoked 5 tons of weed.
Can't say I blame him.
Cmon lets not get ahead of ourselves, If Kenny can unrealistically survive a Horde infested Alleyway then I have some belief that this is all true
Oh no, you get your Javier out of my Sunny, Poogers!
And although that may seem to be true, I beg to differ!
Nah man its alright
Keep your hopes up sailor.
Good lord...this thread is just like a cursed book in D& read become dumber.
Chapter 4 of Episode 3 will reveal in the background the release date of The Wolf Among Us 2.
Chapter 5 of Episode 5 will announce that Curse of Monkey Island : Second Chances will be announced!
While I'm quite sure Kenny and Jane are both dead, I wouldn't be surprised if the backlash caused Telltale to backpedal a little and say the original flashbacks were indeed just dreams and then give us new flashbacks in episode 3.
Or maybe that's just what I want to happen and it's not likely at all
man, these characters deserved better.
This is a theory I can get behind, at least until I finally manage to move past Denial and into Anger.
Seriously though, it was an entertaining read.
haha, fair point.
They were not.
They were a middle finger to Kenny's character arc, Welligton's story arc and Kenny and Jane's models, but they are realistic.
Guy survives the apocalypse for 4 years, dies in a car crash. Middle finger to logic.
Girl says she could never have a baby in this world and criticizes Rebecca for even getting pregnant. All of a sudden, she's pregnant and kills herself. Middle finger to logic.
Honesty they're extremely inconstant and don't feel realistic at all. It's just lazy writing and it's hard to defend it.
I bought A New Frontier. I got Final Destination.
The guy was reckless; a car accident is a realistic death for him. What is unrealistic is that no similar accident had happened in the past and led him to death.
The girl was emotionally vulnerable at the time of conception and simply did not consider the prospect that she could become pregnant for having sex. She could not handle the posibility of carrying a fetus inside her, no less trying to deliver it, and—for all she knew—attempting an abortion could kill the fetus and it could turn into a walker inside her. Her suicide is perfectly realistic, too.
Telltale right now:

I don't know how to counter this argument since this game an the flashbacks are so flawed. We'll be talking about this for days due to all the inconsistencies. None of it really makes sense.
It's like countering someone's argument about a flaw by presenting another flaw that counters that flaw. I''m not really in the mood to do this. Love you tho, Sleep.
The disappointment with Season 3 has gotten to pretty much everyone at this point.
of course
how could I have been so blind
thanks poogs
I feel bad about laughing at that.
Trust me, you're not the only one.
divine intervention? second chances? sounds like Kate is going to survive sepsis and be given a second chance at life.
I don't know what it is, but every time I see this gif, I burst out laughing. Seriously, is it his face, the sudden zoom of the camera, I can't tell, but I just love it.
You might be on something given how they handled Bruce Wayne parents flashback xD