They could make the flashbacks longer than a measly 5 minutes each episode (I think they might) but let's be honest, our optimism always gets shot down by reality. Only time will tell.
I'm honestly keeping my hopes up, thinking that episode 2 is taking longer because Telltale is polishing, or maybe because it's longer than the first episode...
It's unrealistsic, but I'm just trying to be optimistic. I have faith in TTG.
Yeah i want next episodes to be atleast 1 hour and 30 min or 2 hours, but not 60 mins this is just really damn small amount of time for TTG Games episodes!
Yeah you have a good point. It's also through the quality and compelling levels of the story that create such an invested following.
But… more these stories also need an adequate amount of time to be told properly, which is my biggest concern. I know you can't say anything about the plot, or characters, but can you mention what playtime goal Telltale is going for in this game? 10 hours?
If the rest of the episodes are consistent in length as the first two, we'll be looking at 6.5-7.5 hours of gameplay, which ain't such a good value financially, especially considering the 1st season was around 13 hours, and the 2nd about 10.
I Honesty would really like to story be only about Clem in the next episodes, but i doubt that will happens so i'm asking Telltale to make their stories atleast 40/60 or 50/50, and i really want to play as Clem again in present time(flashbacks sucks) and explore as her in some hubs in present(and maybe in flashbacks too), is it really so hard to do Telltale?
No i'm not asking to story being primary about Clem
Which is why I said "I wish this was Clem's story primarily", stating it was my … morethought, I was just further supporting Clementine and so far, I think season 1 & 2 were the best story wise even in the first few episodes when it's about Clem, and season 3 doesn't even really incline me at all, "oh what is David's reaction going to be to Mariana??", I don't really care that much, but I'd like to know more about AJ without it being flashbacks every episode. It could've been a better story in my opinion if they went Clem's route.
I'm honestly keeping my hopes up, thinking that episode 2 is taking longer because Telltale is polishing, or maybe because it's longer than the first episode...
It's unrealistsic, but I'm just trying to be optimistic. I have faith in TTG.
I actually have realistic expectations for the remainder of ANF (not the expectations I expressed above, as I said that was wishful thinking...) so I most likely still won't be too disappointed with how it turns out.
Of course I have plenty of criticisms for the new season, but I didn't go in with extremely high/unrealistic expectations like most of the people on the forum, therefore I wasn't too disappointed with the outcome. (And I mean, with the hype surrounding ANF, it was inevitable that people would be let down... Hype seldom puts out)
I'm just trying to be optimistic, take it with a grain of salt... Forums have really gone to shit lately. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Am I the only one a bit sad we don't have the super awesome licensed songs in the credits anymore. It isn't a deal breaker or even a problem, but it's sad to see them go.
RIP Credit Music 2012-2014
Pay our respects with this amazing cover.
I find as a loyal customer, I should never come to check on an update to something I purchased in advance and see the words "no news yet." How about, "in development?"
Honestly, we cant start whining about the words used in the title, on top of everything else. "No News Yet" means the same thing as "in development". It just means they haven't said anything yet.
I find as a loyal customer, I should never come to check on an update to something I purchased in advance and see the words "no news yet." How about, "in development?"
Telltale has previous episodes in development when current episodes are being written/developed as well. We just say "No News Yet" because Telltale does not disclose much until the episode is largely completed.
I find as a loyal customer, I should never come to check on an update to something I purchased in advance and see the words "no news yet." How about, "in development?"
One of the mods responded to me awhile back about TTG sticking to monthly release schedules over the past year or so, but i dont see that with ep.3. From what i gather, the reviews of the first two were mixed (at best) and I'm guessing they are going to rework some things. Even if it means it going into February or later.
Kevin Bruner: "lol it sure is chill today, not working on ANF and just sitting around doing nothing"
Job J. Stauffer: "holy shit sir Blind Sniper updated the waiting thread it now says 'in development' instead of 'no news yet'"
Kevin Bruner: "omfg put everyone at work right nao if the waiting thread says 'in development' then we have to obey"
Seriously though. What difference does it make? Because it sounds more reassuring or something? The two terms mean essentially the same thing in this context.
I find as a loyal customer, I should never come to check on an update to something I purchased in advance and see the words "no news yet." How about, "in development?"
At Telltale HQ (realistic insight)
Kevin Bruner: "lol it sure is chill today, not working on ANF and just sitting around doing nothing"
… more Job J. Stauffer: "holy shit sir Blind Sniper updated the waiting thread it now says 'in development' instead of 'no news yet'"
Kevin Bruner: "omfg put everyone at work right nao if the waiting thread says 'in development' then we have to obey"
Seriously though. What difference does it make? Because it sounds more reassuring or something? The two terms mean essentially the same thing in this context.
I don't know if it's whining . If I purchase something in advance, I personally want to know the status. No news is no status update. Is what it is. I do like quality but I also like transparency. Consider you buy something at a store in advance and every time you call the employees tell you they don't know anything yet about the item you purchased. That's what I was referring to.
Honestly, we cant start whining about the words used in the title, on top of everything else. "No News Yet" means the same thing as "in development". It just means they haven't said anything yet.
Im glad you took time trying to be funny. Adding pictures and your 2 cents. I don't need to be made fun of for asking a simple question. It matters to me. I do not lurk around forums trying to flame people for asking REAL questions about REAL money that was spent.
At Telltale HQ (realistic insight)
Kevin Bruner: "lol it sure is chill today, not working on ANF and just sitting around doing nothing"
… more Job J. Stauffer: "holy shit sir Blind Sniper updated the waiting thread it now says 'in development' instead of 'no news yet'"
Kevin Bruner: "omfg put everyone at work right nao if the waiting thread says 'in development' then we have to obey"
Seriously though. What difference does it make? Because it sounds more reassuring or something? The two terms mean essentially the same thing in this context.
Telltale has previous episodes in development when current episodes are being written/developed as well. We just say "No News Yet" because Telltale does not disclose much until the episode is largely completed.
Don't be so serious. I wasn't flaming anyone, it was just in good fun. And again I ask what that REAL question was about? You haven't given an answer as to why it matters at all what's in the title. The two terms are interchangable in the context we're using them in.
I also don't get why you bring up REAL money. We all payed with real money (I hope), and we're all waiting, but none of us demand the thread title changed.
Im glad you took time trying to be funny. Adding pictures and your 2 cents. I don't need to be made fun of for asking a simple question. It… more matters to me. I do not lurk around forums trying to flame people for asking REAL questions about REAL money that was spent.
Amongst fans, especially here on the forums, it's been mixed, but amongst critics (which is the only feedback Telltale likes to listen to), it's gotten a lot of praise. I should know, all they ever seem to post on social media are the glowing reviews A New Frontier is getting. I can't go a day in Facebook without seeing some review score Telltale shared from some review site. So, honestly, I wouldn't expect to see any improvements.
One of the mods responded to me awhile back about TTG sticking to monthly release schedules over the past year or so, but i dont see that wi… moreth ep.3. From what i gather, the reviews of the first two were mixed (at best) and I'm guessing they are going to rework some things. Even if it means it going into February or later.
I used an example already in my response to Batteries. I just know that in the future, I will not put money toward anything unfinished. I have purchased almost every Telltale title to date (even Jurassic Park). The whole mystery of getting what you paid for whenever they feel like finishing it is what I'm over. The status is the only time table type indicator we have that there is a possibility of our game being completed. So when you check the forum periodically and see "no news yet", to me that is vague. It confirms there is nothing to report and no deadline for Telltale on the game. I like how you made sure to say you weren't flaming but made sure to capitalize REAL like I did. Made sure to say I didn't answer your questions. Ok tough guy.
Don't be so serious. I wasn't flaming anyone, it was just in good fun. And again I ask what that REAL question was about? You haven't given … morean answer as to why it matters at all what's in the title. The two terms are interchangable in the context we're using them in.
I also don't get why you bring up REAL money. We all payed with real money (I hope), and we're all waiting, but none of us demand the thread title changed.
Amongst fans, especially here on the forums, it's been mixed, but amongst critics (which is the only feedback Telltale likes to listen to), … moreit's gotten a lot of praise. I should know, all they ever seem to post on social media are the glowing reviews A New Frontier is getting. I can't go a day in Facebook without seeing some review score Telltale shared from some review site. So, honestly, I wouldn't expect to see any improvements.
And that is exactly why Telltale is going to do 100% of nothing in regards to the negative feedback and critics. I agree that everywhere outside the forums all i see are positive reviews and such and that's all Telltale is going to listen to and use that as justification of "the series is doing wonderful! look at the reviews!" therefore giving no reason or motivation for any positive or meaningful change or revision of the product.
Amongst fans, especially here on the forums, it's been mixed, but amongst critics (which is the only feedback Telltale likes to listen to), … moreit's gotten a lot of praise. I should know, all they ever seem to post on social media are the glowing reviews A New Frontier is getting. I can't go a day in Facebook without seeing some review score Telltale shared from some review site. So, honestly, I wouldn't expect to see any improvements.
I'm sorry if you were offended, really. I didn't think you'd take it that badly and wasn't trying to attack you personally. That being said, I still don't see the use in renaming the thread. It would be stuck on "in development" until we get news instead of "no news yet". That is what you'd see everytime you visit instead of "no news yet". I hope that makes it clear why we think it's not necessary. It's kind of a forum thing to say "no news yet", makes it much better to see the thread title finally changed. Also, if you have Twitter, definitely follow Telltale there and activate notifications. You'll get the info about a new trailer/release/screenshot as soon as they're available.
And I agree that Telltale should update more often and be less vague. We all do, we all payed for the game and are left hanging. But the problem is that Telltale seemingly doesn't have a deadline and nothing to report. Clementine's VA recently gave an interview in which she sounded very dispassionate and guessed that the game would still be a long ways off because Telltale is constantly rewriting it and that she has only recorded one scene that probably will get cut anyway.
I used an example already in my response to Batteries. I just know that in the future, I will not put money toward anything unfinished. I ha… moreve purchased almost every Telltale title to date (even Jurassic Park). The whole mystery of getting what you paid for whenever they feel like finishing it is what I'm over. The status is the only time table type indicator we have that there is a possibility of our game being completed. So when you check the forum periodically and see "no news yet", to me that is vague. It confirms there is nothing to report and no deadline for Telltale on the game. I like how you made sure to say you weren't flaming but made sure to capitalize REAL like I did. Made sure to say I didn't answer your questions. Ok tough guy.
Weird thing is, even if you don't factor in its reviews across all platforms, the reception has still only been slightly better than S2, and still no where near as good as S1. I'm just not seeing the justification of making such radical changes to the game considering they clearly did not translate into a much better reception. All it really did was create a large rift between fans.
Amongst fans, especially here on the forums, it's been mixed, but amongst critics (which is the only feedback Telltale likes to listen to), … moreit's gotten a lot of praise. I should know, all they ever seem to post on social media are the glowing reviews A New Frontier is getting. I can't go a day in Facebook without seeing some review score Telltale shared from some review site. So, honestly, I wouldn't expect to see any improvements.
I agree that everywhere outside the forums all i see are positive reviews and such and that's all Telltale is going to listen to and use that as justification of "the series is doing wonderful! look at the reviews!" therefore giving no reason or motivation for any positive or meaningful change or revision of the product.
Well, all communities are hating on """season 3""", and the Steam reviews for the game on the default settings are all negative pretty much, just a massive line of "not recommended", they're going to have to shape up somewhere.
And that is exactly why Telltale is going to do 100% of nothing in regards to the negative feedback and critics. I agree that everywhere out… moreside the forums all i see are positive reviews and such and that's all Telltale is going to listen to and use that as justification of "the series is doing wonderful! look at the reviews!" therefore giving no reason or motivation for any positive or meaningful change or revision of the product.
I really hope they do and inarguably there is a large amount of people and critics that do not like the game. With that said i hope some good can come out of this because so far this has been a disaster.
I agree that everywhere outside the forums all i see are positive reviews and such and that's all Telltale is going to listen to and use tha… moret as justification of "the series is doing wonderful! look at the reviews!" therefore giving no reason or motivation for any positive or meaningful change or revision of the product.
Well, all communities are hating on """season 3""", and the Steam reviews for the game on the default settings are all negative pretty much, just a massive line of "not recommended", they're going to have to shape up somewhere.
My fangirl soul does not care about the quality, just give me the next three episodes and that's fine, but my conscious part is wondering what the fuck is going on with this company. And what the fuck the CEO of this company thinks he's doing. They have - or had? - gold on they hands, but then why does this gold suddenly started to smell like shit?
Amongst fans, especially here on the forums, it's been mixed, but amongst critics (which is the only feedback Telltale likes to listen to), … moreit's gotten a lot of praise. I should know, all they ever seem to post on social media are the glowing reviews A New Frontier is getting. I can't go a day in Facebook without seeing some review score Telltale shared from some review site. So, honestly, I wouldn't expect to see any improvements.
I mean, I'll give him graphical overhaul and voce acting, but most of the soundtrack is just reused tracks from Seasons 1 and 2. Sure they're great tracks, but I also want to hear new music. If those are the only pros, and looking at the cons, there's no way that should be a 9/10.
You could post stuff like that in the thread it was meant to go in, which is actually linked in gigantic letters at the top of this thread.
Thinking about my optimism before the launch is shooting my optimism down
This is gonna be a long wait lol
I'm honestly keeping my hopes up, thinking that episode 2 is taking longer because Telltale is polishing, or maybe because it's longer than the first episode...
It's unrealistsic, but I'm just trying to be optimistic. I have faith in TTG.
Yeah i want next episodes to be atleast 1 hour and 30 min or 2 hours, but not 60 mins this is just really damn small amount of time for TTG Games episodes!
I Honesty would really like to story be only about Clem in the next episodes, but i doubt that will happens so i'm asking Telltale to make their stories atleast 40/60 or 50/50, and i really want to play as Clem again in present time(flashbacks sucks) and explore as her in some hubs in present(and maybe in flashbacks too), is it really so hard to do Telltale?
It's like you want to feel disappointed.
I actually have realistic expectations for the remainder of ANF (not the expectations I expressed above, as I said that was wishful thinking...) so I most likely still won't be too disappointed with how it turns out.
Of course I have plenty of criticisms for the new season, but I didn't go in with extremely high/unrealistic expectations like most of the people on the forum, therefore I wasn't too disappointed with the outcome. (And I mean, with the hype surrounding ANF, it was inevitable that people would be let down... Hype seldom puts out)
I'm just trying to be optimistic, take it with a grain of salt... Forums have really gone to shit lately. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Actually, -2016, since the last time they were used was in TWDM.
I find as a loyal customer, I should never come to check on an update to something I purchased in advance and see the words "no news yet." How about, "in development?"
Well, they mentally destroyed me.
Honestly, we cant start whining about the words used in the title, on top of everything else. "No News Yet" means the same thing as "in development". It just means they haven't said anything yet.
Telltale has previous episodes in development when current episodes are being written/developed as well. We just say "No News Yet" because Telltale does not disclose much until the episode is largely completed.
the hell?
You played Minecraft Story Mode?
anyone has an idea who are the next writers? or does it even matter with Kane being the lead? why wasnt Shorette lead on this?
hell pay a shit load of money to Whitta, maybe that will make WD a non average game again.
One of the mods responded to me awhile back about TTG sticking to monthly release schedules over the past year or so, but i dont see that with ep.3. From what i gather, the reviews of the first two were mixed (at best) and I'm guessing they are going to rework some things. Even if it means it going into February or later.
At Telltale HQ (realistic insight)
Kevin Bruner: "lol it sure is chill today, not working on ANF and just sitting around doing nothing"
Job J. Stauffer: "holy shit sir Blind Sniper updated the waiting thread it now says 'in development' instead of 'no news yet'"
Kevin Bruner: "omfg put everyone at work right nao if the waiting thread says 'in development' then we have to obey"
Seriously though. What difference does it make? Because it sounds more reassuring or something? The two terms mean essentially the same thing in this context.
This can't be realistic because it's not like they regularly check the forums anyways.
I don't know if it's whining . If I purchase something in advance, I personally want to know the status. No news is no status update. Is what it is. I do like quality but I also like transparency. Consider you buy something at a store in advance and every time you call the employees tell you they don't know anything yet about the item you purchased. That's what I was referring to.
Im glad you took time trying to be funny. Adding pictures and your 2 cents. I don't need to be made fun of for asking a simple question. It matters to me. I do not lurk around forums trying to flame people for asking REAL questions about REAL money that was spent.
Thank you for the explanation.
Don't be so serious. I wasn't flaming anyone, it was just in good fun. And again I ask what that REAL question was about? You haven't given an answer as to why it matters at all what's in the title. The two terms are interchangable in the context we're using them in.
I also don't get why you bring up REAL money. We all payed with real money (I hope), and we're all waiting, but none of us demand the thread title changed.
Amongst fans, especially here on the forums, it's been mixed, but amongst critics (which is the only feedback Telltale likes to listen to), it's gotten a lot of praise. I should know, all they ever seem to post on social media are the glowing reviews A New Frontier is getting. I can't go a day in Facebook without seeing some review score Telltale shared from some review site. So, honestly, I wouldn't expect to see any improvements.
I used an example already in my response to Batteries. I just know that in the future, I will not put money toward anything unfinished. I have purchased almost every Telltale title to date (even Jurassic Park). The whole mystery of getting what you paid for whenever they feel like finishing it is what I'm over. The status is the only time table type indicator we have that there is a possibility of our game being completed. So when you check the forum periodically and see "no news yet", to me that is vague. It confirms there is nothing to report and no deadline for Telltale on the game. I like how you made sure to say you weren't flaming but made sure to capitalize REAL like I did. Made sure to say I didn't answer your questions. Ok tough guy.
"I don't know what you're playing at, but I'm bored with it!"
I'm going to say it won't be released until March, going by the recent interview with Melisa. We might start getting news come early February.
Fan enthusiasm levels:
"I don't know what the fuck you're saying, but I know it's BULLSHIT"
I hope you're wrong. But I feel like you're probably right.
And that is exactly why Telltale is going to do 100% of nothing in regards to the negative feedback and critics. I agree that everywhere outside the forums all i see are positive reviews and such and that's all Telltale is going to listen to and use that as justification of "the series is doing wonderful! look at the reviews!" therefore giving no reason or motivation for any positive or meaningful change or revision of the product.
I'm sorry if you were offended, really. I didn't think you'd take it that badly and wasn't trying to attack you personally. That being said, I still don't see the use in renaming the thread. It would be stuck on "in development" until we get news instead of "no news yet". That is what you'd see everytime you visit instead of "no news yet". I hope that makes it clear why we think it's not necessary. It's kind of a forum thing to say "no news yet", makes it much better to see the thread title finally changed. Also, if you have Twitter, definitely follow Telltale there and activate notifications. You'll get the info about a new trailer/release/screenshot as soon as they're available.
And I agree that Telltale should update more often and be less vague. We all do, we all payed for the game and are left hanging. But the problem is that Telltale seemingly doesn't have a deadline and nothing to report. Clementine's VA recently gave an interview in which she sounded very dispassionate and guessed that the game would still be a long ways off because Telltale is constantly rewriting it and that she has only recorded one scene that probably will get cut anyway.
Weird thing is, even if you don't factor in its reviews across all platforms, the reception has still only been slightly better than S2, and still no where near as good as S1. I'm just not seeing the justification of making such radical changes to the game considering they clearly did not translate into a much better reception. All it really did was create a large rift between fans.
Well, all communities are hating on """season 3""", and the Steam reviews for the game on the default settings are all negative pretty much, just a massive line of "not recommended", they're going to have to shape up somewhere.
I really hope they do and inarguably there is a large amount of people and critics that do not like the game. With that said i hope some good can come out of this because so far this has been a disaster.
My fangirl soul does not care about the quality, just give me the next three episodes and that's fine, but my conscious part is wondering what the fuck is going on with this company. And what the fuck the CEO of this company thinks he's doing. They have - or had? - gold on they hands, but then why does this gold suddenly started to smell like shit?
This is my favorite review
How is that a 9/10?
I mean, I'll give him graphical overhaul and voce acting, but most of the soundtrack is just reused tracks from Seasons 1 and 2. Sure they're great tracks, but I also want to hear new music. If those are the only pros, and looking at the cons, there's no way that should be a 9/10.