First of all, not a lie. People have been misinterpreting their disclaimer for ages. When they say "tailored" they mean "small adjustments to a larger thing." Not "significant change".
But, I do think that only showing the disclaimer at the beginning of episode 1, and nothing else could help. TFTB and GOT did this, and I think it helped people focus on not to expect some sort of change. They brought it back for Batman, but I don't think that was wise.
Currently, we don't see too much of large-ish changes, but don't worry, I'm sure We'll see a bit more significant things later on. The two part premiere was exactly a two part premiere. It was the setup. Future episodes will get to the meat of the plot, and the story can get more dense.
Yeah, people! How dare you get hate at a company for putting absolutely no effort in a game that could have been spectacular, but Telltale d… moreidn't choose for it to be!
How dare your actions are justified! You all should be ashamed of yourselves, every one of you.
scuffs For shame.
I don't believe I've ever fell for the "omg Telltale lied to us because this doesn't make ground breaking decisions", I always grasped "tailor" as "your story is different in some ways based on your choices", which it does, I love the small changes. It's just that in season 3 I see nothing really changing at all that's worth noting, if they made Clementine the primary protagonist they could've made season 2's last episode not as completely useless as it is now, but they didn't which is a bummer for me and many fans. One thing I really appreciated in season 2 was the beginning Clem scene where she's in the bathroom, when she drops the water bottle she says "Oh, shit!" or "Oh, shoot!" based on Lee in season 1 filling in the blank when Clementine "it smells like..." which you can reply basically with "Shit" or "Manure". Some people are going a bit overboard with specifically hating Telltale right now though, I try to avoid senselessly bashing them with insults, but rather criticize them.
First of all, not a lie. People have been misinterpreting their disclaimer for ages. When they say "tailored" they mean "small adjustments t… moreo a larger thing." Not "significant change".
But, I do think that only showing the disclaimer at the beginning of episode 1, and nothing else could help. TFTB and GOT did this, and I think it helped people focus on not to expect some sort of change. They brought it back for Batman, but I don't think that was wise.
Currently, we don't see too much of large-ish changes, but don't worry, I'm sure We'll see a bit more significant things later on. The two part premiere was exactly a two part premiere. It was the setup. Future episodes will get to the meat of the plot, and the story can get more dense.
Yep, I was active there for a while and just gave up on that community, not to mention there's no moderation at all and there's a lack of actual threads anymore.
Toxic? I know what toxic is and this is not it.
People here seem to be very vocal about what they don't like and can explain it reasonably. Negative feedback (imo) isn't toxic.
I get the feeling people would chill out about their criticisms if it was at least addressed by telltale. I hope that does happen but I wouldn't hold my breath.
I don't believe I've ever fell for the "omg Telltale lied to us because this doesn't make ground breaking decisions", I always grasped "tail… moreor" as "your story is different in some ways based on your choices", which it does, I love the small changes. It's just that in season 3 I see nothing really changing at all that's worth noting, if they made Clementine the primary protagonist they could've made season 2's last episode not as completely useless as it is now, but they didn't which is a bummer for me and many fans. One thing I really appreciated in season 2 was the beginning Clem scene where she's in the bathroom, when she drops the water bottle she says "Oh, shit!" or "Oh, shoot!" based on Lee in season 1 filling in the blank when Clementine "it smells like..." which you can reply basically with "Shit" or "Manure". Some people are going a bit overboard with specifically hating Telltale right now though, I try to avoid senselessly bashing them with insults, but rather criticize them.
It's sad but technically they aren't lying. They sure are exploiting definitions to bloat people's expectations tho. I mean, if someone tells you they sell a cake, you expect this:
Toxic? I know what toxic is and this is not it.
People here seem to be very vocal about what they don't like and can explain it reasonably… more. Negative feedback (imo) isn't toxic.
I get the feeling people would chill out about their criticisms if it was at least addressed by telltale. I hope that does happen but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Melissa's interview confirmed our questions and worries, people got more mad because Telltale themselves didn't address it but instead Melissa did it for them essentially. We just want to feel listened to by Telltale and not ignored, scammed, etc.
The disclaimer isn't the problem. It holds true as long as a single dialogue line is changed by our decision, as explained by many people on here before. And no, characters dying later or dialogue not having an effect does not mean that the narrative did not, however minimal, change based on our decisions. Even selecting a single dialogue choice is technically speaking a different tailoring than that of somebody who chose a different dialogue choice. That is completely objective and everyone who argues against it is wrong by default.
The problem is Telltale's marketing. I understand that you have to make your game attractive, but saying stuff like "where every decision could be your last" does not help your reputation of having choices not matter if you don't deliver at all on that statement. It's definitely false advertising in some shape or form. We all know Javier will live to Episode 5 at least regardless of our choices, and so will Clementine likely. At least to Episode 4 in any case.
Throw back to saving Carly or Doug actually does differences in the story, like a whole sub plot about telling people who you really are onl… morey if Carly is alive, and even though they both meet their end at the same time it isnt just the exact same animation and situation.
The part bolded is a insult even if you're talking about one person and goes directly against the first rule of the Forum Guidelines
1.1 R-E-S-P-E-C-T! We're all here to have fun, so be cool to each other. Always behave respectfully towards other community members, moderators and Telltale team members - even in passing. Insults, hate speech, platform wars… leave it out. Criticism of someone's actions or opinions is OK, but avoid personal attacks. If you feel especially slighted by another forum member, use the "Flag" button to report their comments to moderators instead of shooting back!
Obviously people can say that they dislike A New Frontier but calling the staff "stupid" isn't the way to go about it.
That's probably because the last decision of Episode One was choosing between Carley or Doug, not making a choice of where everyone should g… moreo/do and Episode Two takes place 3 months after the first... so there are justifications for that.
If you want variation between episodes - E4 to E5 does it quite well, you're either alone as Lee trying to find Clementine or Ben, Christa, Omid or Kenny or even all of them are with you.
Character opinions and interactions changed by dialogue.
Happens in S3.
Determinant characters being involved in the story, actually feeling like you've saved someone who'll survive a while.
There's one determinant character in S3 at the moment. And so far he's still alive in the playthroughs that chose him to.
Different starting point to Episode 5 depending on your character interactions.
There's two episodes of S3 out! They haven't even gotten to episode 3 yet! Also the starting point was the same for everyone in S1 EP5. The people that came with you were determinant. But same choices, same outcomes.
People actually remembering what you did.
So far they do. We'd have to play the rest of the season to see if it isn't so.
You must've played a different season 3 to the rest of us.
And you must've not played it at all. When the whole season is out, then you can apply these faults. So far, you're spewing gibberish.
Season 1 did NOT have the same problems as Season 3.
Let's see.
Characters with personality.
Character opinions and interactions ch… moreanged by dialogue.
Determinant characters being involved in the story, actually feeling like you've saved someone who'll survive a while.
Different starting point to Episode 5 depending on your character interactions.
People actually remembering what you did.
Those the problems you mean when you compare season 1 with 3.
You must've played a different season 3 to the rest of us.
Characters with personality.
Don't see a problem.
Character opinions and interactions changed by dialogue.
Happens in … moreS3.
Determinant characters being involved in the story, actually feeling like you've saved someone who'll survive a while.
There's one determinant character in S3 at the moment. And so far he's still alive in the playthroughs that chose him to.
Different starting point to Episode 5 depending on your character interactions.
There's two episodes of S3 out! They haven't even gotten to episode 3 yet! Also the starting point was the same for everyone in S1 EP5. The people that came with you were determinant. But same choices, same outcomes.
People actually remembering what you did.
So far they do. We'd have to play the rest of the season to see if it isn't so.
You must've played a different season 3 to the rest of us.
And you must've not played it at all.… [view original content]
Telltale has so many games in development. Will this affect the quality or development time of each game?
No. Since the success of Walking Dead: Season 1, Telltale has sized up from 70 people to near 350/400 people, and now have enough people to have three to four different projects at once in different stages of development.
It's not just the programming it's the writing. If they wanted our season 2 choices to matter they would've put more effort into making them… more matter.
If they wanted characters opinions to change regarding our actions they would've put effort into doing so.
I don't know how many people remember Choose your own adventure books. telltale games are just about the same thing. you read a little and then its like go to page forty for this or page eigthy-four for this. The problem is that telltale never gave you enough save slots to explore all the endings, which isn't an accident because there are really fewer endings then we are led to believe as proven by the beginning of season three. And I was never able to bring my saves over for some reason so it made up its own history for me.
The problem is that telltale never gave you enough save slots to explore all the endings
I'm just imagining Telltale like this really screwed up tree with two or three branches on it that at the top morphed into one branch, and has a lil' leaf that you barely see.
I don't know how many people remember Choose your own adventure books. telltale games are just about the same thing. you read a little and … morethen its like go to page forty for this or page eigthy-four for this. The problem is that telltale never gave you enough save slots to explore all the endings, which isn't an accident because there are really fewer endings then we are led to believe as proven by the beginning of season three. And I was never able to bring my saves over for some reason so it made up its own history for me.
I don't believe I've ever fell for the "omg Telltale lied to us because this doesn't make ground breaking decisions", I always grasped "tail… moreor" as "your story is different in some ways based on your choices", which it does, I love the small changes. It's just that in season 3 I see nothing really changing at all that's worth noting, if they made Clementine the primary protagonist they could've made season 2's last episode not as completely useless as it is now, but they didn't which is a bummer for me and many fans. One thing I really appreciated in season 2 was the beginning Clem scene where she's in the bathroom, when she drops the water bottle she says "Oh, shit!" or "Oh, shoot!" based on Lee in season 1 filling in the blank when Clementine "it smells like..." which you can reply basically with "Shit" or "Manure". Some people are going a bit overboard with specifically hating Telltale right now though, I try to avoid senselessly bashing them with insults, but rather criticize them.
There is no new idea. They are just being lazy with everything. Story is extremely weak, the forced positivity (tripp elanor) and a very unnecessary romantic interest are all products of laziness. They dont want to work hard anymore it seems.
It can be pretty bad, but trust me, it's better than Steam discussions and a lot faster than the subreddit.
First of all, not a lie. People have been misinterpreting their disclaimer for ages. When they say "tailored" they mean "small adjustments to a larger thing." Not "significant change".
But, I do think that only showing the disclaimer at the beginning of episode 1, and nothing else could help. TFTB and GOT did this, and I think it helped people focus on not to expect some sort of change. They brought it back for Batman, but I don't think that was wise.
Currently, we don't see too much of large-ish changes, but don't worry, I'm sure We'll see a bit more significant things later on. The two part premiere was exactly a two part premiere. It was the setup. Future episodes will get to the meat of the plot, and the story can get more dense.
The problem isn't criticizing the company. The problem is that you directly insult them. The Telltale Staff are humans too and deserve respect.
I'm not directly insulting everyone at Telltale, mate.
You're insulting someone and that's just not okay.

Haha, btw, i agree with you halfway, not completely
I don't believe I've ever fell for the "omg Telltale lied to us because this doesn't make ground breaking decisions", I always grasped "tailor" as "your story is different in some ways based on your choices", which it does, I love the small changes. It's just that in season 3 I see nothing really changing at all that's worth noting, if they made Clementine the primary protagonist they could've made season 2's last episode not as completely useless as it is now, but they didn't which is a bummer for me and many fans. One thing I really appreciated in season 2 was the beginning Clem scene where she's in the bathroom, when she drops the water bottle she says "Oh, shit!" or "Oh, shoot!" based on Lee in season 1 filling in the blank when Clementine "it smells like..." which you can reply basically with "Shit" or "Manure". Some people are going a bit overboard with specifically hating Telltale right now though, I try to avoid senselessly bashing them with insults, but rather criticize them.
Anything is better than Steam discussions
Yep, I was active there for a while and just gave up on that community, not to mention there's no moderation at all and there's a lack of actual threads anymore.
Toxic? I know what toxic is and this is not it.
People here seem to be very vocal about what they don't like and can explain it reasonably. Negative feedback (imo) isn't toxic.
I get the feeling people would chill out about their criticisms if it was at least addressed by telltale. I hope that does happen but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Right-o, good sir!
And who's fault was that?
It's sad but technically they aren't lying. They sure are exploiting definitions to bloat people's expectations tho. I mean, if someone tells you they sell a cake, you expect this:
And not this:
The people hurling insults?
I think that would embolden people more, not chill them out. Look what happened with MH.
Melissa's interview confirmed our questions and worries, people got more mad because Telltale themselves didn't address it but instead Melissa did it for them essentially. We just want to feel listened to by Telltale and not ignored, scammed, etc.
What about YouTube comments?
Season 2 was tailored quite a lot actually
Yeah, cause in season 2 no play through was the same. Nick was alive in episode 5 in some. Lol.
Season 1 did NOT have the same problems as Season 3.
Let's see.
Characters with personality.
Character opinions and interactions changed by dialogue.
Determinant characters being involved in the story, actually feeling like you've saved someone who'll survive a while.
Different starting point to Episode 5 depending on your character interactions.
People actually remembering what you did.
Those the problems you mean when you compare season 1 with 3.
You must've played a different season 3 to the rest of us.
The disclaimer isn't the problem. It holds true as long as a single dialogue line is changed by our decision, as explained by many people on here before. And no, characters dying later or dialogue not having an effect does not mean that the narrative did not, however minimal, change based on our decisions. Even selecting a single dialogue choice is technically speaking a different tailoring than that of somebody who chose a different dialogue choice. That is completely objective and everyone who argues against it is wrong by default.
The problem is Telltale's marketing. I understand that you have to make your game attractive, but saying stuff like "where every decision could be your last" does not help your reputation of having choices not matter if you don't deliver at all on that statement. It's definitely false advertising in some shape or form. We all know Javier will live to Episode 5 at least regardless of our choices, and so will Clementine likely. At least to Episode 4 in any case.
Add a few zeros there.
Also, you can interact with the characters after.
Come season 2 once Nick was a determinate character he had no impact on the story whatsoever. He was treated as dead.
Pick your poison, gentleman.
The part bolded is a insult even if you're talking about one person and goes directly against the first rule of the Forum Guidelines
Obviously people can say that they dislike A New Frontier but calling the staff "stupid" isn't the way to go about it.
I was talking about Season 3 there man. Way to miss the point.
Don't see a problem.
Happens in S3.
There's one determinant character in S3 at the moment. And so far he's still alive in the playthroughs that chose him to.
There's two episodes of S3 out! They haven't even gotten to episode 3 yet! Also the starting point was the same for everyone in S1 EP5. The people that came with you were determinant. But same choices, same outcomes.
So far they do. We'd have to play the rest of the season to see if it isn't so.
And you must've not played it at all. When the whole season is out, then you can apply these faults. So far, you're spewing gibberish.
The forum users' of course!
It is valid to be angry, worried and scared for the future of this beloved game series, but insulting Telltale is not the way to use that.
I know that branching has become a tradition of Telltale's, but at the end of the day they can only do so much programming.
You're wrong. I've played TWD season 3. I've played them all. I know what I'm talking about.
You're hardly going to provide a neutral view though are you.
It's not just the programming it's the writing. If they wanted our season 2 choices to matter they would've put more effort into making them matter.
If they wanted characters opinions to change regarding our actions they would've put effort into doing so.
I agree with you.
I have also a thread about this and other problems in ANF:
Funny fact:
Source: Telltale FAQ
Yeah, I want them to stop saying the same shit over and over and over again. I'd prefer Until Dawn over them.
If the staff won't come to they're own hosted forum then fire them!
I don't know how many people remember Choose your own adventure books. telltale games are just about the same thing. you read a little and then its like go to page forty for this or page eigthy-four for this. The problem is that telltale never gave you enough save slots to explore all the endings, which isn't an accident because there are really fewer endings then we are led to believe as proven by the beginning of season three. And I was never able to bring my saves over for some reason so it made up its own history for me.
I'm just imagining Telltale like this really screwed up tree with two or three branches on it that at the top morphed into one branch, and has a lil' leaf that you barely see.
I... didn't know that... and I've been with TWD since the beginning.
This has got to be the worst gaming petition i have ever seen in my entire life of game petitions that has been produced on the internet.
Maybe, but I don't really want to think about this......