Okay, homie your theory is like firger licking good, but it's probably not going to be true. Sorry homie. Kenny and Jane are dead 5ever because those gangstas over at Telltale were completely fucked up when they wrote and approved their deaths. But did you really expect anything more from the people who made Minecraft Story Mode? .. Like really? ..Minecraft?... Ok, that's fine, just don't bring that shit into my house.
Okay, homie your theory is like firger licking good, but it's probably not going to be true. Sorry homie. Kenny and Jane are dead 5ever beca… moreuse those gangstas over at Telltale were completely fucked up when they wrote and approved their deaths. But did you really expect anything more from the people who made Minecraft Story Mode? .. Like really? ..Minecraft?... Ok, that's fine, just don't bring that shit into my house.
You know the real victims in all of this are Tallltale's QA testers (aka slaves). They're kept in cages in the HQ's basement 24/7 for every day of the year, only being fed a slice of bread and 1/10 of a can of coke. I was shocked when I found out Kevin Bruner brutally beat a QA tester called Barbara to death with a flashlight, over on wikileaks.
Now that is the face of a homie that's not okay.
You know the real victims in all of this are Tallltale's QA testers (aka slaves). They'r… moree kept in cages in the HQ's basement 24/7 for every day of the year, only being fed a slice of bread and 1/10 of a can of coke. I was shocked when I found out Kevin Bruner brutally beat a QA tester called Barbara to death with a flashlight, over on wikileaks.
I don't care how stupid it would be if they came back, I miss our bearded hero. The game just isn't the same without Kenny constantly giving me shit for every decision I make.
I don't care how stupid it would be if they came back, I miss our bearded hero. The game just isn't the same without Kenny constantly giving me shit for every decision I make.
clearly use all don't realize Jane or kenny don't have to die if you love Jane just abandon her and leave her unknown she's still technically alive will with Kenny u can just abandon him at the rest stop or stay in wellington I'm not saying they will return if you choose this which they likely wont but at least with these options Kenny or Jane can technically still be alive just off-screen.
Jane: hanged he… morerself, became a Chomper, and then Clementine shot her in the head. Nobody survives that.
Kenneth: paralyzed and devoured by Chompers. He'll be coming back as either a Chomper or not at all. (I'd be all for seeing him as one, though!)
But if she was left hanging, she ain't got nowhere to go. And if she rotted to the point that her skin could be torn through by the rope, her head is completely dismembered from her body and her body is of no use.
But if she was left hanging, she ain't got nowhere to go.
And if she rotted to the point that her skin could be torn through by the rope, her head is completely dismembered from her body and her body is of no use.
But if she was left hanging, she ain't got nowhere to go. And if she rotted to the point that her skin could be torn through by the rope, her head is completely dismembered from her body and her body is of no use.
But if she was left hanging, she ain't got nowhere to go.
And if she rotted to the point that her skin could be torn … morethrough by the rope, her head is completely dismembered from her body and her body is of no use.
Gee, thanks for that.
There are surely people who genuinely like this game, but I don't believe that "most" people that are outside of TT forums do. Mainly because there are many people who are just as big as fans of the game as people here that aren't apart of this forum. Although I can say that many Youtubers enjoy it..... eh that kinda makes me sad that they just take certain aspects of the season, new and old and lost, and either don't realize them or don't care.
Maybe Clem lost Jane/Kenny and those dreams/flashbacks were scenarios that she believes could've happened if she was with them. Which doesn't make a lot of sense but, hey y not?
Which is why I said what happens still happens, there's still a car crash, there's still a tattoo from Jane. I made a more serious thread about this that explained everything better and how all endings even ones like alone and Wellington would work while bring Kenny and Jane back.
You fool!
You just exposed the plot too early! This little exposure of yours is going to catch fire and explode!
Now they're going to … morerewrite the entire season again and we're going to get a plot in it's hollow self!
No Kenny! No Jane! All because of YOU.
Theory: Clem takes Arvo's meds and hallucinates Jane/Luke's sex and the campfire conversation. And afterwards when Arvo shoots Clem, she actually dreams everything from when she wakes up in the car to S3E2 which explains the weird character models for Jane and Kenny.
In reality Episode 3 will begin Clem waking up in the car with AJ, Jane and Kenny driving peacefully in the car and they live peacefully together in Wellington or Howe's or something.
Calling it now, YOU WILL ALL SEE WHEN I'M RIGHT !!
Theory: Clem takes Arvo's meds and hallucinates Jane/Luke's sex and the campfire conversation. And afterwards when Arvo shoots Clem, she act… moreually dreams everything from when she wakes up in the car to S3E2 which explains the weird character models for Jane and Kenny.
In reality Episode 3 will begin Clem waking up in the car with AJ, Jane and Kenny driving peacefully in the car and they live peacefully together in Wellington or Howe's or something.
Calling it now, YOU WILL ALL SEE WHEN I'M RIGHT !!
Okay, homie your theory is like firger licking good, but it's probably not going to be true. Sorry homie. Kenny and Jane are dead 5ever because those gangstas over at Telltale were completely fucked up when they wrote and approved their deaths. But did you really expect anything more from the people who made Minecraft Story Mode? .. Like really? ..Minecraft?... Ok, that's fine, just don't bring that shit into my house.
Now that is the face of a homie that's not okay.
You know the real victims in all of this are Tallltale's QA testers (aka slaves). They're kept in cages in the HQ's basement 24/7 for every day of the year, only being fed a slice of bread and 1/10 of a can of coke. I was shocked when I found out Kevin Bruner brutally beat a QA tester called Barbara to death with a flashlight, over on wikileaks.
Bruh wtf homie, you stealing my video ideas!
Damn, homie. I hope you get better soon, homie.
Bruh, homie it was your video that inspired me in the first place. Or maybe our minds are linked.
Inner wave length homie, I was thinking about doing it homie, but now I gotta!
Thanks homie.
Bruh, this is blowing my mind homie. Good, good, homie more people need to know the hashtag:truth about what really goes on at Tatletale
I don't care how stupid it would be if they came back, I miss our bearded hero. The game just isn't the same without Kenny constantly giving me shit for every decision I make.
Bring back the Boat God!
Telltale killed Kenny, Jane and the Golden Goose aka Playable Clem. Javier is more important to them than money. Go Figure.
I WOULD LOVE IT if Kenny returned, i really want to.
But the question is, how would all of this fit with the alone flashback??
Clearly alone flashback Kenny and Jane wont return, same with Wellington.
inb4 Kenny/Jane stops David. If you with Kenny, Kenny attacks him with a crowbar, if Jane, she Knee tricks that bitch!
This better not be giving my hopes up. I just want this so bad to be true (Jane fan).
And if the factoids given are anything but, I will be VERY upset.
Then again, I should just cast it aside since the one particular ending has caused me much grief.
Not me considering I'm not disappointed
and neither is most people outside of TT forums.
clearly use all don't realize Jane or kenny don't have to die if you love Jane just abandon her and leave her unknown she's still technically alive will with Kenny u can just abandon him at the rest stop or stay in wellington I'm not saying they will return if you choose this which they likely wont but at least with these options Kenny or Jane can technically still be alive just off-screen.
Jane: hanged herself, became a Chomper, and then Clementine shot her in the head. Nobody survives that.
Kenneth: paralyzed and devoured by Chompers. He'll be coming back as either a Chomper or not at all. (I'd be all for seeing him as one, though!)
Its also possible to leave her hangin.
or it could just be a reference to Jesus y'know, from the bible
How do you mean? Just leave her body and shoot her or leave her body and not shoot her?
Leave her body and not shoot her.
It's the most climatic ending of those flashbacks. For some reason.
But if she was left hanging, she ain't got nowhere to go. And if she rotted to the point that her skin could be torn through by the rope, her head is completely dismembered from her body and her body is of no use.
Gee, thanks for that.
I don't know why it came out blank
There are surely people who genuinely like this game, but I don't believe that "most" people that are outside of TT forums do. Mainly because there are many people who are just as big as fans of the game as people here that aren't apart of this forum. Although I can say that many Youtubers enjoy it..... eh that kinda makes me sad that they just take certain aspects of the season, new and old and lost, and either don't realize them or don't care.
Try reposting it as an edit.
Maybe Clem lost Jane/Kenny and those dreams/flashbacks were scenarios that she believes could've happened if she was with them. Which doesn't make a lot of sense but, hey y not?
Your theory falls flat once you realize that her flashbacks determine if she has all her fingers, a tattoo, or a scar. Your theory cancels itself out.
Which is why I said what happens still happens, there's still a car crash, there's still a tattoo from Jane. I made a more serious thread about this that explained everything better and how all endings even ones like alone and Wellington would work while bring Kenny and Jane back.
Umm.. Telltale never Reads Cummunity forums -_-
Best post.
Theory: Clem takes Arvo's meds and hallucinates Jane/Luke's sex and the campfire conversation. And afterwards when Arvo shoots Clem, she actually dreams everything from when she wakes up in the car to S3E2 which explains the weird character models for Jane and Kenny.
In reality Episode 3 will begin Clem waking up in the car with AJ, Jane and Kenny driving peacefully in the car and they live peacefully together in Wellington or Howe's or something.
Calling it now, YOU WILL ALL SEE WHEN I'M RIGHT !!
Is it bad that my first question was "Why the heck is she seeing them doing it?"?