The Vent/Help Thread



  • First of all RELAX

    ok tests are very stressful but lets get real here its too late to study you wont magically get better at maths over night the only thing you can do is get a good nights sleep and do you best tomorrow.

    Staying up all night will make you tired and tired people make silly mistakes you might get more questions wrong. get a good nights sleep so you can get up refreshed have a good breakfast and walk into that room with a positive attitude :) there is nothing else to do at this point. Dont worry

    I can't sleep because tomorrow in my state our school has this thing called an SOL (standards of learning) here it's this long test for the

  • Okay, thank you

    First of all RELAX ok tests are very stressful but lets get real here its too late to study you wont magically get better at maths over n

  • Good luck

    Okay, thank you

  • Fix your damned cloud saves and stop locking threads that bring it up

  • Um... What? That's totally out of the question.

    Why would you want to be popular? Do you know you have to... talk to real people... and be with them...? shivers Ugh, so uncomfortable. You

  • ...

    shit I should sleep more

    Um... What? That's totally out of the question.

  • Plan_RPlan_R Banned
    edited January 2017

    These friggin pain pills suck! Been taking them for over two weeks now, and when I went to the doctor to get them refilled, I could just tell everyone just thought I was some junkie looking for fix. I don't even like the buzz they give me, and I wake up every day still in pain and hung over. And god help me when its time for a BM.

  • You helped. Thanks

    Introverts don't just become extroverts since this is something wired into our brains very early on, but they can however practice and becom

  • If your having toilet troubles the pills might be opiates. I know there isn't much you can do but you need to be very careful ive heard that in america loads of junkies are made by doctors, it breaks my heart to think of good smart people that did the intelligent thing by going to the doctors ending up on heroin because its easier than getting refill. If you dont like the feeling maybe you can get a prescription for something else

    Plan_R posted: »

    These friggin pain pills suck! Been taking them for over two weeks now, and when I went to the doctor to get them refilled, I could just tel

  • Oh well I need to get this off my chest...for a while at least

    I hate my teeth and I hate that my family doesn't have enough money for it. My mom told me our insurance doesn't cover for braces either. I think about the mean comments that were said in the past about my teeth by my so call friend. Every time I talk I try to cover my mouth. If I could, I would not talk till I get braces. Planing to find a job soon.

  • I don't usually notice teeth unless the teeth owner points them out and demonstrates. Have some confidence, and others won't notice. If they do, just say, "Yeah, my teeth are screwed up," and act like it's no big deal. Forget the so-called friend, who I'm sure also has some physical imperfections. If you're old enough, hopefully the job you find will have dental benefits.

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    Oh well I need to get this off my chest...for a while at least I hate my teeth and I hate that my family doesn't have enough money for it

  • Don't let what other people say affect your thoughts about your smile or self confidence! Just relax, nobody is perfect. Most people won't make fun of your teeth, some might think it is cute and most people would like to focus on personality first anyways. Your so called friend most definitely is working through her own doubts as well. Just take a deep breath and be you.

    But if it motivated you to get a job, there's no harm in that. Just try to let go off the toxic and negative thoughts.

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    Oh well I need to get this off my chest...for a while at least I hate my teeth and I hate that my family doesn't have enough money for it

  • What pisses me off more than anything are people who lie. I absolutely hate and dispise liars.

    And one of the biggest reasons I hate and dispise liars is because you never know where you stand with them.

    The way I see it if someone can't be honest with me, if they cannot respect me enough to tell me the truth, then I don't want anything to do with them.

  • When every written fan fiction you made with your 100% was always mostly overlooked, so you gave up but see people seemingly interested in that stuff recently so you decide to share one yourself but get hardly any response as usual... Top to the fact it took you 3 months to make long ago.

    enter image description here

    Kinda getting the urges to start cutting myself... or letting my hands dry to the point of mass bleeding.

    For those who do read them though, thank you.

  • I know how you feel. When you don't get any attention for the long hours you put into something it feels like it's pointless.

    Just hang in there and just do it because you want to do it. Make yourself happy by doing the things you love! Eventually more people will come if you stick to it and love it! (That sounds really cliche but yeah haha) Good luck!

    When every written fan fiction you made with your 100% was always mostly overlooked, so you gave up but see people seemingly interested in t

  • I know how you feel. When you don't get any attention for the long hours you put into something it feels like it's pointless.

    Thanks. I just end up feeling this way pretty easily because I always shared my stuff since I was little, and seeing people enjoy them makes me happy. I guess it's linked to my nature of wanting to give something to others. I know it can be dangerously unhealthy -- it's really hard not to feel that way.

    I just... sometimes I just get my hopes up too much. This feeling has been building up in me for the longest time too.

    Just hang in there and just do it because you want to do it. Make yourself happy by doing the things you love! Eventually more people will come if you stick to it and love it! (That sounds really cliche but yeah haha) Good luck!

    A while back, someone told me the same thing you did actually, heh.. I really do want to do this thing, but if I only do it for myself I won't be giving it my all. I would like to see a lot of people reading them but... Forcing people into reading them wouldn't be true enjoyment, so no grudges on anyone who doesn't read them. Just disappointing.

    I dunno, I'll probably just ask people if they're interested in reading my revision of TWD game. If I feel like there's a good number interested then I'll give it my all and continue forward with it as it was.

    Maybe more will come, we'll see. Thank you though. c:

    Marsh16194 posted: »

    I know how you feel. When you don't get any attention for the long hours you put into something it feels like it's pointless. Just hang i

  • edited January 2017

    My sister seems to be under the delusion that my parents like me better just because my life turned out somewhat differently than her’s. Every time we talk, it’s always about how I’m the overprivileged asshole brother who doesn’t have a shred of humility in his soul and was handed everything in life (which is bullshit) and how she’s the under appreciated older sister who has had such a hard life and never got any breaks (which is also bullshit.) Each of her points can be refuted easily. There’s too many to list, but I’ll list the two most common ones she uses:

    1: “Mom and dad made me get a job in high school, but they never made you get a job in high school.”

    Probably because my grades were shit. Adding another burden on top of that would only make things worse. I also rarely left the house and mom and dad only gave me money on occasion. Now that I have a job, they expect me to pay for my own shit just like they do her. Her grades were perfectly fine and she was always going out constantly asking mom and dad for money. I think under those circumstances, it’s totally reasonable why they made her get a job. That isn’t a result of me being the favorite child. That’s a result of her abusing mom and dad’s income on a whim.

    2: “You have everything handed to you.”

    Not really. Most of my accomplishments I had to work for. The only thing that was really handed to me was my first cell phone, but that’s about it. And even then, that was handed to her on a silver platter too. So what is she complaining about? I had to work in order to get a job, I had to work in order to try and get an at least passable grade in school, and I had to work in order to buy my laptop and each of my consoles. I work in order to get what I want just like her. Now if my parents paid for all of that, she would have a leg to stand on, but they didn’t. So her point is shit. (On a side note, I seem to remember my parents paying for about a fourth of the price for her laptop. I paid for the entirety of mine. So she can cry me a river.)

    God forbid, I actually inform her of any of this or else she continues to play the victim and try to make me out to be the biggest tool in the world. Because God forbid she ever be wrong about something. Seriously, I wish she would stop acting like she’s being treated unfairly when she’s really not. But no, clearly mom and dad just like me better. That’s obviously the case. (Seriously, if we were little kids it would be one thing. But we’re both adults. So making that argument is really childish. That shit is supposed to stop when you’re like nine.)

  • I'm so sick of fucking politics. I'm a rather conservative person, but I am just sick of hearing about politics and people fucking arguing about it.

    It's just bunch of dumb trivial shit that I don't care about anymore. Things that for the most part that I am not even remotely interested in any longer.

    I don't want to hear any longer about it! It's why I don't hardly even turn on the news any longer, and I hate going on Facebook anymore.

  • Yeah I used to post political stuff on Facebook, but I've stopped because nobody actually wants to discuss politics and it just causes arguments.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'm so sick of fucking politics. I'm a rather conservative person, but I am just sick of hearing about politics and people fucking arguing a

  • Fucking preach. I swear to god I'm terrified to go on Twitter with it being Black History Month because it's gonna be nothing but people whining about Trump (gotta love the dead horse to beat), people of color being assaulted and annoying white assholes who think just because they support people of color means they ARE people of color and are offended by the same things. God fucking dammit I hate politics so much.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'm so sick of fucking politics. I'm a rather conservative person, but I am just sick of hearing about politics and people fucking arguing a

  • Hey man, self harm isn't okay. Your fan fictions are great, it's just that sometimes people struggle getting off the ground with internet creativity. Happens to everyone. If you ever need someone to talk to about this stuff, my DMs are always open. I'd be happy to let you rant or to discuss how fuckin' badly the internet treats us writers and artists, lol. Just don't hurt yourself man, you're worth more than that.

    When every written fan fiction you made with your 100% was always mostly overlooked, so you gave up but see people seemingly interested in t

  • Couldn't agree more.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'm so sick of fucking politics. I'm a rather conservative person, but I am just sick of hearing about politics and people fucking arguing a

  • Don't cut your hands up bro.

    You need those to draw.

    When every written fan fiction you made with your 100% was always mostly overlooked, so you gave up but see people seemingly interested in t

  • @ClemyClooAndBabyboo and @Ohyoupokedme

    Thanks guys, but I've been doing better for a while now after that moment. I talked about it the WOYM Megathread like last week or so. This is what I wrote there.

    Now, there's something else I've been wanting to talk about. I think it was last week I moaned about how my 3 month long written rewrite of TWD All That Remains didn't really get much reception and I was being very hard on myself and did some thinking. Looking back I still had some success in the stuff I wrote most especially with that comic thing I did, technically it was a fanfic and people digged that story I never finished that served as a prequel to TWD Season 2. And even now, there's at least 3-4 people who were interested in this one I posted recently.

    So what I'm trying to say is, I've been going about things a bit wrong, and last night I just resumed my rewrite of A House Divided because I wanted to do it. And it was fun, and I'm giving it 100% this time because I wanted to type it up. So I'm gonna finish it up whenever I feel like I want to just relax. I will let people who I know are interested when it's done but I'm also curious if anyone else in reading my revision of Season 2 themselves.

    I'm doing better now, I just had a mindset that was hurting me more than anything back then. Don't worry I didn't end up self-harming myself! I'm good! : 3


    I'll keep that DM in mind. Thanks. (Discord, right? I dunno that many internet terms @_@)

    Also.... @Ohyoupokedme

    enter image description here

    Nice to see ya, old buddy.

    When every written fan fiction you made with your 100% was always mostly overlooked, so you gave up but see people seemingly interested in t

  • XD Call me Res if you want.

    Idc which. Good to see ya too.

    @ClemyClooAndBabyboo and @Ohyoupokedme Thanks guys, but I've been doing better for a while now after that moment. I talked about it the W

  • Glad to see you're doing better! And DM means direct message, but i do have a discord server if you'd like to join that. Be warned if you join though, we're pretty memey and kind of offensive on there sometimes. But we have a separate meme free chat for emotional support so there's that. But either way, glad to see you're alright.

    @ClemyClooAndBabyboo and @Ohyoupokedme Thanks guys, but I've been doing better for a while now after that moment. I talked about it the W

  • Not that big of a deal, but...

    I just finished finals....but anyway, this year, I was soooo stupid. I thought it was a good idea to take AP World History. So, it's not that I'm suffering with this grade wise, my grade hovers between a B and an A in this class, but it's so much work. Sometimes, I feel like crying because it's 2:00 AM and I'm a quarter way through my homework. I know this'll (sort of) help me in the long run, but goodness, I hate World History. It's soooo extremely boring. I'll never hate anything more than APUSH, though. The thought of taking that class again gives me shivers.

    Why is high school so stressful? (I probably sound like a wimp to the adults on here, whoops)

  • I'm pretty stressed lately. Ever since my project was deleted I'm completely empty creatively. I can't draw right, I can't write, I can't edit and I can't even record my lines. It's really pissing me off. I used to draw to get my mind off of how meaningless my life can be.

  • I thought history was boring and worthless in high school, too, and my memorization skills aren't as good as my analytical skills, so I never did very well in it, either.

    There is a way to make history more meaningful, though. Imagine the scenes you are studying. Is it freezing cold? Is it blistering hot? It's not like they can turn on the air conditioning. What's that like? Are they scared by something they're not sure is about to happen, or by someone more powerful than they are? If it were a Telltale game, what choices would they be making? If you can relate to the people beyond "Sir George Mixalot signed the Proclamation of Enormousness on December 17, 1311," it will at least make it less boring.

    fancies posted: »

    Not that big of a deal, but... I just finished finals....but anyway, this year, I was soooo stupid. I thought it was a good idea to take

  • Find a book or magazine with lots of photos in it. Flip to one at random, and use it as inspiration to write a story or draw a scene. This is a useful technique when you need an idea and can't think of any on your own.

    I'm pretty stressed lately. Ever since my project was deleted I'm completely empty creatively. I can't draw right, I can't write, I can't ed

  • I'm a passionate person and I'll share my opinion.

    And I hate that part of me.

    I get so emotionally wrapped up over certain topics. Some I can handle, but things like drugs? Well, just look at the LSD thread.

    autistic screeching

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'm so sick of fucking politics. I'm a rather conservative person, but I am just sick of hearing about politics and people fucking arguing a

  • Hey.

    If you wanna PM I'm here. We can chat.

    I'm pretty stressed lately. Ever since my project was deleted I'm completely empty creatively. I can't draw right, I can't write, I can't ed

  • I'm sick if being such an angry person.

  • Damn, that's good advice! I'll have to try that sometime, been meaning to get back into writing.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Find a book or magazine with lots of photos in it. Flip to one at random, and use it as inspiration to write a story or draw a scene. This is a useful technique when you need an idea and can't think of any on your own.

  • I'd rather not burden you further considering I've clearly pissed you off pretty bad in the LSD thread.

    Hey. If you wanna PM I'm here. We can chat.

  • It's no problem really.

    The only burden in that situation is myself. I'll be okay :)

    I just have a strong opinion. I'm not angry at you, and I'm willing to help you out. It's hardly a burden.

    I'd rather not burden you further considering I've clearly pissed you off pretty bad in the LSD thread.

  • Hmm, think I'll stick to 'Pokedme.' A lot of history with that name for me. haha

    XD Call me Res if you want. Idc which. Good to see ya too.

  • Mmm, spicy memes. I got a lot things going on these days but like I said, I'll think it over....

    enter image description here

    Glad to see you're doing better! And DM means direct message, but i do have a discord server if you'd like to join that. Be warned if you jo

  • Politics is just one big headache for me. So I stay away from it these days mostly unless it's absolutely important to know.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'm so sick of fucking politics. I'm a rather conservative person, but I am just sick of hearing about politics and people fucking arguing a

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