Clem deciding herself what to do with you (Lee)
I read that when faced with the decision to tell Clem to shoot you or leave you, if you let the timer run down she will make her own decision based on how you've raised her
I tried this and the little creep left me. Thing is, I don't know why. I shot Duck to stop him turning, shot the stranger before he could turn, told her in the abandoned train station thing that she should "just shoot and deal with it after"
Anybody else tried this and maybe able to offer an explanation as to why she cleared off and left me to turn?
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Did you try to save Larry or not let Irene have the gun? Or maybe leave the girl in episode 3 rather than shooting her? I think they may be factors.
Yeah I posted the same discussion last week, was curious myself but nobody seems to know exactly what triggers her decision.
Pulled back Lilly so Ken could kill Larry. And I let Irene have the gun to shoot herself too.
Apologies, didn't see that one
I think its random, I played Lee as scumbag and she didnt kill him.
The trigger is what you say to Clementine in the barn in Episode 1. If you say "shit" then she will remember that and she will shoot you in Episode 5.