Clementine - Best Character Ever?

I, personally, have seen my fair share of TV shows and movies (The Walking Dead up to season 5, Breaking Bad, One Punch Man, Halt and Catch Fire) but after I played Seasons 1, 2 and 3 of the Walking Dead (I haven't played the Last of Us), none of them even came close to something as powerful as watching Luke drowning in that frozen lake or the entire section on the train in Season 1(specifically, with the OST of "Alive Inside" playing in the background).
Anyways, it might be the fact that the only one still alive is Clementine, and the stories and people only she will ever know... Maybe its the fact that she acts nothing like anyone else I have ever met(certainly not like any 13 year old), the fact that she has priorities high enough that she throws away all the petty nitpicks that destroy potential relationships... Honestly, I consider most of these Telltale characters to be idols that help me make decisions.
I don't want to keep this going forever, but I could talk about this all day. I may sound like an obsessed, psychotic fanboy or whatever but I've only played through the games once.
So, I was wondering: Does anyone else feel similarly?
Has this already been done?
Idk lol
But Clementine is definitely one of the best video game characters ever, protecting her and playing as her has been one of the most interesting emotional dynamics I've ever experienced from a video game honestly
Honestly I like her and all but no she really isnt. Seriously in season 1 shes a decent kid however thats it, shes not got much complexity at all
Its just using kids that cant fend for themselves as bait. You feel like you are forced to defend them.
Same is seen with Ellie in The Last of Us, but she is a bit older, so it works less.
I don't know about best ever, but she's in my tops. She worked well in S1, they did a good job of not relying on me saying "Damnit Ashley, AGAIN?" while actually making her a character. There was definitely a notable difference between how she had to handle walkers in S2 compared to how Lee was able to handle them, and the overall feel of not being comfortable without having someone like Lee handling things for her. She's had quite the journey over the first two seasons, definitely one of my favorite characters from a game.
Whoever that girl is in S3, that's not Clementine.
fuckin' edgelord.
There's nothing like a best character ever. And if there was it wouldn't be Clementine.
Why? Just because shes tougher and she flips off ONE guy that makes her edgy? That word is thrown around way to easly and it's not like we haven't seen "edgy" clem before
She's a solid child character but best character? In all media? Ya I wouldn't go that far.
Nope. Everyone knows it's Lee Everett.
Telltale will never be able to craft a POWERFULL charecter like ma boi Lee he's the shit
Sorry to disappoint, but that's a double negative.
She's a character that had much more interesting potential to develop over the series.
Yeah, Clementine can not be the same hopeless, little girl. She needs to stand on her feet and keep moving by her own.
Well, considering Clementine fails at the best of times of even being remotely interesting as a character, in part because of her age, along with some drivel writing attempts from Telltale, and can be categorised in few words, none of which give much depth or complexity to her, I'd have to say, quite simply, no...
Telltale has done a great job of creating very unique characters from Lee to Kenny to Clementine. I would definitely say that Clem is awesome and definitely one of the best characters in the game currently. The way that you go from seeing her grow up from Lee's perspective, to playing as her in S2 and seeing now how she has grown up is pretty cool.
I do say that I wish that you played as a character from a previous season like Clementine or something. But I do think that Clementine is definitely among the top video game characters. However, I will always have a soft spot for my man Kenny.
Not even close.
Clementine, best ever? Haha clementine is my top favorites in the walking dead, but no she comes no where near in other video games.
Oh, so it's a negative to have a different opinion than you? Real good argument there, kiddo.
It really isn't.
She was never more than a nice kid to me in Season 1, some weird adult-child hybrid in Season 2 and now she's an edgy teenager. So no.
There are even people who see her as their daughter for some reason (wtf?), which is an entirely new level of obsession. If you belong to this group of people, I only have this advice for you.
You know...the more I see threads like this, calling Clementine some kind of God and saying that if she dies they riot, the more I wanna see Clementine get impaled.
I respect their opinions, I really do. But this "Clementine worship" is really cringeworthy.
People get really triggered if people rank Clems characters too high lol
No one's getting triggered here. We're just saying we don't agree that Clementine is the best character ever.
Are you talking about me? All I said was she is the best character in entertainment because Telltale revolved the game around her character, and how the games were excellent.
I'm not "worshipping" anybody, I could care less if she died. So if you respect my opinion: Stop trying to get meaningless attention, or at least try to be funny about it
No, I'm not just talking about you.
I'd like you to name at least one comment on this thread where it seems obvious that I'm trying to get attention.
Doug is the best.
I don't think you understand what a double negative is
How about this one? (TROLL FACE | GET OWNED | LOL RIPPAGE)
You're not even replying to the discussion, just saying some useless unfunny shit. Do you want a reward or something?
Okay, first of all...I don't ever say that and I never will.
...yet you can't even tell me what "useless, unfunny shit" I'm posting.
Ya see? This is exactly what I meant before in my original post.
No, seriously, this is exactly what I mean.
I try to express my opinion on these forums, and I even tell people I respect theirs, and when I express mine, everyone tries to unleash World War 3 on me.
It's exactly what I meant.
You're not expressing anything, just making up shit about people "worshiping" Clementine and complaining about it. When did I ever say that?Honestly, just fuck off.
PS, you want a bandaid or something? You're an unfunny troll and I'm trying to give you a not-so-subtle hint: Be funny.
I said it once and I'll say it again: I'm not just talking about you.
Wow, I'm soooo triggered right now. I can't believe someone told me to fuck off. I so haven't heard that before.
Seems you don't know the meaning of the word "troll".
So you are talking about me?
If not, then why aren't you posting on their thread? Just... Fuck off?
[The Cow Goes... CackleDaddleDoo!!!! ]