When you're about to drop the biggest disappointment of 2016
(mods dont ban pls, its a public pic. If it is not allowed feel free to edit this. I'll put a different meme instead.)
When Walking Dead gets another season and its not turning out so hot, so you just watch from the sides and pretend like you arnt hurt that you dont have a season 2
When Walking Dead gets another season and its not turning out so hot, so you just watch from the sides and pretend like you arnt hurt that you dont have a season 2
I'm so glad somebody posted this, I literally just watched it from my sub-box.
When you're about to drop the biggest disappointment of 2016
(mods dont ban pls, its a public pic. If it is not allowed feel free to edit this. I'll put a different meme instead.)
When DLB steals your fucking joke again
Is Job doing a happy dance on stage?
you ok homie?
I love how this doesn't take into context when he did it, just the fact that he did it at all.
An other nightmare lucky
Why am I watching this
When Walking Dead gets another season and its not turning out so hot, so you just watch from the sides and pretend like you arnt hurt that you dont have a season 2
he looks like a horse kicked him in the face
after seeing kenny and jane's models i wouldn't be surprised if that was actually a preview of bigby's season 2 model
Bigby Wolf - The Wolf Among Us: Season Two
Roses are read, I don't think they'll make a season 4, 'cause with the shitty flashbacks
Clementine reuses the rope to save herself from S3.
Then she uses the stool to step out of all the plotholes
You know what, that's actually a pretty decent argument. Too bad we're talking about suicide.
Favourite Kenny quote
What a beautiful face.
Poogs has a good ideas monopoly.
After seeing that....

I still like Kenny more than Luke.
"Plotva/Roach" ( Witcher 3 ) and Clem drinking beer. Everything is normal. Keep moving.
That poor thing dislocated its back something fierce.
Kill it...kill it with fire.
Well, Roach is a special kind of horse.
Roach looks so nervous there.
"Just act natural Roach, he won't even notice you took them ballet class."
Hope them was a lot of ballet class because otherwise, that guy's feet is gonna be the only thing visible.
tfw Bloop post ya own video before you do
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