Unbelievable! How could Telltale not have done this... ?

I have figured out the underlying problem of this series:
Weres the boss zombie fights? Maybe zoms with enhanced hearing, speed, strength, regenerative capability, etc. the farther you make it into the game the harder the boss gets!!
Your welcome. I should be getting paid for this shit.
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This is based on the comic book The Walking Dead. Not Left4Dead.
That doesn't really fit the franchise or the type of game it is. There have never been any "special" types of zombies in any forms of the franchise and boss fights don't really make that much sense in a game that's basically just a visual novel at this point.
That and it's a little too reminiscent of the Left 4 Dead series. (or any other zombie game for that matter.)
He's right you know. We need more of this. People don't seem to understand how games are supposed to work these days... but this guy... hes alright...
This isn't Resident Evil or Left 4 Dead. Although your idea is cool I don't want to see a Tank or fucking Nemesis with a rocket launcher in these games. I think an oversized 6 foot 5 300 pound zombie with an advantage (perhaps barbed wire on it's hands and a metal helmet) that we'd have to fight in melee combat.
The Walking Dead only has the regular slow walking zombies. Sorry to burst your bubble, but this game is about the characters you meet. If you want zombie boss fights, go play Left 4 Dead or Resident Evil.
Where are the boss fights in general?
Ugh... fights are so boring. I'd rathed have an inspirational talk with someone and cry for the next seven hours.
It's funny cause you're banned.
I think he was joking guys...
I think he was joking guys...
"I have figured out the underlying problem of this series."
Sure pal.
Its a bit more then The Comic BOOk
Only season 1 had "boss fights:" Sandra, Andy St John, Kenny, Molly, The Stranger
Season 2 would've been silly with Clementine although there was that winston guy
True. I was mostly referring to Season 2.
Bosses tend to be bigger than the player character anyway, so it's not that much of a problem. I would've silly, but it's not that much of a problem.
Aside from Winston, I think people expected a boss fight against Carver, Troy, and Sarah at some point, but they never happened.
What, you never got that general vibe?
No, not at all. Sarah couldn't fight Clementine without having some sort of anxiety episode two seconds in.
No, not even remotely. "snatch gun out of someone's hand" is hardly a red flag for a boss fight
As for Carver, Clem wouldn't last ten seconds without running and hiding, and we saw Troy slap the fuck outta her.
During the first two episodes, it was implied that Clementine and Sarah would have some sort of falling out and some theorized that Sarah herself might turn into some sociopath after certain plot points happened. The boss fight angle is more of a extension of those general ideas.
Not quite sure when that was, but I was referring more to the implications that Clementine might end up having to go up against Sarah at some point.
True, though I think that'd be a neat sequence if pulled off. The early hints that Carver was originally supposed to get pretty close to her would've gave it some extra tension.
All the more reason why I listed him. He spent a majority of the episode antagonizing the group in general but to Clementine especially. I think it would've been neat if that actually lead to her personally defeating him when they were leaving, since she had barely any initiative in that episode as is.
Yet Troy saved her life.
That's a funny thing to remember.
Yeah, that's a thing too; him potentially having a "redemption" arc, I mean. Troy, like many other characters, went through a number of changes due to rewrites, as he was originally intended to be a much more threatening villain, even being an early version for Carver himself, but his character was more or less softened during the writing of In Harm's Way. His voice actor, Owen Thomas(who previously played Omid), confirmed that he recorded quite a number of lines that were ditched during production, including scenes where he said/did some pretty racy things and was even supposed to harass (if not outright assault) Jane of all people on-screen.
Personally, I think this was primarily done to make Carver and Jane seem far more dangerous in comparison, as Troy was left as a dhick in general with very minute hints at hidden depths, was base to the point that even Sarah and Sarita roll their eyes at him, and spent most of his screentime lazing about when he wasn't pestering an eleven year old girl: in other words, a joke.
Yeah, Troy as a character always felt odd to me. Like something was missing.
I think having him actually tag along during the escape would've been neat for exactly that reason. He'd be another defector for Carver's Darwinist settlement alongside Jane, Mike, and especially Bonnie, but unlike them, he'd have to earn his place in the group since he was dick to most of them and possibly having him die at the observation deck instead of Sarah would've actually meant something by default. I think having him be someone who would realistically be expected to trust and side with Jane would've given the copouts a little more leeway and backing power; plus, the fact that he was apparently willing to " throw away the life" just because she asked him to, really adds this sense of tenderness to an otherwise flat asshole.
Or throw it away just because he thinks Jane is hot and wants to keep banging her
A reasonable thing to feel. Who would be left at Howe's, Tavia? eeew. Becca? (I wouldn't put it past Troy)
I guess Shel is pretty bangable though
I suppose they wanted to give Jane an edge by causing his death like that.
True. Dat panini is a powerful thing! Also, him and Becca is so off(yet fitting) that I can't even imagine it.
Gotta make her seem hardcore(and even more suspicious) somehow.
One of the better things about season two is I felt the story worked whether you went with Jane or with Kenny. They both had pros and cons. They both had psychotic moments and sympathetic moments.
Yeah, "sympathetic" in Jane's case. I agree that the finale we got was a decent idea, it's that the setup and execution left a bit to be desired.
"The Walking Dead" isn't about the zombies, even though the name implies otherwise. The undead are only a tool to set up the post apocalyptical world.
Like Jane and Kenny barely even interacting before episode 5? Yes.
Their fight to the death didn't feel organic, it felt forced, like you could almost the script being dangled in their faces.
Fresh zombies in both the comic and TV show do seem to be a bit more aggressive in their attacks, likely as their body is still in the best condition.
So imagine how a Larry zombie would have been in that meat locker.
This was a joke btw
Lollipop Chainsaw bosses.....problem solved
The problem with Season 2 and "boss fights" is that Clementine couldn't reasonably hold her own against Carver or Troy. That's one of my biggest issues with playing as a little girl, you can't reasonably pull off a fight like at the Dairy.
Oh, fuck yeah! Bring on Michelle yelling the letter of the word "Little Fish" at me, Carver's giant head trying to bite me, and Arvo in his funky UFO with Russian hookers on board!
Lee comes back as Josey the funk zombie
You know what, that actually fits a little better. Well, either that or he turns into a giant.
That ain't how TellTale works, and there were, in a sense, boss fights. Like in S1 with Lee and the Stranger, or Clementine with Kenny and Jane. Not zombie boss fights but boss fights, regardless.