My The Walking Dead A New Frontier Fan Fiction Part 3 (Finale part 1)

Well this is it. The whole story ends here. I just want to personally thank everyone who read, liked, or commented on the previous two parts, you guys are awesome! Making this whole fan fiction made me realize that making stories is harder than I thought. Some ideas I thought were good didn't turn out good and had to be taken out, new ideas came up and were put in, and endings were changed. So I want to also thank TellTale for all the tales they have created and I realize now how hard it is to make a story. Especially for three seasons. so Thank you TellTale. So I hope everyone enjoyed the whole story I created and If you did I would really like to know. Also I would like to know what your favorite parts of the fan fiction were and what choices you guys picked. And as always I really would like to hear feedback on how to make future fan fictions better and more enjoyable.

If you haven't read the other two parts of this fan fiction and want to here are the links:

Part 1:

Part 2:

And if you have anything you want me to make a fan fiction about in the future, please let me know!

Now before part 3 starts I have to tell you that I can't post all of it since it's too long. So I will post the rest and comment the link to ther rest.

Now here is part 3:

Angel, Clementine, and the rest of the group are inside the walls of a new place of civilization. There are big buildings all around them. Some people get out of a building in front of them. The building was two stories. The people have assault rifles and point them at the group. The person on the intercom goes and stands in front of Clementine and looks down at her. Clementine looks up and sees who it was.
It was Christa.
“I thought you were dead.” Clementine said in shock.
“Clementine, it’s so good to see you.” Christa replied.
Clementine gets up and hugs Christa.
“I can’t believe you’re alive.” Clementine continued.
Clementine and Christa stop hugging and Christa sees Angel.
“Well Angel, we meet again.” Christa said.
“Christa, it’s been too long.” Angel replied.
‘Wait Christa you know Angel?” Clementine asked.
“Yeah, he saved me after that guy chased you away.” Christa answered.
“Angel you didn’t tell me you knew Christa!” Clementine recalled.
“You never asked.” Angel responded.
Clementine looks at Christa.
“What happened after I ran away from that guy?” Clementine asked.
“I’ll tell you about it later, for now let’s go eat, you guys must be starving.” Christa replied.
“Oh i’m so hungry!” Angel said.
“Well come on then.” Christa replied. “And don’t forget your weapons.” She added.
Angel and everybody else grabs their weapons.
Christa walks toward the two story building and everyone follows.
“I see you're still using that thing.” Christa acknowledged.
“Yep, I’ve never stopped using it, and never will.” Angel replied.
“You know, we have a place where you can practice using that thing. We even have a person that could teach you.” Christa revealed.
Angel’s eyes widen with excitement.
“Really?” Angel asked.
“Yep. If you want I can show you the place later.” Christa replied.
“Oh yes please.” Angel responded.
Angel looks around and sees that the buildings are all the exact same. Two stories, beige on the outside, with terraces on the second floor. The only building that was different was the one they were heading to. It was white and was the size of five of the other houses combined.
They get to the building and enter it. Christa walks them through the building and towards the cafetería. Angel starts to smell something from the kitchen, like soup.
“Well here we are. Welcome to the Cafetería.” Christa opens the door and everyone is speechless.
The whole place is lit up with chandeliers overhead. The place has red carpets on the floor with tables covered with black table cloths.
“This isn’t a cafetería. This is a restaurant!” Tripp said.
“Yeah no kidding.” Javi agreed.
“Pick a table. We’ll serve you guys some food when it’s finished.” Christa said.
Javi, Tripp, and Jesus go sit at a table.
“Hey you two, follow me.” Christa leads them to a table away from everyone else in the cafetería.
Angel pulls out the chair for Clementine.
“Thank you.” She said laughing.
Angel sits down in a seat next to Clementine and Christa sits in front of them.
“So. What do you guys want to know?” Christa asked.
“When you were surrounded by all those guys, how did you survive?” Clementine asked.
Christa starts the story. “Well after you ran away from that guy chasing you, those guys started hitting me. And then I was on the floor and they were gonna put a bullet in me. But then Angel came along. He sneaked up on the guy with his staff and took him out. Then he took the rest of the guys down before they could do anything.”
Clementine looks at Angel.
“I remember meeting one of the guys that was surrounding Christa and the rest of his group, and they were all shot and left to die. Was that you?” She asked.
Clementine gives Angel a cold stare.
“No. I beat them up but I didn’t kill them. They got up and walked away. Someone else must’ve hurt them even more than I did.” Answered Angel.
Clementine stops with the cold stare and smiles.
“Thanks for saving her.” She replied.
Clementine hugs Angel.
“So you two close?” Christa asked.
“Yeah we are.” Clementine answered.
“Girlfriend and boyfriend?” Christa asked.
“Yep.” Angel looks at Clementine and smiles.
“I could tell from Angel carrying you Clem.” Christa recalled
“I was tired and Angel said he would carry me.” Clementine replied.
“And I’d do it all again.” Angel said.
Angel and Clementine looks at each other and completely forget that Christa’s even there.
“So. Any more questions?” Christa asked.
“How did you and Clementine meet?” Angel asked.
“I think Clementine can answer that one.” Christa answered.
“Well when I was little and Lee was taking care of me, we were on a train going to a city named Savannah. But we had to stop because of something in our way. That’s when I met Christa. We got through and she joined along with us to Savannah.” Clementine replied.
Angel looks at Christa.
“You knew Lee?” Angel asked.
Christa replied “Yeah I did.”
“How did he get bit?” Angel asked.
“Well he was looking for a walkie talkie outside for some reason. He went toward it and a walker jumped out and bit his arm.” Christa recalled.
“Damn.” Angel replied.
“He was the coolest guy I ever met. And I’ll never forget him.” Christa said.
They all sit in silence for a while. But then the food arrives. A man in white comes with a tray in his hand filled with three plates. He gives one to each of them.
“Bon appetit!” He said.
Everyone said thank you and the man walked away.
Angel looks at the plate and is amazed by what he sees. The bowl is filled with tomato soup. The soup is a red and orange blend with spices placed around the soup. There’s also a piece of bread on the side.
“This is amazing!” Clementine said.
“Yeah!” Angel agreed.
“Try it.” Christa suggested.
Angel takes the spoon already in the soup and takes it out. He puts it in his mouth and is absolutely stunned. It tastes so good that words couldn’t even describe it. Angel quickly takes another spoonful and another and another.
Clementine looks at Angel and he stops eating.
“Sorry.” Angel replied.
Clementine takes out a spoonful and puts it in her mouth. She has the same reaction as Angel and gets another spoonful and another and another.
Angel wipes his face with a napkin and starts laughing.
“This is amazing.” Angel said.
“Yeah Crista, this is amazing.” Clementine agreed.
“I’m glad you like it.” Christa replied.
They all finish their food and start talking again.
“So Angel. Do you protect Clementine?” Christa asked.
“Yes. Every chance I get. I would put my life on the line any day for her. If I had to fight against hundreds of walkers or humans, I would do it in a heartbeat.” Angel answered.
“Would you?” Christa stares straight into Angel’s eyes.
Clementine looks at Angel. Angel leans forward and looks deeply into her eyes. Not looking away or blinking.
“Yes. I. Would.” Angel replied.
They keep staring and then Christa blinks.
“So you really would put your life on the line for her.” Christa said.
“Yes I would.” Angel replied.
Angel turns to Clementine and looks deep into her eyes.
“I would put my life on the line for you Clem. Any day.” Angel repeated.
Angel and Clementine look at each other and don’t look away.
“So anyway. Angel you want to see the place I was talking about?” Christa asked.
“Yeah sure.” Answered Angel.
Christa, Clementine, and Angel leave the cafetería and leave the rest of the group behind.
“What about the rest of the guys?” Angel asked.
“Don’t worry. Someone will show them where they’re sleeping.” Answered Christa.
“Hey Christa are you the leader of this place?” Clementine asked.
“Yeah pretty much. Even though I don’t consider myself a leader.” Christa replied.
Christa leads them through the halls.
“Do you have a name for this place?” Angel asked.
“No not really.” Christa replied.
“Over on your right, that’s where we practice shooting.” Christa said.
Angel looks over to his right and sees it. There are wooden dummies and targets hanging from the roof. But no one seems to be practicing.
“Over to your left is the place where people go to relax and have fun It’s the game room.” Christa said.
Clementine looks to her left and sees a ping pong table as well as a pool table.
“Cool.” Clementine replied.
Christa keeps walking them down the hall and they go to a big window.
“Any of you play soccer?” Christa asked.
“Angel does.” Clementine answered.
“Well check this out.” Christa continued.
Angel goes to the window and looks out. And he is amazed at what he sees. There’s a big field filled with grass with goalposts on either side. There are teams versing each other. A guy in blue starts running with the ball. He passes six players with ease and shoots at the goalkeeper. He scores it and celebrates.
“That guy looks familiar.” Angel said.
“You know him? His name is Santiago, he’s one of the best soccer players I’ve ever seen.” Christa replied.
“Wait that’s my brother!” Angel yelled.
“Wait that’s him?” Clementine asked.
“Yeah it has to be.” Angel replied.
“Alright well let’s reunite you two.” Christa said.
Christa walks past the window and leads them to a door.
“Go after him.” Christa said.
Angel gets out of the building and goes towards the field. But then a man stops him.
“Hey no trespassing. There’s a game going on.” He said.
One of the players goes to the man and asks him what the problem is.
“This kid was trying to get on the field.” The man replied.
The soccer player looks at Angel and is shocked.
“Angel?” He asked.
“Santiago?” Angel replied.
Angel goes and hugs Santiago.
“Oh bro I missed you so much!” Angel said.
“Me too.” Santiago replied crying.
“Look how big you’ve grown!” Santiago responded with tears.
Clementine and Christa get to them.
“You didn’t tell me you had a brother.” Christa said.
“You never asked.” Answered Santiago.
Clementine looks at both of them.
“You guys look similar.” She said.
“Yeah we do don’t we.” Angel replied.
Santiago looks at Angel
“Hey you want to play with us?” Santiago asked.
“I haven’t played in a while and I don’t exactly have the right clothes.” Angel answered.
“Hey don’t worry. There’s some clothes in the locker room over there.” Santiago points to the lockers.
Angel looks at Clem.
“You okay with this?” He asked her.
“Yeah sure. I want to see how good you are.” Clementine replied.
Angel starts to get really nervous.
“Well come on.” Santiago said.
Santiago goes to the man and tells him to pause the game. Then he walks Angel to the lockers.
“Hey that girl over there, that your girlfriend?” Santiago asked.
“Yep.” Angel answered.
“Wow Angel look at you, all grown up. Never thought I’d see the day.” Santiago replied.
“How old are you now?” Angel asked.
“Twenty three or twenty four. How about you?” Santiago asked.
“I don’t know. Fourteen?” Angel replied.
“I remember when I last saw you. You were eight years old. Now you’re fourteen. Jesus.” Santiago said.
They walk all the way across the field and get to the lockers.
“Go in there and change, I’ll wait out here.” Santiago ordered.
Angel goes into the locker room and is hit with a disgusting smell.
Angel finds a clean blue shirt and pants and puts it on. The number seven was on his back. Angel looks and sees some soccer cleats on the floor. There’s a red and blue pair of cleats but Angel doesn't know which one to pick.

You get to chose which soccer cleats Angel wears:

First choice: (Red):

Angel decides to chose the red soccer cleats over the blue ones and goes outside.
“Picked the red ones I see.” Santiago said.
“Personally I would have chosen the blue ones but whatever, come on!” Santiago added.

Second choice: (Blue):

Angel decides to chose the blue soccer cleats over the red ones and goes outside.
“Picked the blue ones I see.” Santiago said.
“I would have picked those too. Come on!” Santiago added.

Continuing with both choices:

Angel runs to the center of the field with Santiago. Angel puts his foot on the ball. He looks around and sees his teammates. They are all the same size as him. And then Angel looks at Santiago and sees that he’s taller than him.
“You’re pretty tall” Angel said.
Santiago smiles.
The referee blows the whistle and Angel passes it to Santiago. Santiago runs straight past every single defender and scores.
“Jesus!” Angel thought.
Clementine and Christa are sitting on the bleachers and they are shocked.
“Jesus he’s really good.” Clementine said.
The other team takes the ball out of the goal and places it in the middle of the field and starts the game again. They don’t even get close to Angel’s goal before Santiago takes the ball away from them. Santiago then passes the ball to Angel.
“Show me what you’ve got!” Santiago yelled.
Angel starts to dribble the ball when he encounters his first opponent. Angel moves the ball to his left and quickly to his right, making the ball go through the defenders legs. The crowd cheers. Angel then does some scissors and moves quickly to the right making the defender fall down. Angel gets to the third defender and spins right past him. He’s now one on one with the goalkeeper. Angel makes the goalkeeper think he is shooting to his left but instead shoots to the goalkeeper's right. Angel shoots the ball and the goalkeeper dives completely the wrong way and the ball goes in the net. Everyone cheers.
“Dang Angel’s pretty good!” Christa said.
Clementine smiles. Angel goes to where Clementine can see him and makes a heart symbol with his hands. Clementine does the heart symbol back to him. Santiago then hugs Angel.
“Dude that was awesome!” Santiago said.
They finish the game and Angel goes back to the locker room.
“You’re pretty good.” Santiago said. “But not the best.” Santiago added.
“It feels nice to play again. I haven’t played in ages.” Angel replied.
Santiago puts his hand on Angel’s shoulder.
“I missed you, little brother.” He said.
“I missed you too.” Angel replied.
They hug each other and then go into separate rooms to change.
They get out of the locker room and meet up with Clementine and Christa. It’s night time now.
“Hey Clem.” Angel said.
“Hey Angel. You two were pretty good out there.” Clementine replied.
“Thanks.” Angel responded.
“Well Angel you want to go to the place I was talking about?” Christa asked.
“Yeah sure.” Angel answered.
Santiago asks “What place?”
“The dojo, where Angel can practise using his staff and learn some things from the master.” Christa answered.
“Wait Angel you use a staff?” Santiago asked.
Angel takes out his staff.
“That was dad’s staff. Where is he?” Santiago asked.
“He didn’t make it.” Angel answered.
“Damn.” Santiago replied.
“I buried him back at the house.” Angel revealed.
Santiago thinks about that.
“Well anyway let's go to the dojo.” Christa said.
Christa and the rest of the group head inside and head towards the dojo.
“Well here it is. Welcome to the dojo.” Christa said.
Angel looks at it and is amazed at what he sees. There are wooden dummies placed around everywhere. There’s a rack filled with wooden staffs and other melee weapons. There are statues of men around the dojo. And in the middle is a big fountain with what looks like a man that actually kind of looked like Angel.
“Well the master is sleeping right now but you can practice for now. Tomorrow he can teach you.” Christa said.
“Oh I can’t wait to see your skills little brother.” Santiago said.
Angel puts his backpack on the ground and keeps his staff. He moves throughout the place and sees a wooden dummy. Angel takes the staff and gets ready to attack.
Angel twirls the staff in his right hand and then hits the dummy's right arm and it falls to the ground. He then hits the dummy's left arm and it falls to the ground. Angel then spins. But halfway through his spin he takes the staff and hits the dummy's head, making it fly and hit the roof. The dummy's head falls and lands on the staff of the statue that looks like him.
Angel looks back at the group.
Santiago starts clapping. “That was awesome!” Santiago said.
Clementine and Christa start clapping as well. Angel bows.
“No wonder you lasted this long, you’re like the best fighter I’ve ever seen.” Santiago said.
Angel goes to Santiago and they high five each other.
“Just wait until the master sees him, he’ll be unstoppable.” Christa acknowledged.
“That’s what I want.” Angel replied.
Angel looks at Clementine and they smile at each other.
“Well let me show you to where you two’ll be sleeping.”
Christa takes them through some more hallways and shows them a room.
“This is where you two can sleep. The rest of the guys are in the room next door.” Christa said.
Christa takes a key from her pocket and opens the door. The room had a red carpet with a lamp on a table in between two beds. There was also a window that looked at the big soccer field.
Christa gives the keys to Clementine and she and Santiago leave Clementine and Angel alone.
Angel sits on one of the beds and Clementine looks at him.
“I can’t believe it.” She said.
“What?” Angel asked.
“I can’t believe that you saved Christa. I thought she died a long time ago. Do you know anybody else that I know?” Clementine asked.
“I don’t know. Tell me some names.” Angel suggested.
“No.” Angel replied.
“No.” Angel replied.
Angel laughs.
“Why are you laughing?” Clementine wondered.
“I met Kenny.” Angel revealed.
“Really?!” Clementine asked.
“Well yeah but it didn’t last very long.” Angel replied.
“What did he look like?” Clementine asked.
“He had a green jacket and a brown hat. He also had a grey beard.” Angel recalled.
“Yep, that’s him.” Clementine said. “How did you meet him?” She asked.
“Well after I saved Christa she decided to go alone so I let her. I started walking and eventually I found this big house on a hill. It looked kind of like a ski resort. And I thought that it would be a pretty good place to stay for the night. So I went toward the cabin and Kenny stopped me. He saw me and pointed a gun at me. He told me to not move any closer so I didn’t. I dropped my staff to show him that I meant no harm. Then a guy came and started asking questions. His name was Walton I think.” Angel recalled.
“Walter.” Clementine corrected.
“Yeah Walter. I told him I thought that it was empty and that I wanted to stay there for the night. Walter told me to go in but Kenny denied me. Walter went back in the house and came back out with a box of food. He told me to take it but I told him that I had no where to bring it to since I was just walking. He told me to take as much as I could carry and I took some food. He told me his and Kenny’s names and I told mine. I took my staff, thanked them, and just started walking again.” Angel said.
“Wow. If you were there later on you probably would have seen me.” Clementine replied.
“Really?” Angel asked.
“Yeah. I went there with a group. I knew Kenny and we got separated. When we got to the cabin I reunited with him.” Clementine responded.
“That must have felt just like how I reunited with my brother.” Angel said.
“Yeah it did.” Clementine replied.
They look at each other for a little bit and Clementine breaks the silence.
“I have a question.” She said.
“Ask away.” Angel replied.
Clementine goes to the bed where Angel is sitting and sits next to him.
“What was your life before I met you? How did you realize what was going on?” She asked.
Angel tells the story. “Well I was on vacation in Puerto Rico and I was staying at my house over there. One day my mom told me to wash the windows outside and I did. But then.” Angel stops.
“I saw my mom, sitting there. Not moving. I tried to wake her up but she didn’t move. I went upstairs to tell my father and he went down to see her. He tried to wake her up but she didn’t. But then she jumped on me. I tried to get her off me but I couldn’t. Then my father had to.” Angel starts crying.
“He took the staff I use and stabbed her with it.”
Clementine hugs Angel.
“I’m so sorry.” She said.
“Then my father decided that we needed to go back to Florida and we did. But when we got to the airport, they were walkers everywhere. Me and my father ran and we eventually found a pretty cool taxi driver who drove us back to my house really quick. When we got in the house we started boarding up the place. But there was a walker in one of the rooms. It grabbed my father. He told me to get the staff and I did. But when I came back.” Angel starts crying again.
“He was already killed. I took my staff and hit the thing. Over and over and over. I could’ve saved him.” Angel said.
“You couldn’t have saved him. He died before you even got back with the staff.” Clementine replied.
“But I didn’t get to the staff fast enough.” Angel continued.
“Yes you did. You’re not the reason he’s dead. The walker killed him.” Clementine responded.
“Maybe. But I’m still gonna feel responsible.” Angel replied.
“What happened after that?” Clementine asked.
“I took the staff and I started practicing with it. I got stronger, powerful, more confident. So I wouldn’t make that mistake ever again. This is why I want to protect you so much Clem. I can’t let you die because If you did I would only blame myself for not protecting you. I can’t live without you Clementine.” Angel looks at Clementine and holds her hands.
“I love you.” Angel said.
He meant it so much. He loved Clementine so much and he couldn’t live without her. He would put his life on the line any chance he could.
“I love you too.” Clementine replied.
Angel and Clementine look at each other deep in love and get closer and closer to each other. They lock their lips and kiss each other. This kiss was even greater than the one in the car before they got to Prescott. The kiss had love and passion and the kiss lasted for a long time. They eventually stop kissing and look at each other with love in both of their eyes.
“Clementine you make me feel like the most happiest and most luckiest guy in the whole world.” Angel said.
“And you make me feel like the most happiest and most luckiest girl in the whole world.” Clementine replied.
“Hey Angel, you know when I was little I found a soccer ball and I kicked it against a wall. I might be pretty good at shooting.” Clementine joked.
“If you want me and you could play some soccer.” Angel suggested.
“No i’m fine. I don’t play sports.” Clementine replied.
“Santiago could teach you how to play. He taught me.” Angel suggested.
“Maybe I don’t know.” Clementine replied.
“It’s alright if you don’t want to, I won’t force you.” Angel said.
Angel and Clementine talked for awhile and then decide to go to sleep. Angel gets into his bed and Clementine goes into her’s.
“Goodnight Clem.” Angel said.
“Angel, could you sleep next to me again?” Clementine asked.
“Sure Clem.” Angel answered.
Angel gets up out of his bed and goes to Clementine’s bed. Clementine makes some space and Angel lays next to her.
“Goodnight Angel.” Clementine said yawning.
“Goodnight Clem.” Angel replied.
Clementine turns off the lamp and the room turns completely dark. They both fall asleep.

Angel wakes up and it’s still night time. Angel looks and sees that Clementine isn’t in the bed. Angel gets up and notices the door is slightly opened.
“Clementine?” Angel asked.
Angel goes out the door and sees that the room where everyone else is sleeping is slightly open. Angel goes toward the door and opens it even more. Angel hears a kissing noise.
“No it can’t be!” Angel thought.
Angel goes towards the sound and is heartbroken at what he sees. Clementine is sitting with Gabe, kissing him.
“What the hell!” Angel yelled.
They stop kissing and Clementine looks at Angel shocked.
“Angel it’s not what you think.” She said.
“How could you! I loved you!” Angel yelled.
Angel starts to get tears in his eyes.
“Angel please don’t do anything please.” Clementine said.
Angel takes out his staff and gets ready to attack Gabe.
“Clementine get out of the way.” Angel said.
“No.” Clementine responded.
Like as if a beast was unleashed, anger fills Angel. He feels anger in every single part of his body. Angel pushes Clementine to the ground and starts to get closer to Gabe. Gabe backs up.
“Hey Angel calm down!” He said.
“Calm down?! I loved her! And you took her away from me!” Angel screams.
Angel takes his staff and swings it at Gabe. He dodges it and the staff hits a painting on the wall. Angel swings again and hits Gabe’s back.
“Aaaahhh!” Gabe screamed.
Angel swings his staff and it hits a shelf next to gabe. Angel slides his foot into Gabe’s legs and he falls to the ground. Angel then swings over and over and over again, hitting Gabe multiple times in the face. Gabe’s blood is all over Angel’s staff. Clementine grabs Angel’s staff.
“No stop!” She yelled.
Angel pushes her off and she falls to the ground. The old Angel was gone. This was a new Angel. An angrier, more powerful, more evil Angel. Angel takes Gabe and slams him into a table. Angel then takes his staff and aims it to Gabe’s eye. Angel takes his staff and stabs him. Gabe screams in pain and Angel keeps hitting him over and over and over again. He hit him so much that you didn’t even know it was Gabe because his head was smashed so much. Angel stops and sees what he has done. He looks at Clementine and sees fear in her eyes. She looks at him as if he was a monster. Angel falls down to the ground and realizes what he has done. Angel screams in agony and in fury towards the sky. But then Angel remembers that Gabe wasn’t even with them. He was with David. Angel realizes what is going on and wakes up.

Angel looks and sees that he is sweaty. He looks and sees that Clementine is sleeping next to him. Angel tries to go back to sleep but can’t and decides to go outside. Angel goes to the game room and sees that Santiago is there.
“Hey bro, what are you doing up? Everyone else is sleeping.” He said.
“I had a terrible nightmare.” Angel replied.
“It was about the girl wasn’t it?” Santiago asked.
“Yeah.” Answered Angel.
“I’ve had dreams about my girlfriend before. So what happened?” Santiago asked.
Angel sits down in a chair and tells him the dream.
“I woke up and saw that Clementine wasn’t in the bed. I went out of the room and went to see where she was. I saw that the door of the room next to us was open. I went in the room and saw Clementine kissing another guy. I got really angry and pushed Clementine down. Then I killed the guy. But then I saw Clementine look at me with fear all over her face. She looked at me as if I was a monster.” Angel recalled.
Angel doesn't know that Clementine is outside the game room and that she heard everything.
“You must really love her then. To have a dream like that.” Santiago said.
“She deserves someone else. She deserves someone better than me.” Angel replied.
“No Angel you’re the perfect one for me.” Clementine thought.
Santiago kneels in front of Angel.
“Hey cut that out. She loves you a lot okay. That was just a dream.” He said.
“There are people more better looking than me. More people stronger than me. Why would she want me?” Angel asked.
“Hey I told you to cut that shit out. She loves you. They way she looks at you, she is in love with you. You’re strong Angel. Stronger than me.” Santiago answered.
Angel thinks about that.
“What can I do to get rid of this dream?” He asked.
“You have to tell her about the dream.” Santiago answered.
“Tell her that I killed someone because I love her? She would flip!” Angel replied.
“You have to tell her.” Santiago said.
“I can’t.” Angel replied.
Clementine enters the room and both of the guys are shocked.
“You don’t have to.” She said.
“Clementine?” Angel asked.
“I heard everything.” Clementine replied.
Clementine goes to Angel and he stands up.
“Angel I love you. I would never cheat on you. You’re the most perfect guy I have ever seen in my life and no one could be as amazing as you are.” Clementine kisses Angel on the cheek.
“Thank you Clementine.” Angel said.
Angel hugs Clementine and they walk out of the game room. They walk back to their room and sit down next to each other.
“Why did you kill the guy?” Clementine asked.
“I don’t know. Anger just took me over and I couldn’t control myself.” Answered Angel.
“Who was the guy?” Clementine asked.
“It was Gabe.” Angel revealed.
“Gross. I don’t even think he’s cute.” Clementine replied.
Angel laughs.
“So you killed someone because you loved me?” Clementine asked.
“Yeah I did.” Angel answered.
Clementine thinks about that.
“Well you don’t have to worry about that. I would never cheat on you Angel I love you. You trust me right?” Clementine asked.
“Yes I do.” Angel replied.
They both look into each other's eyes. Angel forgets about the dream and sees that she really does love him. They get closer and closer. They kiss for a long time and then eventually stop.
“I love you Clementine.” Angel said.
“I love you too Angel.” Clementine replied.
They both smile and decide to go to sleep. Angel lays next to Clementine.
“Good night Angel.” She said.
“Good night Clem.” Angel responded.
Clementine turns off the lamp and the room turns dark. Angel starts to think about the dream again but eventually goes to sleep.

“Hey Angel, wake up.” Clementine said.
Angel wakes up and sees Clementine standing up holding his staff.
“Hey Clem.” Angel said while he got up.
“Come on Angel. The masters waiting for you.” Clementine replied.
She gives Angel his staff and Angel gets out of the bed.
“Hey Clem, I was thinking of naming my staff after you.” Angel said.
“Really?” Clementine asked while she smiled.
“Yeah I’m serious.” Angel replied.
“Well take Clementine with you before you’re late.” Clementine responded.
“Alright.” Angel replied.
“Have fun.” Clementine said.
Angel smiles and kisses Clementine.
“I’ll see you in a little bit.” Angel replied as he left the room.

Angel walks and gets to the dojo. He goes in and sees a man probably forty or fifty years old sitting on the ground meditating in front of the statue that looks like Angel.
“Ahh, hello?” Angel asked.
The master has his eyes closed yet he still speaks to Angel.
“You must be Angel.” The master said.
“Yep that’s me.” Angel revealed.
“I’ve heard things about you. Good things. Good things.” He replied.
“I hope that you can teach me to become even better.” Angel continued.
“Ahh yes. But I have one question.” The master opens his eyes and looks at Angel.
“Hmmm. Why do you want to train? Why train with a staff and not with a gun? Especially at times like these.” The master asked.
“Because I want to protect someone special from any danger at all.” Angel answered.
“But walkers aren’t the only things out there.” The master acknowledged.
“I know. But guns are getting harder and harder to come by. So mastering how to use the staff will let me be able to defend myself and the person I want to protect.” Angel replied.
“Ahh looking ahead of the present and into the future. That’s smart.” The master said.
“Thank you master.” Angel responded.
“So this special person. I’m sensing a girl. Is that right?” The master asked.
“Yes it’s a girl.” Angel replied.
“A girlfriend?”The master asked.
“Yes.” Angel revealed.
“She’s quite beautiful, I can sense it. But is that why you love her? Just for her looks?” The master asked.
“No not at all. I love her because she has an amazing personality. She’s kind, brave, smart, confident. I love everything about her. She makes me feel so happy about life and I can’t live without her.” Angel answered.
The master looks at Angel seeing into his eyes and into his soul.
“You’re not lying. I can sense when someone is lying and I only feel the truth. So you really do love her.” The master replied.
“Yes. With all my heart.” Angel responded.
Angel doesn't know it but Christa and Clementine are watching him and the master through a window.
“He really loves you.” Christa said.
“Yeah he does.” Clementine replied smiling.
“He changed you.” Christa continued.
“What do you mean?” Clementine asked.
“When I was with you I barely saw you smiling. But with Angel I see you smiling every single time you’re with him.” Christa acknowledged.
Clementine thinks about that.
“And they way he makes you smile, it looks as if you didn’t even know there were walkers around.” Christa continued.
“Yeah I have changed.” Clementine replied.
The master looks at Angel for a while.
“You are the chosen one.” He said.
“What?” Angel asked.
“Look at the statue. It’s you. I always knew you would come.” The master answered.
Angel looks at the statue and realises that it does look like him. The same clothes, the same hair, the same staff, the same everything.
“The chosen one can never be defeated. The only way he could be defeated would be if who he protected died. But the chosen one wouldn’t let that happen because he would protect them with their life.” The master said.
“That sounds like me.” Angel replied.
“Well then show me. Get changed and let us begin.” The master responded.
“I don’t have anymore clothes.” Angel revealed.
“Well just take off your shirt.” The master said.
Angel takes off his shirt and Clementine sees him.
“He’s got muscle.” Clementine thought.
The master gets up and grabs a staff from the rack. He points the staff towards Angel.
“Show me what you’ve got!” The master yelled.
Angel puts his shirt neatly on a dummy and grabs his staff.
“Alright.” Angel replied.
Angel runs toward the master and swings at him. He blocks the staff with his own staff. The master takes his staff and slams Angel’s staff to the ground. Angel takes his staff and spins. Halfway through his spin he swings at the master's legs but he jumps up, dodging it. The master than swings at Angel’s head but Angel ducks, dodging it. Then Angel starts to get more aggressive. He twirls his staff and keeps swinging at the master. But the master keeps blocking the swings with his staff.
“You’re too aggressive. Learn to control your anger.” The master said.
Angel steps back and takes a deep breath. The master attacks Angel but Angel blocks every single swing. And then Angel finds an opening. He takes his staff and hits the masters chest with the middle of his staff. He gets pushed back and Angel spins and swings at him. But the master ducks, dodging it. Then the master swings his staff and hits Angel’s staff. Angel’s staff gets hit so hard that Angel loses his grip and it falls to the ground.
“You’re dead.” The master said.
Angel realizes that he can’t beat him.
“Can you teach me how to become stronger?” Angel asked,
“Of course I will. For you to protect Clementine.” The master answered.
Angel realizes that he never told the master about Clementines name.
Clementine and Christa leave the window and go to the cafetería.
“Well let us begin.” The master said.
Angel picks up the staff.
“I’m ready.” Angel replied.
“Put that staff down. You have to exercise first. Now give me a hundred pushups.” The master ordered.
The master gets some short pants and tells Angel to change into them. After that Angel does the pushups and the rest of the exercises.
“Are you tired yet?” The master asked.
“No. I could do this all day.” Angel replied.
Angel is completely covered in sweat.
“Good. Because we are just getting started. Follow me.” The master leads Angel to a dummy.
“You have to be quick. Hit the enemy so fast that they’ll be dead or hurt before they can even process what happened. And most importantly, be unpredictable.” The master acknowledged.
The master takes his staff and hits the dummy ten times in under six seconds.
“See?” The master said.
Angel gets his staff and hits the dummy quickly.
“Not fast enough. Again.” The master said.
Angel did it multiple times again and again.
“Try again.”
Angel takes a deep breath. He takes his staff and hits the dummy ten times in less than five seconds.
“Good. Very good.” The master said.
Angel felt great after that. More faster, more stronger, he felt unstoppable.
“Hey what should I call you?” Angel asked the master.
“Call me Zou.” The master replied.
“Well thank you for doing all this Zou I really appreciate it.” Angel responded.
“Hey we’re not done yet. You have more to learn. Now come on.” The master ordered.
Angel learns more and more moves from Zou. And by the end of it Angel felt better about himself. He felt more stronger, more powerful, more smarter, just like in the dream he had when he killed Gabe. Except he actually knew what he was doing.
“Now for the final lesson.” Zou said.
“I’m ready.” Angel replied.
Zou takes a staff from a rack that is hidden away. It looks just like Angel’s. Except it was grey.
Zou points the staff towards Angel.
“You have to defeat me.” Zou stated.
“This’ll be easy.” Angel proclaimed.
“Oh really?” Zou asked.
Zou twirls his staff quickly on his left hand. He then throws it into the sky and catches it with his right hand. He then twirls the staff quickly with his right hand.
Angel takes his staff and doesn't twirl it. He just gets ready to attack.
Angel waits for Zou to make the first move. Zou runs toward Angel and swings at his head. Angel ducks then hits Zou’s staff. But it doesn't fall off his hand. Angel then slides his foot into Zou’s feet making him fall to the ground. Angel swings at Zou but he blocks every single swing. Zou pushes Angel off him and Zou gets back up. They move in a circle looking at each other. Then Angel swings towards Zou. He dodges it. But then Angel swings again and again very quickly, catching Zou off guard. Angel then jumps up and kicks Zou into his chest. Zou falls backwards into a dummy. Zou gets back up and looks angry. He swings quickly at Angel but he blocks every single swing.
“You need to control your anger.” Angel said.
But Zou dosen’t . He keeps swinging over and over again. But Angel still blocks every single swings. Angel pushes his staff forward and pushes Zou to the ground. Angel then swings the staff at Zou’s staff, and it breaks in half. Angel backs up.
“You’re dead.” Angel said.
Zou looks at him, impressed and shocked.
“You are the chosen one.” He said.
Angel looks at the statue and back at Zou.
“Yes I am.” Angel replied.
Zou gets up and looks at Angel.
“Now you are trained. Nothing can stop you now. Now go, protect Clementine.” Zou said.
Zou bows and Angel bows back.
“Thank you Zou.” Angel gets his clothes and leaves the dojo. But before he leaves he looks at the statue. The statue looks at Angel with it’s staff pointed towards him. But Angel doesn't remember the statue looking towards the exit. Angel goes to the showers and takes a hot shower. After the shower Angel changes back to his regular clothes and walks towards the cafetería. He gets there and sees Clementine sitting with the others and there’s a seat empty right next to her. Angel walks over to Clementine and sits down next to her.
“Hey Clem.” Angel said.
“Hey Angel. How was the training?” She asked.
“It was great. I learned so many new things and I feel stronger now.” Angel answered.
“That’s nice.” Clementine replied.
Angel notices that Clementine doesn't seem too happy.
“Hey Clem what’s the matter?” Angel asked.
“Nothing.” She replied.
“Clem I can tell that somethings wrong. Please tell me.” Angel begged.
Clementine looks at Angel.
“I feel like when we got here you started to hang out less and less with me and I feel left out.” She revealed.
Angel starts to feel really bad.
“I’m sorry Clementine. I didn’t mean to spend less time with you. I just got caught up with everything here and I didn’t really do anything with you. I’m sorry.” Angel replied.
“It’s okay.” Clementine responded.
“No it’s not okay. I should spend more time with you. What do you want to do when we finish eating?” Angel asked.
“I don’t know. Let’s ask Christa.” Clementine suggested.
“Alright that sounds like a plan.” Angel agreed.
“So what did you do over at the dojo?” Clementine asked.
“Well the master Zou said that he wanted to see my skills so we battled each other and he beat me. But then he trained me and made me exercise. He taught me some helpful tips and how to fight better. Than we versed each other again and I beat him. But then he said that I was the chosen one and told me to look at the statue at the center of the dojo. I looked and it looked like me.” Angel answered.
“Yeah I thought the statue looked like you too.” Clementine replied.
“After that battle he told me I was ready and then I came back to you.” Angel continued.
“Wow. Seems you had a pretty crazy time over there.” Clementine responded.
Angel and Clementine keep talking and the food eventually arrives.
“Bon appetit!” The same man said again.
Angel and Clementine eat the delicious tomato soup with the piece of bread and leave the cafeteria.
“Let’s go find Christa.” Clementine said.
Angel and Clementine walk outside the building and find Christa walking around.
“Hey you two.” She said.
“Hey Christa. Do you know of anything me and Angel could do outside of these walls?” Clementine asked.
“Well there is a waterfall close to here if you want to go.” Christa acknowledged.
“You want to go there Clem?” Angel asked.
“Yeah sure.” Clementine answered.
Christa replied “Alright just ma.” Bam! A shot rings through the air and hits Christa in the head! Christa is dead.
“Holy shit!” Angel yelled.
“Those fuckers!” Clementine yelled.
Shots start ringing through the air.
“Let’s to the others!” Angel yelled.
Angel and Clementine run into the main building and find the others.
“Javi we have to go!” Clementine said.
“What’s going on?” Javi asked.
“The New Frontier, they’re here!” Clementine answered.
“Oh shit! Guys we have to go!” Javi said.
“Where are they now?” Tripp asked.
“They’re at the front gates.” Angel answered.
Suddenly some members of the New Frontier show up at the end of the hall. Tripp takes out his gun and shoots them all down.
“Shit we’ve got to get out of here!” Tripp said.
“Wait for me!” A voice yelled down the hall.
“Who’s that?” Jesus asked.
“That’s Zou.” Angel answered.
Zou gets to the group and Santiago is also with him.
“Hey bro what’s going on?” Santiago asked.
“The New Frontier is here. And they’re trying to kill us.” Angel answered.
“Follow me! I know a way out of here!” Zou ordered.
Zou leads them to the back of the main building. They all hear gunshots as they keep running.
They get to a gate behind the main building but then members of the New Frontier start shooting at them.
“Damn it the gates locked!” Javi yelled.
“I can open it just hold them off!” Tripp ordered.
Clementine, Javi, and Jesus take out their pistols. Angel and Zou take out their staffs.
“Angel, let’s go after them!” Zou ordered.
“Are you crazy?! They have guns!” Angel replied.
“Don’t worry, you’re the chosen one, you can’t die.” Zou responded.
Angel starts to remember about that and how he would protect Clementine with his life.
“Alright!” Angel agreed.
Angel and Zou start running towards the New Frontier members.
“Angel no!” Clementine yelled.
The New Frontier starts firing at them but they miss.
Angel swings his staff at a guy's leg and he flips. Angel then hits his head, making him fall to the ground. Zou does the same and they keep fighting. Angel slides his foot into a guy's leg, making him fall to the ground then hits him in the head. Angel then jumps up and kicks a guy in the chest. He falls to the ground and Angel hits his head. Zou hits someone in the face with his staff but the man still stands. Zou then takes his staff and swings it, hitting the guy's nuts. The man falls down to the ground. Clementine and the rest of the others fire at the New Frontier and soon all of them are dead. Angel and Zou run back to the rest of the group.
“That was amazing!” Clementine said.
Angel smiles.
They start walking towards the gate when suddenly, Bam! A bullet hits Zou in the chest. Zou falls to the ground.
“Zou!” Angel yelled.
Angel goes to Zou’s body.
“Angel. Protect her. You are the chosen one.” Zou said.
Zou then rolls his eyes and dies.
“Nooo!” Angel yelled. Angel looks for who shot Zou.
“Where is he?!” Angel yelled.
“I don’t know.” Clementine replied.
Everyone goes through the gates.
“Come on guys!” Javi yelled.
Clementine goes to Angel and puts her hand on his shoulder. But then she screams. Clementine falls to the ground.
Angel turns around and sees that Zou turned into a walker and was grabbing her leg.
Angel looks at everything and remembers his father. It looked exactly the same as how his father was held. But Angel has the staff in his hand this time. Angel swings and hits Zou’s body. He swings over and over and over again at his body and Zou let's go. Bang! Another shot rings through the air.
“Guys go!” Angel yelled.
The rest of the group runs away from Clementine and Angel. Angel looks around and finds the source of the shots. There was a man on the roof of the main building. And Angel knew exactly who it was.
It was David.
Angel sees David reloading and grabs Clementine’s pistol. But then Angel sees that David is about to fire and Clementine is still on the ground. David fires his shot and it heads towards Clementine. But Angel jumps in front of Clementine and takes the bullet for her. It hits Angel in the chest. Before Angel falls he shoots a bullet at David. It hits David and he falls from the roof to the ground. David is dead. Angel lands on the ground and doesn't move. Clementine is shocked at what Angel did.
“Angel?” Clementine asked.
Angel doesn't move.
Clementine starts to cry.
“Angel please. I can’t lose you. I can’t.” Clementine cried.
Angel rolls over and looks at Clementine.
“Clementine. You alright?” Angel asked.
Clementine smiles with tears running down her face. She crawls towards Angel and hugs him.
“You took the bullet for me.” Clementine said.
“I told you Clem, I would do anything to protect you.” Angel replied.
Angel gets up slowly and looks at Clementine. Angel realizes that Clementine didn’t answer his question.
“Clem, you okay?” Angel asked again.
Clementine starts crying.
“Clementine what happened?” Angel asked.
Clementine lifts up her pants and Angel is terrified at what he sees. On her leg there’s a walker bite.
“Oh shit! Oh no! No! No! No! This can’t be happening! No! I can’t let you die! I won’t let you die! Clementine you can’t die!” Angel yelled through tears.
Angel starts crying uncontrollably.
“Why god?! Why?!” Angel yelled while he looked towards the sky.
Everyone comes back to them and sees what happened.
“Holy shit! Angel you’re shot!” Santiago yelled.
“Are you okay?” Javi asked.
“No I’m not okay. Clementine’s bitten.” Angel revealed.
Everyone is completely shocked.
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry Angel.” Santiago said.
“No there’s no sorry! We can save her!” Angel yelled.
“I’m sorry Angel we can’t.” Tripp revealed.
“Yes we can!” Angel responds.
Angel gets up even though he feels a lot of pain. He holds out his hand and Clementine grabs it. Angel pulls Clementine to her feet carefully.
“Can you still walk?” Angel asked.
“Yeah.” Clementine said.
“Let’s get her somewhere safe.” Angel said.
Angel, Clementine, and the rest of the group start walking to the gates.
“Stop!” A voice yelled.
Everyone turns around and sees who it was. It was Gabe.
“You killed my father. Now I’m gonna kill you.” Gabe said.
“Gabe now is not the time.” Angel replied.
“No. Now is the time.” Gabe picks up Zou’s staff. “Let’s fight.” Gabe said.
“Gabe just calm down.” Javi said.
“Shut up Javi!” Gabe replied.
Angel grabs his staff and starts walking towards Gabe.
“You picked the wrong day to fuck with me.” Angel responded.
“Oh really?” Gabe asked.
Angel suddenly remembers the dream he had of Gabe kissing Clementine. Angel starts to get angrier and angrier. The beast inside of Angel starts to build itself inside of him. But Angel contains it. Gabe runs towards Angel and swings at him. Angel blocks it and pushes Gabe with his staff. Gabe runs towards Angel again and swings at him. Angel swings at Gabe and their staffs collide. But Angel has more strength and pushes Gabes staff to the ground. Angel swings his staff at Gabe’s face and hits him right in the jaw. Gabe’s mouth starts bleeding. But Gabe doesn't give up. He lunges towards Angel and hits him at the same place the bullet did.
Angel starts to get angry. Angel gets so angry that the beast releases from inside of him. Angel felt even more stronger and more powerful. Angel pushes Gabe and starts attacking him. Angel’s attacks are so quick that Gabe can’t even defend himself. He get’s hit in the jaw, in both arms, and in both of his leg. Angel slides his foot into Gabe’s feet and he falls to the ground. Angel grabs Gabe by the throat and picks him up. He then holds him up and slams him into the ground. Angel then puts his foot on Gabe’s chest and aims his staff at Gabe’s eye. But then Angel remembers the dream again and how Clementine looked at him in fear. Angel backs away and goes back to the group.
“What? Not man enough to kill me?” Gabe asked.
Angel stops walking. Angel looks at Clementine and she looks at him.
“Don’t do it.” Clementine said.
Angel listens and walks away with the rest of the group. Gabe sits there and cries. The group keeps walking, leaving what happened behind them.

It’s night time now. Clementine still hasn’t turned but she is starting to look a little grey. But Angel still believes that she can live. He needs to get her some help.
“When are we gonna stop?” Angel asked.
“When we find another place to stay.” Javi said.
Santiago goes towards Angel.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Am I okay? I’m shot and the love of my life has been bitten by a walker. So no, I’m not okay.” Angel answered.
They keep walking for a while but then they start to hear something.
“Do you hear that?” Angel asked.
“Hear what?” Clementine asked.
“It sounds like someone’s whistling.” Angel answered.
The whistles get louder.
“I hear it.” Clementine said.
“What is that?” Tripp asked.
The whistles get even louder.
“Run!” Angel yelled.

Click the link in the comments for part 2 of the ending.


  • I forgot to say that I am currently working on a fan fiction on Santiago and Angel. That fan fiction will probably take a long time to finish. I hope you guys enjoyed this fan fiction and the others I make in the future.

  • edited January 2017

    You handle that "Angel x Clementine" thing pretty good. I mean you represent their relationship so good that I find really cute.
    Well, it's just a note. Thanks for the story! :)

    reads the ending again
    Oh, I, also, have to say that I'm totally depressed by the fact that Clementine is bit. Thanks. (<-sarcasm).

    Anyway, Great story! :)

  • Yeah Clementine being bit was depressing but I felt like in this story it would be a pretty good ending for both of them. But in the game I would never want Clementine to die because she's like the best person in the whole series. But thanks so much for reading the story and I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :)

    kostas1348 posted: »

    You handle that "Angel x Clementine" thing pretty good. I mean you represent their relationship so good that I find really cute. Well, it's

  • I'm glad you decided to write these stories, too! :)

    NOTE: I have to mention that the number of writers is increasing (I first read one of your stories, then I read the story of Kennyshouladiedins and now I decided to write my stories, too and I have already written 3 of them, though, are short). Thus, I believe that this is a good thing because we need a "fresh" view from every person that has something different to show. Anyway, just a thought of mine :) ( sorry if I l'm being annoying or something).

    Yeah Clementine being bit was depressing but I felt like in this story it would be a pretty good ending for both of them. But in the game I

  • Oh no you're not annoying. I agree with you about the fresh view from every person. People can write some pretty amazing stories about things and I'm so happy that I'm able to share this story with you and everyone else.

    kostas1348 posted: »

    I'm glad you decided to write these stories, too! NOTE: I have to mention that the number of writers is increasing (I first read one of

  • I'm happy you decided to share your story, too. :)

    Oh no you're not annoying. I agree with you about the fresh view from every person. People can write some pretty amazing stories about things and I'm so happy that I'm able to share this story with you and everyone else.

  • Thanks for saying that! I'm currently working on Angel and Santiago's backstory before they reunited with each other after so many years. If you want to read it I could send you a link when it's posted.

    kostas1348 posted: »

    I'm happy you decided to share your story, too.

  • edited January 2017

    Of course, man! Post it here as a reply so as to see it. I'd be really glad to read it and I'm looking forward to it! Thanks!
    (I'll propably find it in the discussions section, but I think it's better to send me the link in order not for me to miss it! :D)

    Thanks for saying that! I'm currently working on Angel and Santiago's backstory before they reunited with each other after so many years. If you want to read it I could send you a link when it's posted.

  • Alright cool! I'll link it to you when I post the first part of it.

    kostas1348 posted: »

    Of course, man! Post it here as a reply so as to see it. I'd be really glad to read it and I'm looking forward to it! Thanks! (I'll propabl

  • Ok, man. Whenever you're ready! :)

    Alright cool! I'll link it to you when I post the first part of it.

  • Ok, thanks!

    Hey man I posted the first part! Here it is: I hope you like it!

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