Issue 163
So, what are your thoughts about this issue? For what concerns me, it was better than the last one, but there are still some things and little plot holes that bother me, like, for example, when the walkers breach in and everybody starts runninng for their lives leaving Rick behind nobody cared to save him but Negan? Seriously? Not even Siddiq with the whole "I'd trust no other man with my life"? That's what I'm talking about.
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What an awful issue. It was way too overhyped. Was hoping someone would die, but nope. They're too scared to kill anyone off. Cant wait for no one to die in the next battle.
It's just Kirkman being a troll. Nothing new. He sees the fact that everybody thinks a death and doom is coming, so he's milking the moment. 164 will probably focus on Hilltop making it to Alexandria to make it even longer hahaha
In one of the letter hacks of this issues a reader brought this up by asking him how was it possible that no main character died. Kirkman basically said that they're too badass to die just like that, like badasses never die.
I think he must've forgotten the entire Prison arc and Issue 48 in particular...
Fan favorite characters inside many stories are always the hardest to kill
Well, this was better than 160, 161, and 162, but it's still not so good. I enjoyed it, but it should have been better.
At least someone died finally. I hope that the new issues are better than this.
I fucking love Negan even more than before. I wonder what is he gonna do when the Saviors come back.
Was only Paula getting killed disappointing and a total cop out? Yes.
But was the issue still good overall? I think so.
That ungodly amount of walkers was awesome to see, and seeing them just swallow Paula whole like that made for a sweet sprinkle of horror on the cake of Alexandria's collapse.
And that last panel... My rage for The Saviors have reached new heights. But John was right about one thing... "This is going to be a hell of a show."
Yeah, Paula's death was a pretty decent moment, probably the issue's best.
As for the Saviors, I can't feel intrigued by them or the war they're going to fight against the Communities. In the letter hacks Kirkman said that the Saviors didn't like Rick putting them to their place, but is it really possible that most of them are such dumb hostile assholes? That's so damn forced.
That, and The Saviors are genuinely that fucking dumb in this case. Even Negan said they were sheep.
This ungodly horde around them and they give absolutely zero fucks. They just want Alexandria's stuff.
Officially the biggest dick move in Walking Dead history.
Indeed, and I'm still wondering, what's the point of fighting Rick? What will that accomplish? They wipe the others out and then what, go back to the old Negan system? Haven't they learnt anything in 4 years of survival or, more recently, in the last war?
Way too overhyped is a good way of putting it. People really blew it out of proportion, and that's a problem our fandom has. We just get too excited.
But it was far from an awful issue.
An awful issue constitutes towards having absolutely no effect or zero contribution to any kind of plot. The Saviors, though painfully dumb in their ambitions, set up some interesting things to come...since they don't really seem to care that they're surrounded by that ocean of hell. I say let's watch the fuckery commence.
For some reason I still expected major character deaths so I am disappointed. I suppose we will continue the adventures of Rick Grime and his band of immortal friends in a month or so.
They killed off Paula and she's been around for awhile.
On the plus side, the latest part of Here's Negan was phenomenal
This is the first time in the series I've actually just wanted any character to die. I don't even care who anymore, I'm just so sick of the issues putting off the emotional moments I read this series for.
Can't agree more on that, Kirkman is getting way too soft after the slaughter of issue 144.
I just hope Negan out lives everyone.
I sincerely hope not, Kirkman is milking him enough as it is, and while I don't really dislike Negan that much, I wouldn't mind him dying in the following issues.
Noooooooo!!! (lol) My poor precious cinnamon bun (ie. Glenn) didn't make it, so I have to have Negan make it to the end. It's only fair. lol But honestly, the only one I see surviving until the end is Carl.... maybe.
Me too, and it depresses the shit out of me, his plot armor is so thick I can't even see the character into it anymore.
She's been around a while and said what? 5 lines? 6? Killing a minor character is the least we expect in a war, you can't just spare the main ones cause they're too cool to die in a not heroic way.
Alexandria is officially fucked (putting it lightly). How the hell do they get out of this one? They can't, right? Everyone's going to die, right? Am I just hoping Kirkman actually kills someone important for once? Is that a regrettable wish, or is it something that we need to happen?
I just don't want Rick, Negan, or Carl to die, but I do want a major character to die (but who?). Honestly, in my opinion, the most realistic death scenario at the moment is Andrea (for the next issue). I just can't see Michonne, Jesus, Negan, Maggie or Rick getting killed off, and I especially don't see Carl getting killed because he's way too important for Kirkman's end game.
My prediction for the next huge character death has to be Andrea because she's a major character and, in my opinion, she's the most expendable; at least at the moment.
I'm thinking, and kind of hoping, that either Eugene or Andrea dies. Not because I dislike them, but because no one has really died since Alpha (I don't count Father Gabriel as a major). and someone has to die. I would prefer if Michonne died though, I've just had enough of her.
Alexandria was fucked so many times I lost count honestly. They're getting out of this just like they got out of everything else that happened in the past, don't worry. As for Andrea dying, Dwight's got her back, I don't see her getting killed. The most expendable for me are Michonne and Jesus because really, they're just there to be killing machines, no development, no story, no direction, please Kirkman do something right and just get rid of one of them, if not both.
Eugene does make sense indeed, as for Andrea, I just said in the comment below what I think. Michonne is a burden that seriously needs to be removed, if only the bullet I was going to put into her in the mini series worked...
I agree with you on Michonne. She's just getting together with the first black character that appears every time. Mike, Dominic, Tyreese, Morgan, Ezekiel, you name it. Jesus I feel like has stopped in progression right now, but he does at least has potential. He could become a leader, if he just wanted to, and he's gay... Soo yeah.
The problem that would be created if Kirkman kills Eugene is we are yet to find out about this mysterious Ohio Community. It can't be left open-ended. Eugene needs to live.
What ways do you see Michonne dying the make a lick of sense? I just don't believe there's a possibility at this point where Michonne can die.
The Ohio group could still show up in force, even if Eugene dies. He gave away their location and how their group works and all sorts of crucial information.
That might be true, but has Alexandria - or anyone for that matter - successfully held off a herd of at least 5000 walkers?
And let's not forget about that little thing she had with Heath... Now I bet she's gonna fuck John or Zachary, or both, since they're the last black guys with a name left.
As for Jesus, he had potential, but Kirkman doesn't care, the only thing resembling development for him is the AaronXJesus ship... What a hell of a storyline potential we got here, right?
Just hoping Telltale could possibly fix that.
As I said. I don't think Michonne's going. But I would PREFER it.
they don't need to hold it off. They run, they let it pass by, then they split it into groups and then, depending on the situation, thin them out or lead them away. That'd work smoothly, if it weren't for the Saviors who don't give a shit about dangerous hordes cause reasons...
Michonne's not gonna die anytime soon, we just want her to.
The comic was over hyped because of the Rick with Negan outfit variant cover. The variant cover is an amazing cover though.
Honestly I hope it's Andrea. I just don't like her in the comics. I don't like comic Michonne either. But I would much rather have Andrea be taken out. I want Negan to stay alive, and don't dare touch that precious mullet wearing Eugene. Like Glenn, his is a precious cinnamon roll to food for the world. He needs to be protected. lol