What i would have written (Ep1 season 3 - i'll try to be brief but no promises!)
Apologies if there is already a thread of this to do with our own ideas. I wasn't bothered to look.
What i would have done for Episode 1 is dedicate the entire episode to Clem based on what choices we chose at the end of S2. Instead of pissy, shitty little pointless flashbacks that lasted 2 seconds. I'd have the whole episode showing the 4 different scenarios of the endings and actually making use of them:
Staying With Kenny
Kenny, Clem and AJ are shown to be moving place to place, scavenging for food in the woods. We get dialogue discussing past events of Season 2 and the idea of them going to Florida to start a new life. Possibly have some scenes we control Clem to do simple tasks such as making a fire or maybe changing AJ's clothes and nappy (or as the American's say, diapers lol), something that we as the player can feel we actually played as Clem instead of the stupid Q and E moments we could only do in the flashbacks. Eventually there could be a scene where the 3 could run into someonr who poses them a threat. He or she could sneak up on them and grab AJ and threaten to hurt him unless they give up their stuff. Kenny or Clem will manage to somehow stop the person and he/she ends up dead. The idea of this scene is probably for intense or excitement reasons and serves no real purpose on the game. We later get a scene of Kenny teaching Clem to drive like in the flashback except that this time the bullshit crash doesn't occur, instead they come to a screeching halt after seeing the character Ava (i think her name was?) who suddenly walks into the middle of the road. She then tells them both about TNF. Kenny is against the idea, Clem has a choice for them to either go with Ava or back out.
If you choose to back out, she will leave and later that night as Kenny, Clem and AJ are sleeping somewhere like in the woods or in a hut or something, Ava will return after following them, she confronts them at gunpoint threatening them to go with her. Things get very heated, AJ starts making a lot of noise which attracts walkers. Ava deliberately begins to suffocate AJ by putting her hand over his nose and mouth. You are given dialogue such as "stop", "Kenny do something", (charge at Ava) or stay silent. Ava will aim her gun at Clem regardless of choice and goes to shoot her but Kenny will stand in her way and be shot instead (and yes he dies Kenny haters). Clem, distraught at what has happened breaks down in tears. Ava then forces her and AJ out before the walkers became a problem. The episode ends with Clem being held at gunpoint at the gates of TNF as she walks in. AJ's fate as normal would be left unknown.
If you chose to go with Ava when she originally asked, then Kenny, Clem and AJ will arrive there not held at gunpoint and walk in through the gates of TNF thus leaving AJ's and Kenny's fate unknown following the next episode which is when Clem would meet Javier for the first time. Episodes 1 and 2 in the actual game would be combined as one given how short and shitty i felt they were.
Staying With Jane
Clem, Jane and AJ scene from the actual game still takes place, Jane talks about the family breaking in and robbing them whilst they were sleeping. If Clem decided to let them in, Jane will have a noticeable cut above the eye suggesting the family only did this recently and there was obviously a confrontation compared to if you sent the family away. (i felt this added something to the already lacking pointless flashback. At least this made it feel like SOMETHING mattered with our choices) Following scenes show Clem and Jane slowly making Howe's their new home, patching up the damage, growing crops in the greenhouse etc. Jane will noticeably be looking uncomfortable on occasions, holding her stomach which Clem notices and questions it to which Jane says it's nothing and changes the subject. Later at some point, Clem will walk in on Jane in Carver's office but instead of finding her dead, she stops Jane in time from hanging herself. A very upset Clem asks why she tried to do that. Jane shows her the pregnancy test strip thingy majig. Jane explains how she can't go through what Rebecca did especially in their current state with little to no medical help and says this is what's best for both of them. Jane then begs Clem to let her do this to which you then have the choice whether to assist the suicide or forcibly tell her no that she can't give up and will say "You don't just end it cause it's hard. You stick it out, and you help the folks you care about." Hahaha i am of course just kidding that she would say that but would love to see the Kenny haters faces to hear her say it lol!
If you assist her then Jane will die as she originally does in the game and Clem puts her down before reanimation. If you choose not to assist her, Clem will stay with her and keep watch to make sure she does nothing else suicidal. Later on, Clem and/or Jane will notice Ava coming towards Howe's. A similar confrontation behind the gate will occur like when the family arrived at the end of S2. Like in the Kenny scenario, Ava will tell Clem and Jane (if she's still alive) about TNF and like before, you have the choice to go with her or stay. Choosing the latter will result in Ava returning and holding you at gunpoint and using AJ as a hostage as Clem and determinant Jane go with Ava to TNF. Same scene will occur of them going through the gates. If Jane is alive then her status will be unknown.
If you decide to go with Ava, then like before, you will go without being held at gunpoint and walk through the gates.
The opening to Wellington can be the same as in the original game as i felt that this was actually ok despite it's short scene. Clem is playing with AJ and trying to get him to talk. Edith enters and they have a decent conversation as we learn more about her and Wellington as a whole, when it was founded etc. Edith asks Clem to come and help her with something in the grounds to which we then see the inside of Wellington (this really pissed me off that we didn't even get to see anything in the game!) and all the people living there too. We see a pregnant woman and her and Clem have a brief conversation. She mentions about her friend Rebecca and what they went through to keep AJ safe. As the scene goes on, Clem can talk to various people and find out more things about Wellington etc. Later on at night whilst Clem is sleeping with AJ, we hear screams coming from one of the rest huts or whatever they have in Wellington. It is soon discovered that dozens and dozens (or hundreds) of the people living in Wellington have been poisoned as someone had infected the water supply deliberately. Everyone were fast becoming walkers and all hell breaks loose. Clem discovers the culprit who appears to be psychotic and laughing who is madly shooting at the people who were trying to stop the walkers. You then have the option of shooting him. If you don't Edith does. Edith mentions they had never seen this man and he must have somehow breached the walls and snuck in. Clem, AJ and Edith run to gather their supplies in which Clem can choose what to take with her like in the original game and they leave. On the way out, Edith is grabbed by a walker and 2 more are close by approaching her. She tells Clem to keep running to which you then have the choice whether to save Edith from the walkers or keep running. If you choose the latter then she is devoured. If you save her then she runs off with you which then leads to the same scene where you would see Ava as in the original game only this time the same choice of going with Ava or not will occur. Going with her will result in Clem, Aj and Edith walking through TNF gates normally leaving Edith's status unknown. If you refuse to go with Ava then like in the previous scenarios, Ava will later return and hold you at gunpoint using AJ as a hostage and arrive at TNF in that way.
Alone Ending
Unfortunately this one stumped me a little but as Clem is alone, I guess having more Aj/Clem bonding scenes and possibly Clem hunting and cooking food more involved in the scenes, maybe shooting some walkers along the way. Not really sure what else really but i'm sure i could think of something longer than 5 fucking minutes!
Feel free to post your own ideas and feedback on my ideas would be appreciated good or bad. Thanks!
Soo... Ava's basically a jackass in this no matter which ending you pick
I like the idea of devoting the majority of the first episode to our choices. Would you have saved the ending maybe for an intro to Javier and his family?
Also, to throw people for a loop in the alone ending, maybe they could've kept the part where Clem loses her finger (along with the bonding scenes you suggested), but Ava or another NF member of all people are the ones to help patch her up, claiming that they've got a community with enough medical supplies to spare.
Well, I guess TellTale can't make FIVE Different Games In ONE for all the ending choices of Season 2. :P
Its not about making 5 different games because naturally that is a lot to ask but if they can make 2 completely different episodes for game of thrones then why not just for Episode 1 dedicate our endings to that episode?
Yes an intro to Javier and the family would have been a good thing to add at the end definitely
I like it! This would've given us some pretty sweet closure as well as helped drive along the new story as well.
Just as a side note, and I know this isn't a part of what you were asking, but would you have kept Javier as the playable character for the rest of the season? Or do you think you'd divvy up the time more between the two of them? Just wondering since we'd have been playing as Clem for a pretty big length of time in the first episode.
No. It's Clem or nothing for me. I would have definitely had her as the PC over Javier. We had 2 full seasons to bond with Clem. Telltale ought to know it's not that simple throwing this new guy at us and expecting us to care the way we do about Clem. So far (and 99.9% certain for the rest of the game too) they have failed to make us care about any of the new characters and I'm not surprised at all. There's hardly anything we know about them and even if there is, it's hardly memorable
I look at Kenny's ending as could be worse. You ever see someone who was ejected from a car at 40-50 Mph hit a chain link fence? I have...let me tell you, you are not prepared for that. So I think he got off easy.
Good ideas. Though, I personally don't think Ava is a bad person. As Clem said, there is good people in the NF and I assume she's one of them. ^^
Oh my intention was not that Ava is necessarily a truly bad person but does bad things to get what she wants sometimes. For example, I don't consider Max a completely bad person either
Ava is going to be very interesting. I can't wait to see more of her.
Well, maybe they just don't want to? Or they're too lazy? Or they don't have the time because they want to release the next Episodes soon enough? Or....etc, etc.
They had 2 years to make the effort in opening season 3 with a bang and they failed miserably IMO
Yes, they had; but they didn't use that time wisely...
I like the Wellington ending more than the others. If only because I don't like the idea of Ava just offing Kenny to get Clementine to cooperate and I just don't care about Jane aside from saying that I thought what you described is what I thought was supposed to happen for a few seconds.
That's for sure!!! Problem with Telltale these days is that they have lots of different teams working on several games at once where as pre 2013 at least to my knowledge the company was a bit smaller and only worked on one game at a time such at TWD season 1 and just look at the difference in quality compared to these days
Or not lol
Yeah, I'm not sure why its not an auto-hyperlink. Try editting it and clicking the preview button until it glows.
Yeah can't seem to get the tag to work for him
Hmm, yeah, I can confirm this.