Where is AJ? Theory
I've read some posts saying that AJ is dead, but I highly doubt it.
What I think is that he was left with the New Frontier by Clem.
This was definitively the best option for Clem because at least she knew he would survive here
(Just like Kenny did in one of the endings of season 2)
What do you guys think?
Maybe we will see AJ in Episode 3?
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The main theory about AJ describes him being in Richmond, where Clementine presumably left him before meeting Javi and causing all troubles. Opinions seem to differ whether AJ is there of his own volition, held hostage or New Frontier doesn't know about him at all. For all we know, Ava (the girl from the flashback) could have her role in all of this.
I dont think that AJ is in Richmond. If that was the case, Clementine would probably want to go to find him. Instead, she ask you to let her walk away.
I'm sure that AJ is not dead, but I dont know where he could be.
Or maybe he is in Richmond, and Clementine saying "I cant let them see me" is just a writing mistake.
I'm kinda with you there, but I think it was Richmond she left him in, and we'll probably find out why/see him next episode. Judging by how long it took them to get there, I'm thinking the purpose of her wanting a vehicle so badly in the first two episodes was to make the drive. She's also the one who suggested Richmond to the group once they escaped in their vehicles, and seemed rather distraught when she finds out Richmond was under NF control. My thinking is the people who didn't go along with Conrads plan will reunite with her when she attempts to sneak into Richmond.
Based on Clems reaction to finding out New Frontier was in Richmond now, Id say Clem was part of whatever group Richmond was, and left Aj there.
However. Telltale better explain what Clem was doing over near Prescott for so long. For one, we know she's been there for a pretty length amount of time because people in Prescott know her, she knows alot about Prescott, and Tripp also knows her pretty well. Right now, if Aj is in Richmond, Clem has no motive at all to be all the way over at Prescott. I really hope this is explained. If they dont explain why Clem was so far away from Richmond doing her own thing by Prescott, Ill be even more disappointed because that would mean Clem really was shoehorned into the story. Im just hoping they reveal what exactly Clem was doing.
I'm not sure, but I like to theorize that AJ was actually taken from Clem. From either Frontier or Richmond, but either of them. It just seems like Clem's "flashbacks" take a lot out of her and make her pretty damn sad. Maybe it's just missing AJ, but it could be because they took him.
So I have this thought stuck on my head....after we've done episode 2 flash(mytoilet)back we know clem is in new Frontier but then she flees away with aj to find Richmond but my question is why the fuck did she leave it in the first place for her to meet Javi and take a car back there...I need a reason telltale this is confusing
He is the leader of the New Frontier. Twist.
Maybe it's to say that if they see her she'll be imprisoned or something by the new frontier and she won't get to take AJ out of there. Plus, they could use him against her.
Maybe she decided to leave him in a relatively safe place until she could get a vehicle and drive them out of there. Where to I don't know but probably far from TNF.