The Vent/Help Thread



  • edited February 2017

    It's important to make a change if we're unsatisfied with what we are, what we have. Find a way to make it tolerable, practice on making a change in how you want to feel. I find building a lot of restraint and learning to be far more tolerant helps me in not being so easily angered, keeping me calm. It's no simple task, but building tolerance can really help you emotionally and help you feel more satisfied with things. As they say, patience is a virtue. You may feel more relaxed this way.

    I'm sick if being such an angry person.

  • edited February 2017

    I don't know about you, but I hate that religious group that goes around and knocks on people's doors - Jehovah's Witnesses I think their called.

    I can't stand these people. They come around an knock on my fuckin' door all the time, at least once a week. I'm always cordial with them, but why the hell can't they just leave me the fuck alone?

    I always tell them I'm not interested, but they keep coming back! They're friendly people, but why can't they take the hint that I'm not interested in their faith, and don't want to be bothered? How in the fuckin' hell can I get them to go away and stay away?

    If there are any JW'S on here, please don't take offense to what I have said here. As I said, you're nice people, but I just don't want to be preached at, and I'm not interested in your faith. Your faith makes no sense to me!

    I was raised Catholic, and I'm perfectly content with my Catholic faith.

    "I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth;
    and in Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord,
    Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
    He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead;
    He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.

    Seriously, how do I get these people to leave me alone?

  • Where's the blowing my brains out emoji when i need one

  • What's wrong, man?

    Where's the blowing my brains out emoji when i need one

  • Every damn thing

    What's wrong, man?

  • C'mere.

    enter image description here

    Every damn thing

  • Just keep your head up and smile, or not

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    Oh well I need to get this off my chest...for a while at least I hate my teeth and I hate that my family doesn't have enough money for it

  • So, im gonna vent a bit more than normal, even for a vent thread. so please bear with me

    Im in high school and i have been having a terrible week

    Monday: I got a detention from my science teacher for a thing two pricks at my table did instead of me, so i'm sitting in class and working on my assignment in class and these two guys that sit at my table start talking about the recent election, then they start trading insults with each other "you dumbass trump supporter", "your a clinton fan?!, you must have no education!", then they start stepping on each others foot, im ignoring the two and my teacher has not noticed yet. So i tell them to calm down and that the teacher is right there, they dont listen and start fighting. teacher breaks the fight up and asks to see all us after class. after class the two get suspended for fighting and i get detention for "egging them on", so a great start to a shit week. oh dont worry i explain everything that happened to my parent s and they decide not to punish me

    Tuesday: you know pretty standard crap, i serve my detention and on top of that i get 5 assignments from each class so im up to midnight doing homework

    Wednesday: My math teacher surprises the whole class with a test that we now have 2 day to study for and he says it wont be easy, not the highlight of my day. but my "friend" Chris asks why i have not being showing up to Robotics meeting and helping the team. NOT HELPING THE TEAM, I PUT IN OVER 10 HOURS A WEEK FOR THAT GODDAMN TEAM AND HE HAS THE BALLS TO SAY I DON'T SHOW UP TO MEETINGS AS MUCH AS HE DOES.

    Thursday: So, pretty normal day at school, but Robotics, oh this one gets my blood boiling. So for the past 2 weeks i have been prototyping for our robot that we are going to bring to competitions in March, i spent 2 weeks thinking of a design for a ball shooter for our robot and i built most of it, then the one day i could not make to the build session, it is completed for me by Chris. so at the meeting the captains pull up everyone who had built a prototype for the robot, im thinking to myself "sweet!, im gonna get called up and given recognition for my efforts. NOPE, HE DUMBASSES CALL UP CHRIS FOR HIS EFFORTS ON MY MACHINE, THEY SAID THAT IT WAS HIS DESIGN AND HIS BUILD. "WHAT, WERE IS MY CREDIT FOR MY BUILD, HAVE THEY SEEN ME FOR ALL THE WORK I'VE BEEN PUTTING IN, OR ARE THEY FUCKING BLIND!.

    Friday: So, test day comes and i am nervous, i have found time to study but im wondering if it's enough. i take the test and i felt pretty good about it.then some other classes roll around, in my computer science class my teacher pull me aside and says that i did not turn my work on the homework and she sets my grade to an F until i get the owrk in, the only thing was that i had been doing the homework and turning it in, her grading software did register that the i had handed them in so it looks to her that they were not turned in, i try to explain but she cuts me off each time. so, I go home that day and on the bus ride Chris makes a really snotty remark, "that was really nice build, too bad your name doesn't get to go on it". That was the final straw, i just start yelling at him with all the pent up rage that built up over the week, " YOU REALLY THINK THAT WAS YOUR BUILD, DID YOU SPEND HOURS ON HOURS OF TIME WORKING ON IT YOU FAT PRICK!", i continued yelling at him until he starts crying, now others think im a bully and start spreading it around to their friends and one guy filmed the thing when i started yelling and i could see him typing on hs phone, so i have one hell of a week ahead of me.

    As of now, i am at the avening robotics meet and i am sitting in the hall typing, each member is running between the build room and the main commons area in our school, each of them acting like im not here, i could really use a hug, i get treated like a piece of shit and i have been having a shit week

  • Thanks bro


  • No problem, I'm here for ya.

    Thanks bro

  • Politics.

    Just... politics.


  • edited February 2017

    I fuckin' HATE politics too. It's a bunch of stupid shit, and it's run by mostly a bunch of white collared criminals, no matter what the color of their skin; or their ethnic or social background happens to be.

    I don't care what anybody says about politicians, because no matter what side of the political fence they're on, they are all guilty of corruption, and so many have been busted for it.

    If average citizens did a lot of the same shit these politicians get caught doing, the be thrown in jail. So why should these cock suckers get a break?

    And why can't decent people, who have no hidden agenda; who simply want to help other people, be the ones who elected in this country - or in any country for that matter?

    Of course, these politicians are really just a byproduct of our society.

    Check out what the late comedian George Carlin had to say about politicians, and what he also had to say about climate change and environmentalist, and listen to what he mentiones that these two groups have in common.

    Politics. Just... politics. sighs

  • The thing I really hate about politics these days is that there can be no discourse without both sides taking the moral high ground and dismissing the other side as bigoted or ignorant. Despite apparent studies showing that this generation of minors is the most conservative since WW2, my school is pretty much a progressive echo chamber where nobody actually wants to have a meaningful discussion about political or social issues, and they certainly don't want to give a fair go to any viewpoint that doesn't immediately strike them as progressive.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I fuckin' HATE politics too. It's a bunch of stupid shit, and it's run by mostly a bunch of white collared criminals, no matter what the col

  • edited February 2017

    That's why in social situations, I just simply keep my thoughts and opinions to myself. I don't need anyone using any of my personal beliefs, or thoughts against me, and there's always some Bastard out there who is more than willing to do that.

    Even who somebody says he's on your side in an issue, he might just go and blab your thoughts and opinions to other people who don't agree with it, just so it can make things hard for you.

    Plus, it's nobody's business what your personal thoughts and feelings are on things!

    That might sound paranoid, but unfortunately it happens all of the time. And that's why it's a good thing not to trust anyone but yourself.

    George Washington once said: "Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence."

    The thing I really hate about politics these days is that there can be no discourse without both sides taking the moral high ground and dism

  • I honestly wish schools in Australia would actually encourage respectful political debate, considering that voting in state and federal elections is compulsory over here and people should be as informed as possible when it comes to politics. A democratic society seems pretty pointless if people don't make informed decisions.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    That's why in social situations, I just simply keep my thoughts and opinions to myself. I don't need anyone using any of my personal beliefs

  • edited February 2017

    The reason why Government's won't do that is because it it goes against their agenda, which is to divide and conquer the people that it rules.

    Getting people to fight amongst themselves over one thing, allows them to accomplish their goal in another area, right under the noses of the public, who are to busy arguing and fighting to even notice what the hell is going on.

    And thus Government can continue to do what it always does: being only interested in its own power; as opposed to its subjects, and expanding said power wherever and whenever possible.

    That's why I don't get involved in politics, and don't want to get involved in politics.

    I honestly wish schools in Australia would actually encourage respectful political debate, considering that voting in state and federal elec

  • It's not much but here's a hug:

    enter image description here

    School can really be unfair sometimes, I hope your next week won't be as terrible as this one despite the bus incident.

    So, im gonna vent a bit more than normal, even for a vent thread. so please bear with me Im in high school and i have been having a terr

  • edited February 2017

    The media, tv, movies, anyone of influence, the music industry, etc have brainwashed the masses to believe what they want them to. It's meant to manipulate and control the citizens to their advantage. People are stuck in the matrix because their reality is skewed and they don't even know it. When some claim that most, if not all, mainstream news is fake this is what they mean. It's scripted to tell a narrative their way and get the desired response they want out of people.


    If people really paid any attention to why so many are against the president of the United States of America and who these people are, what they represent, then it would become clear as to what is happening behind-the-scenes. Of course, brainwashing is not only done in America but all around the world.

    The thing I really hate about politics these days is that there can be no discourse without both sides taking the moral high ground and dism

  • I can't finish anything. I always start new things like all sorts of sports and other hobbys but after a few days I stopp because i get bored of it and don't want to do it anymore. The only thing I liked doing is creating characters and gaming but even viedeo games I get bored of if I don't finish them fast enough. Because of that I don't even want to start new things because i think that I wont do it anyway.

  • Try putting a no soliciting sign, or one that specifically says that you don't want JW's at your door. Or do what my dad did when he was tired of them and print out a pamphlet for Catholicism, give it to them and tell them why you are happy with your beliefs.
    It''s funny to turn the tables.
    (We were usually nice to them but they got on our nerves as well.)

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I don't know about you, but I hate that religious group that goes around and knocks on people's doors - Jehovah's Witnesses I think their ca

  • Hope you have a better week soon! Never forget that summer is coming!
    (Also, robotics is the best)

    So, im gonna vent a bit more than normal, even for a vent thread. so please bear with me Im in high school and i have been having a terr

  • I think grow bored because you haven't found something your passionate about. You need keep trying new things to found the right hobby. Motivation comes easy when find something you truly enjoy

    Nolonius posted: »

    I can't finish anything. I always start new things like all sorts of sports and other hobbys but after a few days I stopp because i get bore

  • You are propably right but i've tried so many sports and hobbys and it is not easy trying new things when I already know that I (most likly) don't want to do it anymore shortly after I started

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I think grow bored because you haven't found something your passionate about. You need keep trying new things to found the right hobby. Motivation comes easy when find something you truly enjoy

  • Lol yesterday was so fucking weird. It'll probably sound like I'm on drugs or have schizophrenia but nothing was wrong with me. So many times yesterday I saw things that weren't there. I saw a rabbit on the road that wasn't there, people in the hallway that weren't there and there was a shelf in the pantry that was rocking back and forth like we were on a boat.

  • All right, never posted anything in this thread, but here I go

    It's your peculiar Thursday at a exam week, and at the before-last hour, I got my Universal History exam and to begin with, [almost] nothing of the study guide was on the exam, and it looks like the teacher made it up and make it have little to no sense in terms of studying, and then at the end of the exam, some of my classmates started complaining about how the exam was a nonsense, and after that exam I got the thoughts of breaking my head through a FUCKING wall! and yes if you ask me how I my mood was when I got back home, I was mad, like literally mad and I wasn't even on the mood to go out with some of my pals, and I just needed some rest for the day.

    Friday was my day where I was in a good mood and were the last exams of the week, and something rare happens at one of the 2 hours of Ethics class, our teacher got called out by one of the security guards (Yes, we do have guards taking care of almost every corner of my school, even the entrance is protected) and then after a few minutes, the teacher comes back telling us that classes have been suspended, all of my classmates were like now in the mood to make a party in the classroom, and then recess hits by, I go out to the main entrance and I hit up with the Principal just to ask if the class suspension was in effect, until I got an opposite answer "The suspension is only for the ones who go to afternoon school" and I was like ok, I leave the principals office and then that's when I really wanted to break my head through one of the classroom's wall, but I could wait to get home, every mother got mixed up saying that there was a suspension, others said it was only for the afternoon school, and holy moly, I could feel my BPM increase with every thought I was getting, and from there I don't or can't recall if some of the mothers went to the principals office to check WTF was going on or not, and that's one of the things that gets me angry, fed up and mad

    Has anyone else happened this before?

  • I don't think you are the only one who's had those weird thoughts.

    I guess our brains are really creative and they can imagine anything so of course there's gonna be some unusual stuff too.

    Personally, I've had that happen similar to me too, although I don't remember it having any physical effects on me. Just remember that you are not gonna do anything like that, smashing your head and stuff, because that'd be out of your character and just stick to being still. We're pretty..uh..automatic, programmed, idk anymore, well I at least believe so and that is reassuring. :)

    PM if you wanna talk about it, or anything. :3

    All right, never posted anything in this thread, but here I go It's your peculiar Thursday at a exam week, and at the before-last hour, I

  • I just had a tough break up. I felt really close to this person and have tried to take my mind off of it as much as I can but nothing seems to work... I feel empty inside

  • Not really a huge complaint, but you know what's really fun? Statewide flu outbreaks. Especially when it finally reaches you.

    I hate this time of year...

  • Damn, that really sucks dude. Breakups are always fucking rough, especially when you were somewhat emotionally dependent on your partner. It'd be foolish to say "I hope you're doing okay" because clearly you're not, but if you ever need to talk to anyone my DMs are always open. Unless I die or get banned or whatever, but I'd be glad to be some kind of emotional support or even somebody you can shit talk to vent and get any negative emotions out with. I know it's shit, but you'll get through it. I promise.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I just had a tough break up. I felt really close to this person and have tried to take my mind off of it as much as I can but nothing seems to work... I feel empty inside

  • Sorry to hear that, man. I've been there.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I just had a tough break up. I felt really close to this person and have tried to take my mind off of it as much as I can but nothing seems to work... I feel empty inside

  • edited February 2017 brother and cousin have been yelling for almost 3 hours right fucking next to me, they refuse to stop, and they're still yelling. It's so loud that I can hear them through my headphones whether or not I'm watching a video on the highest volume. Aaaaand now I have a brain-splitting headache.


  • Yeah, TellTale's not the type. YouTube is just super antsy because they've suffered some of the biggest million-dollar lawsuits in history. If there's a way you could put a disclaimer- even in the description as a quick copy/paste thing- I think it'd work out okay.

    Or, since you are a vengeful sort, perhaps we should try something a bit more...


    How do you know? Genuinely curious

  • edited February 2017


    Apply as necessary brother and cousin have been yelling for almost 3 hours right fucking next to me, they refuse to stop, and they're still yelling.

  • OOOoooOOOOooooOOOOooooOOOooohhh! Politics! Oh, politics! Precious politics! Let's discuss politics, shall we?

    I'll start.

    ...2016, am I right?

    Politics. Just... politics. sighs

  • Say you and your best friend were working for the same company . And also on the same level .
    But you've been there a little longer than him/her . And at some point she/he is being considered for a promotion when you're clearly the harder worker. Would you have a problem with that?

  • edited February 2017

    I want to go back in time and change my major from Computer Technology to English.

    I'm seriously wondering whether I'd be happier if I had chosen a different career path. Math has never been my forte, but lately my disdain and frustration toward it have increased tenfold. It's just not for me, really.

    Changing majors isn't much of an option now that I've invested three years of my life to CT. My dad would probably throw a fit if I told him.

    All in all... I have some regrets, boi.

    Edit: Winter needs to piss off already. Hate it with a passion.

  • Those three years of your life surely had some influence on your character and helped you to grow as a person, so it's never waste if you'll put it to good use. You can always start running for another major, it doesn't have to be full time. Perhaps studying abroad or internship would work for you just fine.

    I want to go back in time and change my major from Computer Technology to English. I'm seriously wondering whether I'd be happier if I ha

  • Based on a true story?

    This is the Dilbert Principle at work. If you're really good at something, the company probably needs you at that position, so they can't promote you and risk putting someone else less qualified in that position. But it still needs higher-level employees. So the ones who can't do the job as well get promoted, because nobody's going to miss them.

    The way out of this is to approach your manager and indicate that you are interested in working toward a higher-level position, and ask what you can do now to accomplish that. Don't point fingers at the other guy, because that's not going to be respected. If the manager flat out says that the company can't afford to lose you where you're currently at, tell him/her it's not your long term goal, and you're willing to work with someone else to transfer skills so that you can shoot for a higher value position. If they don't like that idea, start looking at other employers.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Say you and your best friend were working for the same company . And also on the same level . But you've been there a little longer than h

  • If you think three years doing something you hate is a waste, try thirty.

    Seriously, this is your life, not your dad's, and if you were going to fall in love with the career you've chosen, it would have happened by now. Things don't always go the way we planned for, and it's better to find something you can be happy doing.

    I want to go back in time and change my major from Computer Technology to English. I'm seriously wondering whether I'd be happier if I ha

  • Parallel universes are colliding

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    Lol yesterday was so fucking weird. It'll probably sound like I'm on drugs or have schizophrenia but nothing was wrong with me. So many time

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