'Rock in the Road' Episode Discussion
The Walking Dead is back with this mid-season premiere. Season 7 is going in B territory.
I really hope this half season is good. For the show's sake and my own.
As always comment before, while, and after you watch.
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I hope this second half picks the show up, I've been severely disappointed with the show, especially season 7A. Here's hopin'.
Im loving the show. I dont know about you guys. Im very excited for the back half.
The thing about this show is that one half always tends to be stronger than the other, but it's always varied which half it is. With the first half being so weak, here's hoping the second half steps it up.
I didnt find it weak but I know a lot of people were complaining because so much of it was the necessary establishing of all these new communities, and how they work, and showing Negan's stronghold over so many people. Also, a lot of fans hated seeing our group so downtrodden. I guess now we're going to get to the fight against Negan so, hopefully fans will be satisfied.
Yeah, I'm actually not all that excited. At this point its just habitual for me.
damn how did someone else fit in that car he had it packed to the gills!
I understand the necessity for all of that, they had to build up a lot in the first half (Saviors, Kingdom, Oceanside, among other things), and I'm not saying they did a bad job with it. It was just very slow. I'm not one of those people who needs non-stop zombie killing to keep me entertained, but I felt they could have done it a lot better. They didn't need half the episodes of the first half to be 90 minutes, it just began to draw on and on.
It's been a while since I've actually laughed at this show.
King Ezekiel here we come. It's going to be good.
Matter of opinion, I guess. I didnt begrudge the extra minutes.
Im beginning to wonder if Gabe has MPD or something. What the heck is he up to?
Okay, it looks like what I thought, he was hiding the food in case the asshole Saviors came back.
That did make me laugh too.
And Jerry!
Can't get over Shiva's CGI man, way too good
Rosita is bitchy sometimes.
Jerry is mad funny. Did they make a little girl into Wolverine?
You mean most of the time.
I'm betting he lissens to Morgan.
The first half was almost exactly like the arc of the comics it was based on. I mean, basically, scene for scene matched the comics; me being a comic reader, I loved the first half.
its part.of her foxiness!
"Without Fat Joey, Skinny Joey is now just Joey, it is a damn tragedy."
Oh Fat Joey RIP. You will be missed. Perfect eulogy by Negan.
Damn right. Moment of silence for Fat Joey.
Did these fuckers just do a mass Zombie clothesline???
Okay, okay that was fucking awesome.
So tense.
Yes, yes they did, it was amazing.
It really was, and really creative.
Pretty great so far, though in the comics Ezekiel agrees immediately and Dwight is at the Kingdom; what the hell, AMC? Where is that storyline?
You have to give it to them. They always find new eye-popping ways to kill walkers.
I thought they made some kind of peace. Oh well.
Is this a 90 minute episode?
It's longer than normal. Seems to be becoming the regular thing now. I was confused when the episode didn't end when it would normally do.
Extended for a half season and logic since it would make no sense that if Ezekiel wants to keep peace he talks to Dwight about war.
So I guess the boat guy is probably related to this. I mean why else? That guy is probably really pissed.
Well shit.
That Rick smile. What a mad man.
I got distracted by Metallica at the Grammy's, what happened?
Soooooo, yet another group of all chicks?
Basically this group of people who look like they would be in a riot surrounded Rick and company.
At Alexandria?