The New Unofficial TellTale's TWD Season 4 Plot PART 3!
Hello everyone, my name is Andy Phucter and I am the lead writer for The Walking Dead Season 4. For the past 66 years, we have worked very hard to finally show off our latest installment! In order to recap we used to do a previously on the walking dead but we are lazy so here are the links if you have missed anything:
So hold on to your buttholes! It is time to indulge in some more pleasurable episodes!
Episode 1 Part 1: Rebel Part 3: Da island
After the entire townsfolk being dragged by a large bag and thrown into Monroeville, everyone wakes up in a cage the size of house. Clementine attempts to break free along with Dont look Back but the locks are strong, even stronger than an elephants penis. "I have an idea!" shouts a random towns person by the name of @Wiso2kinfinity. Clementine asks what the plan is and he replies:
"There is an open hole at the left of the cage the size of an ant. I am skinny so I can cross through!"
Clementine now has 2 choices:
1. Let him attempt it
2. Disagree with it
Here is how each choice plays out
Clementine tells Wiso2kinfinity to pass through in which he does, only to get quickly decapitated by a loaf of bread.
Clementine tells Wiso2kinfinity to not pass through in which he STILL DOES, only to get quickly decapitated by a loaf of bread.
Either way, everyone screams "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" which attracts Job, who is now wearing a pink dress with an AK 47 that looks like a fairy wand. He tells everyone to shut the fuck up in which everyone agress...except Clem. Job angrily demands an apology but Clem disagrees, breaking a chunk of the cage and setting loose. Job is furious and yells at everyone to go chase her. Clementine then steals an F1 car and drives off but the other men get their own F1 cars. For the next 10 minutes of this episode, the town of Monroeville becomes a Mario Kart race track in which the first person to successfully lap across the town 4 times wins! Clementine undoubtedly wins and forces Job to give back her citizens. HOWEVER, she also has the opportunity to have a chocolate bar in favor of her townspeople and freedom. She chooses the chocolate bar option and everyone, including Daze, DLB and fallandir get gassed in an execution chamber now operated by the almighty BlindSniper! Clementine is now arrested for the 3rd time!
Episode 1 Part 2: Prison Break
7.8/10 too much bread.
The walking dead season 4 a New shitpost thread.
I noticed that this episode is shorter than the rest. Sorry i had to split it into 2 parts
Do not fear, part 4 is gonna be big so do not worry.
damn it i got close to 10 doe
Part 4 then gets split into 2 more parts.
This is honestly better writen and more entertaining than what I'd expect of S4.
Damn it my plan is ruined
Pretty much the only thing that can save Season 3 is having more survivors onto season 4 since Telltale s putting so much focus into action scenes. Because them we might actually care if they get killed off in another season.
Lmao nice episode masterfaust thx for including me!
Btw I'm not skinny
It was meant to be a joke i was wanting to do and I had no idea who to base it one so i picked someone at random.
Share the news that Part 4 is coming tommorow
i changed my mind about my rating on this thread now its:
