Yeah, the KKK is the Ku Klux Klan; they hated anyone with dark skin (basically, African Americans). Racist extremists.
Kenny had said something to Lee in season 1 about him being Urban so he could pick a lock, which was racist.
I guess I'm just weird then cuz whenever I see something I don't get, I stare at it for a few minutes and if I still don't get it then I say to the OP,
Took me a minute to realize what that was from and when I did, I laughed until I cried XD
Oh, gosh, my ribs hurt so badly! XD
Just like Luke's!
Oh god, you just HAD to be that guy, didn't you? XD
Save the girl intensifies
It took me a full 11/2 minutes to get the joke.
Clementine:(Thinking)But...I thought I was your'
KKKenny: ...urban?
Damn, I miss Uncle Pete
I think the KKK was some racist shit but I know nothing about the Yankee History so... explain again...?
Are you serious, dude?
Yeah, the KKK is the Ku Klux Klan; they hated anyone with dark skin (basically, African Americans). Racist extremists.
Kenny had said something to Lee in season 1 about him being Urban so he could pick a lock, which was racist.
Ethan needs an Oscar for that shit.
All I saw yet another Kenny-urban joke and moved on for a bit before it hit me when I scrolled back up.
Then this meme is innapropiated and fucked up as fuxk.
I guess I'm just weird then cuz whenever I see something I don't get, I stare at it for a few minutes and if I still don't get it then I say to the OP,
"I don't get it..."
Y'all hear about the leaked DLC?
The you know, the weird thing is that almost looks good. Except for Kenny and the banner for Clementine being ontop of Edith rather than under Kenny.
What ya mean dude its 100% real leak, you dont believe me?!?!?
I never said that.
Can I get AJ's action figure with that?
That face when you realize that Job's Ask Me Anything is probably already over.
The things a google search will get you.
What does a guy bragging about his dick and Ep 1 and 2 of ANF have in common?
Both ended up small and disappointing!
"I'm afraid that's not possible."
Video Game Dialogue of the Year 2011.
Was it ever not-over?
Javi: Hey Tripp! Wanna play hot potato?
Tripp: No Javi, you're holding Kate.
Is this supposed to resemble Clem and Jane?
Mariana and Jane, but same thing. The weird thing is, as the banner at the bottom suggests, there is no way the resemblance should be so strong.
Nope. More like..Comrade.
Okay, that is amazing. The contrast really does make it.
The only good Conrad.
Heh, I get it
What the actual fucking fuckity fuck
You, I know. It just jumped out at me among other pictures and just begged a "Something is wrong here."