'Say Yes' Episode Discussion
After the adventures of Eugene here's some other stuff going on. I forgot what specifically but I think it involves Rick. Probably does.
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DEAR GOD that is one ugly mug
Well that was weird.
Dear god I never knew two people falling through a roof could be so entertaining
So far this episode is pretty damn boring
I just had a flashback to episode 4:1 where the zombies were falling through the grocery store ceiling. Except nobody was laughing about it back then.
Im enjoying the hell out of it because I love the characters. They cant be killing walkers every second.
Half expected Rick and Michonne to be dicking around in the Walker Carnival just casually offing zombies as they played carnival games but
This thing wont let me post some times so let me get in while I can real quick. Im a big Richonne fan so Im absolutely loving this. Seeing them smiling and laughing, its like theyre on a camping date, lol.
The killing walkers part isn't usually what I like about the show. I totally prefer the character interactions. It's just something about this episode that can't catch my interest
That "Save the Girl" or "Go with your family" in that ANF trailer made me feel some type of way
"Save the girl" or "escape"
That wasn't even what happened in that scene...
You have got to be fucking kidding me
I'm kinda lukewarm on the whole Richonne thing.... with that being said, this episode is pulling a 4/10 with me so far. And it still feels like all this surplus screen time for Rosita is just leading up to an untimely death.
Judith is so cute. She's just staring there at Tara.
Damn Rick I feel that rage from here
Damn, thought we were having a Romero moment. "Oh shit! They're Learning!"
I think they overshot it.
It made me think of Dead Rising.
Or those punk ass Gatling gun Ganados in RE4.
The writers sure had at it this episode
Oh no. Rick is being eaten. Not like there isn't any screams or anything.
Also awful looking deer. Jeez.
Didn't buy that shit for a second -_-. When is AMC going to realize that fake outs don't work on their TWD fans anymore? They sacrificed their credibility with that dumpster thing.
Did they REALLY THINK ANYONE would fall for that??? I swear who writes this damn garbage?
Richonne? Is that what you call em together.. ?
Asking for the cat back? They really want it that bad?
Only Michonne needs to fall for it.
Its an artist colony man.
Maybe they didn't want to potentially spoil that Mari dies?
Though they could have just chosen a different choice..
I really enjoyed this one. It's flawed, but it was still highly entertaining and had some good interactions between Rick and Michonne, some good character moments, and a solid pace. Might be one of my favorite episodes of the season so far. 9/10 for me.
I didn't come up with it. It's a well known shipper name.
It wasn't about the fans thinking Rick died. Like Jimmy said, it was about Michonne's reaction to what would happen to her if Rick died. We saw her completely short circuit. That led to Rick having to basically talk her off the ledge so that if anything did happen to him, she would have to continue on for the kids and the rest of the community.
They probably cant stand to have people take anything that's theres. "They take, they don't bother", and all that. I loved how Rick doubled down on it, lol. He got that for his lady and he was going to keep it.
I really enjoyed seeing Rick and Michonne being kind of funny and goofy with each other. We never get to see that. This show is so dire usually, I appreciate the little bits of humor.
just a really meh episode. 5/10. damn is this show inconsistent. i mean i dont think this has anything to do with anything but idk if after coming home from watching Logan, but still this was just meh. sure they got gun, cool. that junk yard group still fucking sucks. its been barely like 3-4 years not 20, its fucking ridiculous that they talk that way. damn does amc really give these suckas more budget. i mean i get that all that zombie make up and blood and im sure shooting on location in georgia isnt exactly cheap, but cmon.. that deer was so bad, meh zombie kills and meh everything. only good thing that came from this was Tara almost spilling the beans, of course its not until another episode lol. also have they just stopped giving the saviors shit? wouldnt these asshole come knocking and asking for more? or they just have others just gather shit off screen? also that "plan" rosita and, fuck i forgot her name... well its fucking stupid. there's no way they get out of that shit alive and even if they are caught we know that for some reason they will make it out of it alive.
It wasn't just about getting the guns, it was about Rick and Michonne's relationship but if you don't care about that, it's not going to impact you.
Holy shit that rick fake out was so bad
Lol what the hell
Another filler episode
Why would that deer even be in there with all the zombies?
I don't get why they think a battle happened? That means that every one of those guys with guns on straps, fought in the battle, was fatally wounded then put the guns back on their shoulders and died? Doesn't make any sense.
My thoughts on this week's episode;
Come one, come all! Kill some walkers, earn some guns!

You know, it's just typical. They find the guns they needed, and yet they're all strapped to the dead. I thought this episode was so good with how Rick and Michonne got to spend their day at an abandoned carnival. I thought it was funny how they fell through the roof and laughed afterwards and Rick got to use the carnival cane. You know what the funniest thing I saw in that carnival? A walker inside the ticket booth.
That moment when it seemed like Rick got eaten alive... Yeah, I knew he was fine. It'll take more than a stumble off the ferris wheel and a handful of walkers to kill someone like Rick Grimes.
I was wondering when Tara was going to start talking to Rick about Oceanside. But I'm worried about what's gonna happen when and if Rick goes to them. And meanwhile, I think Rosita was full of it blaming Father Gabriel for Olivia and Spencer's deaths and Eugene getting taken, and still going rogue with her half-assed plans to kill Negan.