Yeah, I kinda got that almost two years ago. The difference is that Sarah's percieved annoyance came from being immature, insecure, and not very edgy, rather than being accusatory, not very open-minded, and screechy. In other words: not a raging douchebag.
We can only imagine what those choices are...
You and 83.5% of players totally went down with Kate. There was weed, and vodka and scrabbl… moree. IT WAS AMAZING!
You and 88.9% of players refused to join David's branding club of Bullshit Child Branding Abuse, and promptly glassed him.
You and 94.8% of players castrated Gabe in the name of the Clementine, as a safety Justin Bieber precaution.
You and 94.8% of players castrated Gabe in the name of the Clementine, as a safety Justin Bieber precaution.
And why Darwinism/Hobbe… mores sucks. Seriously, what the hell lady?
Also, that reference confuses me. And to think I was considering getting back to your let's play now that I have time.
Wohoo. I cant be hyped like I was for older TT games. But it still is ok that we got news. Lets see if they learned from their mistakes and will deliver a good 2 hour episode 3.
Wohoo. I cant be hyped like I was for older TT games. But it still is ok that we got news. Lets see if they learned from their mistakes and will deliver a good 2 hour episode 3.
Yeah, I kinda got that almost two years ago. The difference is that Sarah's percieved annoyance came from being immature, insecure, and not very edgy, rather than being accusatory, not very open-minded, and screechy. In other words: not a raging douchebag.
When it says 'high impact violence' automatically think of Sarita's scream LMAO
In B4 the usual they better not hurt Clementine posts
I don't usually pay attention to the ratings but seeing that high impact for violence has me both excited and a little scared. XD
Is it true of what I'm hearing? News you say?!

Took who at his word?
Jesus, in relation to tying him up or nah.
And why Darwinism/Hobbes sucks. Seriously, what the hell lady?
Also, that reference confuses me. And to think I was considering getting back to your let's play now that I have time.
Aw yeah...!
I don't get it.
At least it is confirmed that Kate, Conrad and Gabe is in the episode.
I am interested to see how long Conrad lasts.
Sex - Moderate Impact (¬‿¬)
I'm excited af agian why my stupid self whyyyy ;________;
When Violence at the absolute MAX and Job kept saying Clem has some really hard scene to watch
Well its not really news i guess.
Oh God, good point. I'm a bit worried now.
What's Darwinism Hobbes?
Clem flashback getting branded confirmed :-(
I dont see how getting burned is MORE VIOLENT than peoples limbs falling off.
Clem getting importance in S3? (inb4 only 5 minute gameplay ONLY)

What would make you more depressed than that! Besides that may be just a bit of what's coming next
Darwinism is what Carver and Jane believe in; Hobbes has something with dictatorship and/or babies or something like that.
Oh, that is amazing!
"Is THAT the hardest you can do? Come on--make it hurt!"
Clem's so mean lol.
"Uh, you dropped somethin--"
"No I didn't."
I am annoyed by this guy too.
Honestly, I never watch these parody videos.
Ooooh survival of the fittest thingy! I need to note that down, I've never heard of those terms in that way before.
Oh oh oh and the reference, is a joke out of Gabe looking like Justin Bieber ^^ the hair.
That face when you yourself don't know what your terms mean.
My ribs ache now.
I'm calling it! It's coming out on M21! So that's possible.Now with high impact with violence in this episode
Clementine in this season.
Oh shit i hate this monster
This gif. So many frames. It's beautiful @_@
Clem's face shows my exact feelings towards the next episode, yet the epileptic background demonstrates my positive-negative excitement.
So, it's complicated?
Simple as picking the lock when you are from Florida, but you've got an urban friend to help.
If you're curious on what it's based off, it's from Saint Seiya AKA King of Frames
Wohoo. I cant be hyped like I was for older TT games. But it still is ok that we got news. Lets see if they learned from their mistakes and will deliver a good 2 hour episode 3.
I'm A-OKAY with a 1:30:00 episode just let it be a 90 min at the very mothertinyfucking least
Hope we'll be getting a release date soon.
oh no ._.