Honestly, Clementine is my favorite character, and most of the reason I am even playing A New Frontier is probably because she is in it, and I wouldnt mind her getting hurt, I mean, she has gotten hurt before (heck she had to surture her own arm), I think it would do well to cement the fact that its a dangerous world, and that Clem isnt the little angel we thought we could protect forever anymore
That said, I will strangle a duck if she dies, lol, probably not, but I will be pretty fucking sad
I expect:
* Most issues to be fixed.
* Not as much action and more DOWNTIME (but judging by the rating it'll be even MORE action based… more lol).
* More Clementine.
* More Clementine playtime.
* More Clementine.
* Conrad will die.
* Be at least 1hr45 minutes if not 2 hours at the very least.
* More Clementine playtime.
* More Clementine.
Alright I think that's it.
Did I mention Clementine?
Lmao. Come on man, this was like a guy finding a huge dog shit on his pavement and trying to make it a positive, I'd back you in any other situation but its not possible here.
So cute! I love it!
EDIT: You know what? I'm getting pretty fucking tired of the way this forum is acting. I try so hard to remain positi… moreve and ignore the trashy way people have been acting but I can't even make a positive comment about something I like without people replying with passive aggressive bullshit! You don't like the pairing? Fine, I don't care, tell me you disagree with me, don't give me this crap.
I expect:
* Most issues to be fixed.
* Not as much action and more DOWNTIME (but judging by the rating it'll be even MORE action based… more lol).
* More Clementine.
* More Clementine playtime.
* More Clementine.
* Conrad will die.
* Be at least 1hr45 minutes if not 2 hours at the very least.
* More Clementine playtime.
* More Clementine.
Alright I think that's it.
Did I mention Clementine?
Ooooh survival of the fittest thingy! I need to note that down, I've never heard of those terms in that way before.
Oh oh oh and the reference, is a joke out of Gabe looking like Justin Bieber ^^ the hair.
We can only imagine what those choices are...
You and 83.5% of players totally went down with Kate. There was weed, and vodka and scrabbl… moree. IT WAS AMAZING!
You and 88.9% of players refused to join David's branding club of Bullshit Child Branding Abuse, and promptly glassed him.
You and 94.8% of players castrated Gabe in the name of the Clementine, as a safety Justin Bieber precaution.
I expect:
* Most issues to be fixed.
* Not as much action and more DOWNTIME (but judging by the rating it'll be even MORE action based… more lol).
* More Clementine.
* More Clementine playtime.
* More Clementine.
* Conrad will die.
* Be at least 1hr45 minutes if not 2 hours at the very least.
* More Clementine playtime.
* More Clementine.
Alright I think that's it.
Did I mention Clementine?
Mixed-case scenario, my finger cross won't do perfectly and it'll at least be gloriously hard to watch. It be like "Oh, this is gonna tear my heart out--can't WAIT for it to happen!" and shit.
When violence is at the absolute max and you remember you were replaced by the cuban cuck so anything can happen to your character now
Looks at the bottom right of the picture
Damn, never knew Max was a peaceful guy. Surely goes against the rating.
Totally on purpose by Telltale
Lol, my innocent mind took a few seconds to process that. XD
I imagine we're gonna see some sexual aspects of the game appear at some stage for it to have a moderate impact.
I expect:
Alright I think that's it.
Did I mention Clementine?
Honestly, Clementine is my favorite character, and most of the reason I am even playing A New Frontier is probably because she is in it, and I wouldnt mind her getting hurt, I mean, she has gotten hurt before (heck she had to surture her own arm), I think it would do well to cement the fact that its a dangerous world, and that Clem isnt the little angel we thought we could protect forever anymore
That said, I will strangle a duck if she dies, lol, probably not, but I will be pretty fucking sad
So this is you:
When you realise that Ep3 is the only episode of A New Frontier that Australia rated 18+ so far

Concern for Clementine intensifies
Yeah, you forgot to mention less Clementine playtime. Don't worry, I have your back.
Come on, one-sitting 45 minute episodes! Come to papa!
Fanbase: 45 minutes only?!

Lmao. Come on man, this was like a guy finding a huge dog shit on his pavement and trying to make it a positive, I'd back you in any other situation but its not possible here.
How come @OfficialMonkey did not ask for more Clementine?
It's not like part of a character model could be accidental!
I think 1h30m is the absolute minimum requirement for an episode. And everything over 2h is a godlike episode.
I think Max might join Javier
Does anyone have the slightest idea of how clementine cut down that tree? She definitely didn't' use and axe because it would have taken too long.
Is this a combination of Elizabeth with Will Parry with a Little Sister plus no daemon?
when you see the "sex" and "nudity" are 0 when "violence" is 5
Just kidding! Man, I'm still waiting for my seven hours episode!
It's possible she did use a axe earlier in the day with only a small amount of tree left where a quick cut would bring it down.
Sorry, I dunno who they are.
So I'm guessing at PAX east telltale will announce the next episode will be the 21st because of the rating.
It's someone named Rebecca Chambers from Resident Evil 0
That...look is awesome.
Warning: * You must be at least 18 years old to watch these two barely into their teens hurt themselves for a minute. *
This comment put mine at risk.
You're right, I don't know what I was thinking. In all honesty, the episodes should really be 20 minutes, that seems fair.
K. Though I am wondering what he looks like without the sweater cap now.
Well, at least it isn't L_xi P_rter
Wait, who are we talking about? Gabe, the creator of this video (which would be me), or the guy yelling?
When the episode finally comes, I will gladly be a part of that percentage.
You know what? I think it's time for an avatar change.
14th,21st,24th are one of the dates it'll release.
You could have mentioned it a few dozen more times, just to be safe.
Mixed-case scenario, my finger cross won't do perfectly and it'll at least be gloriously hard to watch. It be like "Oh, this is gonna tear my heart out--can't WAIT for it to happen!" and shit.
Be not too far behind, mate!