How tall are you and are you ok with it?



  • Since I am not so knowledgeable with the other way of saying heights, I stick to cm. :p

    I'm 174cm and I am perfectly fine with my height. I have a friend who is quite tall and he told me quite often about how annoying it was to drive a car, especially when his parent's car was so small.

  • 5 foot 8 u lucky SOAB

    Since I am not so knowledgeable with the other way of saying heights, I stick to cm. I'm 174cm and I am perfectly fine with my height. I

  • I am 1,77. I wish i had 3 cm more. 1,80 sound so much better than 1.77.

  • i'm about 5 foot 3 inches. i'm alright with it i guess. kinda hate how some people see me as a 12 year old though...

  • edited March 2017

    5'11 ft. That times I wish I was taller, as it would make it easier to do certain things, but this is what I got, & I make due with it.

  • im 5'8... no im 5'7.. sigh noot really is what i tell myself but im 5'6 (probably close to 5'7..). im 23 and im a guy and it fucking sucks. i wish i was at least 5'10-11. curse my mexican genes.

  • You're lucky; I've been taking all sorts of things that stunt growth since I was a little kid, coffee being the weakest, and I'm still big.

    you son of a bitch I hope you don't grow no ore! lol

  • This is perfect. BLOODY PERFECT.

    I like women too, we seem to have something in common.

  • edited March 2017

    5'1(155cm). i'm okay with it, I guess.

  • 181cm tall.

    I remember when I was younger I was complaining that I was getting too tall and didn't want to stand up too much. Nowadays, I just wish I was a inch or two taller.

    Serves me right for complaining when I was younger, I suppose.

  • 5 ft and 1/2 an inch (THE HALF INCH MATTERS TO ME OK!)
    I don't mind it...until i have to reach up to get something, then i fell like i'm climbing a mountain

  • I'm like 5'9, I wouldn't mind being slightly taller but I'm fine with how I am

  • I'm 5'11''. I like that I can reach things that are higher than others but hate it when I keep walking into a chandelier. Tis a mixed bag.

  • 5'2ish. Just don't like it when I'm in a group of people who are taller than me...

    Which is most of the time...

  • Just make the best with what you've got.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    im 5'8... no im 5'7.. sigh noot really is what i tell myself but im 5'6 (probably close to 5'7..). im 23 and im a guy and it fucking sucks. i wish i was at least 5'10-11. curse my mexican genes.

  • Six-foot-four and full of muscles.

  • OK as long as you keep your vegemite sandwiches to yourself.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Six-foot-four and full of muscles.

  • I'm 1.98m and it has its pros.... but I also have a high risk of hitting my head so yeah. But in general i like it.

  • I'm 184cm and wish I was shorter, because it's hard to find fitting and good-looking clothes.

  • edited March 2017

    I know that all too well I'm 198cm and thin, I don't have any pants that fit me I always have to wear a belt or else those stupid pants won't fit and often the freaking legs of the pants are too short its so annoying.

    Domi_nique posted: »

    I'm 184cm and wish I was shorter, because it's hard to find fitting and good-looking clothes.

  • I know, right!? That's how I know I am loved in my life. :)

  • 5'7" (170-171cm) and I hate it.

  • My height is about 1.58 cm and I'm 15. I'm the shortest one among my classmates but it has always been like that and I got used to being a midget. I absolute hated it before but now I don't really care at this point. My mom still assures that it's alright and one day I'll grow big ;_;

  • edited March 2017

    spoiler warning


  • edited March 2017


    rabbitrun posted: »

    spoiler warning

  • your post here has a spoiler warning xd

    Nolonius posted: »


  • I'm 5'5" (1.70 M in Metric System) and Yes I'm fine for absolutely no reason (Even though I'm the 2nd tallest one in my family)

  • I'm 5'5" (1.70 M in Metric System) and Yes I'm fine for absolutely no reason (Even though I'm the 2nd tallest one in my family)

  • I'm genuinely unsure, probably somewhere around 5'6-5'8, maybe? I'm okay with it because I have no other choice. If there were a "grow-three-inches" energy drink I'd probably down it.

  • Lol that was not on purpos, I don't even know how to do this.

    rabbitrun posted: »

    your post here has a spoiler warning xd

  • I'm 5'5" (165.1 cm) and I'm 17. Still growing as well.

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