What is the general opinion of TWD: Michonne?
So, I just played The Walking Dead: Michonne, and I have to say it was a breath of fresh (or should I say old?) air compared to A New Frontier, Characters actually get alot of development, there is more than 2 lines of dialogue between each action scene. In fact, the action sequences in TWD Michonne was actually very tense, emotional and interesting, because they always came after a long time with tension and a "will they, will they not do something?"-vibe.
I also have to say, I immensely enjoyed the characters of Randall and Norma, Norma is the example of a very well made TWD character for me, much like the St. Johns, but even better, in that you can never really put your finger on whether she is malicious, or if she is just trying to protect people, because in a sense she is very much like Michonne or Lee, she just wants to protect her brother, but her brother is a maniac. I especially enjoyed the conversation with her while on their ship collection or whatever, it was very tense in a way, because she was so unpredictable, there was no way to know if she would just start shooting wildly or something, she comes off as one of the most dangerous types of people, the ones that seem trustworthy, but theyre just very calculating, and as long as there is something to gain, they seem to be a good person.
I really hope that if we get another TWD game after A New Frontier, that they will go back to their roots, worldbuilding and good characters, and actually meaningful action sequences (as in not every 5 minutes), obviously Michonne isnt as good as season 1 or 2, but it reminded me of how I felt playing season 1 and 2, and I havent had those feelings of distrust and suspense or sadness in A New Frontier so far. I know Michonne is a comic character, but she was so much more interesting to me than Javier, she had a layered character of badassery and being nice, which made her way more interesting than Javier.
This post is probably terrible, but I just wanted to try and give my opinion on why the previous walking dead games was so great, and why A New Frontier isnt really doing it for me
Well telltale has stated they have not thought of any future walking dead content yet. In regards to Michonne I liked the action and the villains were pretty cool too. I really liked the intro and the intro music which I thought made it different than the other walking dead games. With that said I was really underwhelm by the story and the resolution of michonne and her daughters. The other characters were somewhat ok granted there wasn't much time for development of them. Pacing was pretty good with creativity QTE events and zombie fatalities. I also liked that the voice actor for John Redcorn from King of the hill was in it.
TFW ANF makes you wish you were playing Michonne again.
That face.....
I interpreted the resolution with her daughters being the fact that they are 99.9% certain to be dead, but she couldnt accept this fact, which is why she kept seeing them anywhere, and when she was able to walk away from them was the time when she accepted that she would never see them again.
I mean, Michonne even did the "surprise player by blowing unsuspecting characters brain out in front of them, then bury said character" better than A New Frontier did
The general consensus is that it's good but not great. I would say so too personally.
I still felt that was underwhelming at the conclusion of the series granted it makes sense how they did it.
I think the one in Michonne worked better because it wasn't telegraphed as much.
Like, S3's moment is all happy, everyone's all safe, you think you defeated the threat, the characters are talking about how well everything turned out, an uplifting soundtrack is playing... it's too damn obvious what's about to happen.
In Michonne on the other hand, it happens right in the middle of a somber, emotional conversation you're having with another character. The one in Michonne got me because I was engrossed in the scene. I wasn't expecting the silence to quite literally get blown apart in that moment. And the gore helped, too. It's one thing for a character to simply get shot mid sentence. It's another thing for a character to get half of their fucking face blown off and have their brain chunks go flying past.
Better Than The Walking Dead A New frontier
I though it was really good actually. Cool characters, cool scenes, the environments, even the camera angles they would do sometimes was pretty cool and made certain scenes stand out. I also think the graphics we're 100% perfect for TWD games. Its seems like a slight upgraded version from s2 graphics. Now imagine if telltale upgraded the michoone graphics and put that in s3. We definitely would've got the perfect look
Damn straight.
I wish that's what they did instead of these dollar store mannequins from the uncanny valley.
Loved it.
Short, boring, uninspiring, uninteresting characters, annoying ghosts concept. I don't see a reason for creating it. Has nothing to do with Clem's story.
One episode of ANF is better than this whole miniseries.
I thought it was alright.
It wasn't a groundbreaking, god's-gift-to-gaming-masterpiece but it was a fun evening of bingeging the episode.
Plus, Randall was a nice, cookie cutter Walking Dead villain for his brief lifespan.
It would've look GREAT
I definitely liked it. Way more - in every aspect - than "A New Frontier" so far, to be honest.
The story was good, the characters as well. The music was outstanding and the slighty moving menu screens were beautiful. Big shame that Telltale decided to remove and replace them with a very dull, plain and lazy menu. Same goes for the new artstyle. I absolutely prefer the style of Season One/Two/Michonne.
Jokes aren't your strength.
There's no joke! Everything in that post is true, everything has been proved!
I likes the mini series except for the ghost girls. Michonne was to much of an unstable wreck that it became ridiculous.
Yeah, the menu was really well done, I also love how they put so much emphazis on the guitar in alot of the music, it felt different from the music in the other seasons, but still felt like TWD, I also think the guitar is a perfect instrument for music like this, The Last of Us also used guitars to great effect in their music
absolutely agree with the artstyle, I found the cartoony look to be way better than the more realistic look we have now, since Telltale graphics arent top of the line in the first place, but I like the graphics in Season 1 - Michonne alot more, since it has a somewhat unique artstyle, which is kinda lost in A New Frontier
And while a cartoon character with established backstory, Michonne was a way better protagonist than Javier, has a reason she is badass (I guess she has sword training since she uses a katana, havent read the comics though), has a background story thats interesting (although a bit too much focus on ghost girls rather than the actual characters in the game, I really liked the flashing between the apartment and reality though, I thought that was well done), but the backstory doesnt feel like it control the entire story, the way Javiers family does in A New Frontier
I Loved it but the only thing that Bugged me was it was there for everyone to pop in and play it like I don't have a problem but for telltale not to mention Prier events like All Out WAR or that Bugged me a bit. And the way they were making it sound like we would have seen Rick and the gang at the end. IDK if I'm being a Comic Snob here but I would have loved to have seen Rick or that during the end it just felt odd that's all and it made it sound like they caterd to people who never read the Comics.
I think that was kind of the intention though, having Michonne in the game would attract comic readers, but people who are just fans of Telltales games and TWD would also be able to play the game (I havent read the comics myself)
I buyed the first episode then watched the rest on YouTube....it was meh
What the hell is wrong with you people? Judging A New Frontier after 2 episodes. It was just a great build up of what we are about to witness.And after waiting months for Above the Law... it has better not disappoint us.
WD:Michonne should be forgotten(dont hurt me
). Barely remember anything. Poor story,hollow characters and most of all...her children backstory/flashbacks.Oh God I hate that part. Not to mention that final episode finale was about it -_-
Dont get me wrong. Clem´s flashbacks in ANF are enjoyable. Love that
I dont judge A New Frontier yet, I am just saying that I didnt particularly enjoy the first episodes, and previous TWD games have mostly already grabbed me after episode 1, I dont really feel like episode 1 and 2 were very strong openers like the other seasons.
Also, youre gonna call Michonne characters hollow when A New Frontiers have characters like "whats a zombie apocalypse?"-Edgy teenage game, and "fuck me Javier, lol 420 weed"-Kate and "Hey random guy that comes with girl that causes trouble, youre definitely trustworthy"-Tripp, and "baseballstar and boring as heck"-Protagonist Javier
Jesus and Clem are the only characters that have been really interesting so far, and we are already almost halfway through the season and its not really been interesting yet, and there have been far too much action so far. I am not saying that A New Frontier is not gonna be good, I am hoping it will be, I will just say, that episode 1 of Michonne grabbed me alot more than episode 1 and 2 of A New Frontier did,
Yeah, with some things you said I have to agree. Like I dont know what to think about Tripp. Wasnt he the leader of Prescot? So when does Javi take control of group?(reference to Tripp saying at the end of Ties That Bind 2-´´You are the boss´´to Javi. Wtf?
But there is no way Michonne was better. I mean I used to like Michonne character, but recently she doesnt seem so insteresting(especially since she fell in love with Rick)
I gotta admit that first part of Michonne mini series wasnt bad at all, but when entering the last episode of Michonne I was like: It cant be worse, but it was, especially that ending. It was let down
Perhaps Tripp thought that Javier would be better at leading the group since Javier had been on the road for 4 years? and Tripp is better at controlling a community? who knows, but if we are going by that logic, Clem should lead the group, since she is by far the most experienced, dunno about Jesus since I dont read the comics, but he seems to know how to act in the apocalypse (holds Javier at gunpoint, not to threaten him, but for his own safety, but not to harm him), I do think that Javier gets to be the boss way too easy, especially since alot of the other people in the group already know each other, why put the stranger in charge?
I guess we will have to disagree about which is better between A New Frontier and Michonne, but I absolutely agree that the first episodes were better than the last, the first episode was enjoyable, I really liked the second episode, but the third episode turned way too much into: "oh no ghost kids!", I really liked the way they sometimes blurred the flashbacks and reality together, so it would switch between, but there was way too much focus on those kids, especially in the last episode
I really like Michonne as a character, so I had no trouble whatsoever to enjoy her point of view in TWD universe, however I agree that the ghost haunting her could've been done a little better, less bizarre and more atmospheric. I've enjoyed sections before-the-apocalypse, it was just statics and voices which seemed to be forced and unfitting. Characters' developments did not amaze me, but still were well-written in terms of story being so short. My points for Randall and Norma. This whole hostage situation managed to be both tense and logical, and choices questionable enough for me to have trouble making a decision. I only wished we could've explored Monroe, as it was another complex functioning community which got destroyed as soon as the main hero stepped in. It had potential like Carver's, yet this road was just another dead end.
Overall, I enjoyed it and by far I had more fun playing Michonne than S3.
Yeah, it would be really nice to explore a society more in depth at some point, considering every society we have come across in TWD game so far, we have left a smoldering crater, Monroe was especially interesting, since it was a community of boats, controlling the waters, rather than hiding on land.
On another note, I bet Kenny would have loved Monroe :O (OMG SO MANY BOATS!)
From what I've seen, I think the Michonne mini-series could have been a great distraction and showcase of what Season 3 could offer that sets itself apart from Season 1 and 2, but it is held back by the abysmal run time and linear storyline.
Because the mini-series has nothing to do with the main seasons, the game itself had every opportunity to break the rules and go all out as a standalone story. Offer us multiple endings, let us explore more in depth on what is considered moral and immoral, have us decide on what direction the final conflict will lead to, and have us decide on who to side with or even to just walk away and let the rest of the characters fight their problems out on their own.
I would have liked to see what happens if we had sided with Norma and let Sam fix the messed she had dragged Michonne into. I would have liked to see how our choices can cause many characters to die in different ways and see what choice I could have made to save them. I wanted to see what the people of Monroe we're like, and what exactly happened on the boat that had caused Sam to grow hostile towards Norma's people.
Instead, the mini-series becomes a taste of what to expect in Season 3, and not in a good way. We're now given an hour long episodes, we lack enough opportunities to get to know more about the characters, we cannot bring ourselves to be invested with the story due to the rushed pacing, and the story itself just seems to get shorter and shorter per season and yet the price tag remains the same.
Oh, and the hallucinations in Episode 3 got grating very fast and played the 'creepy children' trope once too many times for my liking.
I actually really enjoyed it. The characters were pretty fleshed out considering the amount of time that you know them, and the decisions had an effect on the way things played out. The atmosphere was incredible and I loved spending some time on a boat (though less than I expected) and around the coast in general. Monroe was cool and I even enjoy the unsolved lore such as the Mobjack massacre and Rashid & Vanessa. I thought it was great.
The children were definitely overused, I kinda enjoyed some of the flashbacks, but the amount of times they showed Michonne just freeze up and do nothing because she was hallucinating was pretty annoying, especially since it ruins her whole "badass survivor" thing, since there is no way someone who freezes all the god damn time would still be alive.
I had actually never thought of the possibility of more consequences when no sequel would be made, but I think because she is a comic character they had to keep it pretty linear, since she apparently had to return to some event in the comics (havent read them, might in the future though).
Would actually be cool to see more spinoff games, as long as the protagonist and characters are interesting (aka the opposite of most of the characters in ANF), I thought I was only in TWD game for Clem, but Michonne was actually pretty interesting because I liked the characters, I still think they should have kept the different main characters in different spinoffs and kept the main series focused on Clem, since Javier is pretty boring.
I am actually curious, is/was there a way you could have avoided or played down the conflict at the house? can you avoid hurting Randall in the first conflict? I think I missed a QTE at some point when sneaking up on him in the work shed or whatever, but I have no clue if I could have avoided to hurt him completely. I told Norma I hadnt hurt him, since bashing his face bloody is barely hurting considering the state the world is in, he would still be able to protect himself, its not like you broke his arm or something
Steal all the boats!
You know what? I really briefly watched watched highlights of Michonne miniseries and I realized that without that shitty ghost story i would have liked it. Norma is character just like Rick(hope you know him from TV series
) , neither hero not villain and thats what kept you interested about her.
But that ghost story...still awfull
ANF-Tripp is just weirdo, he was told that his friend Conrad was killed and he basically didnt give a shit. But maybe its just his flegmatic character.
But it still doesnt make sense as you said...why on earth would he put a stranger in charge thought your theory is most realistic I heard so far.
I really enjoyed Michonne, despite the uneven premiere. I thought it really got its footing in episode 2 and onwards. Sure it was short, but it used what little time it had very well! The quiet moments were superb, and the action sequences had some of the best choreography I've seen Telltale do at the time. It got me to like a series of characters in just a handful of episodes, so that's an achievement in itself.
Yeah, I think it would have been better if they had kept the kids in the flashbacks, I quite liked the whole "flash between past and present" sort of thing they had going, but they just spent way too much time on her daughters.
While I havent watched the show, so I dont know who Rick is, I agree that Norma is a great character, she is the type of character that makes playing TWD exciting to me, when you talk to her, you can never tell if she is friendly or dangerous (probably both), which makes it very unpredictable and hard to tell what she will do next
As far as I know, it's not possible to avoid hurting Randal enough in order to hold him hostage. Regardless of what choice is made, he's bloodied up and ready to be used for an exchange with his own people in order to bring back Michonne's own.
Eh, thats too bad, guess I avoided killing and torturing that bitch for no reason then
Absolutely forgettable. The main thing I liked about the game was that choosing "..." Felt right most of the time.