The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • She snuck it through the hole in the fence again.
    enter image description here

  • Quality picture my man.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    When Telltale forces you to be the main character but you dont really want to

  • edited March 2017

    Becca's put on a little weight there, I see. Also, she was abducted by Batarians--good.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    She snuck it through the hole in the fence again.

  • "Jane shouldn't die because she wouldn't kill a baby!"
    Literally all she does is die and kill a baby in the process

    enter image description here

  • Wait, this isn't gonna start an abortion debate, is it?


    Joe_Momma posted: »

    "Jane shouldn't die because she wouldn't kill a baby!" Literally all she does is die and kill a baby in the process

  • Episode 3 looks great.

    enter image description here

  • Javi creating 610 YouTube channels to dislike that video.

  • enter image description here

  • [Glass Him] [Tell Him Off]

  • Gotta remember; many people don't consider a fertilized egg as a living person, only a parasite. As much as I am against abortion, people will often just consider the baby as a parasite.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    "Jane shouldn't die because she wouldn't kill a baby!" Literally all she does is die and kill a baby in the process

  • TomorrowLand

    Trenchfoot posted: »

    What movie is it?

  • edited March 2017

    Javier's expression- "...porqué el Clémentiña...porqué?" :(

    Joe_Momma posted: »


  • "I'm old enough" [Tell Him Off]

  • enter image description here

    You run along now Kenny, go to the promise land of boats and saltlicks you glorious man. sniff

  • "Why the Clementine"??? XD

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Javier's expression- "...porqué el Clémentiña...porqué?"

  • This is why I failed spanish in school.

    colbyjack posted: »

    "Why the Clementine"??? XD

  • This seems to be Telltale lately

    enter image description here

  • edited March 2017

    Joins the group by supplying them with food...

    ...leaves the group by supplying them with food.

  • A true friend indeed.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Joins the group by supplying them with food... ...leaves the group by supplying them with food.

  • enter image description here

    "Brothers... Cannibals... Don't eat... dinner..."
    "Haha! What a story Mark! So anyways, how's your sex life?"

  • "Haha! What a story Mark! So anyways, how's your sex life?"

    Mark was into some real kinky leg-stuff

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    "Brothers... Cannibals... Don't eat... dinner..." "Haha! What a story Mark! So anyways, how's your sex life?"

  • This is racist. HE'S NOT EVEN MEXICAN! HE. IS. CUBAN!!

    Joe_Momma posted: »


  • It would be...

    "¿¡Por qué, Clemetina, por qué!?"

    Don't add Ñ's everywhere... they make a different sound.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Javier's expression- "...porqué el Clémentiña...porqué?"

  • edited March 2017

    Yep i'm aware, was attempting to make a joke. So calm yourself down, no need to call me a racist.

    Also you're technically incorrect in your Spanish grammar correction. In no language is it grammatically acceptable to use a question mark directly beside an exclamation mark. Only comics and cartoons do so.

    Please, next time you're going to correct someone... make sure you are correct yourself.

    It would be... "¿¡Por qué, Clemetina, por qué!?" Don't add Ñ's everywhere... they make a different sound.

  • You are aware that Cubans speak a dialect of Spanish, it's not just Mexicans which speak it.

    Please tell me you knew that or else you're really making yourself out to be a racist yourself... or simply tragically misinformed.

    This is racist. HE'S NOT EVEN MEXICAN! HE. IS. CUBAN!!

  • Also you're technically incorrect in your Spanish grammar correction. In no language is it grammatically acceptable to use a question mark directly beside an exclamation mark. Only comics and cartoon do so.

    I'm in vacations I haven't read a book in weeks I forgot about that little detail

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Yep i'm aware, was attempting to make a joke. So calm yourself down, no need to call me a racist. Also you're technically incorrect in yo

  • It has nothing to do with spanish... I meant the mariachi custome...

    Nevermind. I don't want to fight.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    You are aware that Cubans speak a dialect of Spanish, it's not just Mexicans which speak it. Please tell me you knew that or else you're really making yourself out to be a racist yourself... or simply tragically misinformed.

  • Aw man, I'm so sorry. I thought you were calling me a racist for insinuating that Javi was speaking Spanish.

    Sorry for going full on defensive mode on you. :)

    It has nothing to do with spanish... I meant the mariachi custome... Nevermind. I don't want to fight.

  • Guys episode 3 leaked DONT READ BELOW FOR SPOILERS

    Kenny lives!

    enter image description here

  • It's fine, don't worry. :)

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Aw man, I'm so sorry. I thought you were calling me a racist for insinuating that Javi was speaking Spanish. Sorry for going full on defensive mode on you.

  • not sure if i can read your sarcasm

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Guys episode 3 leaked DONT READ BELOW FOR SPOILERS Kenny lives!

  • Glad I'm not the only one that heard that.

  • Jeez, it's pics like this that make me remember how uncanny Gabe looks to me. Seriously, he's 5 steps away from a raepface.

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