It's not supposed to be good logic, I'm saying if you knew how to design games I doubt you could have made it better. You know what else isn't good logic? People saying they hate a new frontier but they are excited for episode 3.
Terrible logic. Im not a great cook, but if I go to a resteraunt and get served a bad meal do I not have a right to complain just because I couldn't do much better?
Taking down episodes that go up before release or some form of embargo is standard policy. This happened before with Minecraft when a Let's Player put up the episode a day too soon. Obviously, it's not expected that people can't still find it otherwise we wouldn't have a thread focused on the episode leak.
Looks like it's time to let go of this franchise and move on without looking back. The good times will never come again, it will only get worse. Sad. Disappointed, Telltale.
I usually hate spoilers too, but I'm here because it's been such a long time that I'm at risk of stopping caring about the game at all if I don't get something new ASAP.
Also I want to know if my dear Tripp is okay.
So are you gonna throw every tired ass argument from the last three months at me? I don't like episodes 1&2, I'm probably not gonna be real happy with episode 3 but its too early to tell.
But no matter what I'm voice my opinion on it, and when someone voices a contrary opinion to mine, I'm just gonna let it stand. Not come barking at them with poorly thought out arguments and instructions on how to be a "good fan".
It's not supposed to be good logic, I'm saying if you knew how to design games I doubt you could have made it better. You know what else isn't good logic? People saying they hate a new frontier but they are excited for episode 3.
TV series contain even more unreal situations, so dont complain about it. And in Telltale...they know very well that most of us play The Walking Dead just because of her, they cant kill her.Just like Rick,or Daryl is more appropriate to be compared since he is not in comic books so his fate is in hands of writers of TV show. Many people watch it just because of them and they dont care about new characters,the same issue have people with Garcia family in A New Frontier
Gotta say, I liked this episode. There were iffy parts (the voice acting, eugh), but overall, looks like it addressed half or more of the criticism about this season.
Special shout-out to Kate for rolling the R in "muertos"
Gotta say, I liked this episode. There were iffy parts (the voice acting, eugh), but overall, looks like it addressed half or more of the criticism about this season.
Special shout-out to Kate for rolling the R in "muertos"
Well, she's a teenager now, what'd you expect... She's just trying to not make herself dependent on others and she's lost everyone so far. Sure it looks a bit cliché and rebellious, but I'd doubt she'd be a lot different if there wasn't an apocalypse. She's just being a "cool" teenkid now xd
The goofball nickname is becoming quite excessive to the point where it's cringe. In episodes 1 and 2 I didn't like it much but I could handle it because she said it maybe once or twice. Episode 3 on the other hand? Please, I can only take so much. She says goofball like, 9 times withing the small 20 minutes she is in the episode (took her 50 minutes to appear.) She said it more than she says his real name. Also, during the scene when you get to hug Javier... it was nice. I really like it, it was touching, she needed a hug. But then comes the dreaded "my little goofball....." That was such an immersion breaker. Had she said "I miss him" it would have been much, much more touching. Not to mention she literally said it 2 minutes ago during the flashback that just ended as she was saying goodbye to him.
I'm not sure if they are trying to go for a Lee/Clem thing with the nicknames. Like when Lee called Clementine Sweet pea. But if they are, they're trying too hard. Lee said it during the right moments and didn't abuse it to the point where he never said her real name. Also, sweet pea fits her. She was cute, sweet, and small. Goofball? I don't know how that correlated to AJ whatsoever. Not asking to abandon it, but I think myself and others would appreciate for it to be toned down some. Or, a lot actually.
I don't find the context of it that bad, considering it's just a nickname that a kid gave to another kid... But she calls him 'Goofball' more than she does his full name. And it seems for a lot of people, when it's brought up, it can harm the impact of the scene at hand.
It's a relatively small thing in the grand scheme of things, but it can detract from certain dialogues to the point where it can ruin a scene like that one after the flashback for example. Hopefully this feedback is noted and it's turned down a fair bit.
Yeah, it has been used a bit too much.
I don't find the context of it that bad, considering it's just a nickname that a kid gave to anoth… moreer kid... But she calls him 'Goofball' more than she does his full name. And it seems for a lot of people, when it's brought up, it can harm the impact of the scene at hand.
It's a relatively small thing in the grand scheme of things, but it can detract from certain dialogues to the point where it can ruin a scene like that one after the flashback for example. Hopefully this feedback is noted and it's turned down a fair bit.
I'm actually ok with the length, which itself is surprising considering most of the episode seems to be on rails. I've heard there were about 3 simple ones, but I started skimming through and only remember one part that wasn't an interactive cutscene, it was a fairly simple section. Can't say I care much for it, first half was just boring as all hell, Clem and David made most of the second half interesting, at least.
I still don't care for the Muertos name. Watch out for the deads lol. I did fist pump when David didn't call his daughter Mary Anna, and actually pronounced her name right unlike the rest of the family. This is why you cast people familiar with the languages their characters speak.
Gotta say, I liked this episode. There were iffy parts (the voice acting, eugh), but overall, looks like it addressed half or more of the criticism about this season.
Special shout-out to Kate for rolling the R in "muertos"
Minor episode 3 spoilers
The goofball nickname is becoming quite excessive to the point where it's cringe. In episodes 1 and 2 I didn't… more like it much but I could handle it because she said it maybe once or twice. Episode 3 on the other hand? Please, I can only take so much. She says goofball like, 9 times withing the small 20 minutes she is in the episode (took her 50 minutes to appear.) She said it more than she says his real name. Also, during the scene when you get to hug Javier... it was nice. I really like it, it was touching, she needed a hug. But then comes the dreaded "my little goofball....." That was such an immersion breaker. Had she said "I miss him" it would have been much, much more touching. Not to mention she literally said it 2 minutes ago during the flashback that just ended as she was saying goodbye to him.
I'm not sure if they are trying to go for a Lee/Clem thing with the nicknames. Like when Lee called Cl… [view original content]
Yeah, it has been used a bit too much.
I don't find the context of it that bad, considering it's just a nickname that a kid gave to anoth… moreer kid... But she calls him 'Goofball' more than she does his full name. And it seems for a lot of people, when it's brought up, it can harm the impact of the scene at hand.
It's a relatively small thing in the grand scheme of things, but it can detract from certain dialogues to the point where it can ruin a scene like that one after the flashback for example. Hopefully this feedback is noted and it's turned down a fair bit.
Minor episode 3 spoilers
The goofball nickname is becoming quite excessive to the point where it's cringe. In episodes 1 and 2 I didn't… more like it much but I could handle it because she said it maybe once or twice. Episode 3 on the other hand? Please, I can only take so much. She says goofball like, 9 times withing the small 20 minutes she is in the episode (took her 50 minutes to appear.) She said it more than she says his real name. Also, during the scene when you get to hug Javier... it was nice. I really like it, it was touching, she needed a hug. But then comes the dreaded "my little goofball....." That was such an immersion breaker. Had she said "I miss him" it would have been much, much more touching. Not to mention she literally said it 2 minutes ago during the flashback that just ended as she was saying goodbye to him.
I'm not sure if they are trying to go for a Lee/Clem thing with the nicknames. Like when Lee called Cl… [view original content]
i love the walking dead show and this is the best game that we have that is based on the walking dead and i hope they keep it going for years and years
Looks like it's time to let go of this franchise and move on without looking back. The good times will never come again, it will only get worse. Sad. Disappointed, Telltale.
TV series contain even more unreal situations, so dont complain about it. And in Telltale...they know very well that most of us play The Wal… moreking Dead just because of her, they cant kill her.Just like Rick,or Daryl is more appropriate to be compared since he is not in comic books so his fate is in hands of writers of TV show. Many people watch it just because of them and they dont care about new characters,the same issue have people with Garcia family in A New Frontier
i bought the disc version as i like to have a physical copy and i like the art on the cover. and i played episode 3 last night (i am from UK and on xb1)
I did fist pump when David didn't call his daughter Mary Anna, and actually pronounced her name right unlike the rest of the family. This is why you cast people familiar with the languages their characters speak.
Really now? I"ll have to go back to listen for that. If so, I guess it'd make sense with him being her dad, compared to Javier being her estranged uncle and Kate being her fairly recent stepmon.
I'm actually ok with the length, which itself is surprising considering most of the episode seems to be on rails. I've heard there were abou… moret 3 simple ones, but I started skimming through and only remember one part that wasn't an interactive cutscene, it was a fairly simple section. Can't say I care much for it, first half was just boring as all hell, Clem and David made most of the second half interesting, at least.
I still don't care for the Muertos name. Watch out for the deads lol. I did fist pump when David didn't call his daughter Mary Anna, and actually pronounced her name right unlike the rest of the family. This is why you cast people familiar with the languages their characters speak.
It's not supposed to be good logic, I'm saying if you knew how to design games I doubt you could have made it better. You know what else isn't good logic? People saying they hate a new frontier but they are excited for episode 3.
Taking down episodes that go up before release or some form of embargo is standard policy. This happened before with Minecraft when a Let's Player put up the episode a day too soon. Obviously, it's not expected that people can't still find it otherwise we wouldn't have a thread focused on the episode leak.
link? I can't seem to find it.
Looks like it's time to let go of this franchise and move on without looking back. The good times will never come again, it will only get worse. Sad. Disappointed, Telltale.
I'll watch the full episode later on, not in any rush to be frank.
Sort of the same idea, avoiding most spoilers but not really caring if I see anything. Cant believe another game of theres got leaked lol
I want to watch it too.Can you give me a link?
Is there any video I can watch now? Every other video was taken down, on YT and dailymotion. Anyone has a copy?
Too short to please the fanbase, but no long enough to split the episode in two.
1 to 1.5 hour episodes is the norm for Telltale now anyway.
So what the fuck is going on? Some players with the season pass get for no reason episode three?
So are you gonna throw every tired ass argument from the last three months at me? I don't like episodes 1&2, I'm probably not gonna be real happy with episode 3 but its too early to tell.
But no matter what I'm voice my opinion on it, and when someone voices a contrary opinion to mine, I'm just gonna let it stand. Not come barking at them with poorly thought out arguments and instructions on how to be a "good fan".
Good day sir.
This is spoiler free video, havent taken it down yet and they wont.
According to what I heard and experienced only retail version of season pass has this "problem"
does that mean I can post a sneak peek preview of the intro?
Oh come on. I hate this edgy Clem kool kid need no man to survive bullshit.
TV series contain even more unreal situations, so dont complain about it. And in Telltale...they know very well that most of us play The Walking Dead just because of her, they cant kill her.Just like Rick,or Daryl is more appropriate to be compared since he is not in comic books so his fate is in hands of writers of TV show. Many people watch it just because of them and they dont care about new characters,the same issue have people with Garcia family in A New Frontier
Gotta say, I liked this episode. There were iffy parts (the voice acting, eugh), but overall, looks like it addressed half or more of the criticism about this season.
Special shout-out to Kate for rolling the R in "muertos"
I wanted a full playthrough...
Is the brain supposed to look like it melted like cotton candy on the floor?
What was wrong with the voice acting ?
Telltale banned every last one of them.
I have a copy in my memory, kek
Well, she's a teenager now, what'd you expect... She's just trying to not make herself dependent on others and she's lost everyone so far. Sure it looks a bit cliché and rebellious, but I'd doubt she'd be a lot different if there wasn't an apocalypse. She's just being a "cool" teenkid now xd
Minor episode 3 spoilers
The goofball nickname is becoming quite excessive to the point where it's cringe. In episodes 1 and 2 I didn't like it much but I could handle it because she said it maybe once or twice. Episode 3 on the other hand? Please, I can only take so much. She says goofball like, 9 times withing the small 20 minutes she is in the episode (took her 50 minutes to appear.) She said it more than she says his real name. Also, during the scene when you get to hug Javier... it was nice. I really like it, it was touching, she needed a hug. But then comes the dreaded "my little goofball....." That was such an immersion breaker. Had she said "I miss him" it would have been much, much more touching. Not to mention she literally said it 2 minutes ago during the flashback that just ended as she was saying goodbye to him.
I'm not sure if they are trying to go for a Lee/Clem thing with the nicknames. Like when Lee called Clementine Sweet pea. But if they are, they're trying too hard. Lee said it during the right moments and didn't abuse it to the point where he never said her real name. Also, sweet pea fits her. She was cute, sweet, and small. Goofball? I don't know how that correlated to AJ whatsoever. Not asking to abandon it, but I think myself and others would appreciate for it to be toned down some. Or, a lot actually.
Petition: Please adress Alvin Junior with his real name or at least give me a choice to call him Apple Juice.
So true omg
Yeah, it has been used a bit too much.
I don't find the context of it that bad, considering it's just a nickname that a kid gave to another kid... But she calls him 'Goofball' more than she does his full name. And it seems for a lot of people, when it's brought up, it can harm the impact of the scene at hand.
It's a relatively small thing in the grand scheme of things, but it can detract from certain dialogues to the point where it can ruin a scene like that one after the flashback for example. Hopefully this feedback is noted and it's turned down a fair bit.
I'm actually ok with the length, which itself is surprising considering most of the episode seems to be on rails. I've heard there were about 3 simple ones, but I started skimming through and only remember one part that wasn't an interactive cutscene, it was a fairly simple section. Can't say I care much for it, first half was just boring as all hell, Clem and David made most of the second half interesting, at least.
I still don't care for the Muertos name. Watch out for the deads lol. I did fist pump when David didn't call his daughter Mary Anna, and actually pronounced her name right unlike the rest of the family. This is why you cast people familiar with the languages their characters speak.
I thought calling him goofball was cringy from the start.
Honestly, I forgot that Jesus left after everyone else left the warehouse after the fight with Max and Badger.
I think it would help if we knew how the nickname started. I guess they were trying for another Sweet Pea thing and just failed completely.
did anyone get the choices thing at the end. when i finished it said i needed to refresh the choices thing to see them but i did and nothing happened.
the episode was better than part 1 + part 2 but not as good as any episode from season 1 and 2
We even have two good nicknames for him already (AJ and Alvie), I don't see why goofball has to be a thing more than once or twice.
i love the walking dead show and this is the best game that we have that is based on the walking dead and i hope they keep it going for years and years
i was crying when they killed Lee because i saw Clem and lee as the Rick and carl of the game series
and then i saw Kenny and clem as the rick and carl and they go and stupidly kill kenny
i bought the disc version as i like to have a physical copy and i like the art on the cover. and i played episode 3 last night (i am from UK and on xb1)
I really wanted Jesus to stay
Really now? I"ll have to go back to listen for that. If so, I guess it'd make sense with him being her dad, compared to Javier being her estranged uncle and Kate being her fairly recent stepmon.
"Didja let'im TuuURN?!"