What Does It Take To Be Part of the Community?
Someone in another thread of mine had made a statement about how I haven't played the third Walking Dead game and, therefore, my opinions are basically invalid (not what he said EXACTLY but that's what he's hinting at. "Your opinions are worth less then someone who experienced it first hand")
I bought and played both seasons 1 and 2 and I don't feel the need to spend cash on A New Frontier as of right now, not until it's fully released. However, I have watched several gameplays of the first two episodes, each with varying choices. I know plenty of details and know what can happen and which choices are invalid as they'll have the same consequence either right away or later. However, this person had suggested that since I am not participating, I am not part of the community. (his words EXACTLY).
However, because I'm participating in the forums, doesn't that already make me a member of the Walking Dead community?
What does everyone else think? Are your opinions invalid if you don't play the game, or are they just as important? Are you part of the community only if you play the games, or can you just watch others play it and you're still part of it?
(Also, it'd be great if a mod answered this cuz I want their opinions on it as well).
Of course you're the part of the community, why listen to some person saying you're not? You're part of the franchise, fanbase and this very community. You don't even have to be registered on some forum to feel like it, it's not some cult or something.
I laughed a bit at the "cult" part lol
Hold your horses...
Someone, who played ANF has a more intense game experience than someone who didn't.
When I first watched someone play S1, I loved the game, but when I got it myself, was a whole different experience, not just because of the choices, but because you move the char in the world too and look around, etc.
What you said in another post of you about actors and musicians, they do have a different experience of their art, too.
Ofc, you are part of the TTG/Walking Dead community and you do have a say, but unfortunately it's true, someone who played the game (ANF in particularly) himself, has a more intense experience and hence can better tell if it's a good or bad game in his opinion.
So, you are part of the community, but not part of the ppl who played the game, I figure that's more what he meant.
Edit: Problem is, he generalized it by saying "you don't buy your stuff", but you only didn't get ANF.
I wouldn't pay much mind to people who say things about that. Sometimes, people in the Walking Dead forums try to grandstand about the significance of the Walking Dead community but it isn't too terribly big of a deal that people aren't as dedicated to the game as others or whatever else.
Its the walking dead community? Would you really want to a part of THOSE guys. Mostly joking pff
Yes I would cuz I'm a BIG TIME theorist. lol ;P
That's actually a great way of looking at it. Thanks so much!
They're like the entitled snooty kids who own like yachts and think their better than anyone else in comparison to everywhere else on the forums, where everyone is mostly chill. Its been getting better, and hopefully continues too, but the last few months have been rough.
This is in regards to a thread which Ninja started, which said that he was not disappointed in the game. He hadn't bought the game (had no intention of wasting money) or played the game (he had seen videos). So I asked why we should be interested in whether someone who hadn't bought the game or played the game was disappointed. Its a game if you aren't playing it you are a spectator. sorry if that's offensive sweetheart but that's the facts.
And why would you call me 'sweetheart' if you thought I was a guy?
And you're only solidifying this thread. You basically said I am not part of the community if I am not participating
cause you called me sweetheart a few days ago.
Well we secretly preach gavinism, but I'm not allowed to talk about that.
I did? I wouldn't be able to remember if it were a side convo.
Wait, was it the one thread where someone complained about their videos being taken down?
Thanks so much, mate!
Of course you're part of the community. Don't listen to the guy who told you that you weren't. Like every other group, we have our assholes.
NOW I remember.
And you kinda dodged (most likely unintentionally) my statement about how you said I'm not part of the community cuz I'm not "participating".
I wanna find that damn GIF where Clem says she's not an asshole and Luke was like, "What, does that make me an asshole?" or whatever he said lol
Much like in politics....were if you don't vote you cannot complain...I would say actually having played the game and given good money over to the company does make your opinion more valid. So if you do not actually buy the game then...meh but your opinion is that of a spectator who has no idea what the feel of the game is or the disappointment you have in a game or a sense of accomplishment when you finish it. Sure you get the info...but not the feeling..it is one thing to see Clem kill Lee...it is quite another when it is your choice.
I keep forgetting nobody knows me personally on here....
I can get easily emotionally involved, even if I'm not the one who plays the game. I may not be getting first hand experience, but I still put just as much emotion into it as if I were.
But, I'm not trying to demoralize (or whatever the word is) your opinion here, I'm just stating that lol.
Thanks, mate XD
I did say it but clearly you are. so accept my apologies for going a little too far...but I stand by the other stuff.
A blood sacrifice.
Pffft, who's gonna stop me from doing that? The shitty opinion police?
That's only for reaching phase 3.
Ah yes you're correct. Phase 1 is just 3 months of fasting without human contact.
Don't worry, buddy. Nobody here is better than anyone. It's an open forum so you can be part of the community if you want to. You play whatever you want to play. It's nobody business..
Some people here need to get a life. Like, RIGHT NOW.
I agree that you don't need to actually play to feel a great sense of emotional attachment, especially in Telltale Games since they are so much like actual TV Shows, but I do also think that supporting Telltale with your money can help them make more awesome games, although I think personally that I would like to see a rise in quality from them now.
You said that you intend on possibly purchasing it after it has been fully released and so you show that you are interested in putting money towards it which is good.
Of course your opinions are valid though and you are a valued member of the community just like any other, but I think that really you should try and play the episodes as your first experience rather than watching them first. I know you would like to wait to hear if the game is worth purchasing and you don't want to miss out on Community discussions and things of that sort, which is fine. I just believe you miss out on the tensity of playing it all for yourself and not knowing where things will lead and making your own decisions in the heat of the moment.
I know this was a rather long and drawn out post, which mainly didn't cover what you were asking, but I find often that I am incapable of giving people an answer in one or two sentences, so sorry.
I'm just gonna double down here and add that if you want to be a part of the community, you're part of the community. There's no magical requirement you need to fulfill, or specific way you have to be a fan.
Wait are you telling me the 3 months of fasting wasn't necessary? Both my kidney's shut down and I lost most of my small intestines!
At least you stopped before phase 2...
Ahhh, crap! I should've told you earlier
Weakness...incompetence...it puts us all at risk, and it won't be tolerated. Plan, the weak die and the strong live, it is the way the community works now.
Now that I am just thinking about Carver I just hope that David can stand up to other him as a solid villain, if David will actually be set up that way or if we are being thrown for a loop. I feel that had Carver been given more time to develop it would have been good and it looks like we are going that way with David already.
I know I am off on another boring tangent no-one wants to hear, but I think that The Walking Dead, in all forms of media from game to comics to show to novels, can tell a better story when there is a villain being focused on as well. I wouldn't describe the walkers as villains so much either because Kirkman expressed his view of them being a part of the background in a way.
...sounds like my last visit to the Telltale Community Black Market.
[wait, should I have publicly posted that?]
(?) He's lying. We really worship Ava.
Warning—this is an assertion that conveniently favors the writer.
As somebody who spends copious amounts of time reflecting on, analyzing and discussing the episodes of the series—and yet, somebody who does not buy the games until after, if I ever even come around to do it—I consider myself a bigger fan that casual players.
I would not know because I don't vividly remember much about your posts, Kray, but I am under the impression that you look quite a bit into the games. In my eyes, you are very much part of the community.
Nobody could possibly do that. Not with a strait face at least.