I don't know if letting conrad live is the factor in how much clementine we see, however I've been told that depending on your choices it will depend how much of clementine you will see. I'd take that as depending on whether you killed conrad or not in EP2. The other consistent point I've seen and told is regardless of choice is clementine is only playable for 5 minutes of the episode. And I'm almost positive they showed part of it in the trailer.
Yeah I think you're right, I could stand to see clementine get branded I mean it would still be hard but she already has a lot of scars and has had time to grow hardened and tough, but AJ is just a toddler it will be so heart breaking to see him get branded.
I'm gunna call it right now (btw I didn't get spoiled for episode 3 so I'm not influenced by anything, only the trailer) that the whole objective after we get kicked out of Richmond without Kate and gabe, the own season objective will be to get them back, and quite frankly I can't be fucked for Kate or gabe, they can both choke on a toenail.
Yeah I think you're right, I could stand to see clementine get branded I mean it would still be hard but she already has a lot of scars and … morehas had time to grow hardened and tough, but AJ is just a toddler it will be so heart breaking to see him get branded.
The dialogue is bland, the acting is bland, the story looks repetitive and boring, and the obligatory Clem badass scene at the end was just … moreicing on the shit cake.
I don't like being a sour puss, but this just looks tired and just bad, there's no way I'm getting excited.
Trailers can still be bad. Trailers can be really shitty if done wrong, but really good if done right - and if some people here believe that the trailer was done badly then in THEIR opinion it was done badly. There is no wrong or right opinion.
I love how people are hating on the TRAILER for a episode that's not even out yet, keep in mind when criticizing ANF you're criticizing the … morefirst two episodes, not the one that hasn't even freakin come out yet, to say the trailer was bad is just incorrect
I'm gunna call it right now (btw I didn't get spoiled for episode 3 so I'm not influenced by anything, only the trailer) that the whole obje… morective after we get kicked out of Richmond without Kate and gabe, the own season objective will be to get them back, and quite frankly I can't be fucked for Kate or gabe, they can both choke on a toenail.
Telltale's trailers never fail to make me super hyped. I went from forgetting S3 was even a thing to considering whether i can marathon the whole series in 4 days.
Look at Clem with her lil' bat-bashin' sound effects. Love it.
This season's game time is short, so I just hope that they didn't reveal, like, half of the semi-exciting footage there.
Could you say(or PM WITHOUT SPOILER) if i choose to stick with Conrad plan we i have more Clem in episode or not(i hope yes though)
I don't know if letting conrad live is the factor in how much clementine we see, however I've been told that depending on your choices it will depend how much of clementine you will see. I'd take that as depending on whether you killed conrad or not in EP2. The other consistent point I've seen and told is regardless of choice is clementine is only playable for 5 minutes of the episode. And I'm almost positive they showed part of it in the trailer.
I think we will see him getting branded, along with Clem's branding (shit my feels is not ready for this "double" feels attack)
Yeah I think you're right, I could stand to see clementine get branded I mean it would still be hard but she already has a lot of scars and has had time to grow hardened and tough, but AJ is just a toddler it will be so heart breaking to see him get branded.
I'm gunna call it right now (btw I didn't get spoiled for episode 3 so I'm not influenced by anything, only the trailer) that the whole objective after we get kicked out of Richmond without Kate and gabe, the own season objective will be to get them back, and quite frankly I can't be fucked for Kate or gabe, they can both choke on a toenail.
It'll probably be longer with Conrad present.
I saw one it was 1hour 28 min so there might be hope it's 90
What if telltale are misleading us? I didn't see anything I'm just aware maybe this is just for hype
Maybe a little offtop but, I just made this and i wanted to share my work with you, hope you'll like it:

I completely agree that Clementine scene at the end was awful and the sound the bat made. It sounded so stupid me and my brother were laughing so much
Ew- used to express disgust or distaste.
Trailers can still be bad. Trailers can be really shitty if done wrong, but really good if done right - and if some people here believe that the trailer was done badly then in THEIR opinion it was done badly. There is no wrong or right opinion.
It was done badly in my opinion.
Yeah i know, i mean why you disgust from this?
It's a picture from a really dumb and generic scene
Well, i guess we have different opinion on this then!
It would be even better if we got to play as clementine in the scene to save Javier.
200% agree, though i'm still have my hopes up for playable Clemy in present time in Episode 4!
Lol it won't happen I wouldn't recommend getting your hopes up
What was the name of the song that was played in the background of ep 3 trailer?
The song is called Rodeo Drive.
Well i still will be have them up!
Yes. I'll let David look after them to show how good he is to be a father. Not my business anymore.
Is it just me but the music from the trailer sounds very similar with the one from the second trailer of Logan?
You should more careful with them. Great work.
by the way
Telltale's trailers never fail to make me super hyped. I went from forgetting S3 was even a thing to considering whether i can marathon the whole series in 4 days.
roughly 4 more days to go
What is going on with that lighting? What is going on with that wig?!
I think this will probably fix the earlier build bugs like Javier's body stretching beyond space and time.
Poor dude. I mean baby.
He's so small though ;___;
I love your avatar T.T I want you to know that.
Look at Clem with her lil' bat-bashin' sound effects. Love it.
This season's game time is short, so I just hope that they didn't reveal, like, half of the semi-exciting footage there.
I bet you do, ya freak.
That face.....I don't know what to think of that. It honestly reminds me of a promotional picture for a sleep medication.
Damn right :P one of my favorite TWDG fanart comics, with Clem walking in on those two. Friggin hilarious.
True. In fact, I think that's exactly where I found it--posted by you!
Yeah, the Victorian nanny 'medication.'
I'm just thinking about this now how a community a little girl and a woman were killed in this game all over pudding.
Misleading trailer. pffft