Great points. I've noticed that this series tends to hate sweet little girls (i.e.: Sarah). Clem is the only exception-- and even with her, "sweet" is questionable at this point.
But, in this case, WE are Javier, which means that her death should give US a reason to hate The New Frontier, but without any real characte… morer development and attachment, Marianas death becomes kinda meaningless.
I think they could have easily gone 2 episodes without killing anyone off, or only have Conrad be (determinantly) killed, I think its a waste of time to kill off characters so fast, and frankly, I barely care about any characters other than Clem so far, since there has been so much action and so short episodes, that we barely know or care about any of the characters.
Its also signs of a strong character writing if you can make the player hate someone without resorting to killing someone, for example, the flashback with Ava and Clem made me way more wary of The New Frontier than them killing Mariana, in this world, people killing people on sight arent the dangerous one, theyre predictable, the dangerous ones are the ones that are… [view original content]
If the best part of the game is a traumatized sheltered girl being brutally killed by walkers regardless of choice while the sociopath responsible gets little to no consequence from it, clearly there's a problem with both you and the game.
Sarah, Clem could teach her how to shoot and survive, then she just falls and dies!
* Pfft * -- boy, I wish that's what happened in … morethe game proper.
'The group was taken aback as the deck creaked and the weight of the canon caused a chainlink to give way. The group made a collective dash for safety, barely getting out of the way when the floor formerly below them began to give Sarah just fell on her knees and died. Her maidenly body, bronze and lithe, appeared to float down before the group's eyes as the rubble began to accumulate under, around, and finally above her. When the dust had settled and the group finally broke out of their shock to help their similarly hanging ally, a glance over her shoulder revealed a bone-chilling image: a headstone engraved with the words "Here lies Sarah--Sometimes, you just gotta know when to bail."'
Academy Award winning writing right there!
At least Ben got some decent gameplay variations, decided to stand up for himself when he had enough, and got to participate in an action scene. Sarah was actively prevented from doing any of that for some reason.
At least Ben got some decent gameplay variations, decided to stand up for himself when he had enough, and got to participate in an action scene. Sarah was actively prevented from doing any of that for some reason.
Great points. I've noticed that this series tends to hate sweet little girls (i.e.: Sarah). Clem is the only exception-- and even with her, "sweet" is questionable at this point.
To be fair, neither of them canonically die because they made a mistake, but rather due to a freak accident caused/catalyzed by the jerk who would/could go down to help them after treating them like shit.
Yeah, I know right? Unless your name is Kenny or Jane, don't expect to get a cool moment and/or "redeem" yourself in the eyes of the judgmental without getting shortchanged in the process.
Unless you're Carlos, in which case very few seem to care anyway.
I think the point theyre trying to make is, that sweet little kids usually dont last very long (Duck, Sarah) unless they change (Clementine), but the problem I have with Marianas death, is that she is shown to not be reckless, she follows instructions, and knows about the dangers of the world, Kate and Gabe are shown to be clueless, running through gunfire to get to Marianas dead body, Gabe acting like the Zombie apocalypse isnt happening and throwing hissy fits at every corner.
Great points. I've noticed that this series tends to hate sweet little girls (i.e.: Sarah). Clem is the only exception-- and even with her, "sweet" is questionable at this point.
Great points. I've noticed that this series tends to hate sweet little girls (i.e.: Sarah). Clem is the only exception-- and even with her, "sweet" is questionable at this point.
Dude.... he/she is using a Jane avatar. What did you expect?
"bronze and lithe"
Because the writing for S2 was shit. Character development I'm referring to
Ultimately it doesn't matter to me, they were both treated like complete fuck-ups.
Or little, for that matter.
Also, not sure I'd class Sarah as a little girl, but yeah, she might as well be given how everyone treats her.
I know, I just try not to typecast anyone. I did once assume all Jane fans either hated Kenny and/or were female, after all.
She is, isn't she?
To be fair, neither of them canonically die because they made a mistake, but rather due to a freak accident caused/catalyzed by the jerk who would/could go down to help them after treating them like shit.
Yeah, I know right? Unless your name is Kenny or Jane, don't expect to get a cool moment and/or "redeem" yourself in the eyes of the judgmental without getting shortchanged in the process.
Unless you're Carlos, in which case very few seem to care anyway.
I think the point theyre trying to make is, that sweet little kids usually dont last very long (Duck, Sarah) unless they change (Clementine), but the problem I have with Marianas death, is that she is shown to not be reckless, she follows instructions, and knows about the dangers of the world, Kate and Gabe are shown to be clueless, running through gunfire to get to Marianas dead body, Gabe acting like the Zombie apocalypse isnt happening and throwing hissy fits at every corner.