What Does the Future Hold?
We're three years away from the Roaring Twenties, and while I don't think we're going to relive those days anytime soon, I believe Clementine and the crew will once the big communities start getting established (which I might explore in an AU fic featuring several now dead characters).
The 20's began after the devastating, catastrophic World War One and with a sudden booming economy (at least for the U.S.) and the population being so jaded by the events, it was honestly inevitable. What do you get with a jaded population suddenly feeling safe after a zombie apocalypse in an established community with starting up economies that intelligent, corrupt, or lucky people can take advantage of? One big ass party that never ends... At least until a Great Depression Hits.
Now, obviously the 20's weren't perfect. There was a ton of racism, sexism, the mafia, the Prohibition, etc. Of course there would be different issues in a post apocalyptic world, but when most people think of the 20's, they think of money, power, or the Wall Street Crash (though that was at the end of the decade, so I consider that early 30's). It's very possible that survivors will try to relive those days. We already try to do it with Great Gatsby themed parties and what not. Especially with common commodities like cars, televisions, and even electricity are luxuries, they could succeed. If they ever get around to fixing power lines, radio and serials could become an extremely popular form of entertainment again.
Bandits will become mini mafia's, celebrity culture will begin to flourish again, powerful families (Kennedy's, Roosevelt's Bushes, Rockefeller's, etc) will have their makings, and walkers will fade away.
However, that's just my head-canon on how the world will become. What are your head-canons for the future of the world of The Walking Dead?
In the world I see. Its probably still not going very friendly world ten years after ANF. I would imagine there will be many City States that spring up out of these communities. Each one with their own laws and culture. A person born into this world will go their whole lives without meeting somone from another City 50-60 miles down the road. Communication will be limited, radios may still work but no one is building replacements, and a continued break down of all technological devices will achieve a sort of dark age where all people will know is the tiny world they inhabit. Each City State will grow more and more insular as time passes, and large cultural shifts will occur. New Regions will spring up, opening up a whole new problems.
The areas outside of these cities will be wild country, a "New Frontier" if you will. Scirmishes between bandits and differing City States would become common place.
I don't see a grand Reconstruction effort starting or even becoming effective for 20-30 more years. What could spring from that is anyone's guess, but I doubt it will be anything like our world has seen before.
( Accidental Repost)
So, like the Greek city states (Sparta, Athens, Argos, Corinth) and the Middle Ages? While the Athenians were more intellectual Sparta was more focused on warfare (which I could see between Wellington and the New Frontier if Telltale had decided to expand them).
With the Wild Country, I think of the Gauls, which would be interesting to see bandits come together to form their own tribes and eventually take over city-state empires like the New Frontier.
Not that it would be a compete one to one with ancient Greece of course. But I see the future being more akin to that than anything else. Each City State will be focused on providing something another can not, and trade would flow that way between them. Alliances will be made and broken, invasions, basically a redo of all human history within a fifty year time frame.
It would be interesting to see the Renaissance 2.0 that would bound to happen once people decided to rebuild. One of the city-states would become the biggest supporter and commission tons of works like Florence and later Rome were doing. I could see Clementine as a pioneer of either one of the arts or a leader of some sort in your head-canon.
I wonder how the arts would carry forward. Obviously music would carry on fairly easily, but others like literature would see a severe set back. I don't see much mass market printing in the near future. Perhaps it would live on if someone started a Newspaper up and stories could be published serially through it.
But I think as the world slowly regains its footing, watching the arts redevelop would be very intresting.
They would need a printing press, which could be made as it was already invented (could bring in some jobs and revive apprenticeships in that trade), but they would need some way to get it there. WIth cars not available, they'll need to go on horse and wagon to deliver the news, but by then it could take several days to reach the city states. It would have either spread by word of mouth or they'd be in the dark. It's very colonial America.
Or, it could be like in Fallout 4 where certain city states have their own newspapers.
Jury's still out on that one.
Everything has been setback so far, the more the thought I put to it, the harder it seems. Where do they get the paper, or the ink?
Although a Pony Express between the City States, sounds fun.
I think if everyone followed Tommy Wiseu's words, the world would be a better place to live in
They'd have to do everything the Ye Ol Fashion Way. Though, it is possible to make both paper and ink at home.