I'm guessing it comes on Thursday or Friday; it won't be earlier this week because Episode 3 of Walking Dead: A New Frontier already releases tomorrow, and Telltale will probably want the new episode release to have the limelight to itself for a couple days.
Hey, guys i have a question in my german play store is gotg to order and the release date is the 18 April ?
it is true?
because im waiting for the trailer from telltale
This was posted onto Telltale's Tumblr
The first episode is called Tangled Up in Blue.
Hey, Telltale fans and True Believers! I have lots of info for you today for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, so strap in.
First of all, we're happy to announce that the first of five episodes, 'Tangled Up in Blue,' will be available to download beginning April 18th on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, iOS, and Android-based devices for $4.99 USD or equivalent. A lot of digital retailers have special pre-order deals on the season pass as well, so check your favorite to see what they have to offer. The North and South America PlayStation 4 pre-order deal includes an exclusive premium theme that's pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.
In addition to the digital release, players will be able to find the special season pass disc at retailers across North America beginning May 2, and elsewhere across the globe beginning May 5.
What's more - we'll have a trailer for you on Thursday! Hop on your favorite social media site at 9am PT to see the Guardians in action.
In addition to that, we've released some key art and packaging art for everyone to analyze. It looks like the Mad Titan has joined the ring... are the Guardians any match for him? Hoping to see some good threads and theories on our forums, you guys!
There is some more detail in the news post.
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series Premieres April 18
Hey, Telltale … morefans and True Believers! I have lots of info for you today for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, so strap in.
First of all, we're happy to announce that the first of five episodes, 'Tangled Up in Blue,' will be available to download beginning April 18th on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, iOS, and Android-based devices for $4.99 USD or equivalent. A lot of digital retailers have special pre-order deals on the season pass as well, so check your favorite to see what they have to offer. The North and South America PlayStation 4 pre-order deal includes an exclusive premium theme that's pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.
In addition to the digital release, players will be able to find the special season pass disc at retailers across North America beginning May 2, and elsewher… [view original content]
There is some more detail in the news post.
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series Premieres April 18
Hey, Telltale … morefans and True Believers! I have lots of info for you today for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, so strap in.
First of all, we're happy to announce that the first of five episodes, 'Tangled Up in Blue,' will be available to download beginning April 18th on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, iOS, and Android-based devices for $4.99 USD or equivalent. A lot of digital retailers have special pre-order deals on the season pass as well, so check your favorite to see what they have to offer. The North and South America PlayStation 4 pre-order deal includes an exclusive premium theme that's pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.
In addition to the digital release, players will be able to find the special season pass disc at retailers across North America beginning May 2, and elsewher… [view original content]
There is some more detail in the news post.
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series Premieres April 18
Hey, Telltale … morefans and True Believers! I have lots of info for you today for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, so strap in.
First of all, we're happy to announce that the first of five episodes, 'Tangled Up in Blue,' will be available to download beginning April 18th on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, iOS, and Android-based devices for $4.99 USD or equivalent. A lot of digital retailers have special pre-order deals on the season pass as well, so check your favorite to see what they have to offer. The North and South America PlayStation 4 pre-order deal includes an exclusive premium theme that's pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.
In addition to the digital release, players will be able to find the special season pass disc at retailers across North America beginning May 2, and elsewher… [view original content]
Interesting thing: "Tangled Up In Blue" --the name of the first episode-- is actually the name of a Bob Dylan song. Could it be that all the titles are based off of songs?! When the real titles come out we need a "make your own" titles thread for this. I'm sure some people could get some cool song names for titles.
(yes I just looked this up now. I knew nothing about this till just now. Don't thank me. Thank Google.)
Interesting thing: "Tangled Up In Blue" --the name of the first episode-- is actually the name of a Bob Dylan song. Could it be that all the… more titles are based off of songs?! When the real titles come out we need a "make your own" titles thread for this. I'm sure some people could get some cool song names for titles.
(yes I just looked this up now. I knew nothing about this till just now. Don't thank me. Thank Google.)
Also, yay! The episodes are now back to their 5$ price. (well, 5$ USD... dang Canadian exchange rate...). And also I hadn't paid attention until now: April 18th! WOO-HOO! Only 3 Weeks!
Is... Is that Thanos? Damn, certainly wasn't expecting see him in the game, especially so soon.
Also I find it a bit curious they still haven't revealed Star Lord's face.
will guardians of the galaxy be rated M?
Nope. It will be safe for teen consumption
I'm exited to see footage of GOTG and what it looks like in action.

I'm not giving this a chance knowing telltale so I'll be watching this on YouTube thank you very much^^
Glad that you felt telling us.
That's nice?

I hope the trailer for guardians of the galaxy will come on Thursday?
I'm guessing it comes on Thursday or Friday; it won't be earlier this week because Episode 3 of Walking Dead: A New Frontier already releases tomorrow, and Telltale will probably want the new episode release to have the limelight to itself for a couple days.
Hey, guys i have a question in my german play store is gotg to order and the release date is the 18 April ?
it is true?
because im waiting for the trailer from telltale
This was posted onto Telltale's Tumblr
The first episode is called Tangled Up in Blue.
Cool new key art
Hehehe. I called it! Wow
There is some more detail in the news post.
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series Premieres April 18
Aw Yeah! This looks fantastic! Can't wait to see the game in motion on Thursday!
Thanos is already in Episode 1? Wonder what they're saving for future episodes? 0.0
Is... Is that Thanos? Damn, certainly wasn't expecting see him in the game, especially so soon.
Also I find it a bit curious they still haven't revealed Star Lord's face.
The Steam store page is up for anyone who wants to pre-order on Steam.
For PS4 users
Well call me excited. I am looking forward to this.
Interesting thing: "Tangled Up In Blue" --the name of the first episode-- is actually the name of a Bob Dylan song. Could it be that all the titles are based off of songs?! When the real titles come out we need a "make your own" titles thread for this. I'm sure some people could get some cool song names for titles.
(yes I just looked this up now. I knew nothing about this till just now. Don't thank me. Thank Google.)
Oh wow! That's really cool! I had a feeling the titles felt intentional.
I wasn't too interested into this but for some reason that key art just sold me! Hope the comedy is as good as borderlands.
Also, yay! The episodes are now back to their 5$ price. (well, 5$ USD... dang Canadian exchange rate...). And also I hadn't paid attention until now: April 18th! WOO-HOO! Only 3 Weeks!
I can't get over how cool Gamora looks!
Starlord takes off his mask
why'd it have to be ice ponds
Takes off his mask?
Starlord freezes to death in outer space
It all ends the same! Frozen to Death! Mwahahaha.
Ice lake as the main villain confirmed?
Will not buy the game, because it doesn't have Italian subtitles.
If this is even half as good as Tales from the Borderlands I'll be very happy.
I'm actually pretty damn stoked for this. April 18th can't come soon enough!
The trailer will be released tomorrow at 9 AM Pacific time.
Cool! I wanna see how it looks in motion.