(Spoilers) Do you think Episode 3 is the best episode this season and gets the game great again?
So I have just finished Episode 3 and it was amazing. It had emotional parts like when Javier hugged Clementine (I cried when she said 'my little goofball' D;.
Episode 1 and 2 were average and they were fun to play through but nothing special like episodes from previous seasons. I think that Episode 3 is a great episode. It has a good length (unlike episode 1 and 2), good plot twists and the ending makes me want more. You also have a choice to do a Kenny and bash Badgers head into mush. I was literally laughing as I beat that fucker to death, he deserved what came to him.
What do you guys think?
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Episode 3 definitely is the best episode but we can't know for sure ANF will be great because we still have Episode 4 and 5 to wait for. Who knows if they succeed as well
I really hope we find AJ alive and well. When do you predict Episode 4 will release or when we will get a teaser for it?
It was a good episode and definitely a step up from Ties That Bind. Some problems were fixed, but there were still a lot of noticeable flaws, namely the lack of playable Clementine and little variation in who she is depending on our choices. Best episode of the season, yes, but that's not saying a lot since the first episode was average. Like you said, nothing special when compared to previous seasons.
Have you uploaded your playthrough yet? I loved this episode and I want to see your reactions.
Haven't even started editing. My footage is still getting imported onto a external harddrive, once that's done, I can start working on it, but it's going to take a while. However, I do look to have it up by the end of the day, at worst, I'll upload the rest tomorrow morning.
EDIT: I've begun uploading, Part 1 is currently up, Parts 2 and 3 will follow.
I'm not sure I'm allowed to say since I enjoyed the premiere, but the episode was fantastic, and a big improvement compared to episode 2 at least. Its paced very well, and determinant characters are actually treated with respect.
I was completely blown away. NF saved. Shit dog...
I have no idea but I hope we don't have to wait 3 months more.
I agree. Didn't feel anything at all with this episode.
This game is like a broken vase...
... it has been pushed off the table SO many times now...
... it's impossible now of salvaging it.
It was better than 1/2 but I still found it really lack luster.
I still barely care about this characters. Clem feels even more out of place this episode. Seriously, Clem still has yet to show any reason for her to be "in this season" besides Fan Service for "Yo check this shit out, Clem is in the game, buy it!" So far she could still be removed from this game and the story would work fine, infact it would probably work way better. The plot this episode didnt go anywhere either. The only thing was "Joan is EVIL" even though so far she is Telltale's weakest villain. Like, she just talks. She acts like a fucking Grandma. She's baking cakes and shit. And when we discover what she did she's still just like "Oooh well I did it because I cant remember cuz Im an old woman or something lmao, anyway I cant really explain my motive at all but you know plot n shit."
Clem has a big story arc with AJ though. Do you not find that important?
This community is sure one extreme or the other. Every episode is either the worst or best episode ever.
I thought that made Joan interesting tbh
Clem's flashbacks are pretty bad.
For one, Aj isnt SUPER cared for. He isnt a developed character hes a baby. And in a video game, we shouldnt have a giant motive. Not to mention that "big story arch" is a whole 5 mins a pop. And again. Why is Aj important to the overall story? He isnt. Clem and Aj could be removed and the story wouldnt suffer in anyway, because the impact they make now isnt anything.
I really wish people had a middle switch. People are allowed to dislike an episode, but when they throw shade at people who enjoy it, its pretty fucked up. I haven't heard any best episode ever made comments so far. I guess folks who were burned out with the premiere are happy to like the walking dead again, so they can get a little overboard.
Yeah it was better than 301 and 302, I'd even say the episode itself was great, I especially loved Clem & Javi hugging, but I still am not able to get over the flashbacks.
Nope didn't do it for me again. If i was to be generous it was better than the last 2 episodes but only in terms of story.
The episode was once again 90% watching cutscenes and choosing dialogue. We literally had one scene of gameplay! One fucking scene! And by gameplay i don't mean the Q&E's, i mean being able to move Javier around when searching for the car jack, fuck all hubs, choices have felt like nothing again so far and once more we get very little of Clem. Also i still don't care about any of the characters like i did with Season 1.
Disappointing again and I knew it would be but i expect this from
Telltale now. It upsets me that they'll never make such a good game as season 1 again
Well you could remove anyone from the story and it would still work. You could remove Gabe and just jave Javier and Kate surviving. You could remove Kate and just have Javier and Gabe surviving. You could even remove Javier and the story would still work.
Also Clem is the main character of the series and it is very much still her story, like who she has become and I like seeing what she has become.
Looked it up and yes Badgers brains looked cool but I had to let Conrad do it
Her explanation for it was hackneyed. "What about all WE'VE lost?!?!?!" Then everyone just fell into line like stormtroopers.
But it's still my fave ep from this season.
Improvement on previous season 3 eps but nowhere near season 2 much less season 1. Hasn't made the game great again imo.
Well at least after this season you got the satisfaction of seeing if telltale could do it again (In your eyes) even if it didn't end with positive results. Time to move on to things you enjoy after new frontier I guess.
It was a good episode, but I think some people are overexaggerating a bit because they're wanting it to be better than it actually is; pretty much hyping yourself up. I didn't think we needed to wait so long for this episode because it really didn't feel like they addressed issues from the previous episodes. I found that bad trait in almost every TTG whereas they're judging you harshly over one choice - like when I decided to kill Badger all of a sudden Jesus and Tripp act as if I'm a murderer with no regard for human life. Forcing me into positions for plot-sake - although I haven't flirted with Kate or kissed her, everyone seems to act like we had more than a friendship. Rushing through flashbacks - the Clementine & AJ flashback seemed rush, like they just thought up something quick. Like in my playthrough, I didn't inject AJ so I didn't use up the medicine yet however they acted as if it was too late. Also Clementine could have left AJ by a tree, grabbed the medicine, go back to him, inject him elsewhere. There were too many solutions to that problem which really started to messed with the immersion for me. But despite those complaints, I'm just disappointed that we waited this long for it. I thought they were really taking the critiques to heart, but they didn't. It feels like nothing really changed besides the release date. And again, it's still a good story but it feels like they're not trying to improve.
Thats not what I mean.
Removing Kate removes the aspect of Javier with his brothers wife. Gabe's purpose to meant to be us taking care of our brothers kid plus how he's going to grow up in this world. (It was hinted in ep 1 and 2 and starts to show in ep 3 of how Gabe might turn out badly) and once again is meant for that mix of roles with the family going on. Having Kate removed and just Javi and Gabe would even further do that aspect of will Gabe become like us or his dad.
This isnt a theoretical thing. Removing other characters now would cause some sort of rift of where the story is needed to go. (Eleanor possibly could be a candidate for someone who could be removed but she is the "doctor" and plus the Tripp plot line with her)
If you look at this story right now, you could remove all of Clem's scenes. The only thing she does for the story at all is crash the truck for javi to escape, which could easily just be replaced with the truck going out of control, I mean hey, its not like they already used that as an excuse already.
Yep, im already looking forward to Naughty Dogs future projects
One thing I really apreciate in this episode is that Conrad didn't only survive to the end, he actually had quite a few lines overal and got to claim justice for Francine by shooting Badger in the head, all that over a choice 5% of the people made, when I think back to how Nick was treated in season 2 all I can say is, well done Telltale.

Here we are again, from the ashes of a 'meh' first 2 episodes, there is some great potential here. Now ffs Telltale, please... PLEASE take advantage of it.
Gotta say however, I expected the AJ flashback to be a little bit more impactful than what it was, but it just about worked to get the emotional hit.
I Personally liked all the Episodes of A New Frontier so far, i'm afraid of getting murdered for that said Opinion
Yes, this is a huge turnaround. had the game started out this strongly I would have never doubted Telltale. Character development? Check. Reasonable amount of action? Check. Understandable motives for villains? Check. Intriguing plot? Double check. I'm excited to see what Telltale has next, this is a good feeling.
It was pretty good it remains to be seen if the game will be great but I'm much more positive on the game than I was yesterday.
Well it was a step in the right direction no doubt. But if this is what passes for good, Telltale has some seriously low standards.
Cheesy dialogue, god some of these lines were just embarassing. The plot, while finally somewhat intresting, is still hollow in my opinion. The episode felt like it was just going through the motions, even when it was good it was still loose with no real sense of direction. The whole season has been like the writers have just been throwing shit at the wall, and thankfully this time some of it stuck.
Clem is still so shoehorned into this thing, and still the only thing that I care about. Her character has no variation to it, its still just tacked on meaninglessness. and that is by far the biggest problem I have with the season. I made my Clem into one hard as nails survivor, and even though that is now the only Clem we get, she doesn't feel like my Clem. I am really starting to think Telltale is intentionaly trying to destroy her. A five minute flashback and some corny, edgy, and insipid dialouge will never cut it. I need to get back in touch with my Clem not a panel of writers Idea of my Clem.
But there was some good to be found here as well. All the characters are starting to come to life a bit more, the plot while far from perfect now seems to be living and moving. David has been a great addition, but man I don't trust him, I dont think he is lying, but I dont see the NF being a better place under his rule then under the committee's rule or Joan's silent dictatorship.
So while I'm still pretty down on the episode and the season as a whole. My general impression of this episode, well to put in baseball terms, if these episodes were batters, the first two struck out, and this one got hit by a pitch and took a base.
When you tell people to lower their expectations for episode 3 but they put them so low that they think it's the best episode ever
I liked the episode, but I dont find it better than episode 1 or 2. In some things it's better (I have played once and I'll judge better when I see the alternative choices), but there are others where it's worse.
Yeah, there are problems like that... Especially in TWD.
Like how when you first meet the ANF leaders, everything could be going fine and you get along well, but then Max comes in and starts spouting about stolen food and gas (which you can explain that you had no idea anyone owned any of it), and then you become public enemy #1! All this is, is a misunderstanding blown out of proportion.
I quite liked all the other stuff, though.
Eh, we'll see. It wasn't bad but still had some noticeable problems. No hubs was disappointing and I really wish they'd stop pushing for the love triangle with Kate.
I think it's better than ep. 1 & 2, but it may not be enough to redeem this season in my eyes so far. It had it's fair share of problems as well that can't make me forgive the seasons directions with the crappy characters, the poor choices, bugs and glitches, and odd parts in the story, etc. Just gotta ask to keep doing better.
It was still very poor compared to both previous seasons. I kept getting this feeling that I was watching some dramatic soap-opera, with DKJ love triangle, Tripp declaring his love, Jesus kicking shit around and AJ's cheesy first words, sprinkled with good ol' "fuckfaced" muertos and shootings. I cant tell was Ep3 best by far, I'll have to replay it with alive Conrad.