TellTale's AMA: Everything We Know Rundown
I've made a list of some important things the devs said about season 3. Feel free to include any I missed
- It is very likely we will see more of Kenny and Jane before the season ends.
- They treat the episode length based on how they want to convey the story rather if it's long or short.
- Episode 4 is being finished up now and could be released by April. Episode 5 could be released by May.
- The crew came up with a lot of names to rename the walkers, ultimately choosing muertos.
- There are no plans to dive back into Lee's character
- They don't know if they will be making another season but hope too.
- There were many concepts that didn't make it to this season. One included a character that gets trapped in episode 1 and you could save him or not. Apparently that character is going to have a different fate coming up. It is a male character but unknown who.
- Lily is NOT in this season and is not in the New Frontier. They hope to find out one day what happened to her.
There will be deaths this season,
unknown how many.There will be NO new characters added. All characters we will have seen before.
- We will dig deeper into established characters relationships
- Jane is confirmed to have committed suicide not murder.
- They don't know if there is going to be any DLC.
- Gabe and Clementines relationship is "up for them to decide"
- Apparently a pitch for episode 4 is where players "think about who their family really is".
That's all I read that sounded interesting. Episode 4 and 5 sound promising. Fingers crossed!
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You forgot how they mention a possibility of Ed is not Clem's biological father.
I would ask them if game's decision will matter someday
(Too bad itll probs just be a really shitty flashback)

I miss down votes
When Clem X Gabe gonna happen no matter what
Hah I love the new avatar, Blind.
Me too! Isn't Gabentine soooo adorable?!?
This is why she is Black Asian today, instead of Afro American.
Lol Blind xD
I just realized that this is an April Fools joke. GDI
April Fool's isn't until tomorrow m8
Lol I'll ship it ;P
Edit:/ (mainly because I love how it annoys people)
In my region maybe...
Blind, I trusted you!
You're the one that should keep this kind of things from hapening!
it's nice they came out and told us lily will not be in this season.
IF telltale wanted to make choice matter they could have Kenny return alive if you left him and reunites with Clementine and AJ.
Clementine and Gabe are confirmed to be a couple.
IF telltale wanted to make the "think about who your family is" have weight they could have it where you can choose whether to play as Clementine and save AJ or play as Javier and save Kate&Gabe. Whoever you don't play as they're family ends up brutally dying.
I hope they make the last two episodes be longer while maintaining good quality.
Time to break out the violently shaking "KENNY CONFIRMED" gifs again.
Dude, are you brainwashed? Or high? Or just absolutely insane?
That would be such an overkill of a choice. If they are going to have Clem playable in the present it should be a mandatory part of the story.
And point is what? Show us how awful they look again?
So that's why Lee doesn't get to say "Previously, on The Walking Dead..." in this season
So we are going to war in the next episodes
No shit!!!!
Oh God I love you. Kenny will one day return, not as a walker... Not as a flashback... But as a boat. Yush! Thomas the tank engine looking ass but as a boat with Kenny's voice
Why do people ask this stupid fucking questions?
Hey we might see hetless clem which is cool. Don't know why they removed it from Season 2
tfw someone actually asked Telltale if Jane's death was suicide or murder
"Think about who your family really is"
-- 90% Clem.
-- 10% Javier's ACTUAL family.
Am I the only one who doesn't want Hatless Clem?
Actually, having you choose between Clementine and AJ or Javiers family could be interesting, but wont happen probably, its probably more along the lines of choosing between David and Kate, since Kate doesnt like David
I'm wondering if it's a Kate or David decision.
You were supposed to balance to the ships, not join them!
Wait... some people thought Jane was murdered? What!!?
I thought I was the only one, i've already got a list of suspects pinned on my wall.
Well not forever but in s2 she was supposed to lose it when she wakes up after falling in the river. The dog she meets was supposed to have it. So something like that would be cool
This is what I imagine too, the Clem vs Javier would be too obvious, and Kate has a hardon for not trusting David
Don't toy with my emotions, Telltale!
Yep. It's hard for me to call this one because I do like and care about Kate and I think Javi and her would work better as a couple but David is Javier's brother and their interactions in episode 3 were great. It's a tough call. I'm leaning towards David though I think even though he might turn out to be bad later on.
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But its like seeing someone who wears glasses all the time without their glasses on. I find it very dosconcerting.
Although an Indiana Jones relationship with he hat would be fun.
Also side note...
AGAIN Telltale saying how they get spammed with "wheres wolf S2" but still dont make it...