Episode 4 death predictions?
Lonnie because I don't see them developing him anymore.
Ava: Not sure why, but I feel like she's going to get killed or something
Clint because he doesn't seem like the "main villain" or have as big of a role like Joan or Lingard.
Max or Conrad: I'm not sure which but because their both determinant, I'm pretty sure one of them if not both are going to die next ep.
Tripp or Eleanor: I'm leaning more towards Tripp because he's had character development and that little line where he's going to tell Eleanor how he feels never ends well. As for Eleanor, I still want to believe their going to develop her character more before or if she dies. I also believe there is going to be a twist with her character that prevents her from dying so soon.
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It's a tough shout, what I want is for Kate and gabe to die and possibly Conrad (I didn't save him so he's dead already for me) but apart from that I'm unsure... I guess Lonnie and Clint don't serve much purpose, I feel max can be turned into a nicer guy, but as far as deaths go, it's either going to be many casualties of main characters like amid the ruins which, I actually really liked, or minor deaths like Lonnie, Clint, max.
I'm 80% sure Tripp is going to die, he gets lots of character development in Ep 3 + like you said the line where he says he's gonna tell Eleanor how he feels
Ava will be the Jane of ANF in the sense that she'll end up being more important than we might have initially thought, so she won't die. I don't want her to, either.
I can see Tripp doing a Kenny. Their roles are similar. Tripp won't come back though. However he will die in Ep. 5.
Telltale will find a way to prevent him from expressing his love to Eleanor.
I want Kate and Gabe dead so badly.
As for who WILL die in Ep. 4, yeah, definitely Conrad.
like i said in another thread, i hope Joan dies cuz she's just a freak'n manipulative bitch, also i hope clint dies too just cuz i hate him too. >:/ PLUS in my gameplay i just couldn't take anymore of that asshole Badger's shit anymore that i just went full on Negan on that mofo and bashed his head into sludge lol >:D i mean even at da end of it all, he's still running his mouth like a goddamn bastard that he is! Dx when i told him that he killed Mariana, he's all "fuck her and fuck you too!" i'm like OK that's it! \(>.<)//
My predictions are: ´
Conrad (if you spared him earlier)
Max (if you spared him earlier)
I don't see anyone else dying in Episode 4.
i bet the twist for Eleanor is that Joan is her mother and underneath that neck scarf Eleanor always wears, there's probably a new frontier symbol on it.
Conrad (determinant)
David (determinant)
I think that Joan,Tripp,Eleanor,David and Kate will die by the end of EP5. Unfortunately I do believe Gabe will survive to the end.
I'll go through every character since Telltale said there not going to be introducing any new characters in episode 4.
My Predictions after Episode 4:
Javier García- Alive
Clementine- Alive
Kate García- Determinant
Eleanor- Alive
Tripp- Dead
Gabriel García- Alive
David García- Alive or Determinant
Max- Dead
Joan- Dead
Conrad- Dead, but hoping for Determinant
Ava- Alive or Unknown
Lonnie- Determinant
Fern- Dead
Clint- Alive or Unknown
Paul Lingard- Dead
(Yeah I know, I'm predicting this is going to be a massacre. I have 9 possible people dying in this episode lol)
I swear if they kill Abraham 2.0...
They might kill Conrad for the 3rd time but allow him to live again for some reason.
Joan, clint and Lonnie possibly determined because if you kill max, David opens fire on them.
This could also mean that David could become determinant this episode as well.
I really hope that sparing Max actually plays a big fucking role in the next episode. If you don't spare Max, than more people end up dying. It would be so stupid if they pulled a "No Going Back" on us where we have a shoutout but nobody ends up dying. (A.K.A when Luke, Kenny, Bonnie, and Mike we're fighting the Russians yet only Luke ended up getting shot in the leg). I would be very disappointed if there wasn't a massacre.
My predictions for episode 4:
Javier: Alive
Clementine: Alive
Kate: Alive or Dead
Gabriel: Alive or Dead
David: Unknown
Eleanor: Alive
Tripp: Dead
Conrad: Dead
Max: Alive
Lonnie: Dead
Joan: Unknown
Paul: Dead
Fern: Alive
Clint: Dead
Ava: Alive or Unknown
Alvin Jr.: Dead
I think AJ might be alive
If Tripp gets the chance to tell Eleanor he loves her.. well, that means he's gonna be killed off soon after that. Remember Luke and his birthday speech? Yup. Nice moment equals painful death.
Max, probably by Lonnie, who didn't seem very happy that Max sold them out. Like "we trusted you and you betrayed us" or something. Or killed by Joan to get rid of the important witness.
Also, I would be very concerned about AJ if only I knew he is 100% alive, but I hope it depends on our choice.
Mike also gets shot in the shoulder
Eleanor is not New Frontier.
Otherwise dr. Lingard would have known her.
Perhaps Eleanor is Joan's lost daughter. We will know in episode 4 if true. They look very very similar, even the same nose.
Somehow Eleanor looks a bit related to Clementine. Especially season 1 Clementine.
Perhaps she is Clementine's biological mom. There must be a reason they distrust each other lol. Ok I know this is crazy.
Telltale said the next episodes is about to think who is really your family.
Javier will still be in the church at the beginning of ep. 4. All hell is breaking loose. People are dying left and right. But then... Javier spots it in the corner of his eye.... that's right... the chocolate cake! He makes a daring dash to it like Clem did saving AJ during the Russian shoot out. We grab the cake and get the hell out of there, roll credits.
Triple Determinant Conrad!
I still think Lingard is going to die since doctors die in the third episode but they split episode 1 into two episodes so I'll count episode 4 as the third episode.
I wonder who the evil force will be in episode 5 if Joan dies since the majority of villainous characters have a possibility of dying in your points but maybe its just going to be a walker herd
I don't think they would kill David until the very end. He seems like the driving force of the season.
episode 4 death predictions:
Javier: Alive
Clementine: Alive
Kate: Alive
Gabriel: Alive
David: Alive
Eleanor: Determinant
Tripp: Determinant
Conrad: Determinant
Max: Dead
Lonnie: Dead
Joan: Dead
Lingard: Dead
Clint: Dead
Ava: Alive
AJ: Alive
That sounds too long, split it into two episodes
Couple of points here that really need to be appreciated, well said
This seems most realistic sadly
Javier: Alive
Clementine: Alive
AJ: Alive
Gabe: Alive
Kate: go to the house means she dies, flee means status unknown and she never will return
David: Dead
Tripp: Dead
Eleanor: Alive
Conrad: Determinant. Can make it to episode 5.
Dr. Lingard: Dead
Clint: Dead
Ava: Alive
Joan: Dead. I hope alive to create more drama in episode 5.
Lonnie: Dead
Max: Determinant
Here's what I'm thinking/hoping
Plus a DLC
I think Conrad will be determinate again and Tripp will probably get shot when telling Elenor how he feels.Which it feels bad because Tripp is like my new favorite since Jesus is gone.
The only ones that I really like are Trip and Kate. Sadly I think both will end up dying eventually. Trip after Ep 3 it just seems obvious that he's likely gonna die sacrificing himself/saving us. Kate I REALLY don't want to die. I think it's gonna be a choice in either 4 or 5 to save David or Kate. There needs to be some sort of resolution in the love triangle between the three of them and I think we'll get something in 4 and maybe David forgives Javy or something a long those lines or maybe David tries to fight Javy and Kate tries to break it up and ends up getting punched by David. The series hints that he's abusive and maybe it was never physical but this here I think would possible seal it as David would feel guilty for it and step back and he'd end up dying in an order to redeem himself type of situation. If I do have to choose between Kate and David it's Kate hands down easiest choice I'd ever made. I really enjoy the Javy/Kate moments so far.
which I'm pretty sure was ignored for the rest of the episode
Amazing list, I agree with everything--
I prefer a determinant status for him, though, a lot of characters became determinant already... (Conrad, Kate, Gabe, Max, etc)
Anyway, nice suggestions!
I really feel like Tripp, or Eleanor will become determinate, perhaps even a choice between saving one or the other.
And if you don't run for the cake, David runs for it and gets shot in the leg
It would be awesome if they Until Dawn Conrad so he can possibly live to the end or die at various parts of the game
I love Until Dawn.
Even with Tripp having more development than Eleanor I think people will still choose Eleanor because she is a girl
I think people will choose Eleanor because Tripp has more "development".
Everyone but Javi and Clem. ._.
2nd Rule of any Walking Dead Realm; EVERYONE dies except for the main characters
I'm guessing David killed Clint when he started shooting
Most likely, given he was the closest and has the least character of the Richmond Quartet.