why is this thread dead already? we're 2 weeks from premier and no talks plus the negative energy comments... I loved the guardians movie an… mored space is a plus. I pre ordered on PS4, don't compare TFTBL with guardians you'll be disappointed. borderlands is a whole different wacky universe that does not take itself seriously, while guardians has its humor but don't compare it to BL.
plus they did a screening couple of weeks ago, no feedback at all for episode length, overall quality or type of writing?
It's sort of normal I think. Most of the time it's just a few dozen of the general Telltale fans who come, while the rest of the fans come once and if they see "Hey, this is my sort of thing" and the new fans seeing the new game and playing it really loved it come over here, all after the game is released.
At this point though it's probably just going to get higher.
I don't think they've revealed that yet, but I really liked whoever they picked to voice Thanos. Of all the characters we heard voiced in the trailer, I thought Groot and Thanos were closest to what we've heard in the movies.
I have a quick question if some kind soul could assist me
Do I have to buy the season pass on PS4 in order to play episode 1 at midnight on the 18th? Or can I preorder just episode 1 and still get the countdown timer for midnight?
I don't have much experience buying TTG episodes live on PS4, but as an educated guess from general Telltale experience, I think that you could just pre-order Ep 1 and still get the midnight download. The Season Pass just provides you with access to later episodes (unless you are on PC, in which case the Season Pass gives you all five episodes). The first episode is what acts as the "base game" and the later episodes are DLC for Episode 1.
In other words, you're still downloading the first episode either way, so however you go about getting it, I would not think that getting the one episode vs the Season Pass would make a significant difference in when you can play it.
I have a quick question if some kind soul could assist me
Do I have to buy the season pass on PS4 in order to play episode 1 at midnight on the 18th? Or can I preorder just episode 1 and still get the countdown timer for midnight?
Yeah. I think that's correct. It should just be the same thing. The Season Pass is just the buy all as a bundle kind of thing.
Though, where are you, @VengefulKenny? At least on my end, I don't see any option to preorder Episode 1 on the PS store. Only the Season Pass shows up to preorder, let alone buy. Episode One isn't there.
I don't have much experience buying TTG episodes live on PS4, but as an educated guess from general Telltale experience, I think that you co… moreuld just pre-order Ep 1 and still get the midnight download. The Season Pass just provides you with access to later episodes (unless you are on PC, in which case the Season Pass gives you all five episodes). The first episode is what acts as the "base game" and the later episodes are DLC for Episode 1.
In other words, you're still downloading the first episode either way, so however you go about getting it, I would not think that getting the one episode vs the Season Pass would make a significant difference in when you can play it.
yeah no one want a spoiler! especially since I already pre-ordered the game.. but just in general, episode length, quality of writing and that sort of stuff. only technical I meant
Mercyva said:
plus they did a screening couple of weeks ago, no feedback at all for episode length, overall quality or type of writing?
They were asked to not share spoilers before the Episode's release.
Okay, because I am a bit sleepless and afraid atm, I decided to spend some time just now making a Guardians themed avatar for the premiere, just to take my mind off of things. [I love making these avatars. This is my greatest creation yet.]
STAR-LORD CHICKEN [edit: refined, now with border metal plate around the main brown metal surface]
Benjaimin666 you should play MCSM if you are a fan of minecraft or you like that type of gaming genre, BTTF is really good to but again you need to be a fan of BTTF to play the game because the story of BTTF takes place after the 3rd movie.
I have played almost all of the Telltale games apart from MCSM, BTTF, and those individual episode app ones and I have to say I haven't disliked any of them.
I really hope this ends up being a TFTB or TWAU moment where everyone thinks it's not gonna be that great and it ends up being one of the best series from Telltale.
I really hope this ends up being a TFTB or TWAU moment where everyone thinks it's not gonna be that great and it ends up being one of the best series from Telltale.
I really hope this ends up being a TFTB or TWAU moment where everyone thinks it's not gonna be that great and it ends up being one of the best series from Telltale.
True. There is that benefit. And yes, I do agree: I'm sure it will blow people away, because basically everything except for Thanos is a surprise... Ooh.
The game comes out in a 10 days and I dont give a crap. TT fucked up so much there is just no trust in them making good games anymore. I may buy the game for a 50% sale but not for the full price or pre order.
I really hope this ends up being a TFTB or TWAU moment where everyone thinks it's not gonna be that great and it ends up being one of the best series from Telltale.
There isn't anything wrong with the character models. It seems to me that your issue is the artstyle which seems to be an old-school art style. Personally, yes I do like it.
Even before I created an account here and was a lurker (I've been around since the 3rd season of Sam & Max) i've seen this happen to pretty much everything.
I think that's what makes me stay positive whenever new games get released even if I'm not swayed by the trailer.
There isn't anything wrong with the character models. It seems to me that your issue is the artstyle which seems to be an old-school art style. Personally, yes I do like it.
I would really recommend the movie, because it seems the game is taking a lot of inspiration from that, and it isn't too hard to find or too long. Plus it's really good.
I'm also surprised how dead this forum is seeing the trailer was recently released and it's a few weeks until release.
Who voices thanos in the trailer of guardians of the galaxy telltale?
Am I the only one that things everyone looks good except drax? On a side note I really hope rocket has a good amount of playability.
It's sort of normal I think. Most of the time it's just a few dozen of the general Telltale fans who come, while the rest of the fans come once and if they see "Hey, this is my sort of thing" and the new fans seeing the new game and playing it really loved it come over here, all after the game is released.
At this point though it's probably just going to get higher.
I don't think they've revealed that yet, but I really liked whoever they picked to voice Thanos. Of all the characters we heard voiced in the trailer, I thought Groot and Thanos were closest to what we've heard in the movies.
Is it weird that I want a space fedora?
the fact that you even want a fedora is weird.
I've always had this thing of thinking Fedora's are really cool. XD
After Batman there's no way I'm buying this.Sorry,telltale.
What didn't you like about Batman? I thought it was really good, technical issues aside.
Batman was good, and we can see from ANF that Telltale has the release handled this time.
I want to play as Rocket, if that's not possible then 0/10. But mostly I want this game to be funny, that alone will be enough to keep me going.
Just 13 days to go
If it is half as good as tales from the borderlands I am gonna love it
Telltale said if you liked TFBL that you'd like Guardians of the galaxy.
I have a quick question if some kind soul could assist me
Do I have to buy the season pass on PS4 in order to play episode 1 at midnight on the 18th? Or can I preorder just episode 1 and still get the countdown timer for midnight?
I don't have much experience buying TTG episodes live on PS4, but as an educated guess from general Telltale experience, I think that you could just pre-order Ep 1 and still get the midnight download. The Season Pass just provides you with access to later episodes (unless you are on PC, in which case the Season Pass gives you all five episodes). The first episode is what acts as the "base game" and the later episodes are DLC for Episode 1.
In other words, you're still downloading the first episode either way, so however you go about getting it, I would not think that getting the one episode vs the Season Pass would make a significant difference in when you can play it.
Yeah. I think that's correct. It should just be the same thing. The Season Pass is just the buy all as a bundle kind of thing.
Though, where are you, @VengefulKenny? At least on my end, I don't see any option to preorder Episode 1 on the PS store. Only the Season Pass shows up to preorder, let alone buy. Episode One isn't there.
yeah no one want a spoiler! especially since I already pre-ordered the game.. but just in general, episode length, quality of writing and that sort of stuff. only technical I meant
Okay, because I am a bit sleepless and afraid atm, I decided to spend some time just now making a Guardians themed avatar for the premiere, just to take my mind off of things. [I love making these avatars. This is my greatest creation yet.]
STAR-LORD CHICKEN [edit: refined, now with border metal plate around the main brown metal surface]

--> mask used as reference: http://orig06.deviantart.net/ecff/f/2014/258/a/7/star_lord_mask_by_evangelion_02-d7zc13n.png
Not going to use this guy yet, but closer to the premiere... you bet!
EDIT: created using the chaotically beautiful Microsoft Paint. Again.
Just not excited for this...I will wait and see what everyone says.
Benjaimin666 you should play MCSM if you are a fan of minecraft or you like that type of gaming genre, BTTF is really good to but again you need to be a fan of BTTF to play the game because the story of BTTF takes place after the 3rd movie.
I really hope this ends up being a TFTB or TWAU moment where everyone thinks it's not gonna be that great and it ends up being one of the best series from Telltale.
Those are the best kind of experience to receive.
I am not here quite ofte these days. Too occupied. With what? I am keeping that a secret.
I think that's entirely possible. I'm actually sort of glad how cryptic and short the trailer is since we have no idea where it can go.
He means where the series can go since it didn't reveal much in the trailer.
So this is where Rhys and Fiona teleported at the end of Episode 5.
True. There is that benefit. And yes, I do agree: I'm sure it will blow people away, because basically everything except for Thanos is a surprise... Ooh.
Loaderbot and Groot as a team
The game comes out in a 10 days and I dont give a crap. TT fucked up so much there is just no trust in them making good games anymore. I may buy the game for a 50% sale but not for the full price or pre order.
People on here always do this tbh
Are there any people that actually like these character models? I mean just look at them
The racoon is the only one that looks rather favorable
There isn't anything wrong with the character models. It seems to me that your issue is the artstyle which seems to be an old-school art style. Personally, yes I do like it.
Lol I know
Even before I created an account here and was a lurker (I've been around since the 3rd season of Sam & Max) i've seen this happen to pretty much everything.
I think that's what makes me stay positive whenever new games get released even if I'm not swayed by the trailer.
Ok so do I need to read the comics/watch the movies in order to understand what's going on?
I imagine that after playing the game people will get used to it. It happened with me with Game of Thrones.
Don't have too, but you should because they are great.
I would really recommend the movie, because it seems the game is taking a lot of inspiration from that, and it isn't too hard to find or too long. Plus it's really good.