This doesn't make sense...LIKE AT ALL! WTF TELLTALE???
If you save Max, which was a quite scarce chosen decision, Joan actually gets exposed and she reveals her plans. Yet at the end, the other leader doesn't even care AND THEY ARREST DAVID AND JAVI???!??!? WHAT??? Wait, what was the reason for getting arrested again? Oh what's that? NOTHING? WHAT ABOUT JOAN WHO IS ACTUALLY DOING SHADY SHIT??Okay writers ._.
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That entire scene reminded of Wolf Among us when Crooked man won over the outraged citizens. Honestly I knew that was coming when she calmly begin to drink and was like "how could I not?".
The idea is that her explanation about her motives touched them due to shared personal experience with it and the losses of the winter event made them all desperate. But admit I was a little confused when Clint and Lingard just deferred to her despite their reservations.
Okay it is plausible but then....WHY ARREST THEM? What did they do wrong?
I think that while the New Frontier parades itself as having four leaders, Joan is really the true leader of the New Frontier. For example, Clint and Dr. Lingard didn't seem to approve of the raids until she basically manipulated them into believing that they were justified and needed in order to achieve sustainability for Richmond. My guess is that she probably has some kind of hold over the others. And this is just my opinion, but as far as why David and Javi were arrested, they didn't necessarily do anything wrong but they exposed the truth which poses a problem for Joan. You can almost view this act as if she were in the process of "eliminating" said problem.
Because they know too much and are not likely to just roll with the program--not after what happened to Mariana(and Francine). That's the usual reason anyway.
Also, killing Badger and determinately Rufus and Max.
It's very confusing, with Max they clearly had an upper hand as he's sincerely testified the truth and weigh down Joan's business. Lonnie's reaction only confirmed it. The leaders should've at least hesitated or tried to stop Joan's men. What was the point of keeping Max alive if they're all gonna end up arrested anyway? I hope it gets explained in the next episode.
They killed Mariana & Francine just like YOU said and shot Kit so.... ._. killing them is not a mistake of our own
Crooked Man still made overall sense though.
All the Fables there had some kind of deal with Crooked man Vs the normal Fable government. This time Clint even goes "Joan! How could you!" as well as Paul, and then they just go "lmao actually fuck you david."
Yeah, personally I didn't get that ending because I killed both Badger and Max however it seems like TellTale just did it for the sake of The Plot™.
I guess there are some ways to justify the others siding with Joan but generally I liked the other ending more.
Yes I completely understand why Joan would want to eliminate them but what were the others' motives for doing so? They didn't even try to oppose her or say they didn't do anything wrong. They just went along with it.
Indeed. Shouldn't the other two leaders at least be like: "Ok, let's suspend/lock up them both and figure this out." Now it was like Joan overrides absolutely everyone, even with the evidence presented. A few pretty words justifying her acts was all it took for them to bend over? I guess she somehow has more power than the others then because it doesn't make a lot of sense if she hasn't.
Lingard does seem like someone who easily gets run over by more dominant personalities. David immediately shut him up when he was trying to get Clem a second chance, he gets shut down by Joan in the "Max killed" -scenario when he tries to buy David more time and in the "Max alive" -scenario he's all: "I'm sorry... my hands are tied."
Clint... I know nothing about Clint... except his freaking spinach has actual nutritional value.
Yeah, woooh, scary old lady drinking tea, I'd shit my pants 10x over!
I know old ladies like her in real life.
Tea drinking but having an awful mean manipulating personality, wich caused others lots of trouble.
Joan had all of the guards under her thumb the whole time. Everyone already knew other than Clint and Lingard. They all sympathized with why she was raiding, and locked up the brothers because they would just cause trouble.
I didn't get that bit, because I killed Max. I really hoped for more out of him, but he turned into a sniveling little shit.
I'm just speculating, but I don't think that their agreeing with Joan comes from any self-interest or that they have an ulterior motive, but more so that they were just simply manipulated.
Clint and Dr. Lingard seem to have disapproved of the raids, but it wasn't until hearing Joan's justification that the raids were a necessary part in ensuring Richmond's survival did they then side with her. (She all but suggested that if she didn't make the difficult decision to raid these other settlements, Clint wouldn't have his fertilizer, and Dr. Lingard wouldn't have his medicine.)
Joan strikes me as someone who is rather charismatic ... not in the sense that she's charming, but rather that she had a vision as well as the ability to convince the others of that vision. (Like with most historical dictators/tyrants, charisma and manipulation often go hand-in-hand.) IMO, her justification for the raids is very wrong, but it doesn't come off as sounding completely crazy considering their circumstances. That is, it's not like she just one day decided that she wanted to murder and loot just for the gratification -- although, we don't know too much about Joan to make that assumption quite yet. Anyway, Joan reminded the others how much they've lost during the previous winter and justified that the raids started in order to ensure that Richmond was able to get back on its feet again. She uses a terrible tragedy to justify the raids ... and by using their feelings and memories of this loss, she was able to manipulate them.
The thing is, I believe that Clint and Dr. Lingard understand and know that the raids are wrong, but because the raids have benefited their community, they can't fault her for making that decision for the group. After siding with Joan, Clint even chastises David for thinking about his own interests before the community's, and I think that's key here.
... You can call this manipulation or being weak of character, or maybe even both. (Sorry this was so long!)
It's because Joan convinced them that raiding was the thing that was keeping them going, an without them they wouldn't be doing so good. So the raids would only last until they are up on their feet, that's why the other leaders sided with her.
The ending with dead Max pissed me off more. It feels like javi and his brother are not even trying to defend themselves against accusations. They said "Joan did it" and that's it. DIdn't even try to explain the whole story, so of course noone will belive them. I wouldn't believe them if that's how they acted expaining things to me.
She plays mind games.
But I have to say story line in the end of the episode dint make any of the epiosde was good at least better than. Ep 1 and 2
I think you guys are overanalysing a video game. The reason is far more fundamental (lazy writing)
We are the true fans of the walking dead . And we were just keeping our point of view nothing else.
Trust me, there's gonna be something more to it. Probably.
What do you expect? All choices lead to the same results, but with maybe somebody pissed, or happy with you. Choosing to keep it quiet about Mariana gives the exact same result as telling them about it. You're all kicked out. Plus a few decisions I made even in random conversation still had them react as if I made the other choice.
The stories are fun though, just try not to look too much into the choices. I think it's safe to say that everyone in your group will die or leave. The choices are only there for callback dialogue.
Probably not, they just make it up as they go.
Ttg writers be like:

Earlier on in the episode
TNF:Let's see, our people took you hostage over some pudding, gunned down an entire town, murdered your niece and an innocent woman but you were of a minor scuffle over supplies due to a misunderstanding? You have to go! Throw them to the dogs with nothing!.
Later on
TNF:Yeah it's been rough so we've been ordering the slaughter of innocence to get what we need because we need it more than they do so fuck them.
Seriously at least the Crooked Man could turn the chips around on Bigby and make it seem like he was the bad guy and Crooks was innocent. This woman flat out admits to being a pirate and plunderer and people support this
Good point
How do you know? Have you had a personal interview with TellTale staff and directors? Or is there an interview somewhere that I can read? Do tell.
Who the hell would shoot Max? He's like the nicest villain ever.
this is why I'm finding it really hard to be supportive of this season so far. It's even more obvious that the interactive part is just there to fool us into thinking there's any worth in playing. Literally no decisions from the previous seasons have carried over, and so far no choices (dialogue or otherwise) have impacted on anything this season
I kept Max alive in hopes that we would unearth some SERIOUS drama - expose all the shit that went down so far. And expose it with glee I did. I didn't hesitate to out everything in the same manner that I didn't hesitate to tell David that his men killed his daughter. Yet in both those scenarios it took less than 30 seconds for it to be utterly meaningless.
It seems to me that the people "writing" this are writing a fan fic. Javi is the writer's OC and happens to meet Clem so he can have interactions with her. But then someone down the hall from them said "hey you know what, why don't we get other people to watch this and we'll give them a button press every 5 minutes just to make sure they're still here"
I'll keep an open mind for episodes 4 and 5 (aka episodes 3 and 4) but tbh I'd have preferred this to be a graphic novel instead of a game
This is probably why Episode 3 falls apart for me.
The leaders of ANF (besides David, perhaps) are so comically evil in their motivations and hypocrisy, it makes little sense for their people to continue supporting them after listening to Joan's confession of ordering her men to destroy and steal from other communities, while also knowing about David's past actions involving taking AJ from Clementine for stealing medicine while ignoring one of their leaders from doing the same thing.
Just how does someone like Joan even have this much influence over the other leaders and the people?
The fact that they rewrote the entire season pretty much confirms that doesn't it?
Totally agree!
Telltale have lost their way big time. I can't believe how crap this is compared to season 1
I know, right?
I like him alot, he seems very much like a by the books kinda guy, that he only does the shit he does because he is ordered to, he was against escalating the conflict in Prescott, he was willing to let Javier and co into Richmond, I just hope he doesnt turn on us in the end, (us that kept him alive that is)
Where did you get that information?
lol rip double
My biggest problem with this game is how nothing you do matters as well, in season 1, Kenny would react very differently to you based on whether or not you sided with him, and in the end it was a big factor in whether or not he would help you, which also gives a great redemption for him, if you kept Ben alive. however, in A New Frontier, noone even cares how you treat them, I have heard that Clementine apparently goes from hating Javier for selling her out, to being all buddy buddy again in 5 minutes flat, and its just annoying, it seems like shooting Conrad is just objectively the bad choice, at least Clementine should react differently, like refusing the hug from Javi or something.
I am kinda hoping that A New Frontier is leading up to a big finale, sort of like season 1, where your choices will affect who will help you in the final fight for Richmond or something, for example, if you sold out Clementine to Conrad, you have the possibility of having Conrad on your team (if he is alive), and if you shot Conrad, Clementine will help you, and if you bashed badgers skull, that gives points toward Clementine helping you, since she seemed to understand Javis reasons, whereas Tripp will be less inclined to help you, and if you kept Max alive, the other leaders of The New Frontier will come around and help you.
Thats what I'm hoping, but it probably wont happen, considering Clementine doesnt even seem to care that people sold her out not 10 minutes ago