Idea for "After You've Gone" DLC
Since Telltale would REALLY have to force themselves to involve Lilly, Christa, Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo into future main story lines, what if Telltale makes a DLC called "After You've Gone" focused on the characters that disappeared at one point or another so we the player can get closure? You could play as Lilly, Christa, and Mike immediately after the events that separated us. Just an idea and I think it would give closure to a lot of people who want to see the characters again.
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I like this idea.
I was expecting this to be stupid, but its actually a really good idea.
They could do this for Kenny too. Mike, Bonnie, and possibly Arvo could be merged into one episode, so it makes sense. Would be difficult to include Jane, though.
Seeing how telltale hinted at in the future we may "hopefully" find out what happened to Lily this is a good idea.
How about Molly after she left or got separated from Lee's group? And if you accidentally shot her while trying to shoot the walker, she will talk bad about Lee but if you managed to kill it or clementine killed it, she will praise you (and/or clementine) while speaking to a few people in a group or something
I'm up for this. A "Lost Stories" DLC of sorts would me amazing, just this idea makes me more excited than the rest of ANF. They could do 5 episodes, one for each survivor. Christa, Molly, Lilly, Kenny, Mike. (I doubt they'd do a season-length game for these characters, but one can dream)
Kenny's Story: "Here I Remain" (After Savannah, before S2. Plus after Wellington if Clem stayed in it in your story)
Lilly's Story: "Lost And Found"
Christa's Story: "Abandon All Hope"
Molly's Story: "Sharp As Razors"
Mike's Story: "From The Abyss" (Since Bonnie is determinant, and I don't think most people would like to play as Arvo, I think Mike would be the chosen one. Besides, if Telltale removed the option to kill him, must be for something.)
There should be a dlc or miniseries about Christa and Clementine,
About how they spent time together and Christa's fate.
Mike and Bonnie's story should be over. No interesting peoples to me to play, so to me they are dead and eaten by walkers.
Arvo they should leave alone.
I know lots of peoples wish to see him be killed. But in fact Arvo was a good boy. There was a language problem. If you have read the translations, you know he didn't mean this all.
Kenny was really abusive to that boy, and Jane/Clem caused his family a lot of trouble. The fact he shot Clem was his deep growing hate after he thought she just killed his sister. The young boy has lost a lot because of this cabin group. So to me Arvo's story is over.
Lilly's fate is somehow interesting, but not enough interesting enough to make a dlc dedicated to her.
Others not mentioned I don't care too to do a dlc.
Wow I'm really surprised by the support. Thank you guys! I really appreciate it and I've love to see the concept fully fleshed out. @Vaxij I really like your ideas. I encourage more conversation on this because it would be great if it got Telltale's attention. It's almost like 400 Days done right.
It might not be that hard for Jane, after Clem leaves her you think she has like 2 weeks until she finds out she's pregnant, but she might not commit suicide, after the loss of Clem maybe they could make it so she feels like having a baby would fill the hole that Clem left Jane with, I doubt they'll do anything like that though, just a thought of how Janes story could continue if you chose to leave her at the end of season 2
Would be Nice a 400 days esque thing where they all meet up in a last tale .
Or I was thinking like a reverse 400 days, they all break apart... just a thought
Eh i dont really like that idea of it starting that way. Since what would be the point if you did not shown the backstories of how they got there.
I like this.
the loss of clem would probably make her want to kill herself even more
It would have to be characters that aren't determinate, so no Jane or kenny otherwhise why make a whole section/models and script for a scenario that only 1/5th of people will se
This is a good idea right here.
Jane would kill herself anyway even if she survives in the Alone ending due to noticing her pregnancy.
And Kenny would Only have an explanation to how he survived the Herd in season 1 ((But you would get A Bonus scene if he survived season 2 With either the Alone ending or Wellington ending.))
Don't forget molly and Vernon!!!
Vernon s dead... he was part of Roman s group and they mention that they lost him.
What about if you get a Jane story, if not chosen in season 2, we see how she handles pregnancy in the apocalypse (hopefully without suicide) and see how she fares out. I personally do not like Jane but it sounds VERY interesting as a storyline.
This has already been suggested many times. It'd be absolutely amazing to find out what happened to these characters. I don't think TTG understands the fandom on this however. They could've had DLC for Season 2 regarding Molly, Lilly, ect.
Honestly? I'm a little afraid to see how it'd be played out. With ANF I don't think the writers would do a good job of it... Just my two cents
I like this as well.
I could get behind that, a few short stories that set up future storylines or give closure could be really cool. I still want a 400 Days sequel after Howes though.
Possibly, could go both ways
Sign me up for some of this.
It would be hard for me to play Mike's story since I would try to get him killed at every turn, but otherwise, this sounds like a really cool idea.
We all have good ideas to make the series better. Problem is telltale is not going to incorporate it, or atleast not the way we are doing it.
That's really creative and could create a connection between the first and the third season
Maybe there could be a scene where you get to see how Vernon actually died since in the 400 days DLC they just say ´´He was lost to that goddamm boat!´´
Plot twist. Kenny flies out from one of the Savannah shops and roundhouse kicks Vernon to death, avenging the loss of his beloved boat.
Fantastic idea. Can I add that the 400 days characters should get some closure too? At least my boy Eddie?
That's actually not a bad idea. I'd play that.
It's probably unlikely that they would but I'm with you on the entire 400 Days cast.
Hell Yeah
I would love this to happen and would pay full season price for it.
Sadly I don't think Telltale would be willing to do it. With A New Frontier acting as a soft reboot to draw in new players to the franchise, a mini-series that is reliant on people having knowledge of the first two seasons would be unlikely to make it past the planning stages.
Plus if the other characters got a Jane-like character model abomination, I honestly think I would cry.
I hear you. What I don't understand is why Telltale doesn't listen to things like this because it's really easy fan-service and would make the more long-term fans feel a lot better about things.
Tbh they could just advertise it as a standalone thing though, I mean the 400 Days cast had baggage that we didn't know about but we still like them, so to new fans this could be like 400 Days while to old fans it'd be nostalgic
The difference is that 400 Days was set as a bridge between seasons, Telltale at the time wanted people to remember the previous season. Plus they didn't make the 400 Days characters important in the slightest in season 2, the only one of any consequence was Bonnie and I don't notice a difference whether I've played the DLC or not.
Plus while Season 2 was a direct sequel to Season 1, A New Frontier is a soft reboot. They don't want people remembering the first two fondly (as shown by the lack of care in modelling Jane for example).
I've love to this this idea happen, I just don't believe that Telltale would consider it a viable business plan.
A 400 days style add on checking in on those characters is actually a really good idea. I'd buy it,