Kenny and Jane's Return In Season 3
As it was unoffically confirmed-you proably know that on Reddit-TT said that we're highly likely to see K an J again.
My question is-what do you think each flashback could be? and what do you think the alone flashback could be to commidate those who arent with K or J?
Kenny Flashback:
Jane Flashback:
Alone Flashback:
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I'm thinking of making another save file to see the differences in flashbacks. My current one is Wellington but I don't know if that will trigger a Kenny flashback, we'll see but just in case my other one will be the going with Kenny ending..
With a nudge in the shoulder, Gabe glanced up to see Javier standing behind him, looking between his nephew and the girl leading the charge expectantly. It seemed that his uncle just wouldn't let up about it any longer, and with a massive sigh and roll of his eyes, Gabe kicked over a stone on the path, placed his hands deeply into his coat pockets and walked a little faster towards her.
Hearing footsteps coming up from behind, Clem was acutely aware of a whiny teenager approaching from the dank smell of his beanie alone. Inwardly cringing, she tried putting on a stoic face; the kind she had used thousands of times before whenever she was alone with these two. She'd wondered countless times why she hadn't just taken the nearest vehicle and bolted like she said she would a long time ago, but before she could question it any further, Gabe was already at her side, stuttering like a fool.
"H-hey..." he stumbled, trying his best to sound like a "man" but practically falling flat on his face instead.
Clementine didn't say anything, merely giving the boy a curt nod of her head as she continued to watch the treeline for walkers or more of the New Frontier's goons. Didn't he realize they were on the run?
Seemingly undeterred by her lack of enthusiasm, and with a little more prodding from a grinning Uncle Javi, Gabe pressed ever onward. "So... look, in case I don't get to say this... I mean, if something were to happen..." he droned on, with Clementine getting more annoyed by the second, "I just... I just wanted to say..." he continued to fumble his way through, with Javi practically jumping up and down in anticipation. "I... I kinda... y'know... like you, and stuff..."
A sick feeling started forming in her gut - a twisted, nasty knot that crunched up her insides into a tootsie roll and begged her for release. Gabe was inching closer towards her by the second, and Clem had half a mind to pull out her gun and shoot the guy right in the kneecap for getting so close.
And maybe one for Javi, too, who no doubt coordinated the entire affair.
"Soooo..." Gabe pressured, ever the awkward type, "w-would you... wanna be my... girlfriend?"
Frown deepening, Clementine huffed and placed a hand over the hilt of her pistol, determined not to let this little pipsqueak get in between her and her main goal - finding AJ. "No, Gabe. Sorry," she bluntly laid out for him, already hearing the sniffles coming out as Gabe slithered his way to the back; Javi's yelp of surprise as the boy smacked him in the ribs ringing in her ears.
Not wanting to make things even more embarrassing for the two of them, Javi snapped his fingers, dove his fingers through the bag, and proudly pulled out a plastic cup. "Mmm..." he smacked his lips, tossing the cup into the air and catching it again, "anyone up for pudding?"
"AAAAHHHH!" she awoke with a start, panting heavily as the sweat beads started forming across her forehead. Clementine felt... younger, somehow, and as she darted her eyes to scan her surroundings, she nearly fell back into the seat as she saw that she was sitted between two of her old friends - Kenny and Jane. "Ugh... w-wha...?" she groggily asked, feeling Jane giving her shoulder a light squeeze as Kenny tried to switch between keeping his one eye on the road and over at Clem at the same time.
"You alright?" Jane asked, not getting an initial response as Clementine tried turning her head to the back of the truck. AJ was sleeping soundly on the leather seat, and Clem had realized that the two adults must've folded down a middle seat up in the front for her in case she awoke.
But god damn... did that ever feel real.
"...where am I?" she questioned, feeling her breathing get progressively ragged as Kenny tried to keep the vehicle on the road. Rain was pounding onto the windshield at an alarming rate, and Clem allowed Kenny to lift the back of his palm gently against her forehead. Feeling his hand somehow gave her more relief than she'd felt for what seemed like ages, as if confirming to herself that this was all indeed happening.
"Been on the road for a few days, darlin'," he explained, the thick twang of his southern accent sounding like music to her ears. A few days? That couldn't be right - she'd been gone for years! "You've been in n' out of it for a while now. Figured it must'a been from the shock."
"But..." she continued, smacking herself in the face to prove that she wasn't still dreaming. Jane, looking slightly uncomfortable with how close they were sitting towards each other, tried shuffling over to the side as she kept Clem from hitting herself again. "You two... I thought you were..." she stopped suddenly, noticing the concerned frowns of both of the adults as she gulped and stared down at the radiator. Vivid flashes of violence, of blood-curdling screams, of a knife plunging into a girl's heart and a bullet digging its way into the skull of a man. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong with this picture, and as she shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself, Clem shut her eyes tightly. "I thought you two... were dead..."
"...whoa," Jane broke the ice after a few seconds of silence. "Must've been some nightmare, huh? We haven't gone anywhere, Clem."
"Yep," Kenny agreed, and as Clementine turned towards him, she swore that she could see some form of mirth in his eye as they passed a sign reading 'Florida' in bright, bold letters. "Me n' Jane have been shootin' the shit while you were snoozin'. Gotta say though, it's been awfully quiet without ya chimin' in, Clementine."
"But - " she stopped herself, nearly jumping out of the truck as she heard a young man burst out from underneath a tarp in the back, breathing heavily as he darted his head back and forth.
It couldn't be...
"Well, looks like he thawed out," Jane commented, tapping onto the rear window as Luke stared back at her with widened eyes. Clementine couldn't believe what she was seeing, and couldn't form the proper words together as Jane glanced over and chuckled. "Yeah. He washed onshore before Kenny got the truck started. He got lucky. Reeeeeeeaaaaaallllll-"
"Don't you even start with that shit," Kenny remarked dryly, grinning as the three of them drove off into the sunset together, with Luke still wondering what the fuck was going on.
Cuts to black, "THE WALKING DEAD" logo appears. Your choices are all crossed out with a big, black sharpie as Sean Vanaman falls from the sky in a ray of light.
I love how you edited your original video of 'S2 Theme' to this
Thanks! I think it'd be just as probable as anything I've written in there, so yeah
I can't wait to see them aga-
suddenly remembers their models
Fuck knows, I thought both their deaths happened pretty shortly after the endings in season 2. Seems pointless to bring them back now. Kenny's could be an earlier memory I guess.
This was actually quite funny
Fuck my feelings, right Telltale?
Kenny Flashback: i don't care about kenny i hate him i'm glad he's dead
Jane Flashback: The Family Are Escaping/Stealing something and as clem you maybe choose to try shooting one of them or let them go
Alone Flashback: Explains how AJ got sick
Peace. Friendship. Closure.
I'm so glad that I asked the question. At least now I have something to look forward to in this season.
That sounds pretty awkward to implement a flashback during s2 as opposed to afterwards.
Id prefer that they are going to appear again that it would be that they didnt die. Yes it may be dumb, but its better than having an actual worthless flashback. Whats the point of another one? We already know whats going to happen to them as they are in a part of the story that will have 0 effect later on.
Bringing them back makes so much sense as adding an extra father for Clem.
Easy way to trigger emotions in fans by showing old beloved/hated characters. Only problem is that the only thing it will trigger in me is my gag-reflex
I loved that so much!! Can this please happen in the actual game??
I just hope it isn't more horrendous flashbacks.
Can I trade Gabe for one refrigerated Luke pretty please?
Right where it hurts
Wait a second i just thought of something ... Telltale s probably gonna Bring them back if you Picked the Alone/Wellington ending just so they can die in all the endings .
I think I'd die if that actually happened
Thanks bro!
I doubt it, I think their safest bet is to give possibly a flashback during season 2 that might implement a vital topic relevant to Clem now. To bring them back in the sense to save Clem or something would be ludicrous, even more ludicrous would be that we see their deaths even if we weren't there to see it happen.
Jane - As someone else said, the family stealing supplies would be a good flashback.
Edith - Tour of wellington maybe? Would be made more interesting if Mike, Arvo and Bonnie were there but that's pushing it
Kenny - Supply run or finding a place to stay, not sure about this one.
Alone - No ideas for this one, either.
I don't recall the context, but I think that basically amounted to "I don't give a shit--stay dead!"
well it would seem you haven't played CH1 of episode 3 so i won't spoil anything for you, but yeah, those would have been nice openers.
Its probably another Telltale lie though
But what about the players who finished season 2 with Jane AND Kenny both dead?
I love how Kenny and Jane come up in this forum almost as much as season three itself these days
It was the most upvoted response on the AMA. They will be disappointing a lot of people if they don't follow through.
they probably are gonna do it in ep5
Then they just put up a random flashback with the same scenario but Clem surviving it without their help after making it seem she needed their help in the normal flashbacks.
they way they killed off Kenny and Jane was just plain'o lazy writing imo :P no offense, but i wished they could've kept Kenny a li'll longer, i mean i wouldn't mind it too much that they killed Jane off, but KENNY? >< come'on now! \(--)// In season 1 i thought they killed off Kenny right then and there, and i was like wtf; when they brought him back in season 2 it was pretty cool. But it still sux that the way he got killed off was just plain ridiculous…>:/
A random flashback? Of?
It certainly won't save the game showing Kenny/Jane again if it does in Ep 4 or 5.
Exactly. And honestly, neither of them need to show up anyway at this point.