I think Season 2 had better characters which had a lot of potential and longer episodes but there is no way in hell Amid The Ruins is better than Ties That Bind and Above The Law.
I think Season 2 had better characters which had a lot of potential and longer episodes but there is no way in hell Amid The Ruins is better than Ties That Bind and Above The Law.
I think Season 2 had better characters which had a lot of potential and longer episodes but there is no way in hell Amid The Ruins is better than Ties That Bind and Above The Law.
Lmao well of course it is. The current group have the same problems of the cabin group only much, much worse. They are boring, basic ass characters with hardly any development or scope for good storylines or drama. I doubt there is gonna be a Kenny or Jane to come in and save it this time. This current group need someone to come in and "steal" the spotlight even more than season 2 does. I will be so happy if it happens.
Until we see episode 4 and 5...it is too early to say.
I will say the marketing for ANF was pure bullshit...I am enjoying the season...but until episode 5 is out I will refrain from tearing it apart and saying what worked and what did not.
It's almost Apples and Oranges really.
While ANF is definitely handling itself much better than most of Season 2 did, there are still noticeable downgrades in terms of the cast speciation and the gameplay. Meanwhile, Season 2's storylines were far more unstable and inconsistent due to the weak sense of direction, the overabundant cast, and the skewed execution when it comes to focus, but had a lot more going for it even with that.
I think Season 2 had better characters which had a lot of potential and longer episodes but there is no way in hell Amid The Ruins is better than Ties That Bind and Above The Law.
there is no way in hell Amid The Ruins is better than Ties That Bind
Yes, actually. I never really understood the hatred for Amid The Ruins anyway. Sure, the treatment of determinants was terrible, but it was still a lot better than the borefest that was In Harm's Way (which is still better than Ties That Bind).
I'd say Above The Law and Amind The Ruins are about the same in terms of quality, but both are miles better than Ties That Bind.
I think Season 2 had better characters which had a lot of potential and longer episodes but there is no way in hell Amid The Ruins is better than Ties That Bind and Above The Law.
Lmao well of course it is. The current group have the same problems of the cabin group only much, much worse. They are boring, basic ass cha… moreracters with hardly any development or scope for good storylines or drama. I doubt there is gonna be a Kenny or Jane to come in and save it this time. This current group need someone to come in and "steal" the spotlight even more than season 2 does. I will be so happy if it happens.
Yes I agree. Amid the Ruins is when Jane really started stepping up and interacting with Clementine more. Her interactions with Clementine were a lot more interesting and memorable than Javier's in my opinion. Better chemistry and better developed. Then there was the introduction of Arvo and the compelling decision of whether to rob him or not, which was again better and more memorable than most things in Ties that Bind. Even the Sarah stuff was probably better or at least on the same level.
there is no way in hell Amid The Ruins is better than Ties That Bind
Yes, actually. I never really understood the hatred for Amid Th… moree Ruins anyway. Sure, the treatment of determinants was terrible, but it was still a lot better than the borefest that was In Harm's Way (which is still better than Ties That Bind).
I'd say Above The Law and Amind The Ruins are about the same in terms of quality, but both are miles better than Ties That Bind.
Yes I agree. Amid the Ruins is when Jane really started stepping up and interacting with Clementine more. Her interactions with Clementine w… moreere a lot more interesting and memorable than Javier's in my opinion. Better chemistry and better developed. Then there was the introduction of Arvo and the compelling decision of whether to rob him or not, which was again better and more memorable than most things in Ties that Bind. Even the Sarah stuff was probably better or at least on the same level.
Nah right now I prefer A New Frontier honestly. Season 2 got rid of the best characters way too early like Pete or Walt and some of the characters amounted to literally nothing. Right now, A New Frontier feels a lot more like the original season. I have problems with A New Frontier but I find myself thinking more about the flaws Season 2 had and how vocal this forum was when the episodes were released.
there is no way in hell Amid The Ruins is better than Ties That Bind
Yes, actually. I never really understood the hatred for Amid Th… moree Ruins anyway. Sure, the treatment of determinants was terrible, but it was still a lot better than the borefest that was In Harm's Way (which is still better than Ties That Bind).
I'd say Above The Law and Amind The Ruins are about the same in terms of quality, but both are miles better than Ties That Bind.
Yes I agree. Amid the Ruins is when Jane really started stepping up and interacting with Clementine more. Her interactions with Clementine w… moreere a lot more interesting and memorable than Javier's in my opinion. Better chemistry and better developed. Then there was the introduction of Arvo and the compelling decision of whether to rob him or not, which was again better and more memorable than most things in Ties that Bind. Even the Sarah stuff was probably better or at least on the same level.
I personally really liked season 2, it wasnt as good as Season 1 but still was very good. Season 2 did have flaws too, but they are really not bad at all compared to what ANF has been doing.
S2 was still phenomenal despite it's flaws. The atmosphere, dialogue, arcs.... everything was still very well done.
ANF is a pile of garbage. They lied about countless shit leading up to the premiere, they had the biggest hype train ever going for them but threw the fucking brakes on for Javi and his family. They put Clem in the trailers and act like there's two playable characters when in reality we play as her for 3 minutes per episode. So many lies, I have significantly less faith and respect in this company due to how they handled this franchise in the past few months.
Its kind of like comparing two giant piles of poop.
Season 2 sure did have a lot of problems, but it wasn't all bad. Now its old and drie… mored out, so its easier to look at and doesn't smell anymore.
ANF is still wet and steaming, and the sting of bad marketing and failed promises haven't worn of yet.
But season 2 never had any lines like "batter up fuck face" or "a fly in my ointment" so for my 30 dollars Season 2 is miles better.
Even though Season 2 characters were handled extremely poorly, they at least had potential. Even though that potential never got to see the light of day, they had potential to begin with. These new characters are so bland and boring that I couldn't care less if they all died except Clementine, and maybe David since he's actually interesting as a character. Hopefully they don't fuck him up like they have been with this season.
S2 was still phenomenal despite it's flaws. The atmosphere, dialogue, arcs.... everything was still very well done.
ANF is a pile of gar… morebage. They lied about countless shit leading up to the premiere, they had the biggest hype train ever going for them but threw the fucking brakes on for Javi and his family. They put Clem in the trailers and act like there's two playable characters when in reality we play as her for 3 minutes per episode. So many lies, I have significantly less faith and respect in this company due to how they handled this franchise in the past few months.
Nah, but seriously, there were several clear arcs that were setup, progressed, or gone through, but practically none of them were all three. Only Luke, Kenny, and Arvo are somewhat distinct exceptions, as every other character either get shafted before they could be shown off anywhere near extensively(Nick, Sarah, third character) or just suddenly act differently with barely subpar cause(Rebecca, debatably Carlos, Jane).
Season 2 was a masterpiece compared to ANF. Plus Kenny's role and spotlight in it made it super awesome. Come at me.
In all seriousness, at first I wasn't too sure when Season 2 premiered, but it grew on me each episode, it still felt like TWDG, and now I remember it fondly. Kenny's role in it made it more awesome to me since I deeply love Season 2 Kenny. It's the development I wanted for him.
ANF doesn't really make me feel anything. It's dull, and it's not even well done. Michonne made me feel similar but at least it was a well done game (well structured). There's so much stuff done wrong in ANF...
Pete, Nick, Sarah, Carlos, Rebecca, Kenny, Walter, Luke, Bonnie... all had pretty clear arcs. They weren't always completely fulfilled but they were there, and sometimes its more powerful for an arc to be left unfinished in TWD universe.
So far, first 3 episodes of S2 was better than S3. Continuation was handled better; Characters were better; S2 had a clearer story direction, whereas S3 feels like things happen because actions are happening.
Pete, Nick, Sarah, Carlos, Rebecca, Kenny, Walter, Luke, Bonnie... all had pretty clear arcs. They weren't always completely fulfilled but they were there, and sometimes its more powerful for an arc to be left unfinished in TWD universe.
So far, first 3 episodes of S2 was better than S3. Continuation was handled better; Characters were better; S2 had a clearer story direction, whereas S3 feels like things happen because actions are happening.
I was sure about the singe you for that, though I'll still point out that the Edit button exists.
While I'm not quite sure what to say in regards to Pete, what remains of Carlos's likely intended arc obviously revolves around his feelings towards Clementine and her place as both a group member and as Sarah's friend.
Kenny, Jane and Clementine's arcs were more than enough much less characters like Sarah, Arvo, Rebecca and even Luke had a clear arcs compared to the current characters in season 3 so far. I don't see anyone having an arc so far in season 3.
Tripp - 3 eps in and I can't remember one single memorable scene with this guy. He just seems to exist.
Kate - doesn't seem to do much but continue to flirt with Javier no matter how many times he hints he's not interested.
Eleanor - basic ass character again. Gets close to the main character straight away without any build up.
Gabe - chump.
Javier - this guy is still too much of a blank state to be the main character. Out of the 3 (4 including Kenny ) main characters he is clearly the worst. He has a bit of a character arc yeah, but it's not enough for thee main character.
Most of the new frontier characters have just been introduced. Only character I can think of with some kind of arc is Conrad and my mans arc wasn't done well at all. He went from good guy to bad guy, back to good guy at the speed of light.
Depends how the last 2 episodes will be. My opinion is that S2 was saved by episode 2 (a house divided) which is by far the best episode in S2 and has the same quality as S1 episodes. ANF must hit at least a home run in the last 2 epsiodes to surpass S2.
I was sure about the singe you for that, though I'll still point out that the Edit button exists.
While I'm not quite sure what to say i… moren regards to Pete, what remains of Carlos's likely intended arc obviously revolves around his feelings towards Clementine and her place as both a group member and as Sarah's friend.
Still too soon to say imo. Ever since Vanaman, Rodkin and the old writers left it has gone way down.
Its kind of like comparing two giant piles of poop.
Season 2 sure did have a lot of problems, but it wasn't all bad. Now its old and dried out, so its easier to look at and doesn't smell anymore.
ANF is still wet and steaming, and the sting of bad marketing and failed promises haven't worn of yet.
But season 2 never had any lines like "batter up fuck face" or "a fly in my ointment" so for my 30 dollars Season 2 is miles better.
Season 2 started out good, but got bad in the end, ANF started out bad but still has potential to become good, we shall see.
I think Season 2 had better characters which had a lot of potential and longer episodes but there is no way in hell Amid The Ruins is better than Ties That Bind and Above The Law.
This so much. Too bad they killed everyone off like they were nothing.
Like who? Better characters only count if you do not resort to bringing Kenny in to steal all their spotlight.
Lmao well of course it is. The current group have the same problems of the cabin group only much, much worse. They are boring, basic ass characters with hardly any development or scope for good storylines or drama. I doubt there is gonna be a Kenny or Jane to come in and save it this time. This current group need someone to come in and "steal" the spotlight even more than season 2 does. I will be so happy if it happens.
Yeah, I wish Kenny wasn't in Season 2 but I still liked him. His death in A New Frontier is what makes that game bad.
Until we see episode 4 and 5...it is too early to say.
I will say the marketing for ANF was pure bullshit...I am enjoying the season...but until episode 5 is out I will refrain from tearing it apart and saying what worked and what did not.
I liked S2 characters more.
It's almost Apples and Oranges really.
While ANF is definitely handling itself much better than most of Season 2 did, there are still noticeable downgrades in terms of the cast speciation and the gameplay. Meanwhile, Season 2's storylines were far more unstable and inconsistent due to the weak sense of direction, the overabundant cast, and the skewed execution when it comes to focus, but had a lot more going for it even with that.
Oh absolutely.
Yes, actually. I never really understood the hatred for Amid The Ruins anyway. Sure, the treatment of determinants was terrible, but it was still a lot better than the borefest that was In Harm's Way (which is still better than Ties That Bind).
I'd say Above The Law and Amind The Ruins are about the same in terms of quality, but both are miles better than Ties That Bind.
Only this time, it should(and likely will be) a character that's already established instead of Nostalgia Bait and Mary Sue the Self-Insert.
Yes I agree. Amid the Ruins is when Jane really started stepping up and interacting with Clementine more. Her interactions with Clementine were a lot more interesting and memorable than Javier's in my opinion. Better chemistry and better developed. Then there was the introduction of Arvo and the compelling decision of whether to rob him or not, which was again better and more memorable than most things in Ties that Bind. Even the Sarah stuff was probably better or at least on the same level.
Another reason why I hate it. It tried to make me like Jane but not after banging Luke and trying to make me leave Sarah behind.
Nah right now I prefer A New Frontier honestly. Season 2 got rid of the best characters way too early like Pete or Walt and some of the characters amounted to literally nothing. Right now, A New Frontier feels a lot more like the original season. I have problems with A New Frontier but I find myself thinking more about the flaws Season 2 had and how vocal this forum was when the episodes were released.
Absolutely, unless ANF really steps up their game in the last two episodes. I loved season two tbh.
This, for the most part.
Yup 100%
I personally really liked season 2, it wasnt as good as Season 1 but still was very good. Season 2 did have flaws too, but they are really not bad at all compared to what ANF has been doing.
S2 was still phenomenal despite it's flaws. The atmosphere, dialogue, arcs.... everything was still very well done.
ANF is a pile of garbage. They lied about countless shit leading up to the premiere, they had the biggest hype train ever going for them but threw the fucking brakes on for Javi and his family. They put Clem in the trailers and act like there's two playable characters when in reality we play as her for 3 minutes per episode. So many lies, I have significantly less faith and respect in this company due to how they handled this franchise in the past few months.
Uhhh, is this a trick question?
Gonna have to say S2 is extremely better than ANF. No doubt in my mind. All you have to do is look at Kenny's face (joke).
Both Seasons are great.
But if you ask me: Season 1 was gold.
Thank you for the lovely, vivid analogy.
Even though Season 2 characters were handled extremely poorly, they at least had potential. Even though that potential never got to see the light of day, they had potential to begin with. These new characters are so bland and boring that I couldn't care less if they all died except Clementine, and maybe David since he's actually interesting as a character. Hopefully they don't fuck him up like they have been with this season.
What arcs? There were none in S2...there were events and that is it. No character growth at all.
Glad to know you noticed it.
Nah, but seriously, there were several clear arcs that were setup, progressed, or gone through, but practically none of them were all three. Only Luke, Kenny, and Arvo are somewhat distinct exceptions, as every other character either get shafted before they could be shown off anywhere near extensively(Nick, Sarah, third character) or just suddenly act differently with barely subpar cause(Rebecca, debatably Carlos, Jane).
Season 2 was a masterpiece compared to ANF. Plus Kenny's role and spotlight in it made it super awesome. Come at me.
In all seriousness, at first I wasn't too sure when Season 2 premiered, but it grew on me each episode, it still felt like TWDG, and now I remember it fondly. Kenny's role in it made it more awesome to me since I deeply love Season 2 Kenny. It's the development I wanted for him.
ANF doesn't really make me feel anything. It's dull, and it's not even well done. Michonne made me feel similar but at least it was a well done game (well structured). There's so much stuff done wrong in ANF...
Pete, Nick, Sarah, Carlos, Rebecca, Kenny, Walter, Luke, Bonnie... all had pretty clear arcs. They weren't always completely fulfilled but they were there, and sometimes its more powerful for an arc to be left unfinished in TWD universe.
So far, first 3 episodes of S2 was better than S3. Continuation was handled better; Characters were better; S2 had a clearer story direction, whereas S3 feels like things happen because actions are happening.
You know what, I always forget about Pete and especially Walter in these discussions.
I'd actually argue the inverse, if only in regards to S2.5.
what was Pete's arc? or Carlos's arc? Or do you mean you have no idea what an arc is?
sorry meant that for @VengefulKenny
I was sure about the singe you for that, though I'll still point out that the Edit button exists.
While I'm not quite sure what to say in regards to Pete, what remains of Carlos's likely intended arc obviously revolves around his feelings towards Clementine and her place as both a group member and as Sarah's friend.
Kenny, Jane and Clementine's arcs were more than enough much less characters like Sarah, Arvo, Rebecca and even Luke had a clear arcs compared to the current characters in season 3 so far. I don't see anyone having an arc so far in season 3.
Tripp - 3 eps in and I can't remember one single memorable scene with this guy. He just seems to exist.
) main characters he is clearly the worst. He has a bit of a character arc yeah, but it's not enough for thee main character.
Kate - doesn't seem to do much but continue to flirt with Javier no matter how many times he hints he's not interested.
Eleanor - basic ass character again. Gets close to the main character straight away without any build up.
Gabe - chump.
Javier - this guy is still too much of a blank state to be the main character. Out of the 3 (4 including Kenny
Most of the new frontier characters have just been introduced. Only character I can think of with some kind of arc is Conrad and my mans arc wasn't done well at all. He went from good guy to bad guy, back to good guy at the speed of light.
Depends how the last 2 episodes will be. My opinion is that S2 was saved by episode 2 (a house divided) which is by far the best episode in S2 and has the same quality as S1 episodes. ANF must hit at least a home run in the last 2 epsiodes to surpass S2.
an intended arc is an arc that never happened...there are no arcs in S2. Nor is there a real plot or story in s2.