Oh god, now we have Marcus and Marcos XD That slightly confused me in the very beginning, especially as Marcos was the one to answer to Gregor's question towards Marcus. But ah, Marcus seems like an interesting guy at the very least, so I'm sure I can arrange myself with this
[Stall for time]
It's no secret that my sympathies lie with the underdogs of House Branfield. I know that most, maybe even all of them, will have very little chance of survival either way, but who knows, if Gregor decides to stall, then this gives Malcolm more chance to win some sellswords for their cause and might, just might, give them something of a fighting chance in the future. Who knows, maybe they even find common ground, as unlikely as it is. I think it's worth a try to do this instead of attacking right away.
Gregor thought it through and decided to ask about Kevan, all Gregor knows about him is that he looks intimidating. "Tell me about… more Kevan." Ludd seemed to be caught off guard by the question. "A fair question, though Kevan isn't actually a Warrick." Gregor was confused by the question "But they're brothers..." the realisation hit Gregor when he realized that Kevan was the only one of them that wasn't blonde. Ludd nodded in response "Yeah, Kevan's a bastard, Kevan Snow."
Gregor thought it on it, it was interesting, but it didn't really tell him anything about Kevan as a person. "Can you tell me anything else? What's he like?" Ludd sighed "What I'm about to tell you, you keep it to yourself, don't ever mention it aloud, especially in front of the Warrick." This seemed serious, Gregor nodded "I won't say anything" he promised. Ludd sighed once again "I'll be honest, I couldn't tell you what kind of personality he's got. I didn't know… [view original content]
I did get concerned when I realized Marcus and Marcos would be in the same scene. I'm hoping I'll handle it competently and that it won't get too confusing for you guys.
Any thoughts on Ammett's ranting or what Ludd revealed about Kevan?
Oh god, now we have Marcus and Marcos XD That slightly confused me in the very beginning, especially as Marcos was the one to answer to Greg… moreor's question towards Marcus. But ah, Marcus seems like an interesting guy at the very least, so I'm sure I can arrange myself with this
[Stall for time]
It's no secret that my sympathies lie with the underdogs of House Branfield. I know that most, maybe even all of them, will have very little chance of survival either way, but who knows, if Gregor decides to stall, then this gives Malcolm more chance to win some sellswords for their cause and might, just might, give them something of a fighting chance in the future. Who knows, maybe they even find common ground, as unlikely as it is. I think it's worth a try to do this instead of attacking right away.
I did get concerned when I realized Marcus and Marcos would be in the same scene. I'm hoping I'll handle it competently and that it won't get too confusing for you guys.
Ah, I'm sure you'll manage I was just confused in the very beginning, but now that I have understood just what was going on there, I doubt I'll be confused again.
Any thoughts on Ammett's ranting or what Ludd revealed about Kevan?
Well, the Warrick's sound super messed up. I have a bad feeling about Ammett. Sure, he does have a point with his frustration, but at the same time, I doubt their family and he in particular have this bad reputation without a reason. I mean, there is the chance that Ammett is actually a decent guy who just has a horrible way of showing it and who got misblamed for stuff he never did, but I honestly doubt it. It seems to me that he's one to keep an eye on and to keep in line, with heavy force if necessary. Kevan meanwhile is still a bit of a mystery. I could see him actually being kind of sympathetic and having had good reasons for killing his brother, but I'll be keeping my guard up when it comes to him as well, until I know more. For now, he seems better than Ammett, but that doesn't have to mean much.
I did get concerned when I realized Marcus and Marcos would be in the same scene. I'm hoping I'll handle it competently and that it won't get too confusing for you guys.
Any thoughts on Ammett's ranting or what Ludd revealed about Kevan?
[Stall for time] Having a parley seems like it would be a very beneficial thing for both sides here even though they both know that nothing will truly come of it and I believe the parlay between them would be a great scene. It gives time for Malcolm to get back with a sellsword army and it gives more time for Walter to get there with the additional Whitehill troops. One thing that I just thought about which could be really interesting is if Malcolm who is hopefully on his way back with sellswords runs into Walter and his troops which would certainly be interesting Or well maybe not since if I remember correctly, most of Walter's men are smallfolk so it would no doubt be a massacre Great part by the way!
Gregor thought it through and decided to ask about Kevan, all Gregor knows about him is that he looks intimidating. "Tell me about… more Kevan." Ludd seemed to be caught off guard by the question. "A fair question, though Kevan isn't actually a Warrick." Gregor was confused by the question "But they're brothers..." the realisation hit Gregor when he realized that Kevan was the only one of them that wasn't blonde. Ludd nodded in response "Yeah, Kevan's a bastard, Kevan Snow."
Gregor thought it on it, it was interesting, but it didn't really tell him anything about Kevan as a person. "Can you tell me anything else? What's he like?" Ludd sighed "What I'm about to tell you, you keep it to yourself, don't ever mention it aloud, especially in front of the Warrick." This seemed serious, Gregor nodded "I won't say anything" he promised. Ludd sighed once again "I'll be honest, I couldn't tell you what kind of personality he's got. I didn't know… [view original content]
[Stall for time] Having a parley seems like it would be a very beneficial thing for both sides here even though they both know that nothing … morewill truly come of it and I believe the parlay between them would be a great scene. It gives time for Malcolm to get back with a sellsword army and it gives more time for Walter to get there with the additional Whitehill troops. One thing that I just thought about which could be really interesting is if Malcolm who is hopefully on his way back with sellswords runs into Walter and his troops which would certainly be interesting Or well maybe not since if I remember correctly, most of Walter's men are smallfolk so it would no doubt be a massacre Great part by the way!
Gregor thought it through and decided to ask about Kevan, all Gregor knows about him is that he looks intimidating. "Tell me about… more Kevan." Ludd seemed to be caught off guard by the question. "A fair question, though Kevan isn't actually a Warrick." Gregor was confused by the question "But they're brothers..." the realisation hit Gregor when he realized that Kevan was the only one of them that wasn't blonde. Ludd nodded in response "Yeah, Kevan's a bastard, Kevan Snow."
Gregor thought it on it, it was interesting, but it didn't really tell him anything about Kevan as a person. "Can you tell me anything else? What's he like?" Ludd sighed "What I'm about to tell you, you keep it to yourself, don't ever mention it aloud, especially in front of the Warrick." This seemed serious, Gregor nodded "I won't say anything" he promised. Ludd sighed once again "I'll be honest, I couldn't tell you what kind of personality he's got. I didn't know… [view original content]
Just managed to read the last 3 parts! i forgot about the GoT forums due to ANF and stuff.
But [Attack as soon as possible]
We're at war,we use steel and sheilds. A Parley can go wrong espically if they catch on, we cant lie ourselves out of here, they already know we got n army spicing up
Just managed to read the last 3 parts! i forgot about the GoT forums due to ANF and stuff.
But [Attack as soon as possible]
We're at war,w… moree use steel and sheilds. A Parley can go wrong espically if they catch on, we cant lie ourselves out of here, they already know we got n army spicing up
Malcolm couldn't let this happen. He angrily pulled out of Samuel's grasp and rushed to Jacob's side, Jacob looked to Malcolm and nodded, Malcolm nodded back. Malcolm grabbed Dusty's right arm and Jacob grabbed his left, they proceeded to pull Dusty away from Sibas. "Dusty stop!" Dusty growled but relented "Alright, alright! Let me go!" Jacob sighed and sat down on the ground, it seemed he was still weak. Malcolm glared at Dusty, "What the fuck was that?" Dusty seemed like he was about to defend himself when Alise grabbed Dusty's shoulder, aggressively turned him around and gave him a hard punch to the face. "Piece of shit!" She growled at him and Dusty smirked "Oh you're going to regret that, bitch." And he marched towards her, Alise however stood tall "Oh I highly doubt that."
"Hey, hey, hey!" Malcolm shouted attempting to restrain Dusty "We're already on bad terms with these people, we can't afford to make things worse." Dusty sighed "Fine." And stepped back, Alise scoffed "You think we're just gonna--"
"That's enough Alise!" Wolfson marched down "Your pathetic pet lost, let it go and be thankful he lives" Alise looked extremely angry but seemed to relent as she checked on Sibas "Are you alright?" She asked as her expression changed from anger to concern "Yeah... I'm fine" Sibas mumbled when Alise caressed his cheek "Let me look at you" she insisted but Sibas angrily slapped her hand away "I said I'm fine!" He shouted and furiously marched off, Alise frowned and followed him.
Wolfson then groaned "Last time I let her bring a brat into my ranks." He then looked to Malcolm and Samuel "You two, follow me, let's talk." He declared and Malcolm looked at Jacob "What about--" and Wolfson interrupted him "Davith will look after your brother, he's so fucking soft that he'd help a stranger before being loyal to his friends." He said as he glared at Davith and Davith frowned as he attempted to explain himself "Tom, I--"
"I don't want to fucking hear it, Branfields follow me, now!" He ordered them as he marched off. Malcolm and Samuel followed obediently, fearing what would happen if they didn't. Before leaving however Malcolm looked to Dusty and he nodded "I'll make sure nothing happens, go on." Malcolm smiled, he didn't approve of Dusty's actions but he's shown such loyalty in so short a time. Malcolm nodded in return and followed Wolfson.
Wolfson led the brothers into his tent and grabbed a bottle from a desk, it appeared to be wine "Thirsty?" He asked them and Malcolm shook his head whereas Samuel politely said "No thanks." Wolfson leaned against the desk "I'm Tom Wolfson, former member of a great Northern House, leader of sellswords and an extremely dangerous man to fuck with."
Malcolm gulped, Tom Wolfson was quite intimidating and Samuel spoke for Malcolm, probably for the best, he's always been a good talker. "Malcolm and Samuel Branfield are our names." He stepped forward. "We came here for our brother, we mean you no harm." Wolfson scoffed "You're brother killed one of my men, he deserved to be punished, but fair is fair, your champion managed to save him today."
Wolfson sighed "Relax, Branfields, I'm not gonna kill you, not even your dog, he did me a favor, proved how worthless Sibas is." Wolfson spoke with such disdain for the boy.
Malcolm grew concerned and spoke up "You don't intend to kill the boy do you?" Wolfson sighed "No, Alise would never let that go, and unlike Sibas she's actually worth something." Wolfson then smirked "Besides, she's got a great ass!" He laughed and Samuel chuckled "That she does." Malcolm could tell what Samuel was doing, he was attempting to charm him.
Wolfson suddenly got serious "I know what you want." He stood up straight "Your brother wouldn't shut up about it, you need men to defend your home." Samuel nodded "That we do, we can pay you of course." Wolfson chuckled "Naturally. How much men do you need?" Samuel went to speak, but Malcolm knew he'd try to reach a fair compromise, something Wolfson would be easily swayed by, Malcolm boldly stated "Ideally we want all of you." Wolfson's eyes widened and Samuel glared at Malcolm. Wolfson then seemed intrigued "Interesting... who exactly are you expecting to fight?" Malcolm shook his head "We don't know for certain. I'm sure you've heard of the war. We're on the Targaryen's side, it's only a matter of time before someone is sent to eliminate us." Wolfson seemed to think about it "If I agreed to this, I could potentially be fighting against my fellow Northeners, that itself is interesting."
Wolfson looked Malcolm in the eyes "Let's get something straight, if I agree to this you'll be paying a lot, a lot more than a few hundred would've cost." Malcolm nodded in understanding and Wolfson smiled before getting serious again "One thing though, you'll have to do something for me first on top of all the gold this'll cost you."
Samuel raised an eyebrow "What is it that you want?" Wolfson then grew visibly angry but not at Samuel "Some cunt has been hounding me and my men for weeks, sets traps for small groups of my men, but he never kills them, only seriously wounds them, then tells them 'Bring me Tom Wolfson' those exact words, every fucking time." Malcolm grew curious "What does he want with you?" Wolfson groaned "He hasn't really explained his actions, but I suspect he's some do gooder, thinks killing me will be for the greater good or some horseshit, but I have no idea what he wants." This was odd, some mysterious stranger attacking Wolfson's men without explanation, why? For what purpose?
Samuel then spoke up "You want us to stop him?" Wolfson shook his head "I want you to kill him, my men can't touch him, he somehow always sees them coming, knows every move I'll make. But you two... I doubt he'll attack a group of strangers on sight." Malcolm shook his head "I'm not comfortable with the idea of murdering a stranger." Wolfson got uncomfortably close and gave Malcolm a threatening look "Well get comfortable, unless you'd rather fight this war on your own." Samuel pulled Malcolm back "We'll get it done, don't worry. But how do we find him?" Wolfson seemed pleased "Go to the inn in town, I have someone there, she's been tracking him for a while. Hopefully she's found him. She goes by Nesa, copper skin, short hair, good looking, has a fucking whip, pretty hard to miss." Malcolm glanced at Samuel after hearing the name but they said nothing.
Malcolm hated the idea of this, but Samuel forcefully pulled him outside "Later... let's get back with the group first, then we'll discuss it."
Malcolm found Jacob, Dusty and Davith and they seemed to be arguing. "Why did you even kill him?" Davith said as he glared at Jacob and Jacob sighed "It's not like I went looking for a fight, he got in my way, I wouldn't leave and he drew a sword on me, I had no choice." Davith sighed "Fine, but Tom doesn't let things go easily." Samuel then entered the discussion "Actually... we've come to an arrangement." Davith seemed surprised "What?" Samuel nodded "He'll help us, we just need to do him a favor." Jacob looked up at Samuel curiously "What does he want us to do?"
"Nothing any decent human being would consider!" Malcolm snapped as he glared at Samuel and Samuel sighed in response "It's not pretty but we have to. What would you have us do instead? Go back home with just Jacob? No forces? We don't stand a chance without them, Malcolm!" Dusty angrily groaned "Oh for fucks sake, get to the point! What the fuck does he want you to do!?" Malcolm couldn't even begin to suggest such a thing so Samuel spoke. "Wolfson's asked us to kill a man that's been targeting his men, we do that and he comes back to Summerspring with us." Jacob shook his head "No way! We can't just murder a man for him!" Samuel quickly interrupted him "You don't have to, if none of you have the stomach for it I'll do what needs to be done, but I can't do it alone, I need help, what's it gonna be Malcolm?" Jacob tried to speak "We can't--"
"Shut up Jacob!" Samuel snapped at him and waited for Malcolm's answer. Malcolm thought about it, this was wrong but was there any other choice? They needed forces and right now they had nothing but Jacob to return with, as much as Malcolm's grateful to have found him alive if this was all they returned with he'd die anyway.
Malcolm sighed in frustration "Fine, we'll do what needs to be done." Jacob stood up angrily "What the fuck Malcolm?!" Malcolm frowned at his brother "We don't have a choice, Jacob."Jacob defiantly shook his head, refusing to hear what Malcolm was saying "There's always a choice! The Malcolm I know would know that, the war hasn't even reached Summerspring and it's already changing you!" He shouted in an accusing tone and Samuel glared at his little brother "You of all people have no right to judge, Jacob. You killed a man you didn't even know!" Jacob was clearly agitated by this "I didn't want to kill him! He attacked me!" Samuel then shouted back "And you no doubt provoked him! Charging around like an idiot as usual. Your tempers always made you do stupid shit!" Dusty then stepped in "Enough! Cut it out, the decisions been made, let's just get it done!" Samuel sighed "As much as I hate to admit it, your new friend is right Malcolm, we'd best get it done sooner rather then later." Malcolm reluctantly nodded, he couldn't bear to say anything right now.
Jacob shook his head "Well I'm staying here, I don't want any part of this!" Samuel nodded "Fine, you're still weak anyway, you need rest." Jacob groaned and stormed off. Samuel sighed when he noticed Malcolm's glare "Yes, I know I'm too hard on him..." Samuel said in a false caring tone. "What I do is to protect all of us, he and you will understand someday, maybe you'll have to make these decisions yourself if..." Malcolm noticed Samuel's sudden change in tone and that he paused "'if' what?" Samuel shook his head "forget it we have work to do."
Samuel then looked to Davith "Davith, please look after my brother, he's hot headed and I imagine several of these men and women still harbor a grudge." Davith nodded "Of course, but I won't be here forever, you'd best return as soon as possible." Samuel nodded then marched off with a simple order "Come on Malcolm, you too Dustin." Dusty smirked at Samuel suddenly giving him orders but followed. Samuel was suddenly acting strange, he was evasive when Malcolm caught him about to say something but paused. He began to follow Samuel when Davith stopped him "Hold on Malcolm, I want to talk to you for a quick minute."
Malcolm was caught by surprise but was curious "What's on your mind?" Davith seemed reluctant "I know we've only just met and my opinion might mean little to you but this is an opinion from an old man whose seen his share of war, obviously before I joined the Night's Watch." Malcolm nodded as he already knew he was in the Night's Watch. Davith continued "What Jacob said just now has me thinking. He may have a point. War changes people and most don't notice it at first, it starts as justifications for hard decisions, something you have to do for the greater good. I watched it happen to Thorren's father, my brother. He was a kind man but I watched war change him, after doing hard things for so long eventually he became angry and bitter, eventually I watched my own brother become a monster."
This all sounded very familiar "It sounds like you're describing Thorren Forrester." Davith nodded "Well he was his father wasn't he. My brother didn't exactly change back to normal when he got to go home and have a child, he surely had quite an influence on Thorren, though Thorren isn't quite there yet, he's very bitter so maybe this war will be the one that sets him off."
Malcolm nodded, it was something to think about, considering things to come but he still wasn't sure about why this was being brought up. "Why are you telling me this?"
Davith suddenly got very stern "You or even one of your brothers could very well be headed down the same path as my brother. What you and Samuel are about to do is all too familiar. It's plain to see that when you kill this man you'll justify it as the 'hard thing' something that had to be done. I was in a very similar situation to Jacob, I watched my beloved brother become a monster and was powerless to stop it but Jacob seems much more impulsive than I was. A time may come when you do something terrible that you feel needs to be done and Jacob may feel the need to stop you, I don't imagine the end result would be pleasant."
Malcolm sighed "I understand why you're telling me this but what would you have me do instead? I need Wolfson's help my family will die without it. Maybe when this is done they'll be unrecognizable but they'll be alive." Davith shook his head "there's always another way, Malcolm. Remember that. Meet with this man, talk to him, understand him then judge what kind of man he is, I guarantee that you'll find humanity in him. Then convince him to back off from Wolfson and tell Wolfson that you killed him."
This was an extremely bold proposal but also extremely risky, Malcolm was skeptical "What everyone gets to be happy and live in peace? You think Wolfson would believe us? That we could even successfully deceive him?" Davith seemed reluctant to answer "it's... hard to say. But if anyone can do it it's Samuel. I've watched him.and he has a clever tongue, I think it's worth a shot." Malcolm was deeply conflicted about this. Could he risk his family for the sake of morals? "I'll think about it. Alright?" Davith nodded "That's all I ask. You're a good lad Malcolm, I'd hate to see that change." Malcolm nodded "As would I." Malcolm sighed "I need to go, please look after Jacob." Davith nodded as Malcolm ran to catch up with Dusty and Samuel.
Malcolm caught up with the group as they were walking into town and Samuel glanced at Malcolm "What did Davith have to say?" Malcolm sighed "Well... he proposed an alternative, he says we don't have to kill this man, says we can spare him and get our forces." Samuel suddenly stopped and glared at Malcolm "How?" Whereas Dusty sighed, clearly he was already sick of the Branfields arguing all the time.
Malcolm knew that Samuel wouldn't like this but explained "He said that we should talk to him and convince him to back off then we tell Wolfson that we killed him. Davith's noticed that you're quick witted and smart, he thinks you can convince him." Samuel smirked but he seemed angry and spoke sarcastically "Well I'm flattered truly, but this plan relies on the possibility that we can get this man to back off, we have no idea who he is and what his motivations are." Samuel then shook his head "No, I'm sorry but it's too risky."
Malcolm sighed "I think it's worth considering. What do you think Dusty?"
Samuel shook his head "Dustin isn't family, this decision doesn't affect him."
"Then don't listen, you can ignore my opinion but I still get to voice it." Dusty said to Samuel. "Provided that this man doesn't deserve to die, I think if there's a way to avoid killing him we should take it." Samuel scoffed "You of all people think we shouldn't kill if there's another way?!" Malcolm quickly stepped in "Samuel don't, we're on the same side here."
Samuel started pacing, he seemed to be thinking about this decision. "Even if I was willing to consider doing this and assuming I could fool Wolfson, what about Nesa?" Malcolm was taken aback by this. It was a good point. Dusty then spoke "Who's Nesa?"
"An old acquaintance of Malcolm's and who we're meeting right now to help kill this man, I highly doubt she'd just go along with deceiving her boss." Dusty reluctantly nodded "He brings up a good point Malcolm." Malcolm shook his head "The last time I met Nesa she wasn't even with Wolfson and she didn't think very highly of him, I wouldn't say she's loyal, maybe if she stood to gain something we could convince her to go along with it."
Samuel sighed in frustration "We have nothing to give her!" Dusty shrugged "I don't know about that, everyone likes gold."Maybe you can promise her some extra gold on the side, without Wolfson's knowledge, if not that then ask her what she wants." Samuel once again began pacing "I guess it's a question of whether or not we can trust her, tell me Malcolm. Hypothetically if we were to go along with Davith's suggestion, do we let Nesa in on the plan or do it behind her back? assuming that's even possible of course."
Malcolm had to think about this. From what he remembers Nesa isn't exactly stupid, it wouldn't be easy to fool her, and she would not be pleased if she learned that we went behind her back. But would she even go along with this? She isn't a bad person but she always seemed to be cold towards Malcolm. She may outright refuse, and then she might even tell Wolfson of their intentions. But maybe it would be worth a try, nothing was certain anyway, Samuel might not even agree to the plan. And also Malcolm couldn't even say for certain that he trusted her.
["We should let her in on the plan."] ["We shouldn't trust her."]
So... this was a hard choice. Thing is, I like this plan Davith proposed, I like it a lot and it makes a lot of sense to me. That sounds like a hard thing to pull off, but potentially the most rewarding. Indeed, we don't know a thing about this guy who kills Wolfson's men and he might not be the kind of person I'd want to kill. Of course, getting the sellswords is an important task, but the plan sounds like something that could succeed. The problem I see is, it's already hard enough as it is. If they try to deceive Nesa, it'll be even harder and if she manages to find out the truth, I bet she'd be pissed, maybe enough to tell Wolfson about it even if she isn't too fond of him. If they confide in her however, they might appeal to her dislike of Wolfson to convince her to go along with it and in that case, their hard plan would get slightly more easy, with a new ally on their side.
Malcolm couldn't let this happen. He angrily pulled out of Samuel's grasp and rushed to Jacob's side, Jacob looked to Malcolm and n… moreodded, Malcolm nodded back. Malcolm grabbed Dusty's right arm and Jacob grabbed his left, they proceeded to pull Dusty away from Sibas. "Dusty stop!" Dusty growled but relented "Alright, alright! Let me go!" Jacob sighed and sat down on the ground, it seemed he was still weak. Malcolm glared at Dusty, "What the fuck was that?" Dusty seemed like he was about to defend himself when Alise grabbed Dusty's shoulder, aggressively turned him around and gave him a hard punch to the face. "Piece of shit!" She growled at him and Dusty smirked "Oh you're going to regret that, bitch." And he marched towards her, Alise however stood tall "Oh I highly doubt that."
"Hey, hey, hey!" Malcolm shouted attempting to restrain Dusty "We're already on bad terms with these people, we can't afford to make things worse." Dusty … [view original content]
Malcolm couldn't let this happen. He angrily pulled out of Samuel's grasp and rushed to Jacob's side, Jacob looked to Malcolm and n… moreodded, Malcolm nodded back. Malcolm grabbed Dusty's right arm and Jacob grabbed his left, they proceeded to pull Dusty away from Sibas. "Dusty stop!" Dusty growled but relented "Alright, alright! Let me go!" Jacob sighed and sat down on the ground, it seemed he was still weak. Malcolm glared at Dusty, "What the fuck was that?" Dusty seemed like he was about to defend himself when Alise grabbed Dusty's shoulder, aggressively turned him around and gave him a hard punch to the face. "Piece of shit!" She growled at him and Dusty smirked "Oh you're going to regret that, bitch." And he marched towards her, Alise however stood tall "Oh I highly doubt that."
"Hey, hey, hey!" Malcolm shouted attempting to restrain Dusty "We're already on bad terms with these people, we can't afford to make things worse." Dusty … [view original content]
Malcolm couldn't let this happen. He angrily pulled out of Samuel's grasp and rushed to Jacob's side, Jacob looked to Malcolm and n… moreodded, Malcolm nodded back. Malcolm grabbed Dusty's right arm and Jacob grabbed his left, they proceeded to pull Dusty away from Sibas. "Dusty stop!" Dusty growled but relented "Alright, alright! Let me go!" Jacob sighed and sat down on the ground, it seemed he was still weak. Malcolm glared at Dusty, "What the fuck was that?" Dusty seemed like he was about to defend himself when Alise grabbed Dusty's shoulder, aggressively turned him around and gave him a hard punch to the face. "Piece of shit!" She growled at him and Dusty smirked "Oh you're going to regret that, bitch." And he marched towards her, Alise however stood tall "Oh I highly doubt that."
"Hey, hey, hey!" Malcolm shouted attempting to restrain Dusty "We're already on bad terms with these people, we can't afford to make things worse." Dusty … [view original content]
THE VOTING IS CLOSED! Lucas will tell Kiran "In Arms to the End." Gregor will attempt to stall for time and Malcolm will let Nesa in on their plan.
It's been a while, no real excuse except that I've been sinking a lot of hours into Dragon Age. I seriously love that game. XD
I've actually been thinking about it a lot lately and I'm curious, if I decided to do an interactive fanfic set in Dragon Age would any of you be interested? If you've never played it, I HIGHLY recommend it. It is damn good. I have nothing planned and I definitely won't start another story until I finish this one, I'm just wondering if anyone would be interested.
The next part should be out VERY shortly, just know that it is shorter than usual, this part basically sets up the next Gregor part, but there is a choice in it and a talk between siblings.
It was a good question that Kiran asked and Lucas had to think about it but he already knew his answer. "In Arms to the End." Lucas said it with absolute certainty. Kiran seemed impressed "Truly?" Lucas nodded "Leaving innocent people to die to save my own skin, even my family's skins. That's not me." Kiran nodded "I agree, let's hope that you never have to make that choice."
Lucas nodded in agreement "Is there anything else?" Kiran shook his head "No that's all, I just wanted to talk, you can go"
Lucas nodded "Until next time, uncle." And he headed back to the keep. Lucas' little brother Preston almost immediately crashed into him as soon as Lucas made it inside, Preston fell back on his arse and whined. Lucas sighed as he helped him back to his feet "Why are you running like a damn fool, Preston?"
Preston glared at Lucas "I was looking for you!" Lucas shook his head "And you couldn't look for me at a steady pace?" Preston was always so easily excitable "It would've taken longer then, wouldn't it?" He also tended to be snarky. Lucas relented, it was pointless arguing with Preston "Alright, what do you want?" Preston frowned "I wanted to ask you about the war." Lucas sighed "A serious talk then, you should ask father or Ser Simon." Preston groaned and shook his head "They still see me as some innocent little boy." Lucas couldn't hold back a smirk "And you think I see you differently?" Preston shrugged "I don't know, but you're honest, you're the only one around here that'll give me a straight answer." Lucas really didn't want to have this conversation, especially since Preston was right, Lucas wouldn't lie to him.
"What about Lucina?" Lucas suggested and Preston groaned again, he does that a lot "Well Lucina isn't fighting in the war is she? And although she wouldn't lie she's too clever and would talk circles around me!" Lucas chuckled "Alright! Fine, we'll talk about it, just keep it to yourself."
Preston nodded "I promise."
Lucas sighed, this wasn't the place to talk about such things. "Follow me." He ordered and Preston eagerly followed.
Lucas took Preston to the courtyard where Lucas often came to train and think, but he hasn't come here in a while. Lucas sat on some steps and Preston sat next to him. Lucas looked straight at Preston "What do you want to know?"
Preston seemed hesitant to ask but eventually spat it out "How did this all start? I know that this is Robert Baratheon's rebellion but I don't really understand why, why are we fighting?"
Lucas thought about his answer "Short answer? Our king has gone mad, apparently Rhaegar stole Lyanna Stark, add that with the atrocities that Aerys continues to commit, there are people that just aren't willing to ignore it anymore."
Preston remained silent for a minute and seemed troubled "What's on your mind?" Lucas asked him and Preston sighed "It's just that... father would be furious if he was within earshot but it seems to me that we're on the wrong side." Lucas could sympathize "I don't blame you."
Preston frowned "Why are we supporting the Targaryens? From what you've told me combined with what I've heard they sound like monsters." Lucas sighed "It's because of this annoying concept called 'Loyalty.' Our words are 'In Arms to the End' we don't abandon our allies, no matter who they are and how much we might wish to." Preston seemed ready to ask another question "How much danger are we in?" Lucas answered bluntly "A lot" and this seemed to upset Preston "Are... we going to die?" It broke Lucas' heart to see Preston like this but he couldn't lie "I don't know." This kept Preston quite and he seemed like he was about to cry.
Lucas leaned over and took his little brother in his arms "You can cry you know, there's no shame in it." Preston shook his head in defiance "No! Warriors don't cry." Lucas chuckled "Even the bravest knights have their moments" this made Preston sniffle.
Lucas let Preston go and looked him straight in the eyes "Listen to me, little brother, I don't know what will happen to us but I do know this. I'll die before I let anyone hurt my family, so long as I live you have nothing to fear, I promise." This didn't seem to help as Preston seemed to be on the verge of bawling "I don't want you to die either Lucas." Lucas was taken aback by this and didn't know how to respond "Preston, I..." "LUCAS!" Lucas' thoughts were interrupted when he heard someone shout his name from behind. It was his uncle Kiran. "Uncle what's the matter? You're needed on the walls now! There are Northern men approaching." Lucas stood up quickly "Northeners?" Kiran nodded "Yes, that's what I said, come on your father needs you." Lucas quickly turned to Preston "Find mother now, tell her what's happening and stay with her." Preston nodded and immediately ran to find their mother. Lucas then followed Kiran to the walls.
Lucas and Kirans made it atop the walls and saw Simon and Damien standing side by side, they were best friends after all, they were also in their armor, Lucas was in a hurry so he didn't get the chance to get in his. Damien spotted Lucas and Kiran, he then gestured for them to approach. "Good you found him, there's a situation" he gestured for Lucas to look at the men approaching and saw no more than twenty men carrying a white flag. "They mean to parley?" Lucas certainly didn't expect this, Kiran shook his head in disbelief "It must be a trick, they mean to draw us down and ambush us, imagine what a blow to morale it would be if they managed to kill the lord" Kiran had a point but Damien seemed to disagree "The Northeners are honorable people, most of them anyway. They wouldn't ambush us in a parley that they started" Simon then stepped in "I agree but it's certainly odd that they'd start with a parley before attacking." Lucas noticed the Forrester and Whitehill sigyls "Perhaps they truly desire peace, what if Ludd Whitehill's down there? I've known him since we were kids, I can't imagine he'd happily attack us, perhaps he proposed the parley?" Simon shook his head "No way. Thorren Forrester is a bloody warmonger, he'd never agree to make peace with us, even if the Whitehill's suggested another way." Simon reluctantly nodded "I'd have to agree, I don't believe Forrester would agree to such a plan." Damien then spoke up "Perhaps he isn't in charge."
"Look, trap or not we're going down there, Simon, Lucas and I. I can't ignore an offer of parley. Especially if Forrester is down there."
Simon seemed confused "Why does it matter if Forrester is down there?" Damien looked his friend in the eyes "Because he has my daughter, I want to know how she is and if possible I wish to negotiate for her return." Lucas was surprised that he was coming but he certainly didn't object, he also wanted to get Elissa back, despite it being him who arranged the marriage. Though it seemed that Kiran did object "Is it wise to bring Lucas, brother? If things go bad, he's the only one of your heirs here." Damien seemed certain as he shook his head "I need my son by my side, especially since it'll show that we're not hiding, we can't let them spot a weakness. Besides Talia's a strong woman, even if things go bad she can hold the reins until the rest of my sons return." Kiran was about to argue further but then Simon stepped in and Kiran groaned, annoyed by Simon's interruption "How many men are we bringing, my lord?"
Damien answered immediately, he certainly was a quick thinker at times like this "No more than twenty, we need to show strength but we don't need anymore than that, I doubt there'll be a fight." Damien then looked to Lucas "Get your armor and sword, we go immediately." Lucas nodded "Yes father." But then Kiran spoke up again "At least leave Lucas here, Damien. You're putting him in danger when he can be of use here" Damien sighed "Doing what, Kiran? What could he possibly do that you can't?" Things seemed to get tense, Kiran was one of the few that would stand up to Damien, they were brothers but still, Damien wasn't very forgiving. "I'm still seen as the bastard castellan, Lucas is your son he can prepare the men should the worst happen." Damien glared at Kiran "Are you done?" Kiran reluctantly nodded then Damien turned to Lucas "If it'll satisfy Kiran, I'll leave it up to you my son, what shall it be?" Lucas was certain about what he wanted to do "I won't hide in the keep, I'm no coward!" Damien smiled "Exactly so." He said proudly when Kiran looked sternly at Lucas "Think about this, Lucas! You're needed alive, the people here respect you, if something happens we're lacking a leader until your brothers return. Our numbers are too small, if we're to survive, we need to use our heads."
Kiran had a point but Lucas hated the idea of staying back while his father was going into potential danger. Then again if Lucas goes down there and gets killed there won't be much to stop the Northerners from taking Summerspring except for what little loyal men they have and they'd have no one to rally them. But could he really let his father go into danger without him in good conscience?
It's been a while, no real excuse except that I've been sinking a lot of hours into Dragon Age. I seriously love that game. XD
Well, I don't know how you see things there, but for me, playing Dragon Age is a seriously good excuse, one of the best to be honest
I've actually been thinking about it a lot lately and I'm curious, if I decided to do an interactive fanfic set in Dragon Age would any of you be interested?
Oh my god, yes! Dragon Age is certainly one of my favourite game series, probably even the favourite, come to think of it, tied with the Elder Scrolls at least. As a matter of fact, Forum of Thrones would have almost received the atrocious name Forum Age: Origins back when I thought about what setting I want for my interactive fanfiction While I am glad I have decided the way I did, I have never stopped thinking how different things could have turned out. Sure enough, to say that I would be interested in you doing an interactive Dragon Age fanfic would be a massive understatement. I would be massively hyped for such a thing. Hell, just hearing this gave me half a dozen ideas for characters So, keep that idea in mind! Cost of Loyalty is a wonderful story, but if you ever decide to do another one after finishing it, you can count on having me as a reader.
THE VOTING IS CLOSED! Lucas will tell Kiran "In Arms to the End." Gregor will attempt to stall for time and Malcolm will let Nesa in on thei… morer plan.
It's been a while, no real excuse except that I've been sinking a lot of hours into Dragon Age. I seriously love that game. XD
I've actually been thinking about it a lot lately and I'm curious, if I decided to do an interactive fanfic set in Dragon Age would any of you be interested? If you've never played it, I HIGHLY recommend it. It is damn good. I have nothing planned and I definitely won't start another story until I finish this one, I'm just wondering if anyone would be interested.
The next part should be out VERY shortly, just know that it is shorter than usual, this part basically sets up the next Gregor part, but there is a choice in it and a talk between siblings.
Ah, this was a very hard choice for me. I mean, we know this parley is likely not a trap, from Gregor's part from a while ago, but at the same time, anything could go wrong and at worst, Damien gets killed and Lucas seriously wounded. So, I was hesitant to choose this. At the same time, I was thinking this might have some good consequences as well. Lucas is an honourable and dutiful man. Maybe Gregor could see some similarities between them and at best, this could end up beneficial for the Branfield's. I also think that if anything bad happens, Lucas will never forgive himself if he remains behind here. But all in all, I am torn quite heavily and I am open to change my vote later on, if the others bring up arguments in favour of remaining at Summerspring.
It was a good question that Kiran asked and Lucas had to think about it but he already knew his answer. "In Arms to the End." Lucas… more said it with absolute certainty. Kiran seemed impressed "Truly?" Lucas nodded "Leaving innocent people to die to save my own skin, even my family's skins. That's not me." Kiran nodded "I agree, let's hope that you never have to make that choice."
Lucas nodded in agreement "Is there anything else?" Kiran shook his head "No that's all, I just wanted to talk, you can go"
Lucas nodded "Until next time, uncle." And he headed back to the keep. Lucas' little brother Preston almost immediately crashed into him as soon as Lucas made it inside, Preston fell back on his arse and whined. Lucas sighed as he helped him back to his feet "Why are you running like a damn fool, Preston?"
Preston glared at Lucas "I was looking for you!" Lucas shook his head "And you couldn't look for me at a steady pace?" Preston wa… [view original content]
I've actually been thinking about it a lot lately and I'm curious, if I decided to do an interactive fanfic set in Dragon Age would any of you be interested?
I would definitely be interested in this! Dragon Age is one of my favorite game series with Dragon Age: Origins being one of the first games that made me a fan of RPG's. So safe to say if you decide to make a Dragon Age story at some point, I would definitely read it!
THE VOTING IS CLOSED! Lucas will tell Kiran "In Arms to the End." Gregor will attempt to stall for time and Malcolm will let Nesa in on thei… morer plan.
It's been a while, no real excuse except that I've been sinking a lot of hours into Dragon Age. I seriously love that game. XD
I've actually been thinking about it a lot lately and I'm curious, if I decided to do an interactive fanfic set in Dragon Age would any of you be interested? If you've never played it, I HIGHLY recommend it. It is damn good. I have nothing planned and I definitely won't start another story until I finish this one, I'm just wondering if anyone would be interested.
The next part should be out VERY shortly, just know that it is shorter than usual, this part basically sets up the next Gregor part, but there is a choice in it and a talk between siblings.
[Go with Damien] I don't see Gregor & his men attacking during a parlay and I think that having Lucas down there as well would be a sign of strength on the Branfield's part.
It was a good question that Kiran asked and Lucas had to think about it but he already knew his answer. "In Arms to the End." Lucas… more said it with absolute certainty. Kiran seemed impressed "Truly?" Lucas nodded "Leaving innocent people to die to save my own skin, even my family's skins. That's not me." Kiran nodded "I agree, let's hope that you never have to make that choice."
Lucas nodded in agreement "Is there anything else?" Kiran shook his head "No that's all, I just wanted to talk, you can go"
Lucas nodded "Until next time, uncle." And he headed back to the keep. Lucas' little brother Preston almost immediately crashed into him as soon as Lucas made it inside, Preston fell back on his arse and whined. Lucas sighed as he helped him back to his feet "Why are you running like a damn fool, Preston?"
Preston glared at Lucas "I was looking for you!" Lucas shook his head "And you couldn't look for me at a steady pace?" Preston wa… [view original content]
Interesting, Im all for war if this goes to hell right now. Both descions have their pros and cons- i can see ur getting better at these choices agentZ!
The story is starting to connect from all different point of views-which really sets a game of thrones vibe-well done bro!
Id go for damien to follow his father. Perhaps this is where we see the new Ludd whitehill, attacking even though the real intention was for a parley.who knows? I vote go with Damien.
I'd like to see what Lucas would think of the Northeners face first.
Also about the question about Dragon Age: I've certainly heard about the series from some of my friends but I never got around to playing it, but the idea sounds like a lot of fun and I'd be more than happy to give it a read.
It was a good question that Kiran asked and Lucas had to think about it but he already knew his answer. "In Arms to the End." Lucas… more said it with absolute certainty. Kiran seemed impressed "Truly?" Lucas nodded "Leaving innocent people to die to save my own skin, even my family's skins. That's not me." Kiran nodded "I agree, let's hope that you never have to make that choice."
Lucas nodded in agreement "Is there anything else?" Kiran shook his head "No that's all, I just wanted to talk, you can go"
Lucas nodded "Until next time, uncle." And he headed back to the keep. Lucas' little brother Preston almost immediately crashed into him as soon as Lucas made it inside, Preston fell back on his arse and whined. Lucas sighed as he helped him back to his feet "Why are you running like a damn fool, Preston?"
Preston glared at Lucas "I was looking for you!" Lucas shook his head "And you couldn't look for me at a steady pace?" Preston wa… [view original content]
It was a good question that Kiran asked and Lucas had to think about it but he already knew his answer. "In Arms to the End." Lucas… more said it with absolute certainty. Kiran seemed impressed "Truly?" Lucas nodded "Leaving innocent people to die to save my own skin, even my family's skins. That's not me." Kiran nodded "I agree, let's hope that you never have to make that choice."
Lucas nodded in agreement "Is there anything else?" Kiran shook his head "No that's all, I just wanted to talk, you can go"
Lucas nodded "Until next time, uncle." And he headed back to the keep. Lucas' little brother Preston almost immediately crashed into him as soon as Lucas made it inside, Preston fell back on his arse and whined. Lucas sighed as he helped him back to his feet "Why are you running like a damn fool, Preston?"
Preston glared at Lucas "I was looking for you!" Lucas shook his head "And you couldn't look for me at a steady pace?" Preston wa… [view original content]
I closed this a bit sooner than usual but that's because Gregor's part is next and Lucas' choice ties into it and I want to get to writing. I'm sure you've noticed that Lucas' and Gregor's parts are finally meeting which means that the story is starting to get moving. I'm really excited for things to come and what you'll think of them.
Gregor finally came to his decision and he knew that Marcos would be angry about it. "We'll have a parley in the morning, make the necessary preparations." Marcos sighed and marched out out of the tent. Gregor moved to stop him but Eamon shook his head "You'd best give him time to calm down, you're not exactly his favorite person right now." Gregor had to agree as things between him and Marcos seemed to just get worse and worse. It probably didn't help that Gregor has hardly accepted any advice of his. Gregor sighed but he had to get it together and give out orders. "Eamon I want you to get everything we need ready." Eamon nodded "Of course but who will go with you?"
Gregor had to bring the most important people and who would be useful. "Everyone on the council firstly, that includes Marcos. We'll bring no more than 20 men, it's a parley, but we still need some kind of force behind us." Ludd decided to make a suggestion "A few of my men and the Warricks would be suitable, they're good in a fight and they're eager to prove themselves." Royland was visibly angered by this "It's incredibly foolish to bring the Warricks to a parley!" Ludd shook his head "Say what you will about them but they're loyal and even if Ammette tries something Bryce can keep him under control." Gregor refused to let another argument drag out "That's enough, the Warricks will do. Get it done Ludd." Ludd nodded and marched out of the tent. Gregor than looked to Royland "I want you to look after the scout, ensure he's treated well and find out what he knows, I want to know if he has any information about us, I need to know if he knows anything that could be useful to the Branfields." Royland looked at the scout and nodded "Of course."
Gregor than glared at his cousin Marcus "You! Come with me." Marcus seemed seemed surprised by Gregor's tone. Why? He didn't think Gregor would actually be happy to see him? Gregor marched out of the tent and Marcus followed him. They moved a good distance away from the camp and once again Gregor glared at Marcus "What are you doing here?" Marcus raised an eyebrow as if the answer should be obvious "I came here to help!" Gregor shook his head "You sure you have time to put off from seeking your fortune? Surely you don't have time for your family?" Gregor said bitterly and sarcastically. Marcus sighed "I see... you're angry with me." Gregor didn't answer but he was very much so. Marcus sighed "Look, just put your anger aside, I came to help." Gregor shook his head "No I don't want your help."
Marcus was trying to remain level headed but he was clearly getting annoyed "Let me get this straight, you're angry with me for 'abandoning our family for my own selfish desires' but now that I'm actually here you're too good for my help?" Gregor snapped at this "I'm having a hard time believing that you actually give a damn! I haven't seen you in years this isn't the first time that our family has had trouble to deal with since you left!" He shouted and Marcus sighed "I'm here now Gregor, are you so well off that you can afford to reject offers of help? I mean I saw the Warricks so clearly you're standards aren't too high--" Gregor than shoved him "Be careful cousin, you have no right to judge me!" Gregor quickly realized that this was getting out of hand and attempted to calm himself down as he sighed "Look, just... stay in the camp for now, I don't need you right now but maybe I'll change my mind." Marcus clearly was hoping for more but decided against pushing his luck "Alright." Without saying another word Gregor marched back to the camp, there were preparations to make and he couldn't think about Marcus right now.
It was broad daylight now and Gregor along with Eamon, Marcos, Ludd and the Warricks were situated a safe distance away from Summerspring keep but close enough that they could clearly see them. They were holding a white flag as a sign of parley and waited for the Branfields to approach. Gregor was visibly nervous and worried about how the Branfields would react especially if they catch onto the fact that this whole parley is a trick. Eamon attempted to reassure Gregor "Don't worry Gregor, the plan will work I know it." Marcos however did not seem as confident "This is stupid, we're finally meeting the enemy and we're not even fighting them! Not to mention that we're putting ourselves at a disadvantage." Gregor wanted to argue but Marcos had a point so he decided to keep focused "Just play along, we act like we're looking for a peaceful solution. We need to keep our heads." Eamon nodded "Hopefully both literally and figuratively."
Bryce seemed troubled "We act like we want peace and then we plan to kill everyone one of them later anyway. It seems dishonorable." Eamon glared at Bryce "No offense but your family is the last who ones who should be talking about honor." Ammette groaned at this "Have we met before? You'd think so since everyone here hates us and acts like they know us." Eamon rolled his eyes and turned away from the Warricks
Gregor turned to Ludd "You're being awfully quiet. Is something troubling you?" Ludd sighed "I need to tell you something, especially since it'll probably come up." Gregor raised an eyebrow, this sounded serious. Ludd began to explain "I'm sure you've caught on that I know the Branfields, In fact I know them pretty well, almost my whole life in fact." Gregor leaned, forward "Seriously?!" Gregor couldn't believe this. Elissa knows the history between Houses Whitehill and Forrester, why would she not mention this? Ludd nodded, confirming what he just said, Gregor became concerned "Are you... close?" Ludd seemed hesitant "I mostly spent time with Lucas and Elissa. I didn't really know the rest very well. Look we don't have time to get into but I thought you should hear it from me." Gregor sighed "I appreciate it."
Ammette interrupted "Hey, eyes forward, they're coming!" Gregor looked forward and saw that Ammette was right. He saw Damien Branfield and Lucas Branfield, a man Gregor had never met beside them and a small force behind them. Gregor met Lucas and Damien while arranging the marriage between Elissa and Gregor, though Gregor couldn't say that he knew them well.
Eamon whispered as the Branfields approached "Where's Royland with that scout?" Gregor whispered in response "Hanging back waiting for my signal to approach." Gregor stood up straight as the Branfields were now close enough to exchange words but not too close for obvious. Damien Branfield's presence made Gregor nervous, he commanded authority with his mere presence, similarly to Gregor's father. Damien looked directly at Gregor as if ignoring his companions "I was expecting your father." Gregor had to remember to appear strong and capable, he couldn't show any signs of weakness. "My father is needed elsewhere but your family can't be ignored any longer, I lead these men in his place." Damien glanced at Gregor's companions "I see, I'm surprised you are leading them, to be honest." Ammette smirked "The old man is trying to appear in control, but he knows he's outmatched, I can tell." The man next to Damien seemed agitated by Ammette's claims "You'd best be silent, your betters are talking." Damien glared at the man "That's enough Simon, we aren't here to fight." Marcos scoffed "For now..." Lucas then spoke "Your men seem on edge Gregor..." Gregor attempted to explain but Marcos cut him off "It's as simple as this, this parley is pointless, we all know we'll reach no compromise and--" Gregor then barked "Enough, Marcos! You are here only because I allow it, you'd best learn to follow orders." Marcos sighed but relented "of course..."
Gregor then looked directly at Damien "I shall speak plainly, you need to bend the knee and end this before it even begins." Gregor knew they wouldn't do it but this was all just a ruse. "And before you say anything I should say that we've captured one of your scouts." Lucas was noticeably concerned about the revelation and he seemed to be suffering a glare from the man Damien called Simon. Gregor then attempted to reassure them "Do not be alarmed, he has not been harmed." Damien glanced towards Simon and Lucas and they placed their hands on their swords. Clearly preparing for an ambush. "Hand him over then" Gregor nodded and slowly raised his hand and made a fist, signalling Royland to approach.
Royland then appeared from a distance slowly approaching with the scout. Gregor hadn't noted the young man's appearance before, he had Brown eyes, short light Brown hair and a bit of stubble. He appeared visibly angry as Royland roughly shoved him forward. "Get the fuck off me!" The scout growled and struggled but Royland had a good grip on him, he wasn't going anywhere. Ammette chuckled "I love the feisty ones!" Once the scout was visible Simon was visibly agitated "That's Owen Cerrick! He's a good man, my Lord and very loyal." Lucas attempted to reassure him "He'll get out of this alive Simon, I promise." Simon reacted angrily "You're the reason he's in danger in the first place!" Damien then shouted "Enough! We didn't come here to bicker!" He then turned to Gregor "You and I both know that I'll never bend the knee. Don't waste our time, hand him over!" Gregor turned to Royland and whispered "What does he know?" Royland shook his head "He refuses to say which seems to indicate that he knows something"
This was a tricky situation. If Gregor handed him over this easily he'd appear weak and out of control, his men already distrust him enough. He could attempt to stall for longer but was that wise? Perhaps he should outright refuse to hand over the scout. That could put Gregor back in control and any information the scout may have is kept from the Branfields grasp. There were two things Gregor had to avoid, losing even more respect from his men and this parley breaking out into a fight.
[Stall handing over the scout] [Hand over the scout] [Refuse to hand over the scout]
I've actually been thinking about it a lot lately and I'm curious, if I decided to do an interactive fanfic set in Dragon Age would any of y… moreou be interested?
I would definitely be interested in this! Dragon Age is one of my favorite game series with Dragon Age: Origins being one of the first games that made me a fan of RPG's. So safe to say if you decide to make a Dragon Age story at some point, I would definitely read it!
Ah, this is a pretty hard choice I have made it clear in the past, my sympathies lie with House Branfield and heavily so, with my main goal being to get as many of them out of this alive as possible. However, I see this choice as a bit deeper than that. Ultimately, there will be a battle and when it comes, I'd rather have Gregor in full control of his army as opposed to brutal butchers like the Warrick's or ruthless men such as Marcos. So, I see thus choice as a choice between a short-term Branfield advantage by giving them their scout and a long-term advantage by giving them an opponent more likely to show mercy or to hesitate in crucial moments. Gregor is this and I want him to stay in control of the army. Marcos is pretty pissed already and he only has to lose Ludd's support and he'll be unable to keep the Warrick's in line. Speaking of Ludd, this brief information about him being friends with Elissa and Lucas was surprising, but nice. I bet Gregor will ask more about this in the future.
Gregor finally came to his decision and he knew that Marcos would be angry about it. "We'll have a parley in the morning, make the… more necessary preparations." Marcos sighed and marched out out of the tent. Gregor moved to stop him but Eamon shook his head "You'd best give him time to calm down, you're not exactly his favorite person right now." Gregor had to agree as things between him and Marcos seemed to just get worse and worse. It probably didn't help that Gregor has hardly accepted any advice of his. Gregor sighed but he had to get it together and give out orders. "Eamon I want you to get everything we need ready." Eamon nodded "Of course but who will go with you?"
Gregor had to bring the most important people and who would be useful. "Everyone on the council firstly, that includes Marcos. We'll bring no more than 20 men, it's a parley, but we still need some kind of force behind us." Ludd decided to make a suggestion "A few of… [view original content]
About the Ludd and Elissa bit. This is happening because of a headcanon of mine I've decided to throw in. There always seemed like there was something between Ludd and Elissa. Ludd appeared to have sympathy for her a couple times and Elissa has implied that she knows him well.
[Refuse to hand over the scout]
Ah, this is a pretty hard choice I have made it clear in the past, my sympathies lie with House Branfiel… mored and heavily so, with my main goal being to get as many of them out of this alive as possible. However, I see this choice as a bit deeper than that. Ultimately, there will be a battle and when it comes, I'd rather have Gregor in full control of his army as opposed to brutal butchers like the Warrick's or ruthless men such as Marcos. So, I see thus choice as a choice between a short-term Branfield advantage by giving them their scout and a long-term advantage by giving them an opponent more likely to show mercy or to hesitate in crucial moments. Gregor is this and I want him to stay in control of the army. Marcos is pretty pissed already and he only has to lose Ludd's support and he'll be unable to keep the Warrick's in line. Speaking of Ludd, this brief information about him being friends with Elissa and… [view original content]
I've been thinking about this for a while but wasn't sure if I should make this post. I think I need to make an honest post about how I feel The Cost of Loyalty is going. You may have noticed (I've certainly noticed) that quite a few people don't really post here anymore. There could be a few reasons for this, they accidentally unfollowed the story, they don't come to the forums anymore, or they simply lost interest. I've come to assume that it's the last one. My thoughts on how the stories going, it's going how I expected and in some ways better than I expected. I mean certain character submissions have pushed me to make some interesting plotlines. Tom Wolfson for example, he's a very major character going forward and currently the focus of Malcolm's chapter 1 storyline and he's a submitted character. However I'm willing to admit that my story is far from the best. Some may even consider it average, but that's okay, I wasn't looking to be praised as the best storyteller ever, I had a cool idea and wanted to tell this story. But as you can clearly see choices are a big part of the story and as I'm losing readers it makes me worry that I won't be able to properly implement choices in the future. I have absolutely no intention of cancelling the story, I just worry that I'll have to start removing choices and I really don't want to do that. There's several scenes I have in mind that will be impacted by choices. Another thing is that the most exciting thing for me about this story is when I post a part and eagerly wait to see what people think of it. So as I get less and less readers I get a little disappointed when I don't see as many comments as I'd like.
So part of me feels that I need to see clear as day how people feel about the story, whether it be completely positive or the harsh truth, maybe it'll push me to improve, I don't know what I'm expecting but I want to see your honest opinion about my story, both positive and negative. And please do not be concerned about hurting my feelings or something. It's always nice to hear people like it but if there's something wrong with the story then I need to know about it.
One more thing the story may feel like it's going slow but it's build up, we're getting closer to the big stuff, I swear.
Personally I like it. its leading very nicely to things. My main issue is that I feel somethings could be developed or expanded more during parts. Besides that I feel like you are doing well, this period of time is just bad for most stories. Even FOT is somewhat affected by this bad timing. So don't feel like you've lost anything, just keep writing and don't give up, you will improve and readers will follow.
I've been thinking about this for a while but wasn't sure if I should make this post. I think I need to make an honest post about how I feel… more The Cost of Loyalty is going. You may have noticed (I've certainly noticed) that quite a few people don't really post here anymore. There could be a few reasons for this, they accidentally unfollowed the story, they don't come to the forums anymore, or they simply lost interest. I've come to assume that it's the last one. My thoughts on how the stories going, it's going how I expected and in some ways better than I expected. I mean certain character submissions have pushed me to make some interesting plotlines. Tom Wolfson for example, he's a very major character going forward and currently the focus of Malcolm's chapter 1 storyline and he's a submitted character. However I'm willing to admit that my story is far from the best. Some may even consider it average, but that's okay, I wasn't looking to be pr… [view original content]
Personally I like it. its leading very nicely to things. My main issue is that I feel somethings could be developed or expanded more during … moreparts. Besides that I feel like you are doing well, this period of time is just bad for most stories. Even FOT is somewhat affected by this bad timing. So don't feel like you've lost anything, just keep writing and don't give up, you will improve and readers will follow.
This week as a whole, many readers come from the US and here we have finals to deal with, which doesn't leave much time for commenting and reading. For example I left a side story in Forum of Thrones last week and it only got two readers, one of which was Liquid who reads every comment. It's just the time right now. There should be a readership boost during the Summer.
Ah, I understand how you feel. It is a bit odd how sometimes the number of voters fluctuates so heavily, but this happens. I am sure that few readers here have actually lost interest, though maybe some have left the forums, if only temporarily, or have unfollowed by accident. In such situations, it might be a good idea to ask them in a private message if you see that they are generally active here in the forums. If they have lost interest, you know for sure, but there are many other reasons, such as time problems or accidental unfollowing. Don't be disheartened! From writing FoT, I know that some readers don't always vote, but most of them come back sooner or later
When it comes to your story and its quality, I seriously love it. You know me, I am bad at giving negative feedback, but I think this is not necessary, not when I so wholeheartedly enjoy your writing. Sure, there are minor technical details, stuff that can be refined with more practice, but that is certainly nothing that limits the appreciation I have for this story. You have managed to make me really invested in the characters here, which is the most important thing of them all, to feel with them and to be curious about their future. I also feel like you really improved, not necessarily as a writer, the general plot and stuff like that has always been great, but in terms of details, such as the layout of your parts or the general flow of the dialogue. On top of that, the plot is really about to get thicker, that I can see. Sure, the main event of the story is a siege and a siege always starts slow, but I just know that you have big things planned and I for one cannot wait for it! So, don't worry about my support, because you have it. I cannot speak for the others, but I am sure that they have not exactly lost interest. Maybe some readers are just sitting out a choice or two, but as I said, if you worry it can never hurt to contact the people in question directly.
I've been thinking about this for a while but wasn't sure if I should make this post. I think I need to make an honest post about how I feel… more The Cost of Loyalty is going. You may have noticed (I've certainly noticed) that quite a few people don't really post here anymore. There could be a few reasons for this, they accidentally unfollowed the story, they don't come to the forums anymore, or they simply lost interest. I've come to assume that it's the last one. My thoughts on how the stories going, it's going how I expected and in some ways better than I expected. I mean certain character submissions have pushed me to make some interesting plotlines. Tom Wolfson for example, he's a very major character going forward and currently the focus of Malcolm's chapter 1 storyline and he's a submitted character. However I'm willing to admit that my story is far from the best. Some may even consider it average, but that's okay, I wasn't looking to be pr… [view original content]
Oh god, now we have Marcus and Marcos XD That slightly confused me in the very beginning, especially as Marcos was the one to answer to Gregor's question towards Marcus. But ah, Marcus seems like an interesting guy at the very least, so I'm sure I can arrange myself with this
[Stall for time]
It's no secret that my sympathies lie with the underdogs of House Branfield. I know that most, maybe even all of them, will have very little chance of survival either way, but who knows, if Gregor decides to stall, then this gives Malcolm more chance to win some sellswords for their cause and might, just might, give them something of a fighting chance in the future. Who knows, maybe they even find common ground, as unlikely as it is. I think it's worth a try to do this instead of attacking right away.
I did get concerned when I realized Marcus and Marcos would be in the same scene. I'm hoping I'll handle it competently and that it won't get too confusing for you guys.
Any thoughts on Ammett's ranting or what Ludd revealed about Kevan?
Ah, I'm sure you'll manage
I was just confused in the very beginning, but now that I have understood just what was going on there, I doubt I'll be confused again.
Well, the Warrick's sound super messed up. I have a bad feeling about Ammett. Sure, he does have a point with his frustration, but at the same time, I doubt their family and he in particular have this bad reputation without a reason. I mean, there is the chance that Ammett is actually a decent guy who just has a horrible way of showing it and who got misblamed for stuff he never did, but I honestly doubt it. It seems to me that he's one to keep an eye on and to keep in line, with heavy force if necessary. Kevan meanwhile is still a bit of a mystery. I could see him actually being kind of sympathetic and having had good reasons for killing his brother, but I'll be keeping my guard up when it comes to him as well, until I know more. For now, he seems better than Ammett, but that doesn't have to mean much.
[Stall for time] Having a parley seems like it would be a very beneficial thing for both sides here even though they both know that nothing will truly come of it and I believe the parlay between them would be a great scene. It gives time for Malcolm to get back with a sellsword army and it gives more time for Walter to get there with the additional Whitehill troops. One thing that I just thought about which could be really interesting is if Malcolm who is hopefully on his way back with sellswords runs into Walter and his troops which would certainly be interesting
Or well maybe not since if I remember correctly, most of Walter's men are smallfolk so it would no doubt be a massacre
Great part by the way! 
You are right, if Malcolm does successfully get Tom Wolfson to join him and they run across Walter's troops, the odds would not be in Walter's favor.
[Attack as soon as possible]
Ah good ol' rants from Ammett. At least he brought soldiers even if it's not much. :P
Just managed to read the last 3 parts! i forgot about the GoT forums due to ANF and stuff.
But [Attack as soon as possible]
We're at war,we use steel and sheilds. A Parley can go wrong espically if they catch on, we cant lie ourselves out of here, they already know we got n army spicing up
The voting isn't closed yet for Lucas' part.
Oh really? Right okay
I mean you knowmy answer. always looking for a fight i am.
["In Arms To The End"]
If I don't say the votings closed then it isn't closed.
Malcolm couldn't let this happen. He angrily pulled out of Samuel's grasp and rushed to Jacob's side, Jacob looked to Malcolm and nodded, Malcolm nodded back. Malcolm grabbed Dusty's right arm and Jacob grabbed his left, they proceeded to pull Dusty away from Sibas. "Dusty stop!" Dusty growled but relented "Alright, alright! Let me go!" Jacob sighed and sat down on the ground, it seemed he was still weak. Malcolm glared at Dusty, "What the fuck was that?" Dusty seemed like he was about to defend himself when Alise grabbed Dusty's shoulder, aggressively turned him around and gave him a hard punch to the face. "Piece of shit!" She growled at him and Dusty smirked "Oh you're going to regret that, bitch." And he marched towards her, Alise however stood tall "Oh I highly doubt that."
"Hey, hey, hey!" Malcolm shouted attempting to restrain Dusty "We're already on bad terms with these people, we can't afford to make things worse." Dusty sighed "Fine." And stepped back, Alise scoffed "You think we're just gonna--"
"That's enough Alise!" Wolfson marched down "Your pathetic pet lost, let it go and be thankful he lives" Alise looked extremely angry but seemed to relent as she checked on Sibas "Are you alright?" She asked as her expression changed from anger to concern "Yeah... I'm fine" Sibas mumbled when Alise caressed his cheek "Let me look at you" she insisted but Sibas angrily slapped her hand away "I said I'm fine!" He shouted and furiously marched off, Alise frowned and followed him.
Wolfson then groaned "Last time I let her bring a brat into my ranks." He then looked to Malcolm and Samuel "You two, follow me, let's talk." He declared and Malcolm looked at Jacob "What about--" and Wolfson interrupted him "Davith will look after your brother, he's so fucking soft that he'd help a stranger before being loyal to his friends." He said as he glared at Davith and Davith frowned as he attempted to explain himself "Tom, I--"
"I don't want to fucking hear it, Branfields follow me, now!" He ordered them as he marched off. Malcolm and Samuel followed obediently, fearing what would happen if they didn't. Before leaving however Malcolm looked to Dusty and he nodded "I'll make sure nothing happens, go on." Malcolm smiled, he didn't approve of Dusty's actions but he's shown such loyalty in so short a time. Malcolm nodded in return and followed Wolfson.
Wolfson led the brothers into his tent and grabbed a bottle from a desk, it appeared to be wine "Thirsty?" He asked them and Malcolm shook his head whereas Samuel politely said "No thanks." Wolfson leaned against the desk "I'm Tom Wolfson, former member of a great Northern House, leader of sellswords and an extremely dangerous man to fuck with."
Malcolm gulped, Tom Wolfson was quite intimidating and Samuel spoke for Malcolm, probably for the best, he's always been a good talker. "Malcolm and Samuel Branfield are our names." He stepped forward. "We came here for our brother, we mean you no harm." Wolfson scoffed "You're brother killed one of my men, he deserved to be punished, but fair is fair, your champion managed to save him today."
Wolfson sighed "Relax, Branfields, I'm not gonna kill you, not even your dog, he did me a favor, proved how worthless Sibas is." Wolfson spoke with such disdain for the boy.
Malcolm grew concerned and spoke up "You don't intend to kill the boy do you?" Wolfson sighed "No, Alise would never let that go, and unlike Sibas she's actually worth something." Wolfson then smirked "Besides, she's got a great ass!" He laughed and Samuel chuckled "That she does." Malcolm could tell what Samuel was doing, he was attempting to charm him.
Wolfson suddenly got serious "I know what you want." He stood up straight "Your brother wouldn't shut up about it, you need men to defend your home." Samuel nodded "That we do, we can pay you of course." Wolfson chuckled "Naturally. How much men do you need?" Samuel went to speak, but Malcolm knew he'd try to reach a fair compromise, something Wolfson would be easily swayed by, Malcolm boldly stated "Ideally we want all of you." Wolfson's eyes widened and Samuel glared at Malcolm. Wolfson then seemed intrigued "Interesting... who exactly are you expecting to fight?" Malcolm shook his head "We don't know for certain. I'm sure you've heard of the war. We're on the Targaryen's side, it's only a matter of time before someone is sent to eliminate us." Wolfson seemed to think about it "If I agreed to this, I could potentially be fighting against my fellow Northeners, that itself is interesting."
Wolfson looked Malcolm in the eyes "Let's get something straight, if I agree to this you'll be paying a lot, a lot more than a few hundred would've cost." Malcolm nodded in understanding and Wolfson smiled before getting serious again "One thing though, you'll have to do something for me first on top of all the gold this'll cost you."
Samuel raised an eyebrow "What is it that you want?" Wolfson then grew visibly angry but not at Samuel "Some cunt has been hounding me and my men for weeks, sets traps for small groups of my men, but he never kills them, only seriously wounds them, then tells them 'Bring me Tom Wolfson' those exact words, every fucking time." Malcolm grew curious "What does he want with you?" Wolfson groaned "He hasn't really explained his actions, but I suspect he's some do gooder, thinks killing me will be for the greater good or some horseshit, but I have no idea what he wants." This was odd, some mysterious stranger attacking Wolfson's men without explanation, why? For what purpose?
Samuel then spoke up "You want us to stop him?" Wolfson shook his head "I want you to kill him, my men can't touch him, he somehow always sees them coming, knows every move I'll make. But you two... I doubt he'll attack a group of strangers on sight." Malcolm shook his head "I'm not comfortable with the idea of murdering a stranger." Wolfson got uncomfortably close and gave Malcolm a threatening look "Well get comfortable, unless you'd rather fight this war on your own." Samuel pulled Malcolm back "We'll get it done, don't worry. But how do we find him?" Wolfson seemed pleased "Go to the inn in town, I have someone there, she's been tracking him for a while. Hopefully she's found him. She goes by Nesa, copper skin, short hair, good looking, has a fucking whip, pretty hard to miss." Malcolm glanced at Samuel after hearing the name but they said nothing.
Malcolm hated the idea of this, but Samuel forcefully pulled him outside "Later... let's get back with the group first, then we'll discuss it."
Malcolm found Jacob, Dusty and Davith and they seemed to be arguing. "Why did you even kill him?" Davith said as he glared at Jacob and Jacob sighed "It's not like I went looking for a fight, he got in my way, I wouldn't leave and he drew a sword on me, I had no choice." Davith sighed "Fine, but Tom doesn't let things go easily." Samuel then entered the discussion "Actually... we've come to an arrangement." Davith seemed surprised "What?" Samuel nodded "He'll help us, we just need to do him a favor." Jacob looked up at Samuel curiously "What does he want us to do?"
"Nothing any decent human being would consider!" Malcolm snapped as he glared at Samuel and Samuel sighed in response "It's not pretty but we have to. What would you have us do instead? Go back home with just Jacob? No forces? We don't stand a chance without them, Malcolm!" Dusty angrily groaned "Oh for fucks sake, get to the point! What the fuck does he want you to do!?" Malcolm couldn't even begin to suggest such a thing so Samuel spoke. "Wolfson's asked us to kill a man that's been targeting his men, we do that and he comes back to Summerspring with us." Jacob shook his head "No way! We can't just murder a man for him!" Samuel quickly interrupted him "You don't have to, if none of you have the stomach for it I'll do what needs to be done, but I can't do it alone, I need help, what's it gonna be Malcolm?" Jacob tried to speak "We can't--"
"Shut up Jacob!" Samuel snapped at him and waited for Malcolm's answer. Malcolm thought about it, this was wrong but was there any other choice? They needed forces and right now they had nothing but Jacob to return with, as much as Malcolm's grateful to have found him alive if this was all they returned with he'd die anyway.
Malcolm sighed in frustration "Fine, we'll do what needs to be done." Jacob stood up angrily "What the fuck Malcolm?!" Malcolm frowned at his brother "We don't have a choice, Jacob."Jacob defiantly shook his head, refusing to hear what Malcolm was saying "There's always a choice! The Malcolm I know would know that, the war hasn't even reached Summerspring and it's already changing you!" He shouted in an accusing tone and Samuel glared at his little brother "You of all people have no right to judge, Jacob. You killed a man you didn't even know!" Jacob was clearly agitated by this "I didn't want to kill him! He attacked me!" Samuel then shouted back "And you no doubt provoked him! Charging around like an idiot as usual. Your tempers always made you do stupid shit!" Dusty then stepped in "Enough! Cut it out, the decisions been made, let's just get it done!" Samuel sighed "As much as I hate to admit it, your new friend is right Malcolm, we'd best get it done sooner rather then later." Malcolm reluctantly nodded, he couldn't bear to say anything right now.
Jacob shook his head "Well I'm staying here, I don't want any part of this!" Samuel nodded "Fine, you're still weak anyway, you need rest." Jacob groaned and stormed off. Samuel sighed when he noticed Malcolm's glare "Yes, I know I'm too hard on him..." Samuel said in a false caring tone. "What I do is to protect all of us, he and you will understand someday, maybe you'll have to make these decisions yourself if..." Malcolm noticed Samuel's sudden change in tone and that he paused "'if' what?" Samuel shook his head "forget it we have work to do."
Samuel then looked to Davith "Davith, please look after my brother, he's hot headed and I imagine several of these men and women still harbor a grudge." Davith nodded "Of course, but I won't be here forever, you'd best return as soon as possible." Samuel nodded then marched off with a simple order "Come on Malcolm, you too Dustin." Dusty smirked at Samuel suddenly giving him orders but followed. Samuel was suddenly acting strange, he was evasive when Malcolm caught him about to say something but paused. He began to follow Samuel when Davith stopped him "Hold on Malcolm, I want to talk to you for a quick minute."
Malcolm was caught by surprise but was curious "What's on your mind?" Davith seemed reluctant "I know we've only just met and my opinion might mean little to you but this is an opinion from an old man whose seen his share of war, obviously before I joined the Night's Watch." Malcolm nodded as he already knew he was in the Night's Watch. Davith continued "What Jacob said just now has me thinking. He may have a point. War changes people and most don't notice it at first, it starts as justifications for hard decisions, something you have to do for the greater good. I watched it happen to Thorren's father, my brother. He was a kind man but I watched war change him, after doing hard things for so long eventually he became angry and bitter, eventually I watched my own brother become a monster."
This all sounded very familiar "It sounds like you're describing Thorren Forrester." Davith nodded "Well he was his father wasn't he. My brother didn't exactly change back to normal when he got to go home and have a child, he surely had quite an influence on Thorren, though Thorren isn't quite there yet, he's very bitter so maybe this war will be the one that sets him off."
Malcolm nodded, it was something to think about, considering things to come but he still wasn't sure about why this was being brought up. "Why are you telling me this?"
Davith suddenly got very stern "You or even one of your brothers could very well be headed down the same path as my brother. What you and Samuel are about to do is all too familiar. It's plain to see that when you kill this man you'll justify it as the 'hard thing' something that had to be done. I was in a very similar situation to Jacob, I watched my beloved brother become a monster and was powerless to stop it but Jacob seems much more impulsive than I was. A time may come when you do something terrible that you feel needs to be done and Jacob may feel the need to stop you, I don't imagine the end result would be pleasant."
Malcolm sighed "I understand why you're telling me this but what would you have me do instead? I need Wolfson's help my family will die without it. Maybe when this is done they'll be unrecognizable but they'll be alive." Davith shook his head "there's always another way, Malcolm. Remember that. Meet with this man, talk to him, understand him then judge what kind of man he is, I guarantee that you'll find humanity in him. Then convince him to back off from Wolfson and tell Wolfson that you killed him."
This was an extremely bold proposal but also extremely risky, Malcolm was skeptical "What everyone gets to be happy and live in peace? You think Wolfson would believe us? That we could even successfully deceive him?" Davith seemed reluctant to answer "it's... hard to say. But if anyone can do it it's Samuel. I've watched him.and he has a clever tongue, I think it's worth a shot." Malcolm was deeply conflicted about this. Could he risk his family for the sake of morals? "I'll think about it. Alright?" Davith nodded "That's all I ask. You're a good lad Malcolm, I'd hate to see that change." Malcolm nodded "As would I." Malcolm sighed "I need to go, please look after Jacob." Davith nodded as Malcolm ran to catch up with Dusty and Samuel.
Malcolm caught up with the group as they were walking into town and Samuel glanced at Malcolm "What did Davith have to say?" Malcolm sighed "Well... he proposed an alternative, he says we don't have to kill this man, says we can spare him and get our forces." Samuel suddenly stopped and glared at Malcolm "How?" Whereas Dusty sighed, clearly he was already sick of the Branfields arguing all the time.
Malcolm knew that Samuel wouldn't like this but explained "He said that we should talk to him and convince him to back off then we tell Wolfson that we killed him. Davith's noticed that you're quick witted and smart, he thinks you can convince him." Samuel smirked but he seemed angry and spoke sarcastically "Well I'm flattered truly, but this plan relies on the possibility that we can get this man to back off, we have no idea who he is and what his motivations are." Samuel then shook his head "No, I'm sorry but it's too risky."
Malcolm sighed "I think it's worth considering. What do you think Dusty?"
Samuel shook his head "Dustin isn't family, this decision doesn't affect him."
"Then don't listen, you can ignore my opinion but I still get to voice it." Dusty said to Samuel. "Provided that this man doesn't deserve to die, I think if there's a way to avoid killing him we should take it." Samuel scoffed "You of all people think we shouldn't kill if there's another way?!" Malcolm quickly stepped in "Samuel don't, we're on the same side here."
Samuel started pacing, he seemed to be thinking about this decision. "Even if I was willing to consider doing this and assuming I could fool Wolfson, what about Nesa?" Malcolm was taken aback by this. It was a good point. Dusty then spoke "Who's Nesa?"
"An old acquaintance of Malcolm's and who we're meeting right now to help kill this man, I highly doubt she'd just go along with deceiving her boss." Dusty reluctantly nodded "He brings up a good point Malcolm." Malcolm shook his head "The last time I met Nesa she wasn't even with Wolfson and she didn't think very highly of him, I wouldn't say she's loyal, maybe if she stood to gain something we could convince her to go along with it."
Samuel sighed in frustration "We have nothing to give her!" Dusty shrugged "I don't know about that, everyone likes gold."Maybe you can promise her some extra gold on the side, without Wolfson's knowledge, if not that then ask her what she wants." Samuel once again began pacing "I guess it's a question of whether or not we can trust her, tell me Malcolm. Hypothetically if we were to go along with Davith's suggestion, do we let Nesa in on the plan or do it behind her back? assuming that's even possible of course."
Malcolm had to think about this. From what he remembers Nesa isn't exactly stupid, it wouldn't be easy to fool her, and she would not be pleased if she learned that we went behind her back. But would she even go along with this? She isn't a bad person but she always seemed to be cold towards Malcolm. She may outright refuse, and then she might even tell Wolfson of their intentions. But maybe it would be worth a try, nothing was certain anyway, Samuel might not even agree to the plan. And also Malcolm couldn't even say for certain that he trusted her.
["We should let her in on the plan."] ["We shouldn't trust her."]
["We should let her in on the plan."]
So... this was a hard choice. Thing is, I like this plan Davith proposed, I like it a lot and it makes a lot of sense to me. That sounds like a hard thing to pull off, but potentially the most rewarding. Indeed, we don't know a thing about this guy who kills Wolfson's men and he might not be the kind of person I'd want to kill. Of course, getting the sellswords is an important task, but the plan sounds like something that could succeed. The problem I see is, it's already hard enough as it is. If they try to deceive Nesa, it'll be even harder and if she manages to find out the truth, I bet she'd be pissed, maybe enough to tell Wolfson about it even if she isn't too fond of him. If they confide in her however, they might appeal to her dislike of Wolfson to convince her to go along with it and in that case, their hard plan would get slightly more easy, with a new ally on their side.
["We should let her in on the plan."]
We should trust Nesa, yes. Money is always good proposition, especially to a sellsword.
["We should let her in on the plan."]
This was hard ngl. but i think thats my choice..hmm
["We should let her in on the plan."]
["We should let her in on the plan."]
THE VOTING IS CLOSED! Lucas will tell Kiran "In Arms to the End." Gregor will attempt to stall for time and Malcolm will let Nesa in on their plan.
It's been a while, no real excuse except that I've been sinking a lot of hours into Dragon Age. I seriously love that game. XD
I've actually been thinking about it a lot lately and I'm curious, if I decided to do an interactive fanfic set in Dragon Age would any of you be interested? If you've never played it, I HIGHLY recommend it. It is damn good. I have nothing planned and I definitely won't start another story until I finish this one, I'm just wondering if anyone would be interested.
The next part should be out VERY shortly, just know that it is shorter than usual, this part basically sets up the next Gregor part, but there is a choice in it and a talk between siblings.
It was a good question that Kiran asked and Lucas had to think about it but he already knew his answer. "In Arms to the End." Lucas said it with absolute certainty. Kiran seemed impressed "Truly?" Lucas nodded "Leaving innocent people to die to save my own skin, even my family's skins. That's not me." Kiran nodded "I agree, let's hope that you never have to make that choice."
Lucas nodded in agreement "Is there anything else?" Kiran shook his head "No that's all, I just wanted to talk, you can go"
Lucas nodded "Until next time, uncle." And he headed back to the keep. Lucas' little brother Preston almost immediately crashed into him as soon as Lucas made it inside, Preston fell back on his arse and whined. Lucas sighed as he helped him back to his feet "Why are you running like a damn fool, Preston?"
Preston glared at Lucas "I was looking for you!" Lucas shook his head "And you couldn't look for me at a steady pace?" Preston was always so easily excitable "It would've taken longer then, wouldn't it?" He also tended to be snarky. Lucas relented, it was pointless arguing with Preston "Alright, what do you want?" Preston frowned "I wanted to ask you about the war." Lucas sighed "A serious talk then, you should ask father or Ser Simon." Preston groaned and shook his head "They still see me as some innocent little boy." Lucas couldn't hold back a smirk "And you think I see you differently?" Preston shrugged "I don't know, but you're honest, you're the only one around here that'll give me a straight answer." Lucas really didn't want to have this conversation, especially since Preston was right, Lucas wouldn't lie to him.
"What about Lucina?" Lucas suggested and Preston groaned again, he does that a lot "Well Lucina isn't fighting in the war is she? And although she wouldn't lie she's too clever and would talk circles around me!" Lucas chuckled "Alright! Fine, we'll talk about it, just keep it to yourself."
Preston nodded "I promise."
Lucas sighed, this wasn't the place to talk about such things. "Follow me." He ordered and Preston eagerly followed.
Lucas took Preston to the courtyard where Lucas often came to train and think, but he hasn't come here in a while. Lucas sat on some steps and Preston sat next to him. Lucas looked straight at Preston "What do you want to know?"
Preston seemed hesitant to ask but eventually spat it out "How did this all start? I know that this is Robert Baratheon's rebellion but I don't really understand why, why are we fighting?"
Lucas thought about his answer "Short answer? Our king has gone mad, apparently Rhaegar stole Lyanna Stark, add that with the atrocities that Aerys continues to commit, there are people that just aren't willing to ignore it anymore."
Preston remained silent for a minute and seemed troubled "What's on your mind?" Lucas asked him and Preston sighed "It's just that... father would be furious if he was within earshot but it seems to me that we're on the wrong side." Lucas could sympathize "I don't blame you."
Preston frowned "Why are we supporting the Targaryens? From what you've told me combined with what I've heard they sound like monsters." Lucas sighed "It's because of this annoying concept called 'Loyalty.' Our words are 'In Arms to the End' we don't abandon our allies, no matter who they are and how much we might wish to." Preston seemed ready to ask another question "How much danger are we in?" Lucas answered bluntly "A lot" and this seemed to upset Preston "Are... we going to die?" It broke Lucas' heart to see Preston like this but he couldn't lie "I don't know." This kept Preston quite and he seemed like he was about to cry.
Lucas leaned over and took his little brother in his arms "You can cry you know, there's no shame in it." Preston shook his head in defiance "No! Warriors don't cry." Lucas chuckled "Even the bravest knights have their moments" this made Preston sniffle.
Lucas let Preston go and looked him straight in the eyes "Listen to me, little brother, I don't know what will happen to us but I do know this. I'll die before I let anyone hurt my family, so long as I live you have nothing to fear, I promise." This didn't seem to help as Preston seemed to be on the verge of bawling "I don't want you to die either Lucas." Lucas was taken aback by this and didn't know how to respond "Preston, I..." "LUCAS!" Lucas' thoughts were interrupted when he heard someone shout his name from behind. It was his uncle Kiran. "Uncle what's the matter? You're needed on the walls now! There are Northern men approaching." Lucas stood up quickly "Northeners?" Kiran nodded "Yes, that's what I said, come on your father needs you." Lucas quickly turned to Preston "Find mother now, tell her what's happening and stay with her." Preston nodded and immediately ran to find their mother. Lucas then followed Kiran to the walls.
Lucas and Kirans made it atop the walls and saw Simon and Damien standing side by side, they were best friends after all, they were also in their armor, Lucas was in a hurry so he didn't get the chance to get in his. Damien spotted Lucas and Kiran, he then gestured for them to approach. "Good you found him, there's a situation" he gestured for Lucas to look at the men approaching and saw no more than twenty men carrying a white flag. "They mean to parley?" Lucas certainly didn't expect this, Kiran shook his head in disbelief "It must be a trick, they mean to draw us down and ambush us, imagine what a blow to morale it would be if they managed to kill the lord" Kiran had a point but Damien seemed to disagree "The Northeners are honorable people, most of them anyway. They wouldn't ambush us in a parley that they started" Simon then stepped in "I agree but it's certainly odd that they'd start with a parley before attacking." Lucas noticed the Forrester and Whitehill sigyls "Perhaps they truly desire peace, what if Ludd Whitehill's down there? I've known him since we were kids, I can't imagine he'd happily attack us, perhaps he proposed the parley?" Simon shook his head "No way. Thorren Forrester is a bloody warmonger, he'd never agree to make peace with us, even if the Whitehill's suggested another way." Simon reluctantly nodded "I'd have to agree, I don't believe Forrester would agree to such a plan." Damien then spoke up "Perhaps he isn't in charge."
"Look, trap or not we're going down there, Simon, Lucas and I. I can't ignore an offer of parley. Especially if Forrester is down there."
Simon seemed confused "Why does it matter if Forrester is down there?" Damien looked his friend in the eyes "Because he has my daughter, I want to know how she is and if possible I wish to negotiate for her return." Lucas was surprised that he was coming but he certainly didn't object, he also wanted to get Elissa back, despite it being him who arranged the marriage. Though it seemed that Kiran did object "Is it wise to bring Lucas, brother? If things go bad, he's the only one of your heirs here." Damien seemed certain as he shook his head "I need my son by my side, especially since it'll show that we're not hiding, we can't let them spot a weakness. Besides Talia's a strong woman, even if things go bad she can hold the reins until the rest of my sons return." Kiran was about to argue further but then Simon stepped in and Kiran groaned, annoyed by Simon's interruption "How many men are we bringing, my lord?"
Damien answered immediately, he certainly was a quick thinker at times like this "No more than twenty, we need to show strength but we don't need anymore than that, I doubt there'll be a fight." Damien then looked to Lucas "Get your armor and sword, we go immediately." Lucas nodded "Yes father." But then Kiran spoke up again "At least leave Lucas here, Damien. You're putting him in danger when he can be of use here" Damien sighed "Doing what, Kiran? What could he possibly do that you can't?" Things seemed to get tense, Kiran was one of the few that would stand up to Damien, they were brothers but still, Damien wasn't very forgiving. "I'm still seen as the bastard castellan, Lucas is your son he can prepare the men should the worst happen." Damien glared at Kiran "Are you done?" Kiran reluctantly nodded then Damien turned to Lucas "If it'll satisfy Kiran, I'll leave it up to you my son, what shall it be?" Lucas was certain about what he wanted to do "I won't hide in the keep, I'm no coward!" Damien smiled "Exactly so." He said proudly when Kiran looked sternly at Lucas "Think about this, Lucas! You're needed alive, the people here respect you, if something happens we're lacking a leader until your brothers return. Our numbers are too small, if we're to survive, we need to use our heads."
Kiran had a point but Lucas hated the idea of staying back while his father was going into potential danger. Then again if Lucas goes down there and gets killed there won't be much to stop the Northerners from taking Summerspring except for what little loyal men they have and they'd have no one to rally them. But could he really let his father go into danger without him in good conscience?
[Stay behind] [Go with Damien]
Well, I don't know how you see things there, but for me, playing Dragon Age is a seriously good excuse, one of the best to be honest
Oh my god, yes! Dragon Age is certainly one of my favourite game series, probably even the favourite, come to think of it, tied with the Elder Scrolls at least. As a matter of fact, Forum of Thrones would have almost received the atrocious name Forum Age: Origins back when I thought about what setting I want for my interactive fanfiction
While I am glad I have decided the way I did, I have never stopped thinking how different things could have turned out. Sure enough, to say that I would be interested in you doing an interactive Dragon Age fanfic would be a massive understatement. I would be massively hyped for such a thing. Hell, just hearing this gave me half a dozen ideas for characters
So, keep that idea in mind! Cost of Loyalty is a wonderful story, but if you ever decide to do another one after finishing it, you can count on having me as a reader.
[Go with Damien]
Ah, this was a very hard choice for me. I mean, we know this parley is likely not a trap, from Gregor's part from a while ago, but at the same time, anything could go wrong and at worst, Damien gets killed and Lucas seriously wounded. So, I was hesitant to choose this. At the same time, I was thinking this might have some good consequences as well. Lucas is an honourable and dutiful man. Maybe Gregor could see some similarities between them and at best, this could end up beneficial for the Branfield's. I also think that if anything bad happens, Lucas will never forgive himself if he remains behind here. But all in all, I am torn quite heavily and I am open to change my vote later on, if the others bring up arguments in favour of remaining at Summerspring.
I would definitely be interested in this! Dragon Age is one of my favorite game series with Dragon Age: Origins being one of the first games that made me a fan of RPG's. So safe to say if you decide to make a Dragon Age story at some point, I would definitely read it!
[Go with Damien] I don't see Gregor & his men attacking during a parlay and I think that having Lucas down there as well would be a sign of strength on the Branfield's part.
[Go With Damien]
Interesting, Im all for war if this goes to hell right now. Both descions have their pros and cons- i can see ur getting better at these choices agentZ!
The story is starting to connect from all different point of views-which really sets a game of thrones vibe-well done bro!
Id go for damien to follow his father. Perhaps this is where we see the new Ludd whitehill, attacking even though the real intention was for a parley.who knows? I vote go with Damien.
[Go with Damien]
I'd like to see what Lucas would think of the Northeners face first.
Also about the question about Dragon Age: I've certainly heard about the series from some of my friends but I never got around to playing it, but the idea sounds like a lot of fun and I'd be more than happy to give it a read.
[Go with Damien]
Things can't be worse, can they?
I think it is the right choice to make.
Things can always get worse.
You Win Or You Die.
The voting is closed! Lucas will go with Damien.
I closed this a bit sooner than usual but that's because Gregor's part is next and Lucas' choice ties into it and I want to get to writing. I'm sure you've noticed that Lucas' and Gregor's parts are finally meeting which means that the story is starting to get moving. I'm really excited for things to come and what you'll think of them.
Gregor finally came to his decision and he knew that Marcos would be angry about it. "We'll have a parley in the morning, make the necessary preparations." Marcos sighed and marched out out of the tent. Gregor moved to stop him but Eamon shook his head "You'd best give him time to calm down, you're not exactly his favorite person right now." Gregor had to agree as things between him and Marcos seemed to just get worse and worse. It probably didn't help that Gregor has hardly accepted any advice of his. Gregor sighed but he had to get it together and give out orders. "Eamon I want you to get everything we need ready." Eamon nodded "Of course but who will go with you?"
Gregor had to bring the most important people and who would be useful. "Everyone on the council firstly, that includes Marcos. We'll bring no more than 20 men, it's a parley, but we still need some kind of force behind us." Ludd decided to make a suggestion "A few of my men and the Warricks would be suitable, they're good in a fight and they're eager to prove themselves." Royland was visibly angered by this "It's incredibly foolish to bring the Warricks to a parley!" Ludd shook his head "Say what you will about them but they're loyal and even if Ammette tries something Bryce can keep him under control." Gregor refused to let another argument drag out "That's enough, the Warricks will do. Get it done Ludd." Ludd nodded and marched out of the tent. Gregor than looked to Royland "I want you to look after the scout, ensure he's treated well and find out what he knows, I want to know if he has any information about us, I need to know if he knows anything that could be useful to the Branfields." Royland looked at the scout and nodded "Of course."
Gregor than glared at his cousin Marcus "You! Come with me." Marcus seemed seemed surprised by Gregor's tone. Why? He didn't think Gregor would actually be happy to see him? Gregor marched out of the tent and Marcus followed him. They moved a good distance away from the camp and once again Gregor glared at Marcus "What are you doing here?" Marcus raised an eyebrow as if the answer should be obvious "I came here to help!" Gregor shook his head "You sure you have time to put off from seeking your fortune? Surely you don't have time for your family?" Gregor said bitterly and sarcastically. Marcus sighed "I see... you're angry with me." Gregor didn't answer but he was very much so. Marcus sighed "Look, just put your anger aside, I came to help." Gregor shook his head "No I don't want your help."
Marcus was trying to remain level headed but he was clearly getting annoyed "Let me get this straight, you're angry with me for 'abandoning our family for my own selfish desires' but now that I'm actually here you're too good for my help?" Gregor snapped at this "I'm having a hard time believing that you actually give a damn! I haven't seen you in years this isn't the first time that our family has had trouble to deal with since you left!" He shouted and Marcus sighed "I'm here now Gregor, are you so well off that you can afford to reject offers of help? I mean I saw the Warricks so clearly you're standards aren't too high--" Gregor than shoved him "Be careful cousin, you have no right to judge me!" Gregor quickly realized that this was getting out of hand and attempted to calm himself down as he sighed "Look, just... stay in the camp for now, I don't need you right now but maybe I'll change my mind." Marcus clearly was hoping for more but decided against pushing his luck "Alright." Without saying another word Gregor marched back to the camp, there were preparations to make and he couldn't think about Marcus right now.
It was broad daylight now and Gregor along with Eamon, Marcos, Ludd and the Warricks were situated a safe distance away from Summerspring keep but close enough that they could clearly see them. They were holding a white flag as a sign of parley and waited for the Branfields to approach. Gregor was visibly nervous and worried about how the Branfields would react especially if they catch onto the fact that this whole parley is a trick. Eamon attempted to reassure Gregor "Don't worry Gregor, the plan will work I know it." Marcos however did not seem as confident "This is stupid, we're finally meeting the enemy and we're not even fighting them! Not to mention that we're putting ourselves at a disadvantage." Gregor wanted to argue but Marcos had a point so he decided to keep focused "Just play along, we act like we're looking for a peaceful solution. We need to keep our heads." Eamon nodded "Hopefully both literally and figuratively."
Bryce seemed troubled "We act like we want peace and then we plan to kill everyone one of them later anyway. It seems dishonorable." Eamon glared at Bryce "No offense but your family is the last who ones who should be talking about honor." Ammette groaned at this "Have we met before? You'd think so since everyone here hates us and acts like they know us." Eamon rolled his eyes and turned away from the Warricks
Gregor turned to Ludd "You're being awfully quiet. Is something troubling you?" Ludd sighed "I need to tell you something, especially since it'll probably come up." Gregor raised an eyebrow, this sounded serious. Ludd began to explain "I'm sure you've caught on that I know the Branfields, In fact I know them pretty well, almost my whole life in fact." Gregor leaned, forward "Seriously?!" Gregor couldn't believe this. Elissa knows the history between Houses Whitehill and Forrester, why would she not mention this? Ludd nodded, confirming what he just said, Gregor became concerned "Are you... close?" Ludd seemed hesitant "I mostly spent time with Lucas and Elissa. I didn't really know the rest very well. Look we don't have time to get into but I thought you should hear it from me." Gregor sighed "I appreciate it."
Ammette interrupted "Hey, eyes forward, they're coming!" Gregor looked forward and saw that Ammette was right. He saw Damien Branfield and Lucas Branfield, a man Gregor had never met beside them and a small force behind them. Gregor met Lucas and Damien while arranging the marriage between Elissa and Gregor, though Gregor couldn't say that he knew them well.
Eamon whispered as the Branfields approached "Where's Royland with that scout?" Gregor whispered in response "Hanging back waiting for my signal to approach." Gregor stood up straight as the Branfields were now close enough to exchange words but not too close for obvious. Damien Branfield's presence made Gregor nervous, he commanded authority with his mere presence, similarly to Gregor's father. Damien looked directly at Gregor as if ignoring his companions "I was expecting your father." Gregor had to remember to appear strong and capable, he couldn't show any signs of weakness. "My father is needed elsewhere but your family can't be ignored any longer, I lead these men in his place." Damien glanced at Gregor's companions "I see, I'm surprised you are leading them, to be honest." Ammette smirked "The old man is trying to appear in control, but he knows he's outmatched, I can tell." The man next to Damien seemed agitated by Ammette's claims "You'd best be silent, your betters are talking." Damien glared at the man "That's enough Simon, we aren't here to fight." Marcos scoffed "For now..." Lucas then spoke "Your men seem on edge Gregor..." Gregor attempted to explain but Marcos cut him off "It's as simple as this, this parley is pointless, we all know we'll reach no compromise and--" Gregor then barked "Enough, Marcos! You are here only because I allow it, you'd best learn to follow orders." Marcos sighed but relented "of course..."
Gregor then looked directly at Damien "I shall speak plainly, you need to bend the knee and end this before it even begins." Gregor knew they wouldn't do it but this was all just a ruse. "And before you say anything I should say that we've captured one of your scouts." Lucas was noticeably concerned about the revelation and he seemed to be suffering a glare from the man Damien called Simon. Gregor then attempted to reassure them "Do not be alarmed, he has not been harmed." Damien glanced towards Simon and Lucas and they placed their hands on their swords. Clearly preparing for an ambush. "Hand him over then" Gregor nodded and slowly raised his hand and made a fist, signalling Royland to approach.
Royland then appeared from a distance slowly approaching with the scout. Gregor hadn't noted the young man's appearance before, he had Brown eyes, short light Brown hair and a bit of stubble. He appeared visibly angry as Royland roughly shoved him forward. "Get the fuck off me!" The scout growled and struggled but Royland had a good grip on him, he wasn't going anywhere. Ammette chuckled "I love the feisty ones!" Once the scout was visible Simon was visibly agitated "That's Owen Cerrick! He's a good man, my Lord and very loyal." Lucas attempted to reassure him "He'll get out of this alive Simon, I promise." Simon reacted angrily "You're the reason he's in danger in the first place!" Damien then shouted "Enough! We didn't come here to bicker!" He then turned to Gregor "You and I both know that I'll never bend the knee. Don't waste our time, hand him over!" Gregor turned to Royland and whispered "What does he know?" Royland shook his head "He refuses to say which seems to indicate that he knows something"
This was a tricky situation. If Gregor handed him over this easily he'd appear weak and out of control, his men already distrust him enough. He could attempt to stall for longer but was that wise? Perhaps he should outright refuse to hand over the scout. That could put Gregor back in control and any information the scout may have is kept from the Branfields grasp. There were two things Gregor had to avoid, losing even more respect from his men and this parley breaking out into a fight.
[Stall handing over the scout] [Hand over the scout] [Refuse to hand over the scout]
I would. You would have to do it in forum games though.
I am aware of this.
Double apology.
First yes, I know bud
Second, I thought CM3434 wanted to write it.
At least now he knows where to go if you do make it.
[Refuse to hand over the scout]
Ah, this is a pretty hard choice
I have made it clear in the past, my sympathies lie with House Branfield and heavily so, with my main goal being to get as many of them out of this alive as possible. However, I see this choice as a bit deeper than that. Ultimately, there will be a battle and when it comes, I'd rather have Gregor in full control of his army as opposed to brutal butchers like the Warrick's or ruthless men such as Marcos. So, I see thus choice as a choice between a short-term Branfield advantage by giving them their scout and a long-term advantage by giving them an opponent more likely to show mercy or to hesitate in crucial moments. Gregor is this and I want him to stay in control of the army. Marcos is pretty pissed already and he only has to lose Ludd's support and he'll be unable to keep the Warrick's in line. Speaking of Ludd, this brief information about him being friends with Elissa and Lucas was surprising, but nice. I bet Gregor will ask more about this in the future.
About the Ludd and Elissa bit. This is happening because of a headcanon of mine I've decided to throw in. There always seemed like there was something between Ludd and Elissa. Ludd appeared to have sympathy for her a couple times and Elissa has implied that she knows him well.
I've been thinking about this for a while but wasn't sure if I should make this post. I think I need to make an honest post about how I feel The Cost of Loyalty is going. You may have noticed (I've certainly noticed) that quite a few people don't really post here anymore. There could be a few reasons for this, they accidentally unfollowed the story, they don't come to the forums anymore, or they simply lost interest. I've come to assume that it's the last one. My thoughts on how the stories going, it's going how I expected and in some ways better than I expected. I mean certain character submissions have pushed me to make some interesting plotlines. Tom Wolfson for example, he's a very major character going forward and currently the focus of Malcolm's chapter 1 storyline and he's a submitted character. However I'm willing to admit that my story is far from the best. Some may even consider it average, but that's okay, I wasn't looking to be praised as the best storyteller ever, I had a cool idea and wanted to tell this story. But as you can clearly see choices are a big part of the story and as I'm losing readers it makes me worry that I won't be able to properly implement choices in the future. I have absolutely no intention of cancelling the story, I just worry that I'll have to start removing choices and I really don't want to do that. There's several scenes I have in mind that will be impacted by choices. Another thing is that the most exciting thing for me about this story is when I post a part and eagerly wait to see what people think of it. So as I get less and less readers I get a little disappointed when I don't see as many comments as I'd like.
So part of me feels that I need to see clear as day how people feel about the story, whether it be completely positive or the harsh truth, maybe it'll push me to improve, I don't know what I'm expecting but I want to see your honest opinion about my story, both positive and negative. And please do not be concerned about hurting my feelings or something. It's always nice to hear people like it but if there's something wrong with the story then I need to know about it.
One more thing the story may feel like it's going slow but it's build up, we're getting closer to the big stuff, I swear.
Personally I like it. its leading very nicely to things. My main issue is that I feel somethings could be developed or expanded more during parts. Besides that I feel like you are doing well, this period of time is just bad for most stories. Even FOT is somewhat affected by this bad timing. So don't feel like you've lost anything, just keep writing and don't give up, you will improve and readers will follow.
What do you mean this is a bad time for stories?
This week as a whole, many readers come from the US and here we have finals to deal with, which doesn't leave much time for commenting and reading. For example I left a side story in Forum of Thrones last week and it only got two readers, one of which was Liquid who reads every comment. It's just the time right now. There should be a readership boost during the Summer.
Ah, I understand how you feel. It is a bit odd how sometimes the number of voters fluctuates so heavily, but this happens. I am sure that few readers here have actually lost interest, though maybe some have left the forums, if only temporarily, or have unfollowed by accident. In such situations, it might be a good idea to ask them in a private message if you see that they are generally active here in the forums. If they have lost interest, you know for sure, but there are many other reasons, such as time problems or accidental unfollowing. Don't be disheartened! From writing FoT, I know that some readers don't always vote, but most of them come back sooner or later
When it comes to your story and its quality, I seriously love it. You know me, I am bad at giving negative feedback, but I think this is not necessary, not when I so wholeheartedly enjoy your writing. Sure, there are minor technical details, stuff that can be refined with more practice, but that is certainly nothing that limits the appreciation I have for this story. You have managed to make me really invested in the characters here, which is the most important thing of them all, to feel with them and to be curious about their future. I also feel like you really improved, not necessarily as a writer, the general plot and stuff like that has always been great, but in terms of details, such as the layout of your parts or the general flow of the dialogue. On top of that, the plot is really about to get thicker, that I can see. Sure, the main event of the story is a siege and a siege always starts slow, but I just know that you have big things planned and I for one cannot wait for it! So, don't worry about my support, because you have it. I cannot speak for the others, but I am sure that they have not exactly lost interest. Maybe some readers are just sitting out a choice or two, but as I said, if you worry it can never hurt to contact the people in question directly.