If Mariana was Determinant.
Here s how i feel Telltale would have treated Mariana if she was determinant:
Choice that determines if she survives or not: Going with Eleanor or Tripp.
Eleanor s not that big of a survival expert compared to tripp since she wants to kill the walkers with guns if you take her with you in episode 1 so if Tripp was there he would notice Badger creeping up on them and get Mariana out of the way ((Kate would still be shot tho.)
Episode 1: After the attempted murder by Badger Mariana would leave with Gabe , Tripp and the wounded Kate and you would get the choice between staying with Clem or go with the family.
Episode 2: Gabe would be angry because he let Kate get Shot in the Junkyard and Mariana and Javier would comfort him.
During the raid on Prescott Javier would hear Mariana screaming and see there was a walker on top of her and try to save her Unfortunately he s too late And mariana would have already been Bit . There would be some dialogue of Mariana in the Car when Kate asks Javier to Mercy shoot her .
Eleanor would take her and Kate ahead onto Richmond. In the last minutes of the episode Javier would arrive in the Car and see that Mariana s condition is worse and when you got to Richmond/The New frontier Max would Notice that Mariana is bit and you would get a choice between Refusing to shoot her or Letting them Kill her But no matter what You pick David arrives and the episode ends.
Episode 3: After the flashback in the beggining of the episode David would talk to Gabe and Mariana would be happy that he was Alive and David would tell them they needed to end her Suffering to which Javier can agree ((And David would then walk up to her and tell her what he s gonna do and tell her to Close her eyes and then David would shoot her.)) If Javier disagrees she gets taken with them to the quarantine zone .
David would ask how Mariana got bit either way and Javier would explain to him what happened during the Raid on Prescott.
If You refused to Let mariana be Killed by David then Ava would inform him after he gets kicked out of Richmond that they took her away from the quarantine zone and ended her Suffering to which you would have the choice to be agressive and get your ass kicked like Tripp does or tell her that it was Probably for the best. Either way Ava would Give you the bag and the rest of the episode would be the same .
What do you guys think would happen?
I was gonna put it in the title how you guys think she would have been handled if she was the determinant but i forgot and since i cant seem to edit my Threads then im just gonna leave this comment here.
The main thing is what decision leads to her being determinant
i think it should be the Go with Tripp or Eleanor Decision since Tripp s a bigger survivor ((Eleanor wanting to use a gun on the Walkers which would attract them to where they are)) then he would Notice badger creeping up on Mariana and get her out of the way while with Eleanor she would not notice Badger and then that Choice would actually have some impact instead of just ´´Meh nothing changes except Eleanor fixes gabe s Cut´´.
Here is the Edit Code.
My play, I brought Eleanor so it would still be more peaceful for her to go the canon way so she didn't have to suffer a bite infection
I Agree i tend to have determinant characters die if their 1st death is to a gunshot so that they have no way of becoming walkers ((With the exception of Conrad since im curious if telltale s actually gonna take him anywhere.))