Another Blatant story flaw...Clementine almost let Javi die.
In episode 1 if Javi chooses to stay with Clementine in the junkyard after the fight with new frontier members, a makeshift bomb is thrown causing Javi to loose consciousness.
Now I don't wanna point out another blatant flaw in this scenario as we all know that the fact the new frontier members didn't investigate to see if Clem and Javi were dead after the explosion is really strange.
But c'mon Clem! She left Javi unconscious, out in the open while she dug a grave for Mariana. I'm not a grave digger but I can guarantee it took a while. Then as soon as Javi wakes up, a walker appears and Clem shoots it. Really?! What are the odds of that? It reminds me of that time in the show (season 2) were Daryl passes out after seeing a vision of his brother by a riverside and he awakes to find a walker chewing at the rubber of his shoes and not like his arm or something...really?
Ofcourse it is possible that Clem could've checked on Javi every now and then to make sure he was safe and not getting munched on but still. Would it not have been a much better idea to wait until Javi wasn't completely vulnerable and guard him while he is out or better yet drag him over to the gravesite, don't give me that, "Javi is much too heavy for Clem to drag over there" bs, we all know she somehow managed to drag Lee into that jewellery store when he passed out...and she was 8 at the time.
Never thought about that and I couldnt agree with you more.
Thanks, was considering not posting this simply because there are way more examples of poor writing like this throughout the 3 episodes but I just hadn't heard anyone discuss this one specifically.
I can excuse the Walker chewing on Daryl's shoes. Walkers are stupid, and stupid things can be unpredictable. That Walker just started chewing and its interest was caught when it noticed how chewy the rubber was.
What are the odds of Batman and Superman's mothers having the same name? It was purely there for a badass Clementine moment. That kind of stuff is so common in writing I don't know why it's such a problem here.
And so because it's common, that somehow excuses the fact that it's lazy and incomprehensibly convenient writing? Nah, sorry, it really doesn't. If Telltale are trying to create a story that we're meant to take serious, dumb and ridiculous scenes like that should not have been included and if they had to be, to truly enforce just how "badass" the 14 year old child is, at least write them in a way that's somewhat believable.
The whole point of me creating this thread was to comment on something that Clementine did which was very uncharacteristic of her, i.e prioritising burying the dead over protecting the vulnerable living.
The odds of a walker showing up after Javi wakes up and not while he was still unconscious or the fact that Clem finishes digging the grave and returns to Javi just as he wakes up and the walker appears was just a side note on my part.
It is an extremely less likely scenario than two people having the same name dude, you're just taking one very minor thing I said that contributes to my main point as a whole and assuming it's the only problem I have with this scenario?
The Walker just appeared and started crawling toward Javier, there's no way Clementine could have known that would have happened. Clem could have looked around the perimeter before she started burying Mariana and just got carried away in the fact that she was burying a child.
It didn't look like a side note considering you cited the same thing happening to Daryl in the show. It was one of the main points of your post and I responded to it, I don't see the problem.
It was lazy writing, I agree. I just expressed my confusion as to why this certain instance seemed to matter above the plethora of other instances of writing being unbelievable. The Walking Dead is pretty unrealistic, Ties that Bind has poor writing, these facts have already been established.
Well if you don't see the problem in piss-poor writing with completely unbelievable and downright laughable scenarios then you are one of the very lucky few that don't care enough to view things in sufficient detail.
It was not a main point in my post, the main point (hence the title name which was Another Blatant story flaw...Clementine almost let Javi die) My major point was how Clem prioritised burying Mariana over protecting Javier when he was unconscious.
Well first of all, it didn't seem to me that she got all that carried away by burying her and I doubt the fact that she was a child would phase her all that much considering she already lost Sarah and presumably A.J and the fact she is a child herself, completely unlike her character if you ask me.
Secondly that is just ridiculous, just because you quickly glance around for walkers before leaving somebody unconscious, completely defenceless and alone does not guarantee their if she did check for walkers she clearly did a pretty crap job at it.
Just because something is set in a fictional universe does not excuse the fact that most things still abide by the laws of the universe, i.e gravity still exists so why shouldn't common sense exist? This instance matters because it goes against everything Clem has learned and been taught by others.
The excuse of, "The game has zombies in it so it's pretty unrealistic" really has no leg to stand on when discussing points like the one I made.
Did you know that 9 year olds have the god like ability to drag heavy objects at will when they really need to? It goes away when they reach 10, though. But they had it! And that's the most likely way of how clem dragged Lee into the jewellery store.
As far as leaving Javi, Clem's a kid. She needs to do things that don't make sense or rash sometimes to keep her real. For example:
Season 1:
1.She's lured in by the stranger thinking that he had her parents.
2.And earlier in that season, she licks salt.
Season 2:
1.Leaves her gun on the sink in episode 1, killing Omid
2.Intimidating Rebecca.(determinant) (Which I believe the only reason that she doesn't want Clem, in episode 1, because Clem's injury would rival the care that Rebecca may need. And if pushed, would probably kill Clem.)
3.Intimidating Carver.( determinant)( This man kills people for berries. Why would any sane person talk back to him? Even Kenny, is relatively well mannered around him, Kenny.)(determinant)
4.Running through a fucking group of people with AK-47s , tied up, unarmed to save a stranger.(determinant)
5.** Doing the same thing, but not tied up.** (determinant)
Season 3
1.Injecting AJ with a unknown drug through clothing
2. Shooting a man to prove that the bullets were fake.
3. Leaving Javi on the ground unconscious.
Yea or the fact that people have an unnatural surge of adrenaline, giving them super human strength when loved ones are in extreme danger. Like people ripping car doors off to save people trapped inside.
Some of these things are mistakes that anyone could make, not just children.
And how duck can randomly disappear at will in the barn scene
Didn't Clementine shoot and come into shot opposite of the entrance of the junkyard which is the direction Mari was buried? If she did what was she doing to let the walker so close or was she just watching it while she was waiting for Javi to wake up
That's a good point, wasn't there a walker New Frontier member against a stack of tires very close to Javi that he examines after burying Mariana and then comments on the fact that they all had the same brands on their neck.
Clementine then proceeds to tell Javi about the new frontier.
If this is the case then it just proves that Clem did not think about the recently killed New Frontier members that had the potential to turn to walkers and attack Javi while she was digging the grave.
Another way Clem put Javi in unnecessary danger...smh.
Yeah but the walker against the tires reanimated after they finished burying Mari.
Still, it could have reanimated sooner as Javi was unconscious and Clem was busy digging the grave. She should have checked to see if it died via headshot and if not, prevent it from reanimating to protect Javi.
It's following the rule of cool (I think I'm using that right). Just a dramatic/cinematic way of starting off the episode, no real thought behind it. It seems Telltale rely heavily on people just turning off their brains when playing their games so when stuff like this happens, people won't question the who, what, why, where, and how, they just see the shiny and go "hmm neat".
Yeah, really seems like they targeted the casual player as their primary audience that can disregard story flaws and characteristic contradictions that are only really apparent to die hard fans and those that enjoy discussing it extensively.
We resorting to nitpicking now? lol
Superman's mother was an alien. I find it hard to believe that she had the same name as Batman's mother.. Also the story is told from Javi's point of view. There is no way of knowing how many walkers she killed protecting him before he came to.
It's an obvious noticeable flaw that doesn't make sense how is that nitpicking.
Haha Javier went to prescott in my game so I didn't see that but im not surprised you found yet another flaw from their shit
It is nitpicking because we do not know what the hell she did or did not do while he was out of yes...this is petty nitpicking.
Nitpicking shit posts..gotta love em.
Awesome, thanks very fuckin' much for that. Wouldn't have expected anything else from good ol' Kennyshouladieins1
I know it's something adults tell little kids, but I think in this case it's pretty much the same thing: "If you ain't got nothin' nice to say then don't say anything at all."
I'm still stuck on Badgers choice of whether to shoot the one person who would pose the absolute least amount of threat to him, or any of the more capable and probably armed people when he had them completely be surprised.
Eh, if the game is bland, why not?
We know she dug a grave when Javi was unconscious.
We know she did not guard Javi the whole time he was out because she was tending to the grave.
We know she did not ensure the recently killed frontier members did not return as walkers.
We know she did not attempt to move Javi in any way into a safer area.
We know she left him unarmed as he was unconscious.
We know she either did not scout the area for walkers or crawlers or atleast made a poor attempt at it.
We know she didn't have direct or sufficient visibility of Javi from the gravesite.
We know she didn't wait for Javi to wake up before digging grave.
Yeah, pretty slim pickings when it comes to good topic discussions this season.
If you want to post a gripe...make it a legit gripe not something pulled from your ass. Your welcome though. assume all those things other than leaving him unarmed as he was unconscious.
Lol, how on earth am I assuming everything other than he wss unarmed and unconscious?
By that logic you are claiming that Clem did not leave him alone, which is absurd considering it's impossible to be in two places at once, i.e at his side the entire time yet still digging a grave about 100 meters away from him.
You also claim I assume that Clem didn't wait for Javi to regain consciousness before digging the grave, which is again absurd considering the grave was dug by the time he awoke thus proving she didn't wait.
You claim i'm assuming she did not have sufficient visibility of Javi as she dug the grave which again, as we've seen from the burial scene is quite apparent. It is also impossible to dig a grave whilst having your eyes focused on a distant object without at some stage shifting your body and turning around to ensure the grave is the appropriate size, depth and shape.
I could do this with every point I've made but I won't to save myself time and prevent you from embarrassing yourself any further.
I'm 100% with you there SolidStryder, and the ' I did it for the lol's ' reasoning we do get for it from Badger while spying on them is possibly the worst written moment I've read/watched in awhile. There would be people that existed that were cruel to be cruel, but most sociopaths/psychopaths aren't that stupid/brazen. If Javier hadn't already taken one of his men by surprise while already being detained, I might've excused it a bit more. I'm of the mindset Kate, at least, should have been shot first, and then Mariana if they didn't have a clear shot on Javier. The best way the same death could've been written is that Javier is shot by surprise - Mariana runs to him instinctively, and that gets her shot in the head if they still wanted her dead that way. ....but that would've made the situation a little less black and white, and the writers didn't want that.
As for Clem leaving Javi in harm's way ( no pun intended ) while she dug a grave, they have established Clem is nearly unrecognizable to us after four years of being unseen. The most unexpected moment from that is that she's bothering to bury someone at all. She knows that ANF has a lot of people, and it would be likely that they'd return with more men and more weapons. It'd take 2-3 hours minimum to dig a grave with a shovel. Why the risk? No one she really cared for got a funeral - so why a stranger she never met?
First off... *you're
Secondly... have you ever actually heard of this magic thing called an opinion? I know it might come as a shock to your system but...everybody's got one.
What you claim is an "illegitimate gripe" may be a legitimate and completely relevent discussion topic to someone else. Please try to comprehend this otherwise you'll give off the vibe of being disturbingly uneducated.
While we're on the subject of questionable and/or odd story moments, how about the ending of episode 3 when you kill Max-- why does that random guy decide to tackle Javier to the floor? Yes, I get that it's because guns got drawn and bullets are about to fly, but why does this random guy-- who even more weirdly is the same dude that catches you if you try to leave with Kate-- attempt to save Javi's life? Why doesn't he tackle the guy with a gun that's about to start shooting everybody instead? Why is that guy the only guy that even does something?
Superman's adoptive mother is named Martha and is completely human. But yeah what are the odds that two protectors of Earth both have mothers that are named Martha? We can't really reason the Junkyard out because Javier was unconscious. Clementine could have just killed a Walker, walked away for a second, and walked back to kill another one.
You have no way of knowing what Clementine did while Javier was unconscious other than dig a grave. She could have been checking on him regularly after not being able to move him properly.
When I said "I don't see the problem", I was referring to you noting that I replied to something that was apparently not the subject of your post. If you don't want me replying to it, then don't include it.
I didn't say that, I said that The Walking Dead is unrealistic. I could make you a list of unrealistic things that occurs in both the game and the show.