Does Season 3 get better? (Spoilers)
So, I had a bad taste from the very start. I loved the feeling of the UI in the first season and the second season really made it unique with the color themes and little graphics. When I booted up season 3, it's generic looking. I don't know if the sleek new look is supposed to signify a shit from the prior games but boy is it ever. I'm playing on mobile and the game lags and has horrendous sound issues, which made me want to give up already (honestly, at this point, I kind of want to just continue playing on my PC based on how bad the game plays on mobile).
But the story, it's's just so bad. I like Javier as a character, but the intro was meh. It was nice to see Clem is now a certified badass and of course, I was thinking to myself "well, Kenny? AJ? what happened?" I figured it'd be something epic and they'd let the mystery drag out over the season but then it's flashback, car crash, Kenny is paralyzed and eaten by a few walkers....while AJ was trapped in the car. Look, I get they had to get the story moving somehow to have Clem be where she's at but jesus, what a terrible way of doing it. Honestly, it made me want to go back to my other save file where I shot Kenny while he was fighting Jane. That was so well done, Clem bawling, Kenny reassuring her as he takes his last breath, now that was a worthy death even if I didn't want it to go down that way. And what reward does Kenny get if he does live and joins you and is willing to sacrifice himself to let you and AJ live in Wellington? Oh yea, a lame, uninspired death.
And then, of course, the end of episode 1. Marnie gets shot out of nowhere, way to kill off a main character without even giving her enough screen time for us to get attached. It felt like a shock for the sake of shocking honestly. And after all of this, you'd think the one thing they could do well is at least end the episode on a cliff hanger. They did this so well in the past seasons, you just NEEDED to play the next episode to know what happens next but here it's you in middle of a gun fight? Really?...That's not a cliff hanger, that's just a pause. I was annoyed when it ended so jaggedly.
I don't know if it's different people working on Season 3 or if they wanted to try a lot of new things, I just don't understand why they strayed from what worked so well in the past. I mean, hell, the end of Season 2, where Clem dreams of Lee, now that was a hell of a scene, you'd think they could have let Kenny live a little longer, let them get to Florida only for him to die at the last minute in a totally unexpected way...not a car crash and paralysis.
This is mostly to vent, but I do want to know, is it even worth picking up the season pass? Because if the rest of the season is this bad, honestly, I'd rather keep the good memories of the past two seasons and pretended I never even played this...
I think you just answered your own question there man
I'll say this: episode 3 was definitely better than the first two, except with fewer hubs (basically zilch, come to think of it). There were different options for your choices, David was interesting to interact with, and Richmond might turn out to be more layered than we thought.
If you had a bad time with the first two, you might not be swayed all that much with this, but maybe you'll like it. I know some people get through it by pretending that this is more of a spin off than an actual season 3.
Episode 3 s currently The most high regarded of this game and its not even that great i d say episode 3 s a 7/10 while episodes 1 and 2 were a solid 5/10
Maybe - hopefully.
Better at being bad?
No, worse than S1 and S2 - it won't get better. Ep3 is a little better than the first two but that doesn't say much since the first two were so bad that anything could top them.
It will not get better.
It really depends how salty you are imo. People seem so angry with episodes one and 2 that they refuse to see anything good. Personally I loved episode 3 the plot got really interesting and not at all what was expected. Though I also liked eps 1 & 2, do with that what you will.
That's... generous.
Ep1/2 were a 3/10.
Ep3 was a 4/10.
I know right? Those menu screens were really cool, gave fans stuff to talk about and theorize. I remember how freaked out I was when I first saw the Amid the Ruins slide. ANF just copied the same menu they used for Batman which was really lame.
I'd say for now, no. Maybe when the other episodes come out and show some improvement but for now it's not worth $20.
Speaking of salty lol
Episode 3 was an improvement. It's still an overall disappointment compared to seasons 1 and 2 so far, though. At this point I'm just waiting to see how the next two episodes are handled.
I felt that they handled Episode 3 way better than the first two, it would've been better if this were episode 2 and the previous were one but I still liked how they handled the bartender
Episode 3 is better than the first episodes but that doesn't mean ANF gets better because there are still problems hanging around, for example:
Did I say something that came across as salty?
I don't know. I was bored, didn't finish it.
This is serious. TELLTALE, every game you make is like a version of a previous one. DO SOMETHING ORIGINAL.
Sure, first season of TWD was great. We were starting from zero, meeting people, talking with them was important, new reality was dangerous, zombies were a threat. And now? Action all the time, no chance to learn more about characters, some alliances idgaf and zombies as decoration. Telltale, if you've run out of ideas - TRY SOMETHING ELSE, skip zombies.
Your comments make me salty.
From salt to saltlick and back to S1.
You're pissed as Omid theorized.
No! Nope! Nope! Nah! Nope! No! No!
You just think I'm just going to put up with that bull?! NO!
I draw the line in the sand,N0!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! N - O MEANS N0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!