I'm sorry but I'm not going to play this any sooner cause after the disaster of TWD A New Frontier, I want to stay away from their games for a while. There are a lot of games that I'm looking forward to play though, like Resident Evil 7, Outlast 2, Uncharted The Lost Legacy, Crash Bandicoot Remake etc. But I might have time to watch the movie at the release day.
Oddly enough it's already on the Xbox store for me (Australia) I can see that there's a free trial so I recommend that to anyone who is reluctant to get the game.
This trailer didn't get me hyped at all either. It felt like a very rushed trailer to me. I still pre-ordered the game, but this didn't hype me up at all, sadly. But I hope I'll get more hyped after playing the episode tomorrow!
This trailer didn't get me hyped at all either. It felt like a very rushed trailer to me. I still pre-ordered the game, but this didn't hype me up at all, sadly. But I hope I'll get more hyped after playing the episode tomorrow!
I am so excited! I think Gamora might be my favorite.
I'll admit that while I enjoyed it, the trailer was a little awkward. I loved the music and the scenes were entertaining but the way it was all put together felt a bit odd. I prefer the previous trailer.
This was better than the previous trailer, but yeah, the choice of scenes was a bit... off.
Though, I guess this is because Thanos isn't the main villain here, and they have been real cagey about who the big bad of the season is, so it does limit what content Telltale can use.
Yeah, this trailer didn't impress me either. Now I'm not sure if I should even get it. I'll probably wait for more user reviews here, but judging by the early impressions thread, it doesn't look good.
This trailer didn't get me hyped at all either. It felt like a very rushed trailer to me. I still pre-ordered the game, but this didn't hype me up at all, sadly. But I hope I'll get more hyped after playing the episode tomorrow!
Anyone who gets a press copy from Telltale are not allowed to upload any videos until after the embargo has lifted which is normally on the release day, if it releases at midnight in Australia or any other country before midnight in Telltale's time zone that will count as a official release so won't fall under the embargo rules.
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series is a Telltale game. It does what the studio does well, and falters where they normally falter. The first episode kicks off the overall story with some interesting moments, but Telltale's Batman adaptation had a stronger start and more interesting mechanics to paint over the formula.
Yeah, this trailer didn't impress me either. Now I'm not sure if I should even get it. I'll probably wait for more user reviews here, but judging by the early impressions thread, it doesn't look good.
I'm sorry but I'm not going to play this any sooner cause after the disaster of TWD A New Frontier, I want to stay away from their games for a while. There are a lot of games that I'm looking forward to play though, like Resident Evil 7, Outlast 2, Uncharted The Lost Legacy, Crash Bandicoot Remake etc. But I might have time to watch the movie at the release day.
To be honest, I don't feel hyped. Which is not necessarily a bad thing since I can be surprised.
Me, but I'm essentially a veto in this community since I've dug every series Telltale has made to some extent.
Such a well thought out comment was worth posting I'm sure.
I am. I get excited for every telltale game. However it's usually the episodes after that I really get hyped for. Episode 1 is what gets me invested.
Unfortunately it seems that I'll have to wait until next week to get the game.
What's the problem?
Just bad timing is all.
Tomorrow is 18 April on Asia but I forgot , telltale release game base on US Time , bloody timezone
Yeah. I'm pretty hyped. I greet their series with open arms, and I usually enjoy some of their most hated series.
Oddly enough it's already on the Xbox store for me (Australia) I can see that there's a free trial so I recommend that to anyone who is reluctant to get the game.
A trailer for episode 1 has been released.
This trailer didn't get me hyped at all either. It felt like a very rushed trailer to me. I still pre-ordered the game, but this didn't hype me up at all, sadly. But I hope I'll get more hyped after playing the episode tomorrow!
O mi god!
Never been a Marvel fan but ttg makes everything special. HYPED!
Hyped indeed, just because its ttg, i can count on the writing
Yeah trailer wasn't great, but still looking forward to playing it myself tomorrow and making my own impressions.
I am so excited! I think Gamora might be my favorite.
I'll admit that while I enjoyed it, the trailer was a little awkward. I loved the music and the scenes were entertaining but the way it was all put together felt a bit odd. I prefer the previous trailer.
Let's plays are on YouTube I didn't watch any of the video but according to the video duration it seems that the episode is about 97 minutes nice
Let's hope they will release on the same day
I saw people on the impression thread are tearing the game to shreds
This was better than the previous trailer, but yeah, the choice of scenes was a bit... off.
Though, I guess this is because Thanos isn't the main villain here, and they have been real cagey about who the big bad of the season is, so it does limit what content Telltale can use.
Yep. Regret making the thread so early...
Lol. Make them at midnight
Don't let it bring you down. I say judge it yourself as more often than not it isn't as bad as people say it is.
Yeah, this trailer didn't impress me either. Now I'm not sure if I should even get it. I'll probably wait for more user reviews here, but judging by the early impressions thread, it doesn't look good.
TheRadBrad has already uploaded his walkthrough on youtube.
A lot of people have.
But isn't that illegal? Aren't they breaking the embargo or something by posting this content a day before the official release?
Yes. That's cheating.
Anyone who gets a press copy from Telltale are not allowed to upload any videos until after the embargo has lifted which is normally on the release day, if it releases at midnight in Australia or any other country before midnight in Telltale's time zone that will count as a official release so won't fall under the embargo rules.
Here is a single review that I managed to find of the game.
(minor gameplay and early plot spoilers) -- http://www.usgamer.net/articles/marvels-guardians-of-the-galaxy-episode-1-review
This person rates it 3/5 saying:
What are names of other episodes?
I finished watching the movie. It was awesome. My third favourite Marvel movie so far.
It's actually not that bad. It's enjoyably rock solid in my opinion.
GOTG Vol. 3 Confirmed.
Positive review of Episode 1.
The worst I've seen is a 6 so far. Could change, but people are probably over exaggerating at least a bit.
Guardian of Galaxy already available on Apple App Store , but still not at Google Play Store
Edit : app store link for Guardian of Galaxy
Watched yesterday already. Stupid to get access earlier to some youtubers.
April 18th here.
Not on Android yet