Why is this being called a Complete Disaster?

So, I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who actually enjoyed the first episode of Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy. I found it to be an enjoyable 7.5/10 episode with some likeable and funny humor and interesting plot development.

This thread is more about trying to understand why this is apparently the absolute worst thing to ever be made and I have a question for ANYONE who downright HATED this thing.

Why is this terrible? What makes it terrible? Why do you hate it so much? Why do you think it's so incredibly unfunny? What makes the humor and writing so boring? How is this different from other Telltale games?

I would like it if the answers were very in depth and not just a bunch of short buzzwords.



    • Telltale cares more about this game more than ANF
    • Mediocre story
    • Terrible art direction
  • snyderman567snyderman567 Banned
    edited April 2017

    As BlindSniper and Ozzy said in another thread, most of the people saying that this is the worst are venting at Telltale over their dissatisfaction of how ANF turned out (i.e not being able to play as Clem/season 2 flashbacks). That means they're going around talking crap about the company and their upcoming projects.

  • Most people who hate it seem to either have 'watched it' and so automatically are allowed to have an opinion, or seem or be of the camp that if Telltale isn't doing a second or future season of whatever they like (especially WD and TFTB) it's automatically crap.

    Honestly I liked it. Is it perfect? No. Are the graphics good? Actually I like this is one of the nicest looking TT games in a while. And the fighting is good too!

    Now granted I have some slight bias because I happen to be a Marvel fan and I've been waiting for a new solid Marvel game on consoles for YEARS now, but even so, I think it's worth playing and checking out, even if you're not an expert. Like Batman it's already doing some interesting and unique things with the GOTG characters.

  • Not very in depth. Try again. When I say in depth, I mean paragraphs.

    AronDracula posted: »

    * Telltale cares more about this game more than ANF * Mediocre story * Terrible art direction

  • Every time someone says the art is bad I glance back at this game and wonder if they're either living in a separate universe to me or else thinking because it doesn't look like TWAU or Batman or Walking Dead it must be crap. Newsflash: Not all comics look the same way, and this still looks like a comic book. Go and actually pick up a modern GOTG comic and see what I mean.

    AronDracula posted: »

    * Telltale cares more about this game more than ANF * Mediocre story * Terrible art direction

  • Other than the villain I found it to be very bland, and it felt like the characters paused a lot like waiting for the audience to laugh but the joke wasn't funny enough. I mentioned my other gripes such as Star Lords voice and some of the character models in the other thread. I'm not entirely uninterested like I said I like the villain so far but as a first episode it was one of Telltales weakest.

  • edited April 2017


  • It's not a disaster although it certainly isn't good in my opinion. Here's what I personally think is wrong with the series.

    • Animation and Lip Sync are off or come off as awkward at times (Starlord's dance in the intro)

    • The arguments come off as very forced and only there for plot convenience.

    • Thanos is basically a generic mini boss who gets 5 minutes of screen time.

    • The overall story is quite bland and uneventful along with being predictable.

    • Some of the character models look poorly rendered and animated (Drax is a prime example)

    With that said I did find things I liked about the episode.

    • Good in game music.

    • I liked the characters QTE sequences battling thanos

    • Thanos voice

    • I like the new jet pack mode

    • I like the unique hub system they made for GOTG.

  • Well I think that's a very broad generalization as I and others have stated valid reasons beyond clemrntinewhy we dislike ANF. Some people think the game is just bad and a desperate cash grab while others frustrated with telltale vent their frustration on guardians. I believe there's several perspectives as to why people dislike/hate the game ranging from frustration with telltale to just not liking the game.

    As BlindSniper and Ozzy said in another thread, most of the people saying that this is the worst are venting at Telltale over their dissatis

  • That 1st point just sound s like bitterness over anf tbh

    AronDracula posted: »

    * Telltale cares more about this game more than ANF * Mediocre story * Terrible art direction

  • edited April 2017

    How exactly are the arguments forced compared to other Telltale games and how is the animation in GOTG any different from other Telltale games? You are gonna have to do so much more to make me understand those statements.

    Chibikid posted: »

    It's not a disaster although it certainly isn't good in my opinion. Here's what I personally think is wrong with the series. * Animatio

  • Why would a character that is supposed to be your friend be a total shit and say you did nothing to avenge your family. Also why can he not take a joke that didn't demean him in anyway? Yes the conflict with Rocket was absolutely forced

    J-Master posted: »

    How exactly are the arguments forced compared to other Telltale games and how is the animation in GOTG any different from other Telltale games? You are gonna have to do so much more to make me understand those statements.

  • Well I agree on the 1st choice a bit

    J-Master posted: »

    How exactly are the arguments forced compared to other Telltale games and how is the animation in GOTG any different from other Telltale games? You are gonna have to do so much more to make me understand those statements.

  • I found it overall just lack luster.

    For one, there is almost 0 jokes in this. Im not even saying "Wow that joke really fell flat." There just isnt even attempts at humor which was really strange.

    Thanos has always been Marvel's "baddest of bad" and he just goes out like a wimp, assuming he is dead and isnt going to come back.

    The music hasn't been doing that much for me, and I really love 70s and 80s music. The first song was a very long and forgotten song, in other words cheap to get the rights to. Next was "You Make My Dreams Come True" and then the main theme being ELO's Livin' Thing, but its not the original Livin' Thing (it is still ELO however)

    Back to Thanos, after he dies, the story just drags and gets way to slow. Once again the story is doing a "Not super sure where this plot is going" type deal. Not to mention, flashbacks again. Complete with ANOTHER choice of "Go with this guy or not" but even if you say no you still go with him the second after because its a set flashback.

    Last was the animation. There are so many weird facial animations, wonky movements, and twitching faces going on. Also the "you play as all the guardians" as I expected was just during QTE's and nothing more.

    The "vertical" environments are still interesting but it still falls short because it is overall just "press button to be set to a certain pre scripted height"

  • I literally have no idea what you're complaining about with Rocket. That's just who Rocket is in this version and the film, he's not a goody two shoes Boy Scout.

    Jaku2011 posted: »

    Why would a character that is supposed to be your friend be a total shit and say you did nothing to avenge your family. Also why can he not take a joke that didn't demean him in anyway? Yes the conflict with Rocket was absolutely forced

  • Last was the animation. There are so many weird facial animations, wonky movements, and twitching faces going on. Also the "you play as all the guardians" as I expected was just during QTE's and nothing more.

    Tbf its just the 1st episode and the slides and description a imply they'll get more focus on the future.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I found it overall just lack luster. For one, there is almost 0 jokes in this. Im not even saying "Wow that joke really fell flat." There

  • Really a guy who jokes around all the time can't take a joke himself and says "fuck this maybe I'll leave"? I felt like he was capable of that in the movie but maybe my memories off

    J-Master posted: »

    I literally have no idea what you're complaining about with Rocket. That's just who Rocket is in this version and the film, he's not a goody two shoes Boy Scout.

  • edited April 2017
    • The argument about Drax killing Thanos and how it escalated really came off as telltale trying to manufacture the descent between the guardians.

    • The conflict between Rocket and Starlord in the bar over Starlord shooting the gun was blown way out of portion by the end.

    • The argument between Rocket and Gamora went on far too long with no reason from Gamora as to why they should turn thanos over to the Nova corps.

    As far as arguments in other telltale games go you can argue several are manufactured for plot convenience (Jane and Kenny) which doesn't make it any better than guardians. There are several arguments in telltale games which are warranted with others being plot convenience which doesn't make it any more justified because other series do it too.

    J-Master posted: »

    How exactly are the arguments forced compared to other Telltale games and how is the animation in GOTG any different from other Telltale games? You are gonna have to do so much more to make me understand those statements.

  • I literally do not agree with anything you say. We seriously must have experienced completely different episodes.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I found it overall just lack luster. For one, there is almost 0 jokes in this. Im not even saying "Wow that joke really fell flat." There

  • Gamora literally explains that
    it's useful to have allies instead of bargaining with criminals who are always up to something plus she's trying to clean her record as a ruthless assasain and wants to redeem herself.

    If someone comes in and tries to steal your thunder in front of an audience, you're going to be annoyed with that person so given the kind of character Rocket is, it make sense.

    The argument about killing Thanos never came off as forced to me, it seemed perfectly consistent with all the characters involved.

    Chibikid posted: »

    * The argument about Drax killing Thanos and how it escalated really came off as telltale trying to manufacture the descent between the guar

  • Calling it complete disaster 1 ep in doesn't make any sense to me tbh

  • It's how you perceive the episode opposed to others. What others disliked and thought was terrible you don't in the same light as they did.

    J-Master posted: »

    I literally do not agree with anything you say. We seriously must have experienced completely different episodes.

  • I agree with you. I though the first episode was good, though the dialog could use a little improvement. I think it could become better as the rest of the episodes come out.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Calling it complete disaster 1 ep in doesn't make any sense to me tbh

    • so what? Telltale cared more about TWD s2 than TWAU. Good story will defend itself.

    • wasn't that episode number one?

    • I like this style. Reminds me BTTF. Complaining about TTG graphics is rather silly but imo GoT and Minecraft are much better examples of "terrible art".

    AronDracula posted: »

    * Telltale cares more about this game more than ANF * Mediocre story * Terrible art direction

  • Well, Minecraft's art is more about pixels and blockiness.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    * so what? Telltale cared more about TWD s2 than TWAU. Good story will defend itself. * wasn't that episode number one? * I like this

  • But with rocket it didn't even come off as Starlord stealing the thunder as he only says "your lucky I'm a good shot" to which Rocket is wanting to leave the group over along with Groot. To me the whole thing was blown far out of proportion to continue the descent in the group.

    J-Master posted: »

    Gamora literally explains that it's useful to have allies instead of bargaining with criminals who are always up to something plus she's t

  • It seems that a lot of this hatred stems from people still being infuriated over how ANF turned out. Just off the first episode, there was good characterization and development, hubs, decent choices, and a 100-120 minute episode length. Meanwhile, ANF had very little of this, a 2 part premier episode that was "too big," and a complete disregard of previous choices. So it seems that a lot of TWD fans are upset that GOTG got what appears to be special or preferred treatment, while TWD didn't get as much attention, despite it being Telltale's most popular series and is what helped them get so much recognition. As a result, some are quick to attack it.

    I don't want to say that ALL of the criticism or flak this game is getting is because of this, there are some legitimate issues and criticisms that people have brought up and it was by no means perfect. However, in my opinion, it seems like a lot of this is undeserved. I love TWD, and I am also disappointed that what we got in GOTG was not put in TWD, and I am also angry with how the old fans were discarded in favor of new fans. But Guardians is not TWD, I'm not going into it with that mindset, I won't let my ill feelings towards one game affect my perception of another. I went into it with an open mind and I enjoyed it.

  • I agree in regards to the ppl just "its shi t" "it sucks" without really listing why

    It seems that a lot of this hatred stems from people still being infuriated over how ANF turned out. Just off the first episode, there was g

  • People are butt hurt clearly. the game is great so far and looks great too.

  • Boo fuckitty hoo hoo. They shall survive

    It seems that a lot of this hatred stems from people still being infuriated over how ANF turned out. Just off the first episode, there was g

  • Well people are allowed to have different opinions tbf

    People are butt hurt clearly. the game is great so far and looks great too.

  • I've been very positive (compared to the rest of the forum) about ANF after ep3 came out I still think Guardians was underwhelming.

    It seems that a lot of this hatred stems from people still being infuriated over how ANF turned out. Just off the first episode, there was g

  • I think you're overthinking that one.

    Chibikid posted: »

    But with rocket it didn't even come off as Starlord stealing the thunder as he only says "your lucky I'm a good shot" to which Rocket is wan

  • And I'm not saying that everyone who hates this game automatically do because they don't like ANF. You have your reasons for not liking it, and I acknowledged and respect that. But from my point of view, so much of this comes from a sort of jealousy that GOTG got some sort of preferential treatment (which seems to be entirely true, I don't think anyone can deny that).

    Jaku2011 posted: »

    I've been very positive (compared to the rest of the forum) about ANF after ep3 came out I still think Guardians was underwhelming.

  • I don't think so since the original comment to me did not warrant the hyperbolic response from Rocket.

    J-Master posted: »

    I think you're overthinking that one.

  • edited April 2017

    I quite liked this. I don't really see why people think all the jokes fall flat. I liked quite a few of them.

    The music selection in the game is great! Some people think that it isn't good enough or popular enough, but I like it. They nailed the music-work from the movies. Also, I do quite like Jared Emerson-Johnson's original tunes in the background of scenes. It really captures the same musical vibe of the Guardians.
    I was surprised that this game has the same engine that Batman ran on just a few months ago. This ran smoothly on my PS4. Sure, there were a few usual lags, but all in all in was one of the better Telltale titles in terms of performance.

    I do like the art style... sort of. The level detail is real nice, and it has some of the most beautiful texturing in a TTG game I've seen. But the characters? Ehhh... Star-Lord's face still doesn't sit right with me. Looks too long. Drax is ok, he's got a nice action-figure-y look to him, but sometimes he makes the strangest expressions with his face and it looks awful. The other characters' looks I like.

    The story is good. Not great, but good. It was really surprising when Thanos actually died. I knew he'd just be there for the first half of the episode and then run off or something, and then the real villain would show up, but I was wrong about one thing... he's dead now. Wow. (Though I do think that's not the last we'll see of him) The story of this magical flashback-inducing, person-healing superweapon is cool, and I like how Peter thought it was a dud and was drinking from it at the bar [...seriously dude?] And the fact that there is some new enemy who seems menacing and ruthless is cool. Haven't had an antagonist like that in a while. (Plus her name is 'The Accuser'. Ronan appearance perhaps?) I do have to admit, I was afraid that Peter might die at the end. That would be a shocker, and a good way to have us play as the other Guardians in the next episodes. But, he's alive. Yay!

    Things I didn't like:
    The lip synching in this episode was really bad. Characters were moving their mouths, but usually with Drax, Rocket, or Peter, it didn't look like they were even speaking the words that I was hearing. It was just 'BlahBlahBlah'-mouth 'Let's get going'-speech
    The conflict with Rocket felt really out of place and jarring for me. I thought we were all celebrating the death of Thanos... He's talking about how he made this incredible gun that killed the Titan, I interject with "You're lucky I'm a good shot" and he suddenly reacts like I insulted his mother? I was making a joke but he thinks I'm taking all of his glory? What I said doesn't even count as a glory-steal. He made it, He should get the credit! Not me! I don't want to steal his glory! Dang Telltale characters, dragging me into their problems...

    Other than that it was fine. There were some good tough decisions, I liked the jokes (yes, some were bad, but most of them I did like) the music was Rad, "Next Time On" has returned [so it looks like they have a clear path of what they want to do with the season this time] and I am interested in what happens next.
    If I was good at rating things I'd give it a 8.0/10

    EDIT: Okay yeah the addition of interesting hubs and actual character conversations in those hubs are really great. Finally TTG has listened. Upgraded my rating to an 8.

  • edited April 2017

    I'm sure people have good reasons. I can see why people thought it was boring, since things didn't really get rolling until a 3rd of the episode was left, but I felt it was necessary to slow things down so that all the guardians got a chance to speak and show off their characters and what not, could it have been paced better? Yeah, but its one episode, and four are left. It did its job setting up the whole seasons story arc and episode 2 should be the make it or break it point (leaning more on make it, but that's just me...). Joke-wise I laughed quite a bit, I can see why people didn't enjoy some of the jokes, but a cold stone face the other time pfft okay. I think one issue is that people are comparing it to Tales which is lightening quick and constantly moving, but that's not really guardians, at moments it sure as hell can be, but all the time? Nahhh. Overall I'm excited for episode 2, so that the plot can start to get rolling.

    Maybe Guardians could have been 6 episodes because this episode did feel very prologue-ish like Game of Thrones Premiere, but too late now.

  • Maybe Pierre Shortee and Nick Herman shouldn't have left...

  • Where's this coming from? They weren't even going to be involved with Guardians, at the very least episode 1.

    J-Master posted: »

    Maybe Pierre Shortee and Nick Herman shouldn't have left...

  • I don't know, it just seems like the folks writing Guardians(according to the consensus) just can can't seem to do humor that most people find funny compared to how those guys handled it.

    I know humor is subjective but I'm trying to figure out how this humor and pacing is apparently not working for most people compared to how it was so universally loved in Tales.

    Where's this coming from? They weren't even going to be involved with Guardians, at the very least episode 1.

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